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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 56-60 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 56: Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks arrive in the alternate timeline after the Time Machine has been repaired. Shortly after arriving, Goku is suddenly attacked by members of Earth's Resistance. Future Trunks uses his sword to cut the missiles fired at Goku, prompting Vegeta to smirk proudly. The soldiers prepare to attack once more, but Future Trunks tells them to stop as Goku isn't Black. The soldiers recognize Future Trunks and exchange greetings with him, also asking him for his autograph. They apologize to Goku for mistaking him for Goku Black, and also slyly comment on Vegeta's mean face. As Future Trunks properly introduce Goku and Vegeta to the soldiers, the soldiers note that they must be warriors from the past sent to reinforce them against Goku Black. Future Trunks is surprised to hear this, as only he, Future Mai and Future Bulma know about the time machine. After looking at Future Mai's discarded hat, Future Trunks asks them who told them about this, and they reply that Future Mai did.

At an underground subway station, used as the Earth's resistance headquarters, Future Mai is tending to a soldier's injuries as Future Trunks reunites with her, relieved that she is alive. She tells the group about the resistance army's fight with Goku Black, how their past base was destroyed, and her inspiring the soldiers to survive as Future Trunks will return with reinforcements. Future Trunks asks Future Mai if she protected everyone, but as she reveals to him the remaining civilians, she tears up and says she couldn't protect everyone. Goku comforts her, telling her she did all she could and she has nothing to be ashamed of. A little girl appears in front of Future Mai, but as Goku says hi to her, she is frightened as she runs and hides behind her older brother. Future Trunks walks up to the two kids and makes them smile by making silly faces, also comforting the other civilians. Vegeta is proud of Future Trunks' treatment of the civilians, telling them to make some room as he throws a capsule, revealing a giant banquet of freshly made food made by Bulma, surprising everyone. Vegeta then gives Future Mai a couple more capsules, telling her they are full of other stuff they can use for their leisure, as Future Mai happily thanks him. Goku is surprised to see Future Yajirobe also eating, and Future Trunks wonders how he survived the battle with the Androids. Future Yajirobe said that Future Korin gave him the last Senzu Bean as he was close to dying. A soldier mocks Future Yajirobe by saying that he always hid during the battles to eat food, prompting the other soldiers to laugh at him.

Later, Future Mai thanks Goku and Vegeta for their help, but Goku reminds her that they still have to defeat Goku Black for there to be true peace. Vegeta announces that he will deal with Goku Black alone, but despite his protests, engages Goku in a game of rock-paper-scissors, much to Future Trunks and Future Mai's confusion. Vegeta wins the battle as Future Trunks asks Vegeta if he could join in the fight. Vegeta tells him that he has Future Mai and the world to look after, and if anything happens to him and Goku, he and Future Mai can return to the past. The three Saiyans then fly away, ready to do battle with Goku Black.

Goku Black is seen embracing the bleak world, saying that his utopia is almost here as he has to deal with the rest of the humans. Vegeta fires a ki blast in the air in order to inform Goku Black of their location, and Goku Black uses the light to confront them. Goku Black says that he thought he destroyed the time machine, as Vegeta immediately transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue to do battle. Future Trunks notes Goku Black's unsurprised expression, wondering if Goku Black has seen the form somewhere before. Goku Black applauds Vegeta, telling him that he must have trained well to ascend to such a level, teleporting in front of Vegeta without the Saiyan prince instantly reacting. Vegeta, surprised, realizes that Goku Black is far stronger than when he last fought with Goku. Vegeta then prepares to assault Goku Black, launching him far away with a barrage of hard punches. Goku describes how weird it feels seeing someone with his exact face getting punched, now knowing how Vegeta felt when Goku fought with Duplicate Vegeta on Planet Potaufeu. Future Trunks asks Goku if Goku Black really is a divine being like Zamasu because he referred to Vegeta as a "mere human". Vegeta knocks Goku Black into the ground and further assaults him, but Goku Black, unaffected by the attacks, smirks at Vegeta, who suddenly senses something. Goku Black then kicks Vegeta hard, knocking him back to where Goku and Future Trunks are standing. Goku Black compliments Vegeta's ability, then prepares to show the Saiyans something as he powers up, revealing his new transformation, Super Saiyan Rosé.

Goku Black reveals that he has fully mastered Goku's powers and that he is now at a level above the Saiyans. Vegeta reminds Goku Black that he is his opponent and attacks him again, catching one of Goku Black's punches and preparing to punch him. Vegeta is then stabbed clean through the chest from an Energy Blade from Goku Black. As Vegeta is knocked out and falls to the ground, Goku Black calls him the "appetizer to the "opening course". Noting that the "appetizer" made him stronger, he will then take care of the "main dish" (referring to Goku) and rise to greater heights. Goku immediately transforms into Super Saiyan Blue and tells Future Trunks to look after Vegeta. As the two fight, Future Trunks wonders if they are evenly matched, but Vegeta weakly comments that they aren't as Goku is knocked to the ground in one hard blow. Goku Black begins charging a Super Black Kamehameha but is interrupted by the arrival of Zamasu (albeit his future counterpart), much to the surprise of the three Saiyans. Future Zamasu reminds Goku Black that he will finish off Goku.

Episode 57: Future Zamasu, has appeared standing next to Goku Black, which leaves Goku, Future Trunks and Vegeta shocked. Goku realizes the two are allies, but Future Zamasu corrects him saying they are kindred spirits. Vegeta collapses from the hole in his chest from Goku Black's attack, and Future Trunks confirms he fell unconscious as he can still feel his ki. Future Trunks realizes that since the two are standing side-by-side, Goku Black and Zamasu are not actually the same person, and wonders just who Goku Black is. Future Zamasu exclaims that the just world he is longing for will soon come to fruition, and Goku powers up and engages Future Zamasu in battle, his punch blocked by Future Zamasu's Energy Blade. Goku thinks to himself that things feel different compared to when he fought Zamasu in the present timeline. The two fight an evenly-matched battle, but eventually Goku Black joins the battle, and together they drive Goku into a corner. Future Zamasu exclaims that Goku is his prey, but Goku Black says that his body has a strong desire to kill Goku that he cannot go against.

Future Zamasu and Goku Black begin to fight Goku again, but they are interrupted by Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks, who blocks Goku Black's attack with his sword. After exclaiming he will beat both of them, Future Trunks fights with Goku Black and knocks him back, and Goku knocks Future Zamasu back. Future Mai, watching the battle from afar, is worried about Future Trunks. Goku Black and Future Zamasu emerge again, and the four engage in an intense match. Goku is being overwhelmed by Goku Black, surprised that he can also teleport. Future Trunks succeeds in stabbing Future Zamasu with his sword, but is surprised to see his wound instantly heal. Goku Black tries to attack Future Trunks but he is stopped by Goku. Future Trunks pushes Future Zamasu back and fires a Final Flash at him, and is shocked to see him emerge from the smoke unharmed. The corrupt Supreme Kai reveals he has an immortal, ultimate body befitting of him. Future Trunks begin to wonder what to do when Goku lands next to him. Future Zamasu says it is time for them to receive their retribution, as Goku Black charges a Black Kamehameha from behind them. Before they can get out of the way, Future Zamasu captures them both and holds them in place. Goku Black fires the attack at the three of them, causing a huge explosion, and Goku and Future Trunks lie on the ground defeated, while Future Zamasu is unharmed.

Both beaten, Future Trunks is perplexed that even Goku was defeated and wonders what they should do. Goku Black and Zamasu prepare a team attack to finish off the two Saiyans, but the attack is destroyed by Vegeta, having transformed into a Super Saiyan Blue and fired a God Final Flash, but Vegeta falls back to the ground unconscious. Goku Black and Future Zamasu soon find out that Goku and Future Trunks escaped in the confusion, and they decide to finish off Vegeta. Future Yajirobe saved Goku and Future Trunks, dragging them both back to the base of Earth's Resistance. He explains that he is dragging them because he cannot fly like they can, and he could only take two people with him. Goku Black and Future Zamasu prepare to finish off Vegeta when soldiers of Earth's resistance fire tear gas at them. While they fly upwards to escape it, Future Mai, wearing a mask, appears and picks Vegeta up. Future Mai meets with the others and thanks Future Yajirobe for saving Goku and Future Trunks, then Future Trunks thanks her for saving Vegeta.

Future Mai gets the box of capsules from Future Trunks' pocket and brings out the time machine. Goku Black begins searching for the Saiyans' ki, but notes that they are suppressing their ki enough so that it cannot be distinguished from the humans. Future Mai begins charging the time machine as she seats the knocked out Future Trunks, Vegeta and Goku in it. As the time machine prepares to leave, Future Trunks wakes up and Future Mai jumps out, while Future Trunks asks what she is doing and tells her to go with them, not wanting to leave her behind again. While Future Mai smiles at him, she thinks to herself that Future Trunks needs to survive no matter what. Black Goku and Future Zamasu spot the time machine and prepare to intercept, but are too late as the time machine disappears. Future Zamasu says they will return eventually, and once they do they will meet their end.

In the present timeline, Trunks is laying down as he sees the time machine appear, and the beaten and unconscious Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks fall out. Trunks calls for Bulma, and they both are flustered at Vegeta's status. In Universe 10, Gowasu is watching the battle between Goku and Hit from the Tournament of Destroyers on a television as Zamasu appears with his tea. Also watching, Zamasu watches Goku transform into a Super Saiyan Blue, and wonders to himself how Goku, a "mere human", is able to clad himself in godly ki. He then asks Gowasu about the Super Dragon Balls shown on the screen, and Gowasu tells him about collecting them and getting any wish granted. Later, on Zuno's Planet, Zamasu appears, after knocking back Zuno's attendant, demanding to know from him everything he knows about the Super Dragon Balls.

Episode 58: Zamasu is paying a visit to Zuno's Planet, interested in hearing everything Zuno knows about the Super Dragon Balls. During Zuno's explanation, an impatient Zamasu threatens Zuno, claiming he can erase Zuno in an instant if he desired, demanding to know how the Super Dragon Balls can be used, uninterested in their appearance and origins. Zuno complies, explaining to Zamasu how the Super Dragon Balls are used to grant any wish, also telling him the words needed to summon Super Shenron, and that he has to wait the entire lifespan of a cockroach (one year in time) to use them, due to Beerus already using them recently. Zamasu also asks Zen-Oh for their location, and to tell him about Goku.

On Earth, at Capsule Corporation, Bulma feeds the beaten Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks each a Senzu Bean, and they wake up. Goku jumps up and wants to go back to the alternate timeline for another fight, but Bulma explodes, chastising the three Saiyans for going to the future without Senzu Beans. Goku was supposed to be carrying them, but recalls that he went to the bathroom before going to the future, and left the Senzu Beans there. Trunks is surprised that the three couldn't defeat Goku Black, but they explain that not only did he assume a new transformation, Super Saiyan Rosé, he also had Zamasu with him as an ally. Goku still wants to return, but Vegeta asks him how can he defeat enemies who cannot take damage. Goku suggests that they can also become immortal by eating a large amount of Senzu Beans, and the others are visibly dumbfounded. Future Trunks walks out with the Pilaf Gang and Trunks, informing them that Future Mai was still alive. Future Trunks shares his determination to return to the future, where Future Mai will be waiting for him. They are interrupted by the arrival of Beerus, Whis and Shin, who asks where Goku is. The Pilaf Gang serves the three sundaes when Goku, Vegeta and Bulma walk out to meet them. Shin informs everyone that Zuno has contacted him, saying that Zamasu confronted him as well as asked him about Goku and the Super Dragon Balls, and Vegeta tells the Gods about Zamasu's appearance in the future, his immortality, and Super Saiyan Rosé.

In Universe 10, Gowasu has ran out of tea, and calls for Zamasu to brew some more, but receives no response. Gowasu realizes Zamasu is gone. Beerus wonders why Zamasu and Goku Black's ki are so similar despite them being different people. Whis comes with a conclusion after hearing Zuno's and the Saiyans' stories. Whis explains that even though Zamasu is a fighting genius, he lost in a match with Goku, and was interested enough about him to ask Zuno. Zamasu is searching for enough power able to assert his justice. Goku then finishes what Whis was about to say, saying that Zamasu asked the Super Dragon Balls to "make him black." Whis further speculates that Zamasu used the Super Dragon Balls to create a copy of Goku as his servant, then a year later, when the Super Dragon Balls were able to be used again, Zamasu made another wish to make him immortal. With Zamasu's immortal body and Goku Black's ability to annihilate humans, they then went on a rampage in the future. Bulma wonders how much patience Zamasu has to wait an entire year to make another wish, but Beerus speculates that he used the Time Ring to travel ahead in time. Beerus then remembers that only official Supreme Kais can use the Time Rings, and Zamasu is only an apprentice. The group deduces that Zamasu was somehow promoted to be a Kaioshin, but something awful must have happened to the current Kaioshin, Gowasu. Bulma speculates, then explains to Goku that Zamasu may have killed Gowasu and stole the Time Rings.

Whis says that the fact that Goku Black and Zamasu's ki are similar is still a mystery needed to be solved, and Goku wishes to go see Zamasu. Whis is worried about Gowasu's life. Shin offers to take the trio to Universe 10, but asks them to act peacefully as Zamasu has (not yet) done anything wrong. Vegeta walks away, uninterested in Zamasu as of now. In the alternate timeline, Future Yajirobe is running, and Future Mai picks him up on her motorcycle and takes him back to the underground shelter. Once arriving, two kids ask her where Future Trunks is, and Future Mai says he went somewhere far away but will return. Members of Earth's Resistance approach Future Mai, worried about what they will do since Goku and Vegeta lost. Future Mai desperately tries to inspire the soldiers, saying they must survive and wait.

In Universe 10, Gowasu is approached by Beerus, Whis, Shin and Goku, who ask where Zamasu is. Gowasu says that Zamasu has been absent all morning, and ask what he did. Goku begins to explain Zamasu's role in the alternate timeline, but Beerus smacks him on the head to silence him. Beerus asks Gowasu if Zamasu's behavior has grown to be even a little suspicious, and Gowasu answers that while Zamasu had doubts about how things are, he is now enlightened. Zamasu appears, apparently calm despite the appearance of Universe 7, telling Gowasu he brought his tea.

Episode 59: Goku, Beerus, Whis, and Shin visit the Sacred World of the Kai in Universe 10, asking Gowasu where Zamasu is. Zamasu, bringing Gowasu's tea, politely welcomes the Universe 7 group while wondering to himself why they are here. While Zamasu is brewing Gowasu's tea, Gowasu tells him that they are here to see him. Beerus and Whis tell Zamasu that they returned because Goku wanted to fight him again, but before Goku can say he doesn't recall asking about that, Beerus hits him and tells him to be quiet. Zamasu thinks to himself for a bit then calmly accepts Goku's challenge, claiming he was also unsatisfied with how long their last match ended. Beerus then dismisses the fight while Whis says they must go, as it is time for Beerus' afternoon nap. Whis presents Gowasu a gift: some Great Fortune snacks and some freshly-brewed green tea from Earth. The Universe 7 group leave, but not far from Universe 10, they stop and Whis forms a barrier. Shin asks how it went, and Whis and Beerus confirm that Zamasu is planning to kill Gowasu, noticing his extreme killing intent. Whis jokingly says Zamasu's killing intent is about as pungent as one of Beerus' farts, prompting the God of Destruction to berate him. Goku says he did not notice anything off about Zamasu's spirit, and Whis says that as the God of Destruction, it's only natural for Beerus to notice, along with Whis. Shin also did not notice, realizing that Gowasu does not notice, either. Goku suggests that they go back and help, but Beerus and Whis dismisses him, saying that they will not until they find some physical evidence. Whis creates a projected view of Gowasu and Zamasu and the group sit back and watch as Zamasu pours Gowasu some of the green tea. Gowasu drinks the tea, commenting that it calms the heart.

Meanwhile, in the alternate timeline, at a safe house, Goku Black and Future Zamasu discuss about killing Goku and how they aren't strong enough as opponents. Future Zamasu says if Goku Black kills Goku too quickly, he'd lose an opportunity to grow stronger by adapting to his fighting style, suggesting that he kills Goku slowly and carefully. Future Zamasu asks if it is nice to have immortal bodies due to the Super Dragon Balls. As a response, Goku Black turns into Super Saiyan Rosé, and claims he is satisfied with this power and unlimited potential, which is necessary for their plan. Future Zamasu says it is ironic that they are using a "mortal" to go through with their plan to exterminate all mortals. At the Earth's Resistance base, Future Mai looks at the weakened civilians and soldiers and wonders how much longer they will hold out. Haru & Maki approach Future Mai with dumplings, saying they got them from Future Yajirobe. Despite Future Mai claiming she is fine, she is persuaded to eat one with the kids. Future Mai thinks to herself that even if by herself, she must protect their smiles.

In the present timeline, at Capsule Corporation, Bulma is repairing the time machine's transfer device, Vegeta is training in the Gravity Room, and Future Trunks is sitting outside sulking, thinking about how he ran away without Future Mai, again. Pilaf, Mai and Shu, who are watching him from behind a bush, worry about him, and the two boys suggest that Mai go cheer him up. When Pilaf and Shu jokingly act like Mai confessing her love for Future Trunks, Mai angrily yells at them to leave. Trunks, also watching his future counterpart, approaches him. Trunks berates him for moping around after one loss. Future Trunks politely asks Trunks to leave him alone, prompting Trunks to call Future Trunks a coward and he is unable to protect Future Mai that way. Trunks then asks him if he is mad, and challenges him to a fight, turning into a Super Saiyan. When Future Trunks does not move, Trunks agrees to make the first move and punches Future Trunks in the face, knocking him down. Trunks yells at Future Trunks to stand up, since he "is supposed to be a Saiyan" while Future Trunks glares at him.

Back in Universe 10, Gowasu claims the Universe 7 food is delicious and suggests Zamasu to try some, while Zamasu declines. The Universe 7 group notice Zamasu not taking any action at all, and Goku says he is growing hungry watching Gowasu eat. Whis tells him to be a little more patient. Zamasu walks behind Gowasu and begins to talk to him about his perspective over good and evil, and Gowasu says that he will one day understand what Gowasu means. When Gowasu takes another bite of the Great Fortune, Zamasu prepares his God Split Cut energy blade, intending to kill him. Gowasu flinches, but it is shown that he choked on the Great Fortune, and washes it down with tea. Zamasu charges his attack again and successfully kills Gowasu. Whis then performs his Temporal Do-Over, going back in time to before Zamasu kills Gowasu. Whis suggests that they do this again, while Goku is confused, but realizes they went back in time. With the proper evidence, the group returns to Universe 10. Before Zamasu kills Gowasu, Whis creates a strong glove around Zamasu's hand to block the attack, shocking the apprentice. Gowasu wonders if that glove is a new item for tapping shoulders, while Zamasu is flustered and notices that the Universe 7 group has returned. Beerus explains to Gowasu that Zamasu tried to kill him, with Whis proving this by removing the glove, revealing Zamasu's energy blade. Gowasu, shocked, orders Zamasu to explain himself. While Zamasu remained silent, Shin explained Zamasu's plan to get rid of Gowasu, steal the Time Ring, use the Super Dragon Balls to create a fake Goku and wish for immortality, and exterminate all humanity. Zamasu is surprised they know this, and Goku says that they learned everything from going to the future. Zamasu then proclaims that he cannot fall in a place like this and prepares to attack, with Goku taking a fighting stance, but his attack is easily caught by Beerus. Telling him not to get too cocky, Beerus raises his hand in front of Zamasu, and says "Hakai" (Japanese for "destruction" or "to destroy"), disintegrating Zamasu's entire body, killing him.

Back on Earth, Future Trunks and Trunks have been fighting, and Future Trunks realizes what Trunks is trying to teach him: win, no matter who the enemy is. Future Trunks thanks his younger self while shaking his hand, when Goku and Beerus suddenly crash in-between them with Whis; Goku commenting that they should have asked Shin to take them back. Beerus tells Future Trunks about Zamasu's death, and with that, the future is saved as Goku Black should also disappear. Future Trunks asks if the future is really saved, as the Androids in his timeline did not disappear after the ones in the present were defeated. Beerus says that it is different if a God eliminated another God. Bulma says that it is no laughing matter if nothing in the future changed. Future Trunks says he hopes the future is now safe.

Episode 60: After Beerus explains that due to him killing Zamasu, the Future Zamasu should disappear and the alternate timeline should be peaceful again, Future Trunks does not believe the future is safe and remains skeptical. Beerus is frustrated that his words as a god are being doubted as Whis leads him away. Future Trunks decides to go back to the future to check, and as Bulma hands him the capsule with the time machine, tells him to eat a proper meal before he goes. Future Trunks thinks against it, but Goku convinces him.

While everyone is eating dinner, Whis tells Beerus to try the soup. Beerus remarks it looks like the vomit of the dragons of Planet Gaspa, and he is hesitant to try it, but when he does, he is incredibly happy about the taste, and demands to know why Bulma never fed him anything that good. Trunks notices that Future Trunks is the only one not eating. Goku calls for Trunks, and when both answers, clarifies he meant Future Trunks, telling him that the food is delicious, and Future Trunks starts eating. Goku then says he will go with Future Trunks to check on the future, shutting down the fact said by Bulma that he gets sick while in the time machine. Beerus finds out Goku also does not think that Beerus is right, and Goku says they should still go check, also wanting to fight Zamasu if he is still there. Vegeta says it is dangerous to start fighting without a plan, as they cannot save the future that way, accidentally breaking his fork. Goku says he won't forget the Senzu Beans this time.

Later, as Future Trunks is prepared to leave, Beerus is annoyed that no one believes the future is now safe. Goku offers him to go along, but Beerus declines, believing that a god like him going back and forth in time would change history. Trunks seems to agree with Beerus, but Future Trunks explains to him the desire to travel back in time because the future was in peril. Future Trunks explains to Trunks about time traveling, how the present and the future are two completely different worlds, how he and Trunks are the same person but grew up in different worlds, and how the Android 18 in the present (who married Krillin and started a family) and the Android 18 in the future (who killed the Dragon Team and caused worldwide destruction) are different. He also explained that he grew up in a world where Goku died from a heart virus and Vegeta was killed by the Androids, but Trunks grew up in a world where they are both alive because Future Trunks traveled back in time and prevented their deaths. Future Trunks thanks Beerus for his actions and for giving him hope, and also asks Vegeta to accompany him to the future. Vegeta agrees, but also tells Future Trunks that if the future really is peaceful now, he should never return to the past again. Future Trunks tells Mai that he will tell Future Mai hello for her, and tells her to take care of his present counterpart. Bulma, handing Goku the Senzu Beans, says she will also go to the future, as someone is gonna need to steer when heading back to the past. She then gives Future Trunks back his original jacket and bandana. With Future Trunks, Goku, Vegeta and Bulma in the time machine, they are all cramped as they leave in it. While they are leaving, Trunks flies after him and yells at the top of his lungs to win.

While traveling, Bulma is fascinated while Goku is already sick. Upon landing, they quickly realize the future did not change and their suspicions were right. Goku falls out of the time machine disoriented, and Future Zamasu and Goku Black immediately sense that they have returned. Future Trunks gives Bulma the capsule with the time machine as a soldier of Earth's Resistance meets the group and tells Future Trunks that Future Mai's life is in danger. They run back to the Resistance base, and see that Future Mai is out cold with every civilian around her. Goku gives Future Trunks a Senzu Bean, and he chews it up and kisses Future Mai so it would go down her throat. Goku is surprised Future Trunks did this, apparently having no idea what a kiss is, and Vegeta berates him for this as he is married. Bulma spots and recognizes Future Yajirobe. Future Mai wakes up and is relieved to see the group has returned. She meets Bulma, and they exchange pleasantries while Bulma hands her capsules with food and supplies. The three Saiyans immediately sense Goku Black and Future Zamasu and they head out to find them.

The two groups soon meet and while Vegeta says things won't go as they did last time, immediately turns Super Saiyan Blue and charges. Goku asks if Vegeta forgot about a plan, and Vegeta says to defeat Goku Black first. Goku Black turns Super Saiyan Rosé and the two get into a brief fight. Goku explains to his opponents that they know about Goku Black's identity; Zamasu using the Super Dragon Balls to create a fake Goku. Goku Black says they are wrong and then reveals his true identity: he is Zamasu who has switched bodies with Goku (but kept his own heart and soul) with the Super Dragon Balls, and he has killed the Goku who had his body stolen.



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