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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 40-44 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 40: The collision between Goku's Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken x10 and Hit's improved Time-Skip causes a huge explosion that shocks the entire tournament grounds. The force causes Whis and Vados to save the spectators with their staffs and create shields around them. When the smoke clears, Goku and Hit are spotted standing on the competitor signs. Piccolo wonders if they both lost by ring-out, but Beerus and Champa agree that the signs are a part of the arena. Hit comments that due to Goku's immense power, he will not stop improving, revealing his further improved his Time-Skip to avoid Goku's attack, literally freezing him in time. Goku begins to feel the after-effects of the Kaio-ken technique. Fuwa is utterly shocked that Hit is not only talking so much to Goku, but smiles back at him, and Old Kai and Shin begin to brag about Goku's character. Champa notices Goku's technique beginning to wear off and yells at Hit to run away until it does. Cabba tries to convince Champa that a victory like that would hurt Hit's pride, but Champa declares he doesn't care as this is a match between him and Beerus, calling all of the fighters their "pawns". Goku and Hit glare at Champa, who falls over flustered. Vados suggests to let them be, wanting to see the end of the match herself.

Goku and Hit prepare to fight again, powering up so much that the sheer force causes the barrier around the ring to crack. Hit, claiming his Time-Skip has now surpassed Goku's speed, assaults him with a quick barrage of punches that causes Goku's Kaio-ken to wear off. However, Goku refuses to give up and uses Kaio-ken again, landing his own punches on Hit, knocking him into Champa's sign. Goku and Hit both land on the ring completely exhausted, but both manage to get up. After thinking for a bit, Goku asks Beerus for a favor: withdraw all of the tournament's rules so that Hit can fight at his full potential; Hit is an assassin, so he has killing techniques that are forbidden to use due to the tournament's no-killing rule. Goku notes to himself that if there was no such rule, he would have been dead from Hit's earlier attack as he was forced to hold back. Champa agrees to remove the rules, but Beerus objects him and they begin to argue. While they argue, Goku agrees to fight Hit again some other time with no rules, and willingly jumps out of the ring. Much to everyone's shock, Hit is declared the winner. Once Goku deactivates his transformation, his body begins to severely convulse and he collapses to the ground. As Goku is carried back to the sidelines by Piccolo, Hit prepares to fight the last match with Monaka, and Beerus is incredibly angry at Goku for throwing the match. Goku tries to convince him that they still have Monaka, not knowing that Beerus lied and Monaka is an amateur.

Monaka is literally shaking in his boots and jumps in the ring, but crashes trying to land. Beerus begins to give up all hope. Hit realizes that Monaka is actually weak, and as the match begins, Monaka lands an incredibly weak punch on him. Hit pretends to be actually hurt by the attack and launches himself out of the ring. To everyone's surprise, Monaka is declared the winner and thus, Team Universe 7 is declared the winner of the tournament. Goku is impressed by Monaka's strength. Goku thanks the Galactic King for telling him about the Time-Skip technique and shakes his tentacle, not knowing it is actually the Galactic King's private part. Hit thinks to himself that he and Goku are now even and flies back, telling Champa to take him home as he is no longer interested in the Cube. An incredibly angry Champa prepares to destroy the entire Universe 6 team for losing. Goku notices this but Beerus tells him to mind his business. Vados tries to get Champa's attention, and when she finally does, she tells him that Zeno, the King of All, has arrived. Whis does the same for Beerus, and they're both frazzled at his appearance.

Episode 41: Zeno announces that he had showed up in order to tell off Beerus and Champa about holding a Tournament but admits that he had fun watching the matches and that he will organize a martial arts tournament for all twelve universes some time in the fiture. Goku disrespectfully approaches and talks to Zeno, much to Zeno's amusement and everyone else's discomfort and shakes his hand. Afterwards, Zeno leaves.

Suffering from defeat, Champa scolds his team for losing and orders them to train for the upcoming tournament. Champa and his team leave shortly afterwards with Goku asking Hit if he'd be prepared to have a rematch with him in a few days time though Hit does not give an answer. Beerus asks the Earthlings to find the final Super Dragon Ball and Android 18 notices that all in fact all seven of the Super Dragon Balls are clumped together on the radar and Monaka deduces that the planet they have been fighting on is actually the seventh Super Dragon Ball itself.

Beerus, Goku, and the others head into the Cube to see for themselves and sure enough the Nameless Planet is shown to be the required final Super Dragon Ball needed. Once they are there, Whis summons Super Shenron, which is a more powerful version of Shenron whose sheer size dwarves that of the surrounding planets and galaxies.

Unknown to anyone else, Beerus secretly wishes to have Universe 6's Earth and it's inhabitants to be restored back to normal. When Bulma asks what Beerus' wished for, he lies by telling them he asked for a more comfortable bed for him to sleep him much to her annoyance that they enter through such an ordeal over something so trivial.

Meanwhile in another part of Space, Vados informs Champa of what Beerus wished for which causes a mixed reaction out of him. Whis leaves Beerus and Monaka on Beerus' Planet and departs for Earth. Monaka is revealed to be an ordinary mail deliveryman. Beerus rewards Monaka with money for his help motivating Goku and Vegeta. Goku, Vegeta, and the others from Earth, return home, much to Goku's delight.

Episode 42: At Beerus' Planet, Whis is having a conversation with Bulma via his staff, who is inviting him and Beerus to a party on Earth celebrating Universe 7's victory in the tournament. While Beerus and Whis are excited over the variety of foods that will be present, Bulma tells them to arrive at noon the next day, and to invite Monaka, as he was also a part of the team. After Bulma hangs up, Beerus discusses with Whis about Monaka, saying that if Goku sees him, he will constantly insist on fighting him. Whis suggests that Beerus finally admits that Monaka is an amateur, however Beerus reminds him that his role is to motivate Goku and Vegeta, and that due to his status as a god, his authority would be diminished if anyone found out he lied. Beerus came up with an excuse not to bring Monaka to the party, saying that Monaka was busy with work.

At the party the next day, Bulma suggests that the party starts, despite Beerus, Whis, and Goku not being there yet. Vegeta tells her to wait, reminding her of what happened at her birthday party. Tien Shinhan and Krillin agree, as long as Good Buu does not hog all the food to himself again. Bulma says she prepared a lot of food for Buu so even he doesn't hog it all. A delivery truck arrives from the sky, with Jaco excited that the sweets he ordered has arrived, and the delivery man steps out of the truck. The Dragon Team is surprised to see that the delivery man is Monaka. As Chi-Chi is grateful that Monaka is a strong fighter and he can hold down a job, the scene switches to Goku at a farm, taking a nap on top of a tractor.

While Monaka takes out the sweets from the truck, Mr. Satan introduces himself to him, recalling him offering Monaka to join his gym. He then brings out one of his students, Miss Piiza, wearing a life-sized Monaka costume. While Bulma invites Monaka to stay for the party, confused that Monaka has not heard about it, Trunks and Goten are fidgeting over the snacks. Goten inadvertently pushes Trunks into Monaka, who is sent flying and crashing into a table. While Trunks apologizes to Monaka, Monaka starts crying, and everyone is surprised. Krillin asks Piccolo if it's possible that Monaka is super weak, and Piccolo replies that he wouldn't know. Beerus and Whis then arrive, and are surprised to see Monaka there. Bulma confronts Beerus about not inviting Monaka, making her and the rest of the Z-Fighters realize that Beerus did not want them to find out that Monaka was actually an amateur. As Goku has not arrived yet, Beerus tells them that Goku must not find out, and Goku immediately teleports behind Beerus, startling the God of Destruction.

Goku immediately sees Monaka, and tries to get him to fight. Chi-Chi then berates Goku for wearing a dirty outfit, and forces him to fly home and change clothes, in order to buy time so Beerus and Whis can explain the circumstances. Beerus is confronted by Bulma for being a god and lying, and Vegeta holds her back, explaining that Beerus only lied for the Earth's sake, and to help Vegeta and Goku dedicate themselves to their training, allowing them to triumph over Universe 6. Whis then explains to everyone that Goku must not find out that Monaka is weak, in order to motivate him to grow stronger, as who knows what would happen to Earth if they lose the tournament between all of the universes.

Goku then teleports back, wearing his Gi and ready to fight. Beerus then tells him no, and orders him to do a hundred trillion sit-ups first. As Goku quickly does them with insane speed, Beerus is surprised, and Yamcha tries to motivate everyone to protect Monaka's secret. Krillin asks if it is possible to make Monaka not lose against Goku, and Goten suggests to spread the idea that Monaka can transform. Trunks, agreeing, whispers to Beerus' ear, wanting him to disguse himself. Beerus wonders if he should go through with it, as Goku finishes the sit-ups. Beerus yells at him that that was too fast, saying that it should've taken Goku three million years even if he did one sit-up per second. As Goku had messed up the count, Beerus yells at Goku to start over, but Goku is insisting on having a light sparring match with Monaka. Goten and Trunks bring over Mr. Satan's Monaka costume to Beerus, while Tien Shinhan tells Chiaotzu to slow Goku down with his Telekinesis. As Goku breaks through the technique, Krillin runs behind Goku and uses the Solar Flare. As Goku comes to, Beerus appears behind him, wearing the Monaka costume.

Goku believes that Beerus is actually Monaka, surprised that Monaka suddenly changed clothes and grew taller, believing Monaka to also have God powers. Bulma tells the two to take the fight elsewhere to avoid causing damage to the party. As Goku flies into the air and finds a good spot, Beerus charges towards Goku and knocks him back with a punch. Excited, Goku and Beerus then start fighting. As they land powerful blows on each other, Beerus' left hand is exposed due to the costume ripping, and he continues fighting while he hides his left hand behind his back. Piccolo is surprised that Beerus is having trouble, and Jaco reminds him that he has to worry about keeping the costume intact. As Beerus fights, Piccolo and Vegeta grow worried that Goku will realize that he is fighting Beerus wearing a costume.

The costume rips on the backside and Beerus' tail is exposed, and Piccolo and Vegeta get in-between him and Goku. Beerus and Vegeta desperately adjust the costume while Piccolo shades them with his cape. Goku asks them what they are doing, and Piccolo says that Monaka must have the ability to control people, and while acting surprised, stretches his arm to grab Goku. Vegeta, also being "controlled", attempts to attack, but Beerus grabs his arm, and throws him and Piccolo out of the fight, powering up.

Vegeta wonders if Beerus has snapped, but Beerus is shown laughing inside of the costume as he begins to fight Goku again. Whis explains that Beerus has grown excited due to fighting Goku with such a restriction, while he has not fought anyone in a while due to only spectating the tournament. Beerus starts fighting more seriously, creating explosions, and ripping the costume in more areas. Goku and Beerus then Power Up, and before they exchange powerful blows, Whis appears in-between them and intercepts them, asking if they are trying to destroy the Earth. Whis then reminds Beerus that his arm is showing. Goku begs Whis to keep fighting, but Whis berates him, directing him to Beerus on the ground watching (who is in fact Puar transformed into him). Yamcha loudly exclaims that the fight was so intense that (the real) Monaka passed out, and Goku spots him. The others scorn Yamcha for blabbing while Beerus grows angry that he wore the Monaka costume and fought for nothing. Goku then praises Monaka for having the ability to split himself, and exclaims that he's starving. This causes Beerus to calm down.

Episode 43: The Son family is having dinner at home. Chi-Chi, bringing Goku many plates of food, is surprised to see that Goku is eating way less than what he usually eats. Goten asks his father if something is wrong, and Goku says depressingly that he has no appetite. Chi-Chi asks if Goku is dying, and Goku says that he doesn't feel like what he feels like when he's dying, as he has already died twice.

The next day, Goku is grocery shopping, and reads his shopping list as he is flying. As he forgot to buy horse meat, he decides to go back to the market, but he continues to fly forward, saying his body is not listening to him. Trying his hardest to control himself, Goku then falls to the ground, creating a bump on his head and further worrying Chi-Chi and Goten later. As Chi-Chi deduces that regular doctors would not be able to help with Goku's "weird" body, she suggests that Goku asks King Kai. Seeing Goten worried convinces Goku to follow Chi-Chi's advice, and he teleports away, dropping the shopping list he was carrying.

Goku teleports inside an unknown bedroom, realizing he did not arrive at King Kai's Planet. Bulma, wearing nothing but a towel, walks into the bedroom and spots Goku's figure sitting on in the dark, thinking it's Vegeta, telling him to show up at Trunks' school tomorrow for Sports Day. She then turns on the light and sees Goku, who nervously tells her hi. Bulma then screams, alarming Vegeta, who comes to her aid to see Goku sitting on their bed. Bulma pushes a button on the wall to summon multiple weapons pointing at Goku, demanding that he explains himself. Goku is just as confused as she is, and assures her that he is not interested in seeing Bulma's "saggy breasts", causing Bulma's and Vegeta's faces to turn red. Vegeta then yells at Goku, who then apologizes and teleports out of their room. Goku then teleports to Krillin, who is working his job as a police officer. He then teleports to Arale, holding a flashlight while poking with a piece of poop at night. He then teleports to the top of Korin Tower, realizing he really is sick.

As Goku finally makes it to King Kai's planet, King Kai inspects him, and deduces that Goku is suffering from Delayed Onset Ki Disorder. King Kai explains to Goku that due to using his Ki in a reckless manner, such as using the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken and straining his senses to predict and counter Hit's Time-Skip technique at the tournament a few days prior, Goku is suffering from his senses being thrown out of balance, but it should pass in time. Until then, Goku must limit his use of Ki, or he cannot grow any stronger. King Kai suggests that Goku takes a break from training and spend some time with his granddaughter. As Chi-Chi stays up worrying about Goku, she begins to prepare making a lot of food for him to cheer him up, but due to his disorder, Goku cannot fly properly, and ends up crashing into their house, destroying it and angering Chi-Chi.

The next day, Gohan and Videl are having lunch with Gohan's professor and his wife, talking about how they are big fans of Videl's father, Mr. Satan. The professor tells Gohan his presentation at the conference a few days ago was magnificent, and Gohan's cell phone starts ringing, finding Goku on the other line. Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten are in Gohan and Videl's house, with Piccolo, who was babysitting Pan. Gohan and Goku talk on the phone, with Pilaf, Mai and Shu eavesdropping on Gohan's conversation. Chi-Chi is proud of her son and his new job offer as a professor assistant, exclaiming he will be the first diligent Saiyan in Universe 7. Chi-Chi then berates Goku for destroying their house, saying that if not for the 100 million Zeni Mr. Satan gave them, they would never be able to afford it. Chi-Chi explains that she saved the money for Goten's future school expenses, and she lied about spending it to Goku to motivate him to work. Piccolo then says he is leaving since Pan has new people to watch over her, and tells Chi-Chi very specific rules about Pan's behavior, what she likes, and what she eats, even as he is walking out of the door.

Later that night, Goku is talking with Piccolo on the roof, with Pan sitting in Goku's lap. When Piccolo asks how Goku is feeling, Goku replies that due to his disorder, his Ki is flustered so much that if he fought with Piccolo, Piccolo would beat him. While Pan was reaching out into the starry sky, Goku apologizes to her, saying that if he was feeling better, he would fly up into the sky, taking her with him. While Goku plays with Pan, she calls her papa, and Goku tries to correct her, saying he is Gramps.

The next morning, while Goku, Goten, Piccolo and Chi-Chi are sleeping, Pilaf, Mai and Shu reveal their new Pilaf Machine, and Pilaf devises a plan to attack Goku. Pan suddenly appears in front of the group, and Shu immediately recognizes her as Gohan's daughter. They then overhear Piccolo yelling at Goku and Chi-Chi about not watching over Pan, and they split up to look for her. The group then enters the Pilaf Machine and flies away, with Mai inadvertently bringing Pan with them. Pilaf panicks and starts yelling, causing Pan to start crying and then soil her pants. Pan then playfully headbutts Shu in the stomach, causing him pain.

Goku, Chi-Chi, Piccolo and Goten are seen looking for Pan outside of the house, and Goku yells out Pan's name. Pilaf then accidentally presses a button, causing the Pilaf Machine to fly further into the sky, reaching the stratosphere. The Pilaf Machine is destroyed, while Pan, having powered-up, is floating in the sky while Pilaf, Mai and Shu are hanging on to her by her foot. Pan, remembering Goku's words, is excited to be able to be in the sky and looking at the stars. The group is surprised that Pan has such power even as a baby, but then remember that she is a Saiyan. Pan then flies around, dropping Pilaf and his companions, then flies away. Pilaf and his companions are afraid, witnessing Pan's latent potential, and realizing that they have a new enemy they must worry about.

Later, Gohan and Videl return home, with Pan gleefully greeting them at the door. They then meet Goku, Goten, Chi-Chi and Piccolo, obviously exhausted. They ask if something happened, and Chi-Chi says that they thought Pan went out and they went to look for her, only to find her sleeping peacefully on the couch. They deduced that Pan must have hid in the closet or under the bed. Gohan apologizes for Pan's behaviour and tells Pan that Goku is feeling ill, as Pan calls out "Gramps", which shocks Goku and makes him happy. Chi-Chi asks Gohan about his job offer, and Gohan reveals he turned it down, otherwise he would not have time to be at home with his wife and child.

Episode 44: On a mysterious alien planet, a mysterious old man is training by himself in the dark, as he is confronted by a number of menacing figures, having expected them.

On Earth, Monaka is delivering an order to Capsule Corporation, and Bulma yells at him through a window, asking him if he can bring the order up to her as she is busy working. Monaka delivered the snacks that Jaco ordered at the victory party. Bulma thanks Monaka and hands him a funnel, asking for his help with an experiment. Monaka says he has another delivery to make, and Bulma tells him it will not take long, and directs Monaka, who is using the funnel to fill a giant beaker with an unknown, blue liquid. Monaka is flustered when he wonders if he has to fill up the whole beaker.

Goten and Trunks are flying back to Capsule Corporation, noticing Monaka's delivery truck parked out front, also noticing the back compartment doors were wide open. They enter the truck then begin playing around with the items in there, blowing up a giant blow-up doll, which causes enough force to lift the truck and slam it on the ground, causing the doors to close on them. They realize the door is locked, and Trunks proceeds to break the door open, but realizes that Monaka would get in trouble. They then decide to wait. Monaka, obviously in a hurry, immediately get in the truck and fly off into space, not knowing that Trunks and Goten are still in the back. They yell Monaka's name, who cannot hear them over the sound of his jet boosts propelling. As Monaka listens to an intergalactic radio station, Goten and Trunks are freezing in the back due to being in outer space. Monaka then arrives to his next destination, Potaufeu, which is shown to be the same planet in this episode's first scene.

Monaka opens the back of the truck, and is shocked to see Goten and Trunks frozen solid. Monaka then thaws them, and tells them they are on Planet Potaufeu. The mysterious old man, named Potage, quickly runs into Monaka, and they exchange greetings, while Monaka delivers his order to him, a martial arts magazine. They are then confronted by the menacing group of figures, revealed to be an intergalactic criminal named Gryll and his henchmen, and Potage assumes a battle stance. As the figures prepare to fight, Potage cowardly falls back, leading Trunks and Goten to realize he is weak. Trunks and Goten then save Potage from the henchmen's laser gun, easily defeating them. They then retreat, but not before one of them noticing that Potage dropped an item resembling a baby pacifier.

Potage thanks Trunks and Goten for saving him, then notices that he lost the item he usually carried around his neck. Potage looks for the lost item, then Gryll confronts them, having picked it up. When Trunks and Goten prepare to take the item back by force, they are forced to stand down as the henchmen had taken Monaka hostage. Trunks, Goten and Potage are then taken hostage, with Trunks frustrated that Monaka's life is being used to keep them obedient. Gryll uses the sacred treasure open the lock to a secret room, where the Superhuman Water is being kept. As Gryll looks into the container holding the water, he sees something, then screams.

Back on Earth, Bulma tells Vegeta that Goten and Trunks were taken in Monaka's delivery truck, realizing they did not return and looking at surveillance footage. Jaco, overhearing their argument, says he is leaving, but Bulma politely asks him to bring Goten and Trunks back on his spaceship, telling him to go to Planet Potaufeu to find them. Jaco remembers that Planet Potaufeu is inhabited, but refuses Bulma's request, saying he has important matters to attend to, such as pursuing Gryll, who is a wanted criminal (and not knowing that Gryll is currently on Planet Potaufeu). Bulma then decides to blackmail him, having seen a picture of the Galactic King that Jaco drew an embarrassing beard on, which intimidates Jaco. Jaco then agrees to bring Goten and Trunks back, and forces Vegeta to accompany Jaco, who is afraid of Vegeta. Bulma then calls Chi-Chi, informing her of Goten's current whereabouts. Chi-Chi is frustrated that now of all times, Goku is training on King Kai's Planet.

The scene then changes to Goku training, firing a Ki Blast around the small planet's orbit and defending himself from it, having recovered from his Delayed Onset Ki Disorder. King Kai, worried that due to Goku's immense strength he would cause collateral damage to his planet, suggests that Goku train at Beerus' Planet, and Goku tells him that Whis is busy somewhere else and he cannot teleport there because it is too far. Goku then continues training and fires a Kamehameha. Vegeta and Jaco are then seen riding in Jaco's spaceship, with Vegeta visibly irritated, Jaco visibly intimidated, while an intergalactic radio station is broadcasting.

On Planet Potaufeu, Trunks and Goten, carrying Potage and Monaka, are seen flying and dodging attacks from Duplicate Gryll and his henchmen, who are now purple in color. Trunks is knocked out of the air, and another attack is fired at him, but Vegeta steps in front of his son, deflecting the blast. Trunks is relieved to see his father there, and Vegeta says they will talk later, while Jaco is surprised to see that Gryll, his target, is also here. Vegeta then confronts Gryll and his henchmen, easily knocking them down, and fires an energy blast at them. Vegeta then confronts Gryll, saying he is the last one left standing. A purple goo then sneaks behind Vegeta and surrounds him, trapping him and then eventually spitting him out. Vegeta then realizes that his strength is gone.

Gryll stands triumphant in front of Vegeta, as the goo that spat Vegeta out takes the form of a purple replica of Vegeta, shocking the Saiyan prince.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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