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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 66-70 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 66: Goku is in an intense Energy Clash, clashing with Fused Zamasu's Holy Wrath with his own God Kamehameha. When Goku is being overpowered, he uses his full power to push the attack back at Fused Zamasu. The refugees and soldiers of Earth's Resistance are cooped up in Bulma's garage, and Future Mai notices Maki holding Future Trunks' discarded sword. Goku is successful at pushing Fused Zamasu's attack back, but as a result he cannot use either one of his arms due to the strain. Goku then notices Fused Zamasu beginning to mutate, gaining a purple devil-like appearance on the right side of his face. Regardless, Goku attacks Fused Zamasu with a barrage of kicks, and Fused Zamasu catches Goku's left foot and crushes it, but Goku uses his Kaio-ken to kick Fused Zamasu to the ground with his free leg. Goku immediately powers down and falls to the ground greviously injured. Goku groups up with Vegeta, Future Trunks, Shin and Gowasu, and they realize Goku's actions only made Fused Zamasu grow angry. Fused Zamasu angrily powers up, and the right half of his body begins to mutate in a similar fashion as his face. Gowasu points out Fused Zamasu's potential weakness: While Future Zamasu's body is immortal, Goku Black's body is not, and there is no synergy between Fused Zamasu's soul and body. This can cause his mortal and immortal halves to conflict, creating openings, but they will need large amounts of power to even deal any damage. Goku suggests using Potara so he and Vegeta can fuse, and Vegeta is completely against the idea, but soon realizes they have no other options. Vegeta reluctantly accepts the Potara earring and he and Goku eat a Senzu Bean. Goku asks Gowasu how come he and Vegeta split before when he was told the effects of Potara are permanent, and Gowasu explains that those who fuse that are not Supreme Kai will only stay fused for one hour. Vegeta and Goku, with one hour left to finish things, put on the earrings, and they fuse, and Vegito emerges.

Immediately after fusing, Vegito transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue, dubbing himself "Vegito Blue". Fused Zamasu fires a Holy Wrath at Vegito, who easily dissipates it, much to the corrupt God's shock. Vegito punches Fused Zamasu as he begins to once again lecture about gods and mortals, and Vegito challenges Fused Zamasu to squash him. The two then proceed to fight an intense battle, creating havoc and destruction in the surrounding area. The two fight to a stalemate, but Vegito is caught by a surprise punch and sent crashing to the ground. As Fused Zamasu prepares to finish him off with his God Split Cut, Vegito stabs him with his Spirit Sword. Vegito points out to Fused Zamasu that he is no longer immortal as he is permanently fused with a mortal, a mortal named "Goku". Fused Zamasu claims that that was the idea: by taking Goku's body as his own, he will forever be reminded of the failures of the gods and mortals. Fused Zamasu crushes Vegito's Spirit Sword and begins to power up even further, bulking up and growing larger in size. Gowasu explains that Fused Zamasu's mutations is caused by Zamasu's true feelings manifesting into power, and realizes that this is what Zamasu wished for the entire time. Bulma and Future Mai arrive, as Bulma has completely repaired the time machine, and Future Mai hands Future Trunks his (broken) sword. Future Trunks, thinking of Haru & Maki, powers up and he uses his sword's hilt as a base for his new sword created by his ki. Future Trunks then flies off towards the battle.

As Vegito continues to pummel around Fused Zamasu, he tries to finish him off with an empowered Final Kamehameha. Fused Zamasu emerges from the attack, and Vegito teleports directly to him to hit him with a god aura-cloaked punch, but as he does so, he immediately defuses back to Goku and Vegeta. Shin notes that it hasn't been an hour yet, and Gowasu says they used up all of the power they needed to sustain the fusion. Fused Zamasu takes the opportunity to knock Goku and Vegeta down together with the same punch from his powered-up mutated arm, sending the two Saiyans crashing to the ground beaten. As Fused Zamasu prepares to finish them off, his attack is countered by Super Saiyan Anger with his sword of ki. After a short struggle, Future Trunks slashes Fused Zamasu twice across the chest, but Fused Zamasu recovers from the attack and drives Future Trunks into a corner, calling him a weak mortal while also asking him where he plans to go for help next, the past or the future. Future Trunks tells him he just wants to help everyone and is not ashamed of his "mortal weakness" and begins to push Fused Zamasu back as he creates a giant, bright light around the fight scene. Haru & Maki, the soldiers of Earth's Resistance, Future Yajirobe, the refugees, Future Scratch, Future Android 8, Future Turtle, Bulma, and Future Mai all begin to be enveloped by the same light. A huge energy sphere appears in the sky, similar to the Spirit Bomb, and Future Trunks realizes it's the light from the energy of everyone on Earth. Future Trunks' sword of ki begins to grow from the light, and Goku and Vegeta give their remaining energy to Future Trunks, powering him up even further. With his new sword of ki, resembling a large cleaver, Future Trunks fights Fused Zamasu and stabs him with the sword, and then cleaving him in two.

Episode 67: Future Trunks has defeated Fused Zamasu by bifurcating him with his sword infused with the ki of everyone around him. With the death of the corrupt God, the alternate timeline is now at peace once again. Bulma and Future Mai arrive in the repaired Time Machine, and Future Mai hugs Future Trunks. Bulma tells him good job, wishing her future counterpart were alive to witness this. Shin and Gowasu also appear, and Goku and Vegeta hand Shin back his Potara earrings, but the group is interrupted by a giant cloud of smoke shrouding the sky. Gowasu and the others are surprised to see the sky of the entire world appear as silhouettes of Zamasu. Goku and Vegeta attempt to become Super Saiyan Blue, but due to their intense fight as Vegito, their energy is drained and they cannot maintain the form. Future Trunks becomes Super Saiyan Anger and flies into the sky with Goku and Vegeta following him. Goku charges a Kamehameha and fires it. Vegeta charges a Final Flash and fires it. Future Trunks charges a Galick Gun, fires it, and the three Saiyans combine their attacks into one and fire it at the sky, but the attacks are easily nullified. Gowasu speculates that Zamasu is attempting to become one with the universe in an attempt to become justice itself, having cast off his physical form of a God. Zamasu's foul energy begins shrouding the entire world and continues spreading throughout the universe laughing maniacally all the while, with his many faces in the sky firing off mouth beams causing destruction to the entire area. Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks are overwhelmed by the amount of energy Zamasu is spewing and are sent crashing to the ground.

Zamasu's influence begins to reflect onto the present timeline, shocking Trunks and everyone else there. On Beerus' Planet, Beerus and Whis begin to sense Zamasu's negative energy from their location, and they wonder what is happening in the future world. In the future world, Future Trunks and the group are isolated in a random space influenced by Zamasu's energy. Future Trunks realizes he cannot sense the ki of the civilians worldwide. Future Mai, angry at the idea that everyone has died, begins firing her gun at the Zamasu-shrouded sky. Future Mai then falls to the ground crying as Future Trunks tries to console her. Goku wishes he had one more Senzu Bean and thinks he found one in his pocket, but it turns out to be the button given to him by Zeno. Goku asks Shin if the future's Zeno is still alive, and Shin deduces that he should be as he cannot be defeated by any means. Goku presses the button and Future Zeno instantly appears in front of them.

Goku happily hugs Future Zeno while Shin and Gowasu bow in respect for him. Future Trunks asks who this is, and is surprised to hear from Bulma about Zeno's status as the most eminent God in the multiverse. Future Zeno asks who Goku is, realizing he called him, and he asks where he is, noticing the Zamasu-influenced area around him. Goku directs Future Zeno to the perpetrator, Zamasu, whose face is appearing in the sky. Goku asks if he plans to erase Zamasu, and Future Zeno confirms, also saying he will erase the entire world with him. As Future Zeno prepares to do so, Goku quickly tells everyone to leave before Future Zeno destroys them. Shin and Gowasu teleport with Kai Kai, and Bulma, Future Mai and Future Trunks climb onto and start up the time machine with Goku and Vegeta desperately hanging onto its legs. The group in the present timeline notice Zamasu being destroyed, and the time machine successfully returns after Future Zeno destroys the future universe. Trunks and Goten happily greet their fathers, Chi-Chi greets her husband, and Trunks greets his mother. Mai greets Future Trunks and meets Future Mai. Trunks is infatuated with Future Mai. Future Mai and Future Trunks are distraught over their world being destroyed by Future Zeno. Beerus and Whis arrive, along with Shin and Gowasu, who apologizes to Beerus for the trouble. Beerus responds by telling him to pick his apprentices more wisely.

Goku and Future Trunks return to the future, noticing it is just an empty, blank void, but they notice Future Zeno hovering. Goku picks him up and they return to the present, and a frazzled Beerus along with the other Gods bow for him. Goku asks Shin to take them to Zeno's Palace, and Zeno happily greets Goku and meets his future counterpart. Goku introduces the two to each other, fulfilling his promise of bringing Zeno a friend. The two Zeno happily greet each other. The Grand Minister asks Whis if this was his idea, but he says this was Goku's idea. Whis tells the Grand Minister to visit Universe 7 sometime, revealing him to be Whis' father.

At Capsule Corporation, the group is eating dinner and Whis reveals to Future Trunks that there is a way they can return to a time where their world wasn't destroyed. Beerus tells him not to give them any funny ideas, not wanting to create more Time Rings. Whis reminds Beerus that he already created a Time Ring himself when he destroyed Zamasu. Whis plans to return to a time before the Future Beerus died due to Future Shin's death, telling him to destroy Future Zamasu. Goku wonders what Future Beerus can do to an immortal Zamasu, and Whis answers by saying he has a way to seal Zamasu that's more effective than the Evil Containment Wave. When Goku and the others wonder why he didn't mention this before, Beerus tells them to stop relying on the Gods so much. Whis says there will be a problem: as they are returning to a certain point in the past with an already alive Future Trunks and Future Mai, they would have to live with a second Future Trunks and Future Mai that already exists in that point in time. Future Mai thinks for a little bit and accepts it, wanting to live together with everyone she fought with. Whis and Beerus then leave. In Universe 10, Gowasu locks up the Time Rings seeing the new Time Ring in shame, blaming himself for the events that transpired.

Future Trunks and Future Mai prepare to leave and they say their goodbyes, with Future Mai given new clothes and capsules full of food and supplies from Bulma. Goku compliments Future Trunks for how much he's grown, saying he should be strong enough to handle any threat. Vegeta suddenly attacks Future Trunks, who easily blocks the attack, and the two smile at each other as Vegeta accepts how strong his son has gotten since his initial return to the past. As Future Trunks and Future Mai prepare to leave, Gohan and Piccolo arrive, and Gohan raises his fist at Future Trunks. Future Trunks, thinking of his teacher, begins to cry. Gohan yells at Future Trunks to take care of himself. Future Trunks accepts this and cries tears of joy, and says one last goodbye to everyone as he and Future Mai return to the future.

Episode 68: Late at night at Capsule Corporation, Bulma enters her lab, and after making sure she's not being followed, she reveals the Time Machine owned by Future Trunks (apparently repaired after Goku Black destroyed it, as Future Trunks and Future Mai traveled with Cell's time machine). Despite knowing that time manipulation is a major crime, Bulma insists on working on it as a scientist, proving that she could accomplish the same feat as her future self. Bulma tries to test it and turns it on, but it says "error". Bulma is frazzled and wonders if the material she is using cannot be used as the correct material the time machine needs only exists in the future. Bulma insists on not giving up and goes through the notebook left behind by Future Bulma.

At King Kai's Planet, Goku decides to finally wish King Kai, Bubbles and Gregory back to life. Goku recalls the last time they used the Dragon Balls was to ask Shenron about the Super Dragon Balls, prior to the Tournament of Destroyers, and deduces that enough time has passed by now so they can be used again. King Kai happily embraces Goku and thanks him for his kind words. Goku promises not to disappoint them and to treat reviving them as a priority. Bulma looks on her computer for the missing material, and ends up finding it, but it only exists on the Earth's core. Goku then teleports to her, and Bulma is surprised and succeeds in hiding the Time Machine by quickly turning the lights off (Goku appeared in-between her and the time machine so the time machine is behind Goku). Bulma berates Goku on not knocking, and Goku asks her for the Dragon Radar. Bulma lends it to him and Goku flies off. Bulma realizes she can ask Shenron to get her the material she needs for the time machine.

Master Roshi is relaxing at Kame House, and Chi-Chi and Android 18 are shopping with Marron. Android 18 thinks about Krillin, who always treats her and Marron but he never told Android 18 what he would want. Android 18 wants to surprise him with a present. Bulma eats a snack and waits for Goku to find the Dragon Balls, and Beerus and Whis suddenly stand behind her. The two Gods tell Bulma they have arrived because they want delicious food. Bulma plans to feed them food so they can leave before Goku finds the Dragon Balls. Bulma takes them to a crab house and they have fun with the lobster instead of eating it. Goku collects all the Dragon Balls and returns to Capsule Corp. Goku doesn't find Bulma there, and proceeds to call Shenron. Bulma notices the sky turning dark and hurries back to Capsule Corp., leaving Beerus and Whis there to eat. Shenron says that due to granting only one wish before, Goku has two wishes he can make. Before Goku can revive King Kai, he is interrupted by Android 18, Oolong, and Master Roshi. Oolong wants a wish for himself, but Master Roshi recalls him wishing for ladies' underwear (in order to prevent Pilaf from wishing for world domination).

Android 18 asks Goku if she can have the second wish, but Master Roshi and Oolong want it. Pilaf, Mai and Shu are hiding, and Pilaf tries to wish for world domination, but he is interrupted by Trunks and Goten, who want their wish granted. Android 18 tells them about growing up working for what they earn as that is good for their education. Pilaf tries to get the wish again but he is interrupted by Gohan with Pan. Gohan asks to use a wish to cure Pan, who is suffering from a fever and none of the hospital medicine is working due to her Saiyan blood. Everyone agrees, and Shenron grants the first wish of curing Pan. Pan is cured and she happily flies in the air. Thanking everyone, Gohan flies away with Pan, and Shenron asks for the last wish. Before Goku can wish for King Kai's revival, the others ask why King Kai can't just wait and they begin to argue for their wish.

Bulma arrives and wants the wish for herself. She talks Android 18 out of wishing by telling her that Krillin would rather have Android 18 and Marron home with him than a superficial present. She talks Master Roshi out of wishing by paying some girls 10 million Zeni to drive away with him. She talks Oolong out of wishing by paying Android 18 to flick Oolong away. She asks Goten and Trunks what their wish is, but they have no idea, and Bulma tells them to think about a wish first. In order to give Goku his wish, Bulma asks him to bring her the material she needs from the Earth's core, telling him to wear Capsule Corp's special suit. Shenron prepares to leave without granting any wish, but Bulma coerces him to stay because of Beerus (Shenron senses Beerus still at the crab shop). Beerus and Whis leave the crab shop and sense Goku's energy, meeting him at the Earth's core. Shenron is told to stay a little longer by Bulma, regardless of his body fading away.

Beerus, Whis and Goku return, and Bulma is exposed as Beerus recognizes the material as it is needed for a time machine. Whis reminds her of time traveling being a crime, and Beerus not only destroys the material, but also destroys her laboratory with the time machine. As Bulma cries, Goku prepares to wish King Kai back but before he can Shenron leaves due to staying for far too long. Goku apologizes and tells King Kai he'll do it next time, and King Kai yells at him.

Episode 69: Mr. Pig announces that Arale Norimaki has arrived to Dragon Ball Super. An opening showing the settings of Dr. Slump plays as Arale and the Gatchans runs and arrives to Senbei Norimaki's house. She catches Mr. Norimaki as he is leaving to West City to attend a world invention conference. Arale says she wants to go with him, but Mr. Norimaki drives off, telling her to house-sit while he is gone.

The scene changes to the world invention conference in West City, where an award will be presented to the scientist with the best invention. Goku is working security at the event (Chi-Chi pushes him to work as Mr. Satan presented him the job), and he is shown yawning in front of the door wearing a suit and he has gel in his hair. Bulma is also a nominee, and she is sitting at a table along with Vegeta and Trunks. Vegeta ignores the interviewer who attempts to ask him a question. Bulma and Trunks try to get Vegeta to smile just for the day, but Vegeta exclaims he doesn't care about an award. Outside, Goku rips his suit and his hair falls back into place, so he rips off the suit's sleeves and walks off. The award-presenting ceremony begins, and the winner of the best invention is announced to be Mr. Norimaki for his Reality Machine #2. Mr. Norimaki, eating loads of food at his table, is surprised to hear he won and showcases his invention on the stage. Using the Reality Machine, Mr. Norimaki conjures a girly magazine and Mr. Satan uses it to conjure an action figure of himself, impressed at the invention. Bulma and Trunks are also impressed at the invention. When Mr. Satan is about to hand Mr. Norimaki his medal, a voice yells out that he objects; the voice is turned out to be from Dr. Mashirito.

Dr. Mashirito is frustrated that even though he is Mr. Norimaki's rival, he was not invited to the ceremony. Mr. Norimaki points out that he died in the Dr. Slump comic, but Dr. Mashirito points out that he is a Ghost, and that he escaped from Hell upon hearing the news. Dr. Mashirito reveals he brought Arale and the Gatchans with them, having slipped a special chemical in their food while they were house-sitting, explaining the chemical named Playtine-X increases their desire to play by a hundred-fold. Dr. Mashirito tells Arale and the Gatchans to play with the attendees. Mr. Satan, wanting to put his name out there even more, offers to play with Arale, but she playfully but forcefully pushes Mr. Satan into the wall. Arale and the Gatchans then begin playing, causing havoc and destroying the whole building. Mr. Satan tells everyone to evacuate, and asks Vegeta if he can deal with Arale. Vegeta gets up and confronts her, calling her an undisciplined brat, and Arale is excited upon hearing that Vegeta is strong. Arale charges towards Vegeta, who takes a fighting stance.

Outside, Goku is in his normal Dogi and is taking a nap, but wakes up when Vegeta is knocked out of the building and crashes right next to him. Vegeta breaks the fourth wall by calling Arale a gag comic character with absurd strength. Goku and Arale spot each other, but they don't seem to recognize each other. Goku is reluctant on hitting Arale to knock her out. Vegeta powers up and lands a full-force hit on Arale, knocking her far away. When Vegeta smirks, Arale knocks him down from behind, having been sent around the globe. Vegeta breaks the fourth wall again by saying that common sense doesn't apply to Arale as she is a gag character. Vegeta points out a UFO, and when Arale turns around, Vegeta kicks her into a statue and her head falls off. The group is surprised to see Arale is still functional and casually puts her head back on. Arale points out that she is a robot, and casually punches the ground, splitting the Earth in half. Arale knocks Vegeta away with her Arale Kick. Arale catches up to Vegeta and uses a Headbutt on him, launching the Saiyan far away.

Arale wants to play with Goku now, who recognizes her after watching that headbutt. Arale also recognizes Goku. Excited, Goku compliments Arale's strength and transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue. Arale, excited, fires her N'cha Cannon and Goku counters it with his God Kamehameha, causing an explosion. Arale prepares to fire another N'Cha Cannon, this time with its power x100, and Goku says he's not sure if he can counter it, but he attempts to, charging another God Kamehameha. Mr. Satan is worried that it's the end of the world if Goku can't stop her. Bulma calls Whis, who asks for Beerus to come and deal with Arale. Whis tells her that Beerus has just fallen asleep and that a God like him should not be used like a temp staff. Mr. Norimaki and Trunks are trying to stop Dr. Mashirito, but cannot touch him as he is a Ghost. Mr. Norimaki suggests that they use poo, and conjures some with the Reality Machine #2. Goku and Arale are charging their attacks as Trunks hurls the poo in front of Arale, who begins poking at it with a stick. This is an attempt to buy time as they must come up with something before Arale loses interest in the poop.

Bulma comes up with another idea and picks up the video camera showing the conference live around the world. She points it at Reality Machine #2, and tells everyone to imagine the most delicious food they can think of. Everyone around the world watching does so, and when Reality Machine #2 gets everyone's images, he creates a small, brown orb which consists of the food everyone thought of. Beerus immediately wakes up upon sensing this food, and he and Whis crash onto the scene, with Whis commenting he never went that fast before. Beerus picks up the orb as Dr. Mashirito condescendingly talks to him, but he is destroyed with Whis claiming that Beerus can destroy anything, even if it is a ghost. Beerus eats the orb, and is incredibly overjoyed by its taste. Arale calls Beerus a cat and asks him to play, but the insulted Beerus taps his foot and creates a shockwave that knocks everyone back. Beerus prepares to attack Arale with an energy beam, but before he does so, his stomach begins convulsing due to what he ate and he and Whis instantly go back home.

Later, the chemical runs out and Arale and the Gatchans calm down. Mr. Norimaki prepares to leave with them and he apologizes to the group for the trouble. Goku and Arale agree to fight again and they say their goodbyes. Trunks asks Bulma if they are forgetting something, and the scene changes to Vegeta hanging off a branch on a cliff, claiming he will never fight a gag comic character again.

Episode 70: Champa calls Beerus and challenges him to a baseball game between Universe 6 and Universe 7 in order to "cultivate the friendship" between them, and after Beerus accepts the challenge, Champa reveals to Vados that he tricked Beerus into accepting the game, only so that Champa could steal Earth's delicious food for himself and claims that he'll let someone else play in his place. Vados, however, tricks Champa into entering the game after she claims that Earth's food will be tastier after practising sports, something that Champa believes in and decides to be part of the game, and asks Vados the rules of baseball before they arrive on Earth.

At the baseball arena, Beerus' team, composed of Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Trunks, Gohan and Yamcha are preparing for the game, while Beerus acts as their coach. Meanwhile, Champa's team, composed of Champa himself, Cabba, Botamo, Magetta, Vegeta and Goten (replacing Hit and Frost), are also preparing for the game. Whis and Vados, the referees for the game, declare that all sorts of destruction are forbidden and tells each team to bow. Goku notices that Hit is not part of Champa's team, and Champa states that getting in touch with Hit was too difficult. Bulma, Videl, 18, Chi-Chi and Puar are spectating, and while 18 wonders if Yamcha was suitable as captain, both Puar and Bulma state that baseball was Yamcha's specialty, and noticed that everyone else from Beerus' team didn't understand baseball at all. As Goku prepares to pitch, Champa tells him to throw it with all he's got, and Goku then transforms into Super Saiyan Blue. Beerus shouts from the bench to not let Champa hit, and when Bulma informs him that its only a "friendship" match, Beerus claims that it was still a fight between them, and he would win it. Goku throws the ball, and causes it a huge crater on the field, but Champa failed to hit nonetheless so Whis declares it a strike. Whis and Vados use their powers to repair the field. As Whis reminds Goku that destruction was forbidden in the game, he tells Goku that if he destroys the field again, he would be thrown out, and Beerus tells Goku to throw it lightly next time. However, Goku throws the ball too slow, and after a long period of time waiting, Champa finally hits the ball, but it goes out in space, and Gohan declares it a foul and Whis declares it strike two.

For the third time, Goku throws the ball, but Champa finally hits it and starts running around the field, but Trunks launches a Ki Blast onto the ball to prevent a homerun and has it falls right on Trunks' hand, and Whis declares Champa out as a result. Champa claims that Trunks cheated, but Vados notes that the rules don't say its against the use of energy. Yamcha wants to pitch next, while Botamo says he'll knock it to pieces. Yamcha uses his Wolf Fang Pitching Fist Ball to throw the ball, and when Botamo is about to hit the ball, Yamcha controls the ball to avoid the bat and successfully land a strike. Yamcha claims that it was the combination of his Wolf Fang Fist and his Spirit Ball attacks, declaring it his greatest technique. Yamcha successfully lands two more strikes and Whis declares it batter out. Cabba is next, but Yamcha again manages to land three strikes. As the others praise Yamcha, Vegeta is next and claims he figured baseball out.

As Vegeta prepares to pitch, Bulma cheers on both Vegeta and Yamcha, leaving Yamcha blushing and claims he won't lose to Vegeta at baseball. Vegeta throws the ball and hits Yamcha with it, and Vegeta believes he won, but Whis declares it hit by pitch, and Bulma asks Vegeta what was he doing, and Vegeta responds by saying that he wins by "beating" everyone, something that Goku also believes. Whis, however, informs Vegeta that if he hits Yamcha again, he'll be thrown out for reckless pitching, and both Vegeta and Goku realize that they're not supposed to hit the players, and Vegeta declares baseball as an annoying game, and Goku takes Yamcha's place. Vegeta goes Super Saiyan Blue, and so does Goku, stating he'll use his full power. As Vegeta pitches the ball at full power, Goku manages to hit the ball, but the pressure causes Goku to struggle in sending the ball flying away, and when Goku starts pushing the ball away, Vegeta launches a barrage of energy blasts towards Goku, pushing him back to prevent him from pushing the ball away. As Vegeta prepares his Final Flash, he gets distracted by Yamcha's running and Goku finally sends the ball away, but Botamo catches it and Yamcha starts running. When Cabba throws the ball back to Vegeta, Yamcha is approaching, with Champa behind him, but Vegeta catches ball and elbows Yamcha, followed by Champa hitting Yamcha with his knee, sending him flying away. Vados declares Champa's obstruction as unfair and declares Yamcha safe. As Gohan prepares to head to the arena, Piccolo informs him that Magetta, the pitcher this time, can't fly, and tells Gohan to hit the ball to the air. Gohan successfully manages to do so, but Magetta launches Botamo in the air to catch the ball, and as Yamcha is running, Cabba shouts to someone pick him off and Champa throws the ball at Yamcha, causing him to fall flat on his face. As Champa believes he won, Whis declares Yamcha safe and Vados informs Champa that Yamcha was safe because Champa needed to be holding the ball to have Yamcha out.

As Champa mocks Yamcha and calls their coach a wuss, Beerus takes insult and confronts Champa. As the two brothers began arguing more and more, they soon begin clashing and causing destruction around the arena, and everyone hides inside Whis and Vados' shields, but Goku states that if two Gods of Destruction fight one another, the entire universe would be destroyed. As their battle heats up, they are stopped by Whis and Vados, who again inform them that destruction was forbidden and call the game off. As Champa and Beerus believe they ended up on a tie, Vados informs him that it was Universe 7's walk-off victory and as they look at the crater, they see Yamcha with his hand at the base, which gained Universe 7 the win. As everyone praises Yamcha, Krillin noticed that Yamcha's laying pose was familiar, and Piccolo claims its a "bitter memory", and so does Gohan. Yamcha then passes out after saying that he may have his own different walk-out. During their trip back to Universe 6, Champa is seen practicing along with the rest of the Universe 6 members, and claims he won't lose next time, and Vados notices that Champa forgot the real reason he challenged Beerus in the first place.



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