Episode 61: After Goku Black reveals he is Zamasu, then Goku asks who is the Zamasu standing next to him. Future Zamasu answers that he is the Zamasu from Future Trunks' alternate timeline, and he teamed up with Goku Black (the Zamasu from the past). Goku Black tells Goku about how he, as a god, was pitifully defeated by a "mere human", and developed a hatred for Goku, and combining his body with Zamasu's heart caused him to gain greater strength. When Goku argues that he saw Beerus destroy the present Zamasu, Goku Black re-introduces the Time Ring. As he says that whatever happened with his past self has no effect on his current self, Goku Black re-calls killing Gowasu and taking his Potara earring, making himself the new Supreme Kai. Goku Black asks Future Zamasu if he is ready, and Future Zamasu confirms. They both assume the same fighting stance, and charge two ki blasts that merge into a huge blast and fires it at the Saiyans, causing a huge explosion. The Saiyans managed to block the attack, having assumed their Super Saiyan Blue forms and Future Trunks his Super Saiyan 2 form. Goku charges towards Future Zamasu, with Vegeta yelling at him to remember that Future Zamasu is immortal, and blows off Future Zamasu's head, only for it to instantly regenerate. Goku Black turns into a Super Saiyan Rosé and uses his Energy Blade, which Goku blocks, but he is kicked into a building. Future Trunks confirms that Goku is all right. Saying that he needed someone with the same heart and understanding to carry out his justice, Goku Black continues his story.
Using the Time Ring, Goku Black traveled to the future and kills Future Gowasu. Future Zamasu, bringing Future Gowasu his tea, sees Goku Black standing over Future Gowasu's corpse, which eventually disintegrates, and is flustered. Goku Black knew that Future Zamasu was planning on killing Future Gowasu, and hands him one Potara earring, saying he is now a Kaioshin. Future Zamasu, revealing his true nature, accepts the earring. Future Zamasu says he then used the Super Dragon Balls to wish for immortality, and in order to ensure that their wish could not be reverted, they destroyed the Super Dragon Balls to prevent anyone else from using them. Goku Black then traveled to each universe and killed every Kaioshin, also indirectly killing every God of Destruction. Being the only two godly forces left in the entire multiverse, Goku Black and Future Zamasu ensure success for their Zero-Humanity Plan, and they charge towards the Saiyans. Goku, Future Trunks, and Vegeta launch a ki blast barrage at them, but Future Zamasu willingly blocks the attack with his immortal body. The Saiyans are pressured by the pair's assault, and when Future Trunks and Vegeta are both knocked down, the two proceed to gang up on Goku. Having Goku cornered, Future Zamasu asks him if he wants to know what happened to his family.
Goku Black says that he used the Super Dragon Balls to switch bodies with Goku, while Goku was farming with Goten, and the young Saiyan is surprised that Goku suddenly became Zamasu, showing Chi-Chi. They both are surprised and afraid of what Goku has become, and Zamasu (in Goku's body) appears and kills Goku (with Zamasu's body). When Chi-Chi panicks and tries to run away with Goten, Zamasu kills them, as well. While he was telling this story, Goku Black stabs Goku through Future Zamasu, pinning him to the wall. Hearing this, Goku grows more, and more angry and powers up, breaking Goku Black's energy blade. Goku Black is fascinated at Goku's power-up, while a furious Goku fights both Future Zamasu and Goku Black and puts them on the defensive. When Goku attacks Goku Black again, Goku Black counters the attack, having increased his power due to taking Goku's powered-up beating, as noted by Future Zamasu. Goku Black creates his Divine Lasso, and stabs Goku numerous times with spears of energy, before making them explode, knocking Goku down on the ground defeated. Future Trunks and Vegeta are cornered by Future Zamasu and Black, and Future Trunks says that he will deal with Goku Black, even if he dies, and asks Vegeta to deal with Future Zamasu. Future Trunks says that Goku Black is doing nothing less but murder in Goku's body, and Goku Black tells him that he is the main reason why he decided to destroy humanity, calling Future Trunks a sinner.
Goku Black and Future Zamasu recall Future Trunks constantly going back and forth in time, continuously breaking the taboo of Gods, and that the creation of a new Time Ring is the proof of his sins. They recall Future Trunks saving Goku's life from the Heart Virus, saying that if he had died as history decided, Zamasu would not have sought Goku's body. They also mention Future Trunks destroying the Androids, as his actions caused the current events and that everything is his fault. Future Trunks grows angry at their words and Vegeta tells him not to listen to them. Future Trunks powers up and assaults Goku Black, but he is easily repelled and defeated while Vegeta is held back by Future Zamasu. Seeing this, Future Mai rushes for Future Trunks, with Bulma and Future Yajirobe following her. They are stopped by Future Trunks angrily punching the ground, and as he grows more and more angry, he begins to power up into a Super Saiyan Anger, surprising everyone. With his new bulky appearance, huge power, and loss of his pupils, Future Trunks declares he will kill Goku Black.
Episode 62: Future Trunks, having obtained a new power due to succumbing to his intense rage, prepares to do battle with Goku Black. Much to Goku Black's surprise, Future Trunks can not only fight on even terms with him, despite being a Super Saiyan Rosé, but he can also put the corrupt former Kaioshin on the defensive. Vegeta witnesses as Future Zamasu steps in and, along with Goku Black, gang up on Future Trunks, but the Saiyan is able to fight both of them off. As Future Zamasu is knocked away, Vegeta, as a Super Saiyan Blue, steps in to prevent him from helping Goku Black. Future Trunks knocks Goku Black and blasts him with a huge attack, but Goku Black emerges from the smoke barely harmed, calling Future Trunks "a good dessert". Goku Black proceeds to jump Vegeta with Future Zamasu, defeating the Saiyan prince and knocking him to the ground, further angering Future Trunks. The duo are determined to execute their Zero-Mortal Plan, but are knocked down by a powered-up Future Trunks, who then fires a Masenko at them. The pair are knocked into a building, and Future Trunks attacks them with a barrage of ki blasts. As he is doing this, he tells Vegeta to take Bulma and the beaten Goku and go back to the present timeline in the Time Machine, in order to come up with a plan to win, saying he will hold them off by himself. Vegeta disagrees to this, but Goku weakly mutters that it's the only way to save the future. Vegeta orders Bulma to ready the Time Machine, picks up Goku, and hands Future Mai the Senzu Beans, entrusting her to look after Future Trunks. Goku Black notices the time machine flying off, and tries to blast it, but Future Trunks counters the blast with one of his own. Upon witnessing the Saiyans and Bulma retreat, Goku Black dismisses it, saying they will return in due time, and the corrupt pair direct their attention to Future Trunks.
In the present timeline, Trunks, Pilaf, Shu, Mai, Beerus and Whis watch as the time machine lands in front of them, with Trunks surprised that Future Trunks isn't with everyone else. The two gods assume that the alternate timeline is now safe due to the destruction of the present Zamasu, but an angry Bulma confronts them and tells them that the alternate timeline did not change at all, despite Beerus' assurance that a god destroying another god would affect the time stream. Beerus is nonchalant at discovering he was wrong, saying that he had a feeling nothing would change due to Future Trunks' words. Bulma is about to hit Beerus but is stopped by Vegeta, tossing the Pilaf Gang the mortally wounded Goku. Vegeta is determined to think of a plan and quickly return to the future, not wanting to waste the time given to them by Future Trunks. As Goku is put into a healing pod, Vegeta explains to the gods the real truth behind Goku Black's identity. With his curiosity satisfied, Beerus tells Whis to take him back home, saying that he disposed of the present Zamasu so he has no place interfering with another timeline's Zamasu, entrusting the rest to everyone else. Whis wishes them good luck as the two gods leave while Bulma yells at them, calling them cowards. Vegeta walks off, telling everyone to leave him alone as he tries to think of a plan. At Goku's house, Goten is sleeping but he woken up by Trunks knocking on his window. At the police station, Krillin is confronted by Chi-Chi and Gohan, with the former constantly asking Krillin if he knew where Goku was, but Krillin replied that he did not, thinking to himself if he is still dealing with Goku Black. Chi-chi says that she was worried about Goku, and cooked a lot of food for him to eat, which is in a giant pack carried by Gohan.
Krillin explains that as a police officer, if he knew anything he would share it to Chi-Chi, and rushes off to go on patrol. Gohan tries to calm Chi-Chi down as they both notice Goten and Trunks flying. At Capsule Corporation, Vegeta is walking and thinking as he overhears Bulma talking with Goten and Trunks, who is determined to go to the alternate timeline and help his future counterpart. Bulma tells him he would not be of help if he did go, and to leave it to Goku. Vegeta is about to silence Bulma as Chi-Chi calls for her (Gohan flying and carrying her). Bulma quickly tells Trunks and Goten to hide as they both land and Chi-Chi asks her where Goku is. Bulma plays innocent and says he has no idea, and Chi-Chi asks her where Goten and Trunks are, as she had seen them flying earlier, worrying about them being delinquents sneaking out so late at night. Shu appears and gives Bulma a status update about the time machine, and she explains to a confused Chi-Chi that the time machine is her newest product. Goten and Trunks crawl away but they are stopped by Vegeta, and Chi-Chi spots them, beginning to scold Goten. Krillin and Piccolo arrive, asking if they defeated Goku Black yet. Chi-Chi asks Bulma what's going on, when Goku appears, with his injuries healed but his stomach empty.
Inside Capsule Corp., everyone is sitting in a room while Goku eats the food Gohan was carrying for Chi-Chi. Bulma explains to everyone about Future Trunks' world being in danger, and a fake Goku rampaging, and Gohan is surprised to hear this as he had no idea Future Trunks was going through it despite his pleasant disposition when he had dinner with his family. Goku says he won't forgive Zamasu for stealing his body and killing Chi-Chi and Goten, but as Chi-Chi panicks and checks if Goten is ok, Goku explains it was in another timeline. Chi-Chi asks if Goku beat him, and Goku replies that they were beaten and had to escape to the past twice, and Chi-Chi questions Goku's fatherly duties for not beating the one responsible for killing his wife and son. Piccolo did not realize Goku Black was as strong as he is, having observed his initial fight with Goku, but Vegeta explains that due to Goku Black's Super Saiyan powers and his ability to grow stronger after each fight, along with Future Zamasu's Immortality, they are a perfect pair and cannot be beaten in a proper fight. Bulma tells everyone that Future Trunks is currently fighting both of them on his own, and Goku and Vegeta are stumped and cannot think of a plan. Piccolo suggests using the Evil Containment Wave, explaining to Vegeta that Master Roshi attempted to use it to seal away King Piccolo a long time ago. This causes the Pilaf Gang to recall Master Roshi's usage of the technique against King Piccolo in a brief flashback. Piccolo suggests the idea of Goku and Vegeta fighting them back and looking for an opening to seal them, saying that they cannot come back out as long as the seal isn't broken. Vegeta asks Bulma how long until the time machine is ready, and she replies less than half a day. Piccolo asks if Vegeta plans to go in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Vegeta says that they can seal them after Vegeta pays them back for everything they have done. Piccolo prepares to demonstrate the Evil Containment Wave to Goku, but Goku uses Instant Transmission to teleport to Kame House and ask Master Roshi to teach it to him. Bulma says everyone else can watch as Piccolo does it.
At Kame House, Master Roshi agrees to teach Goku the Evil Containment Wave, wondering who Goku is fighting if he has to rely on that technique. Goku practices the technique on Turtle, attempting to seal him in a container, and manages to do so after a few failures. Master Roshi says he will create a talisman for Goku to use to complete the seal, in exchange for Goku taking him to a place with young girls. Meanwhile, in Universe 10, Beerus and Whis confront Gowasu about the alternate timeline not changing, with Beerus in a bad mood that everyone was on his case about being wrong. Beerus says he can easily destroy Zamasu if he went to the future, but refuses to do so as a God of Destruction has no business crossing the time stream. Gowasu, taking responsibility as he specifically chose Zamasu to be his apprentice, agrees to do something on the matter.
Episode 63: At Capsule Corporation, Bulma is re-fueling the time machine, preparing for the next trip to the alternate timeline, hoping that Future Trunks, who stayed behind to fight, is safe. On The Lookout, Dende and Mr. Popo are on stand-by as they are startled by a giant explosion, caused by Vegeta, who has been training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Vegeta has spent the past half-day (six months in the Time Chamber) training for the rematch against Goku Black, and he has destroyed the Time Chamber, creating a huge crater in Kami's Lookout. Vegeta then flies off. Meanwhile, Goku thanks Master Roshi for teaching him the Evil Containment Wave and creating an urn for the technique, and teleports away.
In the alternate timeline, Future Mai feeds Future Trunks, who is unconscious and injured, a Senzu Bean. When Future Trunks comes to, he realizes it was not Future Mai, it was actually Future Yajirobe, and is startled by the idea of Future Yajirobe mouth-feeding him a Senzu Bean. Future Yajirobe told him the Senzu Bean was grounded up by Haru and Maki, who are relieved to see Future Trunks okay. Future Trunks asks where Future Mai went, and Future Yajirobe said she headed back out as soon as she brought Future Trunks back to the resistance army's base, saying she discovered Goku Black's hideout. At the hideout, Goku Black and Future Zamasu are discussing their plans while waiting for Goku and Vegeta to return. At a distance away, Future Mai and two soldiers spy on the corrupt duo, realizing that getting closer would be dangerous. Future Trunks is seen flying to the hideout, hoping Future Mai does not do anything dumb. Future Mai prepares to use a sniper, equipping it with a special energy bullet left behind by Future Bulma, said to be several times stronger than a normal bullet. Future Mai advises the two soldiers to fall back, but they refuse, saying it would be an honor to die by Future Mai's side, and Future Mai is happy at their resolve. She aims the sniper at Goku Black and pulls the trigger, but the bullet only possessed enough force to knock Goku Black out of his chair; he remained unharmed from the attack. Goku Black and Future Zamasu pinpoint the humans' location and fire a Combined Energy Ball at them, but they are saved by the arrival of Future Trunks.
Future Mai apologizes to Future Trunks, and Future Trunks tells the soldiers to retreat. He thinks to himself about Future Zamasu's Immortality, realizing that Future Zamasu drops his guard after getting hit by an attack, planning to use that opportunity to assault Goku Black. Future Trunks powers up to his Super Saiyan Anger form and heads into battle, and Goku Black powers up to a Super Saiyan Rosé. Future Trunks pushes back Future Zamasu as he and Goku Black fight head-to-head, using his sword as a decoy to land a series of blows on Goku Black, then pushing him back with a Galick Gun, also destroying the hideout. As it appears that Goku Black has been defeated, Future Trunks directs his attention to Future Zamasu. Future Mai and the two soldiers help Future Trunks out by distracting Future Zamasu with their guns. Future Trunks thinks to himself that he only has enough stamina for one more huge attack, and counters Future Zamasu's attack and holds him in place. Future Trunks, theorizing that Future Zamasu's regeneration must have a limit, uses a Super Explosive Wave attack, but he is stabbed from behind by Goku Black. As Future Trunks falls to the ground defeated, the time machine with Goku, Vegeta and Bulma arrives. Future Trunks is relieved to see the Saiyans return as he falls unconscious.
As they get out, Goku and Vegeta immediately sense that Future Trunks' ki is fading. Bulma tells them to hurry while Goku Black and Future Zamasu appear in front of them. Bulma hides in a crater behind them, as Goku Black immediately destroys the time machine to prevent them from escaping again. Vegeta replies to their taunts by saying that this world will be their grave, and that they brought a coffin (referring to the urn) that they have to get used to as it is a little small. Future Mai is with Future Trunks as he wakes up, telling her the others have returned. As Future Zamasu is rambling on, Vegeta asks Goku where the urn is, and Goku is flustered as he realizes the urn was in the time machine, and is now destroyed. Bulma secretly uses a water hose to put out the fire on the time machine as the two duos prepare to fight, but they are interrupted by the arrival of Gowasu and Shin. Future Zamasu and Goku Black are surprised to see him, as he should have been killed, but realize he is from the past as he traveled using a Time Ring. Gowasu says that Beerus told him everything, and that he is ashamed of Zamasu. Goku tells him that the Zamasu he knew is actually Goku Black, seeing the confusion so he repeat on what he said to Goku Black. Goku wonders what happened with Whis when Goku Black reminds everyone that he killed every God, knowing that Whis is stronger than Beerus. Supreme Kai tells him that once a God of Destruction dies, then their attendant, the angel, ceases to exist until a new God appears. Goku Black and Future Zamasu suddenly fire Ki Blasts at Gowasu and Shin, but they are shielded by Goku and Vegeta, having assumed their Super Saiyan Blue forms. Gowasu is also shocked to learn that the Dragon Balls were also destroyed, and keels over upon learning that the Gods of this timeline cannot be revived. Goku and Vegeta advise the two Kaioshin to return home, but they insist to stand by and watch the battle. Vegeta decides to fight Goku Black, saying that since he is superior to the real Goku, he won't lose to the fake one.
As the two pairs start fighting, Goku Black immediately realizes Vegeta's increased strength and is being pushed back by the Saiyan prince. Future Zamasu, surprised by this, tries to help Goku Black but Goku focuses on preventing the corrupt Kaioshin from helping. Bulma takes the opportunity to bring out a garage from a capsule, saying she will repair the time machine in no time. Future Trunks and Future Mai appear, and Bulma is relieved to see Future Trunks is okay. She then hands Future Trunks some super glue, saying he can fix the urn as he was good at jigsaw puzzles. As Vegeta is blocking every one of Goku Black's attacks and assaulting him relentlessly, he says that he, as the prince of Saiyans, will not lose to a fake who stole the body of Goku, who he himself developed that body from fighting in many fierce battles. As he pulls up Goku Black by his hair and knocks him back, Vegeta powers up as he calls Goku Black a fake.
Episode 64: Vegeta in his powered-up Super Saiyan Blue form continues to dominate Goku Black on the battlefield, while Goku is keeping Future Zamasu at bay to prevent him from helping his partner. Goku Black is sitting in the building he was thrown in, laughing to himself, calling Vegeta an "arrogant mortal". Goku Black then notices a huge energy wave approaching him, causing a large explosion. Vegeta tells Goku Black to emerge, knowing he's not one to be defeated by that kind of attack. Goku Black emerges and confronts Vegeta, saying that the reasoning behind Vegeta's sudden increase of power was from the anger of his son. Goku Black says he must have overlooked it because turning anger into power is a concept only a mortal could think of. Goku Black then creates his Aura Slide energy blade, completely pushing it into his left hand. He then crushes the blade with his hand and pulls the blade out, revealing a large, scythe-like variation of the blade. Goku Black calls the blade the product of his anger, as he says that his level of anger would make him the strongest in the world.
Goku Black attacks Vegeta with the scythe, and the Saiyan prince easily dodges the attack, but is surprised to see a large rift created from the swing. Vegeta cannot recognize the void inside of the slice, and Goku Black asks if what he sees is a different universe or the far future or past. Future Zamasu is proud of the fact that fighting strong enemies brings them to greater heights, but as he turns around he is suddenly knocked away by Goku. Future Zamasu laughs at the attack, saying that Goku's "mortal" mind is intellectually lacking enough to where he attacks Future Zamasu knowing he is immortal. Goku and Future Zamasu, along with Vegeta and Goku Black, continue their respective fights, causing a huge shockwave in the surrounding area which knocks Future Mai off the top of a building. Bulma and Future Trunks in Bulma's portable garage wonder what's going on. Future Trunks checks on Future Mai, who saved herself by hanging onto a loose pipe, and shows her that he successfully fixed the urn. Future Trunks asks Future Mai about the battle, and she looks into her binoculars, but she's shocked to see Future Zamasu flying towards her.
Bulma is flustered to hear about Zamasu approaching them, saying that the time machine hasn't been completely repaired yet. Future Trunks hands Future Mai the urn and volunteers to hold off Future Zamasu, but Bulma suggests to use the Evil Containment Wave. Future Trunks wonders how if Goku is not with them, but Bulma says that Future Trunks is going to use it. Back at the battlefield, Goku and Vegeta are being held up by clones created from the rift Goku Black made. Goku Black asks them if the work of a god left them frozen and unable to move. Vegeta and Goku try to attack the clones, but they simply reform themselves. Goku and Vegeta grow frustrated as more clones are made, and they both fire a barrage of energy blasts at the clones, but they still reform themselves. Goku Black taunts Goku and Vegeta, asking them what they will do as Future Zamasu is pursuing the others. Goku says he is not fighting fair, and Goku Black says he will fight fair once the others are killed and Goku and Vegeta will grow stronger with their anger. Vegeta tells Goku to use Instant Transmission to go to Future Trunks, but Goku says he is trying but the foul energy from the rift is preventing Goku from finding Future Trunks' energy.
Back at the garage, Future Trunks is learning the Evil Containment Wave doing various silly poses, but they aren't working. Bulma then remembers she recorded Piccolo using the technique on her cell phone. Future Trunks says that his method was completely different. Bulma thinks to herself then hands Future Mai her phone, saying she will buy some time for Future Trunks to learn the attack. Future Trunks says it's dangerous, but Bulma tells him to trust in his mother. Future Zamasu lands in front of Bulma, and Bulma attempts to flirt with him. When this fails, Future Zamasu glares at Bulma. Future Trunks and Future Mai appear to see Bulma held by her collar, and Future Trunks is reminded of his own mother held the same way before her death. Bulma is apparently unconscious, and Future Zamasu throws her aside. Future Trunks grows angry and transforms into his Super Saiyan Anger form. Future Zamasu wonders if he is buying time, but is surprised to see Future Trunks using the Evil Containment Wave on him. Future Trunks says that this is the strength of mortals as Future Zamasu is being thrown around in a green spiral. Future Trunks and Future Mai both yell out that he should not underestimate them. Future Trunks tells Future Mai to prepare herself as she opens the urn. Future Zamasu is successfully thrown into the urn and Future Mai closes it. Bulma congratulates them, and they are both surprised to see her okay, and she reminds them that they have to trust her. Bulma tells Future Mai to complete the seal with the paper amulet, but she quickly realizes that she forgot it in the past. Master Roshi is seen calling Capsule Corporation about Goku forgetting the paper amulet, and while Trunks tells Piccolo, Piccolo calls Goku an idiot. Bulma, Future Trunks and Future Mai desperately try to keep the urn closed, but their efforts are in vain as Future Zamasu pops back out, panting heavily.
Goku Black notes Future Zamasu's energy is disappearing and reappearing, also noting it is getting weaker, and uses Instant Transmission. With him leaving, the rift disappears, and so do the vast amount of clones created by it. Vegeta quickly tells Goku to use Instant Transmission himself. Everyone reunites, and Vegeta tells Bulma to leave this to them. Future Zamasu tells Goku Black that they cannot be careless or they will fail, as the mortals aren't as "mere" as they thought. They both agree that the time is ripe, and Future Zamasu puts his earring on his other ear. Goku, Vegeta, Gowasu and Shin immediately recognize what they are doing: Fusion. The two fuse to become Fused Zamasu.
Episode 65: Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks are in awe over the immense power of Fused Zamasu. Watching from the sidelines, Shin and Gowasu realize that Future Zamasu and Goku Black used the Potara to fuse. Fused Zamasu's pure energy creates a blinding explosion, forming into a halo behind him. Calling this power true justice, Fused Zamasu creates lightning bolts of energy to assault the Saiyans' surroundings. Vegeta orders Future Trunks to protect Bulma and Future Mai. As they prepare to go into the garage, Fused Zamasu tries to destroy it, but his attack is blocked by Goku and Vegeta's own energy waves, allowing Future Trunks to fly away with Bulma and Future Mai.
Fused Zamasu creates sharp, exploding energy blades which explode around Goku and Vegeta, causing huge shockwaves around the surrounding area that damage parts of the Earth's Resistance base. As some civilians reach the surface, one of them is killed by Fused Zamasu's energy attacks flying all over the place, which cause the others to freeze in place. Some civilians, including Future Yajirobe volunteer to check if it is safe, and Future Yajirobe is chosen to do the job. He tells the civilians the coast is clear. The group notice Fused Zamasu attacking the entire area, and some soldiers lose their fighting spirit upon seeing how powerful he is. Future Yajirobe secretly wishes that Goku can do something.
Goku and Vegeta are being pushed back by Fused Zamasu's power. Gowasu notes that by fusing, not only did both Zamasus grew stronger, they obtained even greater power that expanded to no end. Goku says that all they have to do is grow stronger themselves. Vegeta says that even if he doesn't know what they'll do, they cannot forgive Zamasu. At a safe location, Bulma takes her garage out of its capsule form and resumes her repairs of the time machine. While Future Mai offers to help, Future Trunks decides to go back and help Goku and Vegeta. Future Mai hands him the remaining Senzu Beans and wishes him luck. Vegeta attacks Fused Zamasu with Goku following him, and tries to hit him with some energy blasts, however Fused Zamasu takes no damage from the attack. Fused Zamasu creates a silhouette of his energy and fires a lightning bolt at Vegeta, causing him to crash to the ground. Goku is then hit with the same attack. With the two Saiyans defeated and knocked out, Fused Zamasu proceeds to destroy the world around him, causing numerous amounts of natural disasters stretching around the entire planet.
The civilians try to run, along with Haru and Maki, but Maki trips and falls. Before a burning pole falls on her, she is saved by Future Trunks. Future Trunks tells Future Yajirobe to take everyone to where Bulma's garage is, which is nearby. Goku and Vegeta wake up and are determined to win this battle as they both assume their Super Saiyan Blue forms again. Goku and Vegeta charge again, and Fused Zamasu attacks with his Lightning of Absolution. The two Saiyans block the attack and keep charging, destroying Fused Zamasu's Wall of Light by striking its core. They both try to attack Fused Zamasu from both sides but Fused Zamasu easily blocks their punches. Fused Zamasu breaks both of their arms, and knocks them aside, once again using his Blades of Judgment attack. Future Trunks returns and sees Goku and Vegeta both beaten. Angry, he transforms into Super Saiyan Anger and charges at Fused Zamasu, who uses his Blades of Judgment. Future Trunks counters the attack with his own sword, and tries to attack Fused Zamasu with it, but his attack is blocked and he is sent plummeting to the ground. Fused Zamasu tries to destroy Future Trunks with a giant energy attack, but Future Trunks, not wanting to give up, retaliates with a Galick Gun, putting everyone's wishes into the attack. While running, Maki sees Future Trunks' discarded sword and goes towards it. Future Trunks is slowly overpowered despite his best efforts, but Vegeta gets up and fires his own Galick Gun to help his son.
Future Trunks' and Vegeta's Galick Guns eventually overpower Fused Zamasu's attack, causing a huge explosion. Future Trunks and Vegeta soon realize that their attack only made Fused Zamasu angry. When Fused Zamasu fires another Lightning of Absolution, Vegeta takes the attack full-force as it was meant for Future Trunks. When Vegeta is knocked out, Fused Zamasu prepares another Holy Wrath, but Goku appears and counters with his God Kamehameha. As Fused Zamasu powers his attack, Goku does the same, pushing the attack back.