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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 71-75 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 71: Gohan, Piccolo, and Goten discover the lifeless body of Goku laying on the ground and begin to mourn his death, then the title page appears.

Earlier, at Goku's House, Goku is quietly meditating by himself, sensing everything around him. He is interrupted by Chi-Chi telling him that dinner is ready. Chi-Chi and Goten watch Goku's strange behavior, as he picks up and eats one grain of rice after another instead of eating how he usually does. He thinks to himself that he cannot sense "his" energy, and that "he" might be masking it. He tells Chi-Chi that he senses three cockroaches behind the fridge. He then immediately senses someone outside put up their fist and rushes to confront that person, only to realize that it was the mailman about to knock on the door. The mailman nervously hands Goku his mail as the Saiyan apologetically says hello.

On Beerus' Planet, Vegeta is training with Whis and Beerus notes that Goku is not there, wondering why he has skipped on training recently. He wonders if Goku is training on his own on Earth, as he expects Goku to be able to impress Zeno with his strength at the multi-universal tournament in order to keep Zeno satisfied, calling Goku the lead fighter of Universe 7, much to Vegeta's chagrin. Beerus orders Whis to personally train Goku. Vegeta asks Whis if Goku is undergoing some kind of special training, asking to be a part of that training, as well. As Whis tells him Vegeta he only completed a partial portion of his training regimen, Vegeta becomes a Super Saiyan Blue and prepares to finish the rest.

In a city, Goku is grocery shopping for Chi-Chi, still sensing everything around him. Gohan and Goten are following Goku, worried about their father. Not wanting to be discovered, Gohan proposes they go incognito, and he becomes the Great Saiyaman. Gohan offers Goten the same costume, but Goten, calling the costume lame, settles on just sunglasses. Gohan is disappointed as in the past Goten thought the costume was cool. Keeping his eyes closed, Goku is walking, having walked in front of a movie playing in the theater, an aquarium, and in a women's lingerie store. Goku finally opens his eyes to see a piece of a bra and panties on a mannequin. Goku then walks outside, and Gohan and Goten apologize to the skeptical storekeepers. Goku begins to frantically look around for whatever he's looking for, and casually walks into the open road as Bulma crashes into him, destroying her car against Goku. Bulma, frustrated, tries to hit Goku but Goku instinctively dodges it. Gohan and Goten are confused as Goku usually never dodges Bulma's punches. Gohan plans to ask Goku what his deal is over dinner.

Later that night, the Son Family and Piccolo are having dinner and Gohan and Videl's house. Goku begins to eat like he usually does again, and when he's alone, Gohan and Goten approach him and ask him what's wrong. Goku tells them he knew they were following him in the city. Goku promises them to keep this a secret from Chi-Chi, and tells them that he senses that someone is after his life.

Meanwhile, in a populated city in Universe 6, Hit is assigned the job to assassinate someone wealthy. He walks to the huge building where the individual serves as the boss and uses Time-Skip to go through the gate while not alerting the guards. Hit casually uses Time-Skip to slip pass everyone in the building completely unnoticed. As he goes up the elevator, the guards in the room where the boss is realize there is no guests scheduled at this time, and prepare to confront whoever comes up the elevator. Hit, sensing them, uses Time-Skip to freeze time for everyone in the room besides him and his target sitting in the back. Hit casually dodges the boss's secret laser beam attack, and as he pleads for his life, Hit instantly kills him with one blow to his heart. Ending the Time-Skip, Hit disappears as the confused guards check on their boss, dead on the floor. Hit takes the chain the boss was wearing and hangs it up, revealing his next target to be Goku.

Back on Earth, Piccolo notices Gohan's concern for Goku, asking what's wrong and to not keep secrets from him. Gohan tells him about someone being after Goku's life. Piccolo appears to not be worried as he says there aren't many people who can suddenly take Goku's life, but is surprised to hear Gohan saying Hit. Goku senses Hit approaching and quietly flies away, not wanting anyone to get in the way of his fight. Piccolo, Gohan and Goten soon notice that Goku is gone. Vegeta and Whis are still training, and Vegeta says he has three more times. Whis corrects him by saying he has thirteen more times.

In a secluded location, Goku senses Hit's energy, but it's faint. Knowing he's there, Goku becomes a Super Saiyan Blue. Piccolo, Gohan and Goten can no longer sense Goku's energy and realize he transformed and is using his godly ki. They then fly to where they last sensed Goku's energy. Goku tells Hit to show himself, and he stands behind Goku, telling him he was hired to kill him. Although, Hit says that if Goku were to disappear, he will spare him and say that he killed him, but Goku declines the offer. Hit tells Goku to turn around, as his method of assassination works with one blow to the front. Goku does so and prepares to fight, reminding Hit that his Time-Skip won't work on him, but Hit says he knows not to use it. Goku attacks Hit, but none of his attacks are working as they are simply going through Hit. Goku then backs up and charges a Ki Blast, while Hit holds his fist up. Goku notes that he won't be able to land a punch at that distance, but Hit uses the same attack he used on his last assassination: a single, invisible strike to Goku's heart. Goku's Ki Blast is shot into space as he falls over and dies. Hit says he will come back to see Goku's grave and disappears.

The same scene from the beginning of the episode now plays, with Gohan, Goten and Piccolo discovering Goku's dead body and mourning his death.

Episode 72: Gohan, Goten and Piccolo are unsuccessfully trying to revive Goku. Gohan suddenly senses an energy blast falling from the sky, and Piccolo tells them to move out of the way as the blast hits Goku, bringing him back to life. Piccolo claims that Goku probably launched that attack before collapsing in order to revive himself, and Goku states he actually saw King Yemma for a brief moment. As Goten claims he'll get revenge on Hit for killing him, Goku refuses, saying that their fight was between them, and wouldn't allow him to interfere. Goku then calls out for Hit, knowing he was still around, and claims he was still alive. Hit masks his energy, but his voice can be heard throughout the land, and tells Goku he indeed fulfilled his mission because Goku was killed, even if momentarily. Goku, however, states it didn't count because of the "three second rule". Goku then goes Super Saiyan Blue and flies away, while telling Hit to follow him.

Goku arrives in a forest, and tells Hit to face him so they could fight again. Hit then uses his Flash Fist Crush, which passes through the trees, but Goku narrowly avoids the attack, while saying that Hit failed in his promise to kill him with a single strike. Goku states he was surprised that Hit's attacks were able to pass through the trees, but states that its helping him figure out his ability; Hit is lauching invisible energy blasts. Hit states that knowing about it wouldn't stop them, and Goku tells Hit to go somewhere with more space for them to fight.

As they head to an abyss near the ocean, Goku charges up, and Hit states that letting off his energy in the darkness was like telling him exactly where he was. Hit states he'd never missed a target before, and as Goku claims he thought the same, Hit claims he'd used any methods to get his targets, before launching another invisible energy blast, but Goku avoids the attack, and Hit claims that Goku indeed figured the technique out in his third try. As Goku charges at Hit, he can't hit him, Hit avoiding the attacks, even when extreme close to Goku. Goku wonders if it was the Afterimage Technique, but quickly learns it wasn't the case. Hit suddenly disappears and re-appears next to Goku and sends him to the ground with his Sledgehammer attack, burying Goku underneath several rocks, but Goku quickly breaks out of it. Goku claims that Hit was stronger since the Tournament of Destroyers, but states that Hit could go even further. Goku suddenly begins shaking, and wonders why. Hit claims Goku's shaking was from fear rather than excitement, and Goku states that he was right.

Meanwhile, at Beerus' Planet, Vegeta is training with Whis, and Vegeta quickly gets exhausted. Whis claims there was three more times to go, and Vegeta claims he'll trade the remaining three times to go for an extra-fine steak. Whis, however, claims he'd already had steak several times and would need something tasty he'd never eaten before. Vegeta quickly claims he'll put the Granny's Secret Sauce on it, and Whis accepts.

Back on Earth, Goku states that he couldn't land a single strike on Hit, but would give it a shot nonetheless and charges at him, but passes right through him several times, while Hit doesn't move at all. Hit suddenly moves in an incredibly speed and hits Goku with a knee to the gut. Goku claims there was something off, feeling as if there was two of Hit, and Hit kicks Goku into the rocks. Champa, with Vados at this side, who are watching the battle, is surprised that Goku was still alive, while claiming that Hit was at his best. Vados states that Goku was indeed having trouble, and Champa wonders why Goku can't land a strike on Hit. Vados asks Champa if he knew the reason for Hit's Time-Skip being called by that name, and Champa claims it was because he stopped time. Vados, however, states that Hit wasn't stopping time, but actually "skipping" time, and Champa wonders what "skipping time" meant. Vados explains that Hit could store the time he'd skipped, and with that stored time, Hit could create a separate space, a parallel world, and could move freely to and from there, and states that was the reason he could be seen, but not touched. Champa comically states it was so amazing that he couldn't even understand.

As Goku is recuperating his energy, he claims that a little more time and he would get ahold of something, and Hit suddenly appears in front of him and sarcastically asks Goku to get ahold of him. Goku tries to land several kicks and punches, but it passes right through Hit once again. Hit uses his Time-Storage to attack Goku and punches him, but Goku manages to scratch him before being sent flying back by the punch, and Hit states he wasn't surprised that Goku could actually scratch him. Vados claims that their fight was like watching a re-creation of the tournament, and Champa claims that Goku would be a threat in the next tournament, and claims that Vados was right in hiring Hit to assassinate Goku. Vados, however, claims she only hired Hit by proxy and the real client was someone else. As Goku lands punches and kicks that pass through Hit, Goku claims that his body was actually somewhere else when he's being attacked, something that Hit confirms, and Goku states that Hit couldn't attack him while using the Time-Storage and only returned to the real world when Hit decided to attack, and states he aimed at that very moment. Hit states it wasn't that he couldn't attack, before sending another invisible blast towards Goku. Vados claims that Hit wasn't holding back when showing his movements and states that Hit was actually enjoying the fight.

As Champa claims than an assassin shouldn't be enjoying fighting their targets, Vados claims that at that very moment, Hit wasn't an assassin, but merely a Martial Artist, and Hit states that he still could attack despite his body being somewhere else. Goku compliments Hit and says that he's always one step ahead of him, but claims he'd never let anyone beat him and get away with it, but Beerus, who was watching from afar with Whis and Vegeta, claims that Goku kept getting beat by him. Goku asks them what they were doing there, and Beerus informs him they were there to observe the fight, and Whis states they weren't the only ones and points towards Champa and Vados. Beerus tells Goku to hurry and finish the fight, and begins powering up and Hit teleports himself to his separate space, but Goku's energy begins cracking Hit's space, much to his, Champa and Vados' shock. As Hit's space cracks, Goku launches a Kamehameha, which completely destroys Hit's space and the two fall to the ground exhausted.

As the sun rises, Goku and Hit smile at their tremendous fight, and Vegeta claims that Goku seemed to enjoy fighting Hit more than he enjoyed fighting him, but Goku claims that it wasn't the case as Hit was after his life. Vegeta asks Hit who hired him, but Hit refuses to answer, saying that he wouldn't disclose his client. Beerus asks Vegeta if he didn't secretly hired Hit, but Vegeta tells Beerus to not be stupid, and Beerus threatens by calling him stupid and Vegeta quickly apologises. Whis asks Vegeta if he didn't any clue on who hired Hit and after some quick thinking, Vegeta looks at Goku and deduces that Goku hired Hit himself so he could fight him at his best, something that Goku confirmed. Hit asks if it was true, and Goku apologises for hiding it, saying that if Hit knew that Goku had hired him, he wouldn't fight him at full power. Hit smiles and claims that Goku was so deep that he couldn't understand him, and Goku asks in a friendly way if he was complementing him. Beerus asks Whis if he had anything to do with it, and Whis claims that Goku begged him to help him hire Hit, so Whis contacted Vados and had her contact Hit and hire him to go after Goku. Beerus tells Whis to not do such reckless things again, but Whis claims that Beerus wanted Goku trained, but Beerus claimed he wanted Whis to train Goku himself.

As Piccolo, Goten and Gohan arrive with Chi-Chi with them, Hit asks Goku if his mission had a time limit, and Goku says there isn't. Hit claims that he couldn't kill him with so many witnesses around and smiled as he told Goku he would take his time killing him and told him to watch his back before flying away. Champa and Vados depart afterwards as Goku's friends arrive. Chi-Chi asks Goku if he was all right and says that Piccolo told her everything, and asks Goku who hired Hit to kill him. Goku fakes not knowing who hired Hit, and Chi-Chi assumes it was Frost and Goku quietly tells Vegeta to not tell anyone that Goku hired him. Beerus and Whis remind Vegeta about their agreement about the steak with Granny's Secret Sauce, but Vegeta panicks after remembering he made everything up, and Goku claims he wants to fight Hit again soon.

Episode 73: Mr. Satan reveals to Videl and Gohan that he is starring in a new superhero film: "Great Saiyaman vs. Mister Satan"! As Videl, Gohan, and Pan check out the film set, the lead in the film –- a famous but self-absorbed actor named Barry Kahn – becomes enamored with Videl and tries to woo her. Videl rejects Barry in front of the entire film crew, which angers him. Seeking revenge on Videl for his humiliation, Barry convinces Gohan to take over as the main stuntman for the film in order to embarrass and potentially maim him. As Gohan is the real Great Saiyaman, he uses his powers to easily take on the role. Gohan later dons the suit again for a fight against a pair of bank robbers. When the film crew accuses Gohan of using the suit and stopping the bank robbery, Bulma bails him out. However, Gohan's identity is accidentally revealed to Cocoa, who is a starlet in the film. Cocoa blackmails Gohan into flying her around the city. Meanwhile, Jaco chases after a being known as Watagash, which is an extraterrestrial parasitic criminal that possesses its hosts. Suspecting that "The Great Saiyaman" might be the host of Watagash, Jaco attacks Gohan with a vaporizing cannon.

Episode 74: Gohan manages to dodge Jaco's cannon blast and learns of Watagash's ability to possess its hosts. Cocoa brings Gohan back to her apartment to rehearse, but she hides the fact that she was forced by Barry to let photos be taken of the pair for the tabloids. She has a secret change of heart and does not let the photos get taken in her room. When the pair go to the roof the next morning, Barry gets the pictures of Gohan getting a kiss from Cocoa and revealing himself as Great Saiyaman. Barry immediately brings the photos to Videl in an attempt to expose Gohan as a cheater. As he tries to woo Videl again, she sees through Barry's act and refuses his advances. Watagash finds and possesses Barry by turning him into a powerful monster in the process. The possessed Barry dispatches Gohan and kidnaps Pan. He seeks a final showdown with Gohan. Barry proves formidable. Gohan is nearly killed in the struggle. Videl and Pan express complete faith in Gohan's desire to protect them and call out for his aid. Gohan transforms into "Super Great Saiyaman" and knocks out Barry, which separates him from Watagash in the process. The film becomes a hit. Cocoa blackmails Barry into keeping Gohan's secret with the knowledge that Barry was the monster that attacked the city. Now seeing him as less of a threat, Jaco lets Watagash escape.

Episode 75: In the field where Goku usually works, Chi-Chi talks to Gohan and Goten about Goku firing Ki Blasts to plow the field, saying him training and working is like killing two birds with one stone. Gohan asks why he was called, and Goten says that it is boring for Goku without anyone to fight, since Beerus and Whis are attending a Multiverse Supreme Kai-God of Destruction joint summit. Vegeta and Piccolo are also busy, so Gohan was called. Before Gohan asks if Goten could do it, Chi-Chi gets angry that she does not want Goten to train with Goku. Gohan exclaims he doesn't fight anymore, but calls on one man for the job: Great Saiyaman. Goku asks what Gohan is doing, but Gohan remains in his Great Saiyaman character and prepares to fight a sparring match with Goku. Goku accepts and charges, and him and Gohan exchange powerful blows that creates shockwaves around the area. The two begin to fight more seriously, and they both transform into Super Saiyans. The two continue their fight, but Chi-Chi stops them from fighting even longer because they are destroying the field. Later at home, Goku is doing push-ups while Goten is sitting on him, and Goku wishes to spar some more. Goten suggests that he asks Krillin, but despite Chi-Chi saying that he's busy with his police officer duties, Goku leaves, and Chi-Chi prepares to call Android 18 to warn her.

Meanwhile, Krillin and a couple of police officers are chasing a pair of criminals. Krillin uses his speed to appear in front of their car and cause them to crash, but the two parties engage in a shoot-off. Krillin protects one officer from the criminal's shot, but his arm is grazed. Goku suddenly appears and greets Krillin, and the two criminals prepare to shoot Goku because they think he's also an officer. Goku suddenly moves in front of them and bends their guns, allowing the officers to arrest the criminals; they also thank Goku for his cooperation. Krillin asks if Goku showed up to help him, but Goku wants to train. The two return to Krillin's house, and Krillin bandages his arm while Goku plays with Marron. Krillin says that him sparring with Goku wouldn't be satisfying, plus he quit martial arts and he just works as a cop. Goku just wants a training partner, plus he reminded Krillin that he fought when Frieza was revived. Android 18 shows up and picks up Marron, showing her disappointment in Krillin injured from a mere bullet, wondering why her husband is a spineless weakling while Marron exclaims she wants a strong father. Krillin is inspired by their words and agrees to spar with Goku, wanting to become stronger himself. While the two spar outside, they reminisce about training under Master Roshi as kids. They both agree to continue their training at Kame House.

When they arrive, Krillin asks Master Roshi to retrain him, giving him a lady magazine as an incentive. Master Roshi asks where Goku's greeting is, and Goku asks if he can train him too. Master Roshi says he'd be a boring opponent for Goku, who has gained power of the Gods. Krillin asks if Master Roshi could train him against Goku, saying it would also benefit his job and his well-being to become stronger. Goku is forced to put on a heavy turtle suit that he can barely walk in. Krillin bans Goku from flying and transforming into a Super Saiyan, saying he needs Goku to be at a disadvantage otherwise he would be killed. The two begin to fight, and despite Krillin's aggressive assault, he notices that the heavy suit Goku is wearing is not affecting his movements at all. Goku attacks back, and before he can land a heavy punch, Master Roshi calls off the spar. Goku then thanks Krillin for training with him.

Later that night while Goku is asleep, Krillin is outside training on his own. Master Roshi notices the doubt in Krillin, saying he has a confused will. The next morning, Master Roshi says their next training will be running an errand for him: picking up an herb called a Paradise Plant, that only grows in a deep forest on a remote island. It will be a race, and while Goku is excited, Master Roshi reveals the prize: his treasured photograph collection of girls. Goku and Krillin are uninterested in the prize, and Master Roshi reveals another prize: a training technique that can increase their strength. Goku and Krillin agree to pick up the herb, and they fly to the island. Goku and Krillin meet Fortuneteller Baba, who reveals Master Roshi asked her to observe their race with her crystal ball. Goku and Krillin prepare to race to find the Paradise Plant, and they enter an eerie forest.

Goku and Krillin notices something strange about the forest they're in, and a number of strange figures surround them: giant versions of Perfect Cell, Final Form Frieza, Vegeta, Nappa, the Ginyu Force, King Piccolo, and Super Buu. Krillin also notices Tambourine, his murderer from the King Piccolo Saga, and is trembled with fear.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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