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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 50-55 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 50: Goku Black, who followed Future Trunks to the past and emerged in front of the Dragon Team, realized Future Trunks disappeared because he traveled through time. Whis tells Beerus to look at Goku Black's right hand, and Beerus notices the Time Ring. Goku Black looks around and recognizes Vegeta and Beerus as the God of Destruction. Future Trunks, demanding how Goku Black got here, began to assault him, but Vegeta stops him, saying he cannot beat him. Goku immediately flies up and confronts Goku Black, excited to fight him. Goku Black accepts, wishing to fight Goku "in this body". Goku Black then dismisses Goku for asking what that means, firing a Ki Blast at Goku, who blocks it, but is pushed back to a deserted rocky area. Piccolo asks who he is, and Bulma says that he is her enemy. Piccolo, along with Future Trunks, Vegeta and Krillin all fly away to watch the fight. Beerus says that a fight between two apparent Gokus seems intriguing.

At the rocky area, Goku asks Goku Black if that was all of his strength, then transforms into Super Saiyan 2. The two starts fighting while Whis broadcasts the fight with his staff for those who didn't fly from Capsule Corporation to watch. Goku Black emerges from Goku's attack unharmed, and powers up, which causes the portal he came through to convulse. As the two fight again, Krillin points out that Goku Black's ki keeps increasing. Future Trunks wonders why Goku is not using the power he used to defeat him, and Vegeta informs him that Goku has a bad habit of not fighting seriously at the beginning. Goku tells Goku Black he is waiting for his full power, and Goku Black tells him there is no point to rush things and wants to have more fun. Beerus notes that this is not Goku vs. Goku, as Goku Black's ki feels different. Goku says he will force him to use his full power, and starts to fight again, but is knocked back. When the portal keeps convulsing, Goku Black is distracted by some feeling, and Goku kicks him all the way back to Capsule Corporation. Goku Black is unfazed, claiming that every blow he is dealt makes him stronger, and power ups even further and knocks Goku away. The force from the attack knocks over the time machine, which Goku Black then recognizes.

Goku immediately attacks back, and the two exchange punches, but Goku Black starts to feel the same pain again as the time portal starts to pull him back. Goku powers down and asks what's going on. Goku Black is surprised and angry that the temporal distortion Trunks' time machine created is correcting itself, thus the time portal is pulling Black back to the future. Not willing to go down without a final disrespect to Trunks, Black fires an energy blast at the time machine, blowing it up and thus destroying it, before the portal swallows him up and closes. Whis explains that Goku Black's Time Ring responded to the temporal distortion created by Future Trunks' trip, and thus brought him to the past, however he was forced back to the alternate timeline when the distortion fixed itself. Meanwhile, Black emerges from the portal, surprised he was spat back out into the future. Black clutches his chest, in pain it seems, and falls to the ground. While lying there, Black laments his chance of killing Trunks has been wasted, but is satisfied that he got some results, as he has embedded Goku's fighting style and power, including the power of a Super Saiyan, into his own. He looks up at the portal, which finally closes for good. Black again laments that he can no longer travel to the past, but gets up and levitates into the air, happily musing that as he has destroyed the time machine, he has effectively stranded Trunks in the past, giving him free reign over the future, and he resolves to continue slaughtering innocents.

Back in the past, Future Trunks is devastated over his destroyed time machine, realizing that Black returned to the alternate timeline and he will continue to devastate the future with no one able to stop him. Goku asks Future Trunks how strong Goku Black was compared to in the alternate timeline, and Future Trunks replies that Goku was only half as strong. Vegeta assures Future Trunks that he along with Goku's power have arisen since their training with Beerus and Whis. However, Goku states that that applies to Black, who power steadily grew throughout their battle. Pilaf and the gang, posing as firemen, pour water on the fire on the time machine to put it out. Trunks asks Bulma if she can fix the time machine, and Bulma tells him it is impossible for her to from scratch, even with the notes left from Future Bulma. However, Bulma gets an idea, and rushes to find something in her office. Beerus comments that with a destroyed time machine, people can no longer manipulate time so easily. Whis claims that they now have a different problem and asks Future Trunks if he saw the ring Goku Black was wearing, with the half-Saiyan confirming so. Whis reveals that only the Supreme Kais are permitted to wear them. It was a Time Ring

Piccolo asks if Goku Black is a Supreme Kai, but Beerus replies a Supreme Kai wouldn't directly resemble a human being or Saiyan, much less look exactly like Goku. Future Trunks asks Whis to lend him a Time Ring to return to the future, but Beerus reiterates that only a Supreme Kai may possess one. Whis notes that with a Time Ring only provides a temporary trip to the future, the time portal forcefully pulls them back into their own era, but traveling to the past should have been impossible. Krillin recalls Whis rewinding time to correct Frieza's destruction of the Earth, but Whis reminds him that he can only rewind time, and only by 3 minutes. Future Trunks looks at his charred time machine, disappointed that he could not follow through with Future Bulma's promise. Vegeta approaches him, and while looking forward, tells him not to give up.

Bulma, looking exhausted and ravaged, tells the others that hope is not yet lost, and reveals that she was looking for a capsule. She throws it, and everyone is surprised to see Future Trunks' other time machine, the one used by Cell to travel to the past. In the alternate timeline, Future Mai is revealed to be alive, and was just knocked unconscious.

Episode 51: Future Trunks and the others express their surprise upon Bulma showing them the other Time Machine. When Goku shows confusion over where it came from, Bulma explains that it is the Time Machine that Cell used to travel to this timeline and that she is in possession of it after asking Future Trunks before if she could keep it for research.

Goku and Vegeta vow to travel back in time with Future Trunks to help him deal with Goku Black but Bulma stops them and tells them that they are unable to go as it's poor condition but thanks to the lab notes retrieved from Future Bulma she says she will be able to get it up and running soon. Goku asks Whis for more training but he declined and decides to train on King Kai's Planet while Vegeta trains with the Gravity Machine. However, when Goku heads to King Kai's he is quickly turned down after the mess that he had left on his planet after his previous training session.

Meanwhile Goku Black in the future timeline begins to grow more accustomed to his power after experiencing the moves of Goku first hand. He expresses his desire to see more of him. in action so that his power will continue to evolve.

Back in the present, Dr. Brief and his wife Panchy return from their vacation and Bulma asks if he will assist her with fixing up the Time Machine. When Future Trunks overhears Mai's name he is stunned and tells her how he knew her in the future.

Mai asks what she was like in the future and Future Trunks tells her the story of Goku Black and the resistance that formed soon thereafter. One day in the future, Goku Black suddenly appeared and laid waste to most of humanity, those who survived went underground and formed a resistance who fought back, one led by Future Mai and with Future Trunks assisting. However all their attempts ended in vain and the two were left with no other choice but to use the Time Machine to go to the past to seek help.

With his story finished, Trunks asks why Future Trunks didn't bring Future Mai with him but he explains that she is gone. Goku appears via Instant Transmission and offers some encouragement and advice. Meanwhile Beerus thinks of Goku Black and the Ki that he let off, finding it to be familiar as Whis agrees and decides to do some investigating on the matter.

Episode 52: Bulma is currently working on repairing the time machine. Mai and Shu are handing her things she calls for, working hard for Future Trunks' sake. Bulma asks Mai to get her something from Laboratory 2, and Trunks offers to lead her there. Dr. Briefs is repairing something else while Pilaf is watching. Vegeta is violently training in the Gravity Room, vowing to never forgive Goku Black for killing his wife. Goku and Beerus loudly exclaim how hungry they are while Whis is observing a recording of Goku's earlier fight with Goku Black. Future Trunks is laying in bed when he wakes up after having a nightmare about Goku Black killing Future Mai. He gets up and asks Bulma how the time machine repairs are going, and she answers that she's making progress.

Bulma says she figured out how to compose the time machine's energy source, saying that it will take a full day to save up enough to fill the tank. Future Trunks is surprised, as he tells Bulma that in the alternate timeline it took nearly a year to fill up half the tank and she comments how it is hard for her future self in having a limited equipment in the future. Future Trunks offers his help but Bulma says she's fine as the "freeloaders" are helping. Bulma tells Future Trunks to change out of his dirty clothes. Outside, Krillin and Piccolo are doing yard work as Future Trunks approaches them and asks how Gohan is doing. Piccolo shoots down the idea of Gohan going to the future, as he has become a scholar and distanced himself from fighting. Future Trunks tells them that Future Gohan was his teacher. He recalls Future Gohan knocking him out and after he woke up, finding Future Gohan's dead body and attaining his Super Saiyan form. Krillin suggests that Future Trunks go meet Gohan, but Piccolo says he is currently at a conference. They hand Future Trunks a map to Gohan's area of work, and he waits there as Gohan walks past him and recognizes him. Future Trunks is surprised to see Gohan, noting he cannot sense the brimming power from him. They then eat a couple of ice cream cones as Gohan invites Future Trunks back to his house.

Gohan introduces Future Trunks to Videl and Mr. Satan. Future Trunks knows who Mr. Satan is due to his appearance in the Cell Games, but Mr. Satan interrupts him, saying he must be famous in the future. Gohan introduces Future Trunks to Pan, who sprays her bottle at him playfully. Videl apologizes while Pan does the same to Mr. Satan and Gohan. Pan then levitates in the air, and Future Trunks is surprised but he realizes that she is Gohan's daughter. Gohan calls for Pan to come down as he dons his Great Saiyaman Suit. Gohan catches Pan as he and Videl invite Future Trunks to stay for dinner. Videl is cooking, Gohan is finishing his conference report, and Mr. Satan shows Future Trunks recordings of his victory rallies. Future Trunks asks himself what he is doing as the future is in danger. Mr. Satan is called by Videl so he asks Future Trunks to watch Pan, who playfully hits him and pulls his hair.

Gohan and Future Trunks are outside with Pan as Gohan says he does need to be stricter with her but gets soft when he looks at her face. Future Trunks watches Gohan play with Pan and grows warm inside for seeing Gohan so happy. Videl calls Gohan and Future Trunks for dinner. Future Trunks thinks to himself how life would have been if Goku Black never showed up. As Future Trunks eats dinner and says goodbye to Gohan and the others, he is inspired and finds out what he is fighting for. Later that night, Bulma and the others are eating dinner and Future Trunks shows up in his new outfit. He asks where Goku is, and Krillin says that he and the Gods went to Universe 10, having analyzed Goku Black's peculiar ki. It turns out that Beerus and Whis know someone who lives there that has the same ki as Black. Somewhere in Universe 10, a Core Person appears, who happens to wear clothes quite similar to Black.

Episode 53: Goku, Beerus, and Whis head off to the Sacred World of the Kais of Universe 10. Whis has an idea that he knows Black's true identity and reveals that Zamasu is a Kai who is a fighting genius and the apprentice to Gowasu, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10. Goku becomes excited at challenging him while irritating Beerus so much that he threatens to push him off. Meanwhile, when pouring tea for Gowasu, Zamasu strikes up a conversation with him about humans. He says that he wants to destroy them, but Gowasu says that isn't his decision and that Kais are not allowed to interfere with creation. Whis, Beerus, and Goku arrive at the Sacred World of the Kais and Zamasu is surprised at Goku for being on the Sacred World. Whis notes this is the first time he has ever met Goku. Zamasu clearly doesn't want him there and almost attacks Goku, but Gowasu stops him from doing it and pardons him.

Once that is done, Whis gets Gowasu up to speed about Black and was telling him that he was no kai and possessed a time ring. Zamasu didn't know about time rings yet, it seems. Beerus then tells Gowasu that Black looked a lot like Goku, surprising him at this. Beerus asks where he keeps the time rings and Gowasu says that they are in the temple. Beerus wanted a confirmation so Gowasu made Zamasu lead Beerus, Whis, and Goku to the temple and the time rings were there. Goku continues to beg Zamasu to fight him who says no. However, to Zamasu's dismay, Gowasu insists Zamasu fight him, telling him it's apart of his training. Gowasu says Zamasu should hold back, but Beerus tells him it will cost him his life if he does so.

On Earth, Future Trunks and Krillin talk about families and Krillin tells him about his daughter but is reluctant to tell him about his wife. When 18 shows up bringing their daughter to him, after revealing that she had been worried about him. Upon seeing her, Future Trunks begins pulling out his sword until Krillin intervenes. 18 steps over to Future Trunks, informing him that she had heard of him killing her counterpart in his timeline and that she wants reimbursements, before revealing that she is joking and rejoining her daughter and husband. Future Trunks watches her interact with her family with a strange expression on his face before he goes to speak with his mother.

Elsewhere,The battle starts off with Goku going Super Saiyan 2 against Zamasu. Both Gowasu and Zamasu are both surprised when they see this and Whis tells Gowasu that it is a Super Saiyan. Zamasu was wondering how humans had that power. Goku tells him that he hasn't fought a god since Beerus and Zamasu is very surprised at this development. Once the battle begins, Goku throws a punch at Zamasu, who catches it and throws it to the side. Zamasu throws a chop to the neck, but Goku rebounds an energy ball at his hand. Then Goku, Beerus, and Whis notices the similarities between Zamasu's and Black's ki. Goku then begins pushing Zamasu back, and Zamasu questions how could a mortal be this strong. Goku delivers a swift punch to end the match and compliments Zamasu for how strong he was. Zamasu was about to attack Goku but Gowasu stopped him. Beerus yawns and gets ready to go home since he saw the rings.

On the way home, Whis says Zamasu was suppressing his cold heart and it showed enough evidence to prove Zamasu was Black. Beerus says he should have destroyed him, but Goku says he wasn't such a bad guy, causing Beerus to say that Goku is too trusting. While they were walking back to the celestial tree, Gowasu asks Zamasu if he has cleared the distrust of mortals in his heart, but Zamasu says that he is ashamed of his inadequacy. While Zamasu is pouring tea for Gowasu, he says he will never forget Goku.

Episode 54: Future Trunks partakes in some image training, fighting against Goku Black but still unable to defeat him. As Mai watches on, she attempts it herself, imagining her self at death's door, she asks Trunks for a last kiss.

Meanwhile Bulma and her team put the finishing touches to the rebuilt Time Machine with some extra help from Pilaf using his technological know how to revise the Time Machine, much to Bulma's surprise.

Whis returns to Earth along with Beerus and Goku and they explain the situation to Trunks and the others. Trunks struggles to accept that Zamasu may not be Goku Black but Beerus says that there is still a chance as the mystery depends further. After a meal, Whis and Beerus leave to head back to their home planet. Vegeta then tells Trunks to head with him and he wants to test his power to see how strong his son had become.

On the Sacred World of the Kai in Universe 10, Gowasu watches the barbaric nature of the Babarian's unfold through the Crystal Ball. As Zamasu looks in horror he suggests wiping them all out much to Gowasu's disdain and instead asks him to join him on a little trip. Gowasu's fetches the Time Ring and the two head to Babari where they see the ongoing savage nature of the planets race. Gowasu explains that they will now see what they look like once one thousand years have passed and leads Zamasu a Potara so that he can join him. In the future, they see that they have discovered fire but the fighting still goes on, feeling Zamasu's resolve to destroy the mortals.

Back on Earth, Future Trunks is about to face his father and asks that he turn into a Super Saiyan 3. Vegeta however laughs and instead turns into a Super Saiyan Blue amazing Trunks at just how far his father and Goku have got. Trunks proves to be no match for Vegeta at his full power and is outmatched in every way. However, Future Trunks finds this fact reassuring knowing how powerful Vegeta and Goku have become, he is certain that Goku Black will not be much of a threat. Vegeta is disappointed and angry with Future Trunks who believes that Saiyans should continually strive to grow stronger and not only when enemies present themselves.

On Beerus' Planet, Beerus and Whis are about to eat dinner. Suddenly, Zeno contacts them and tells them that he wishes to meet Goku, which shocks Beerus and Whis.

Episode 55: On Beerus' Planet, a greatly worried Beerus is sitting on a rock as Goku teleports in front of him, asking what did he want him for. Suddenly grabbing and pinching Goku's cheek, Beerus tells him that Zeno wants to see him. Goku wonders if it is about the universal tournament, but reminds Beerus and Whis that he is low on time as the Time Machine is about to be fixed soon. Beerus shoots him down, telling him that if Zeno says immediately, Goku must go see him immediately. Whis tells him that the trip to Zeno's palace will take two days, and Goku is flustered that it would take that long. Whis then suggests that they go meet with Shin, as he can take them to Zeno's Palace in an instant. Beerus orders Whis to accompany Goku, as he himself refuses to go. Beerus then grabs Goku's head and reminds him that the fate of the universe rests on Goku's behavior towards Zeno. Goku assures Beerus that nothing will go wrong and he will get it over with quickly.

Meanwhile, at Capsule Corporation, Bulma and Dr. Briefs are repairing the time machine as Bulma happily announces that repairs are complete and she can begin charging the machine. Mai gleefully races to go inform Future Trunks, but Bulma stops her, saying that he is currently resting after intense training with Vegeta. Back on Beerus' planet, Beerus asks if Goku really intends to meet Zeno with his current Gi, and tells Goku to wear something more formal, but Goku calls it annoying. Whis says he will apologize and say they were in a hurry. Beerus also tells Goku to keep the entire time machine and Goku Black situation a secret from Zeno, knowing that he is bound to get angry if he hears about it. Beerus reminds Whis to watch over Shin, and Goku is surprised that Beerus is worrying about someone other than himself. Whis tells Goku that the Supreme Kai and God of Destruction are a set, so if one dies, the other will also die. Beerus berates Whis for telling Goku something so important, and Goku thinks about beating Shin so Beerus would also be beaten, but he says that wouldn't be very fun. Goku then teleports with Whis to the Sacred World of the Kai.

In Universe 10, Zamasu and Gowasu are spectating the actions of the Babarians, until one of them suddenly shows up behind them and attacks. Zamasu easily blocks the attack and sends the beast flying. Ignoring Gowasu's protests, Zamasu kills the beast by bisecting it with an Energy Blade. Back at the Sacred World of the Kai, Gowasu berates Zamasu for his actions.

Back in Universe 7, Shin is flustered upon hearing Goku and Whis' request. Kibito and Old Kai wonder about this, also requesting Goku to watch his attitude. Shin then uses a technique to instantly teleport himself, Goku and Whis to Zeno's Palace, where the Grand Minister is awaiting their arrival. After exchanging greetings, the Great Priest leads the group to Zeno. As they are walking, Goku notes that the Great Priest feels strong, and Whis tells him that he has one of the five highest power levels in all the universes, but also requests that Goku does not do something rude as in ask to fight him. Goku is surprised to hear that even Whis cannot stand up to him. The group then teleports directly in front of Zeno in his main room, and Zeno happily greets Goku as the others bow to Zeno. Goku asks what Zeno wanted from him, and Zeno says that he wanted a friend. Surprised at Goku's nonchalant reaction, Shin speaks for him and says that Goku is thrilled to be Zeno's friend, but Zeno tells him to be quiet. Goku then says that he will refer to Zeno as "Zen-chan" ("Zenny" in the English dub) as he says that Zeno can refer to him as just Goku. Whis and the Grand Priest seem amused by Goku's name for Zeno; Beerus appears flabbergasted, and Shin becomes unconscious. Zeno asks what Goku wanted to play, but Goku tells him that he is busy and he can play once he is finished with his business. Angry at Goku's rudeness, Zeno's Attendants prepared to attack, but Zeno tells him to be quiet or he will wipe them out, prompting them to apologize. Goku promises Zeno to visit him after, even bringing someone with him that would make an even better friend and suggests Zeno should visit Earth one day. In response, Zeno gives Goku a button, telling him that when he presses it, Zeno will instantly teleport to him. They both say goodbye as Goku, Whis and Shin teleport back to Universe 7. Shin asks Goku who he was referring to as a friend, and Goku reveals he didn't have anyone in mind, and if he didn't say so, Zeno probably wouldn't have let him go.

Goku and Whis teleport back to Beerus' planet, and Beerus is flustered over Goku's casual nickname for Zeno. In Universe 10, Zamasu and Gowasu have a conversation over watching over humans and the properties of good and evil, as Gowasu notices Zamasu's pot of tea brewing due to Zamasu's unpleasant words. Gowasu then tells Zamasu to brew a new pot of tea. Back on Earth, Bulma reveals the newly repaired time machine. Vegeta, Goku and Future Trunks then climb into the time machine and prepare to travel to the future. As they arrive, Goku is surprised to see the alternate timeline look so bleak and destroyed. Future Trunks is surprised to see that Future Mai's body is not where she collapsed. Goku is then suddenly attacked by members of Earth's Resistance.



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