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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 76-80 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 76: Goku and Krillin are in the mysterious forest, surrounded by giant illusions of Frieza, Tambourine, Super Buu, Vegeta, Nappa, Cell, King Piccolo, and the Ginyu Force. Two more illusions also appear: Dabura and Raditz. Goku tries to calm the terrified Krillin down, assuring him they're nothing but illusions, as he casually throws a punch at the fake Vegeta. Goku is surprised to see the fake Vegeta catch his punch and knock him aside, as if he's completely solid. The two are aware the illusions are fake, as the real Vegeta wouldn't be there with them. Goku and Krillin prepare to fight the illusions. Krillin kicks aside the fake Nappa, and as the fake Tambourine prepares to attack him, Krillin has a flashback of Tambourine killing him in the King Piccolo Saga. Krillin frantically dodges his attack and runs, but as the fake Frieza charges at him, he has a flashback of Frieza killing him in the Frieza Saga. He is then confronted by the fake Super Buu, and has a flashback of Super Buu killing him in the Fusion Saga. As Krillin runs into the fake Dabura, he has a flashback of Dabura turning him into stone in the Babidi Saga. Goku kicks Dabura aside and tells Krillin he has to fight, too. The two are then confronted by an illusion of Bulma.

At Kame House, Fortuneteller Baba arrives, and Master Roshi thanks her for her help. Baba charges him ten million Zeni for her help, and simply says that he owes her. Baba then broadcasts the events in the forest through her Crystal Ball, and Android 18 shows up with Marron. 18 sees Krillin trembling with fear, and the two explain to her that he and Goku are in the Forest of Terror, where memories deep in the heart take form. Goku takes Krillin and tries to fly away from the illusions, suggesting that he and Krillin both use the Kamehameha to take out the illusions, which they successfully do as the illusions all disappear from the blast. Goku prepares to go back to finding the herb, but a completely frightened Krillin gives up and wants to leave, saying he can't call this fun like Goku can. Krillin yells out that he's scared. Krillin flies away and Goku chases after him, but they are trapped by the forest's trees that blocked the way out. The illusions also re-appear, even more giant than they were before. The fake King Piccolo grabs Goku and Krillin is knocked away by the fake Tambourine. Goku, turning into a Super Saiyan, beats down the illusions attacking him. Krillin crashes to the ground and wonders if Master Roshi intends to keep them there until they complete his errand. The illusions directly attack Krillin as 18 says watching this is sickening. Marron asks what's wrong with her dad, and 18 says he's fighting with himself.

Goku fights with the illusions by himself, constantly destroying them and they keep re-appearing. Goku then becomes a Super Saiyan 3 to destroy them all at once. As he does this, the fake Frieza, Cell, Nappa and Super Buu that are surrounding him grow to be even more giant. Goku realizes something and powers back down to base, beginning to meditate. The illusions then mysteriously disappear, and Goku says he was right. Master Roshi remarks that Goku has figured it out, and wonders if Krillin can do the same. Krillin is then frightened as he's surrounded by a large number of fake Friezas. Goku hears Krillin's scream but comments that if he tries to fly the illusions will re-appear, deciding to call the Nimbus. Krillin wonders why Master Roshi is making him fight these enemies, watching as they transform from Frieza to Tambourine to Cell to Nappa. Krillin resolves to surpass this as he uses Solar Flare on the attacking illusions, but as he does they grow more giant. Krillin then uses the Destructo Disc, and cuts one fake Nappa in half, but the illusions grow even more. Krillin realizes that the illusions are moving cause he is using energy.

Krillin sits down and meditates, and the illusions are frozen in place. Krillin remarks that calming his mind was key, as his fear was causing the illusions to grow gigantic and multiply into bigger numbers. Krillin concentrates his energy, defeating the illusions by attacking him as they are frozen in place. Master Roshi is proud of Krillin for figuring it out, but Baba unleashes one more trick: creating a fake Super Shenron that ambushes Goku and traps him. Goku tells Krillin that he can't go full power or he'll blow away Nimbus. Krillin prepares to save them both, powering up and attacking Super Shenron with his aura-clad fists. Goku thanks Krillin for saving him, and Nimbus drops him down to the ground and flies away. Krillin powers up and Goku becomes a Super Saiyan Blue, and the two fire Kamehamehas to destroy the Super Shenron illusion. Many herbs of the paradise plant then grow right in front of Goku and Krillin. As they are flying carrying the herbs, Krillin decides to start fighting again, for his sake and his family's sake, wanting to be as strong as Goku.

The two deliver the paradise plant to Master Roshi, and Krillin realizes 18 and Marron were watching him, and 18 is proud of her husband. Master Roshi says there is no real secret skill to boosting energy, and 18 wonders if he bribed them with a false promise, but Krillin corrects her saying it's about controlling the energy and mind. Goku agrees with him, saying that the illusions disappeared only because he and Krillin suppressed their energy. Master Roshi eats the paradise plant, which is for his vitality, exclaiming he can live on for another 1,000 years.

Krillin then has his head shaved bald by 18, and Marron says he looks cool. Goku shows up and wants to spar with Krillin, and Krillin accepts this, happily saying that going Super Saiyan is banned.

Episode 77: The two Zenos are playing a planet-destroying game at Zeno's Palace, and they are at exactly 101 wins and 101 losses, and they are striving so they could do something else.

Goku is selling his freshly-cropped vegetables to a trader, who exclaims that they are very popular. Goku is excited about earning money, so Chi-Chi will stop nagging him about working and he can focus on training. While driving away in a Capsule Corporation truck, Goku stumbles upon a person who's truck is stuck in the road. Goku pulls it out for him, but feels a Gun pointed on his back; he was tricked by a band of robbers. They order Goku to give them his truck, but when Goku refuses, they shoot at him, but Goku maneuvers behind them; they were shooting at Goku's Afterimage. Goku knocks one of the robbers out with a kick, and after catching the other two robbers' bullets, knocks them out. One of the robbers fire his last bullet at Goku, which scratches his arm, he then retaliates by flicking the robber from the left, sending him flying into a rock, knocking him out as well. Goku laughs, realizing that he is rusty, since the same thing happened to Krillin not long ago.

Goku calls Krillin and asks him to train, but Krillin is busy fighting robbers himself. Goku then decides to call Whis for some training, and Whis agrees for a present. Goku decides to give them bean daifuku, as they already ate regular daifuku, and tells Whis to meet him at Bulma's place in an hour. Goku rushes home and puts on his Gi, and Goten asking if he is going to go training, and wants to go with him, but Chi-Chi forbids it. She tells Goten to train his head, not his body, as they are no more villains around so he has no reason to fight. While Chi-Chi is rambling on about studying, Goku and Goten sneak off, only for Chi-Chi to realize that Goku and Goten slipped past her, and angrily yelling Goku's name, and he and Goten fly off from an angry Chi-Chi. Goku and Goten pick up some bean daifuku for Whis, and then head to Capsule Corp, where they meet Bulma. Bulma tells them she got a call from Chi-Chi, who told her to not let Goten leave with Goku. Bulma reveals her large belly, Goku wonders that she must be eating too much, Bulma corrects him that she is pregnant.

Goten congratulates Trunks on his new sibling, and asks which he would prefer between a brother and sister since Bulma wants to keep it a surprise. Trunks exclaims that either would be fine. Goku decides to give his bean daifuku to Bulma, but Goten reminds him that it's for Whis and his training. Trunks wants Goten to train with him instead, as he can't go far due to the baby, and he is bored of fighting Pilaf and Shu. Goten agrees and the two spar. Goku finds Vegeta, and asks him to go training with him, but Vegeta declines because Bulma is giving birth soon. Goku points out he was dead when Goten was born so he didn't have a choice concerning being there. Whis arrives, and prepares to take the two Saiyans to Beerus' Planet, but Vegeta says he can't go because of his child, and Whis excitedly asks if Vegeta is giving birth. Vegeta says that Bulma is, and he should be there for her. Whis and Goku then head off, and they meet Beerus at his planet. They eat the bean daifuku, and Goku and Whis start training.

Whis fires a Ki Blast at Goku, in which he transforms into a Super Saiyan to deflects it. Beerus points out that Goku is rusty, and Goku hasn't fought anyone strong in a while, then asks about Zeno's Universal Martial Arts Tournament. Beerus tells him to forget about that idea and not get too involved with Zeno, and Whis agrees, saying they don't know what could happen. Goku reveals the button Zeno gave him as two sides: one button makes Zeno come to him and the other makes him go to Zeno. Beerus puts his hand in front of Goku's face and says that he may have been too lenient, and Goku's naïve nature would get them in trouble. Goku fakes throwing the button into the air to make Beerus look, which Goku uses the opportunity to press the button to go to the Zeno's Palace while Beerus was distracted.

Goku is greeted by the Grand Minister, who takes him to see Zeno. Goku asks Zeno about the tournament, and Zeno says he forgot. Future Zeno asks what a tournament is, and Zeno, having witnessed the Tournament of Destroyers, says it's really fun, and they both want to see it. Grand Priest says once they figure out the tournament details, he will contact the Supreme Kais of each universe. Goku agrees and heads back, only immediately pushed by Beerus for ignoring his warnings. Goku asks Whis to take him to the Sacred World of the Kai, and the three head there and meet Shin, Kibito, and Old Kai, who ask them if there's another crisis going on. Grand Priest soon appears and announces the details for the tournament: on a specified date and time, 10 warriors from each universe will fight in the Tournament of Power.

Episode 78: The Grand Minister has arrived to the Sacred World of the Kai in Universe 7, in order to relay the details of the Tournament of Power to Goku, Beerus, Whis, Shin, Kibito, and Old Kai. After stating when the tournament will take place, Grand Minister announces the tournament will be held in the World of Void, a world with no time or space, so that all fighters can use the full extent of their powers freely. Grand Priest also announces that he has collected the Super Dragon Balls for the tournament, and that Champa has offered him the 3 that he already had. Beerus curses Champa under his breath for secretly collecting them again. Shin asks what the victorious universe will win, and the Grand Priest answers that they will win nothing. Beerus believes that the prize would therefore be honor but is corrected by the Grand Priest who also announces an ultimatum for all participants, though he regrets announcing it so soon, he feels like he should announce it as Goku is Zeno's friend: Zeno will instantly destroy any universe defeated in the tournament.

The Universe 7 group proceed to panic upon hearing this. Grand Minister also announces a personal request to Goku from Zeno: as Future Zeno does not know what a tournament is, there will be an exhibition match called the Zeno Expo, where 3 fighters from Universe 7 will fight against 3 fighters from Universe 9, and the two Zenos will be personally watching. Grand Minister tells Goku to find 2 more fighters to team up with in the next hour, and to head to Zeno's Palace before leaving. Beerus is incredibly angry at Goku, asking him just what he has done to every universe. Shin comments that should Universe 7 lose and be destroyed, he will be too ashamed to face all living beings. Goku offers to personally ask Zeno to not destroy any universes, but Whis advises against him doing this, saying that should Zeno or Grand Priest get annoyed at Goku's pestering, he would likely be destroyed on the spot. Beerus says Goku should take responsibility as this is his doing, and Goku says that he just needs to win. Elder Kai reminds him to find 2 partners for the Omni-Present Match, and 9 more partners for the tournament. Beerus asks Goku to take responsibility and go find 2 more people to fight with him.

Goku goes to Earth and asks Vegeta to fight, but Vegeta reiterates that he's not going anywhere due to Bulma giving birth soon. Goten and Trunks are sparring in the same area, and Goten says hi to his father but gets sucker-punched from behind by Trunks. Vegeta suggests that Goku should go ask his son. Goku says he doesn't know what they're up against, and doesn't feel like Goten or Trunks are good enough, but Goku remembers his other son and thanks Vegeta. Goku meets Gohan at his house and tells him about the tournament. Gohan is hesitant, but Goku says he'll regain his fighting sense in no time, reminding Gohan about his great power deep inside of him. Gohan is still hesitant, but Goku tells him about the extreme stipulation about the losing universes being destroyed, also telling Gohan to keep it a secret to himself, and Gohan is surprised to hear this. Gohan asks Goku how he could create such a thing, saying that if people learn about this, the world and the entire universe will panic. Gohan and Goku agree to keep this a secret from everyone else. Videl asks them why they are whispering, and Goku says he asked Gohan to participate in a tournament with him but he just won't say yes. Videl suggests that Gohan helps his father. Pan appears, flying into her mother's arms, happy. Gohan, watching, says he'll fight with Goku, saying there's something he doesn't want to lose. Mr. Satan appears with Buu and Bee, and Mr. Satan greets Goku. Goku quickly flies past him and goes to Buu, also asking him to fight.

Goku takes Gohan (now wearing his father's Gi again like in the Fusion Saga), and Buu (with Mr. Satan) back to the Sacred World of the Kais, and Beerus half-heartedly asks Goku if they are his partners. Gohan nervously says hello to Beerus. Beerus asks why Mr. Satan is with them, and Mr. Satan says that Buu will only answer to him. Beerus secretly asks Goku if they know about the stipulation, and Goku says he only told Gohan and they agreed to keep it a secret to avoid panic; Beerus says that this is a good idea. Shin takes the entire group and teleports them to Zeno's Palace which Mr. Satan is very impressed by. Beerus addresses specifically Mr. Satan to avoid saying or doing anything careless if he wants to live which Mr. Satan nervously complies with. While they walk to the main altar, the group meets the Universe 9 group: the Supreme Kai Ro, the God of Destruction Sidra, his Angel, Mojito, and the 3 fighters representing them: the Trio of Danger: Bergamo, Basil and Lavender.

The Grand Minister gathers both groups and transports them to the World of Void, where he has prepared a World Martial Arts Tournament-style ring with spectator seats. The Grand Priest then calls for every god in the multiverse to appear, and every single God of Destruction, Angel, and Supreme Kai from each universe all gather to spectate the match. Goku yells at Champa to say hello, but Grand Priest tells Goku to be silent. Grand Priest explains the Future Zeno's request to watch a tournament match as he has never seen one before, and he and Zeno appear to spectate. Goku flies up to them and greets them (Champa is flustered at Goku calling them "Zen-chan"). Beerus immediately grabs Goku and throws him back to the stands, apologizing to Zeno. The other Gods speak to themselves on how vulgar and impudent Universe 7 is acting. Grand Minister, overhearing them, announces that the Tournament of Power was Goku's idea (Zeno's initially, but he forgot about it until Goku reminded him). Goku thanks Zeno for letting them fight first, and Zeno excitedly tells Goku to give them a good fight, and Goku agrees.

Grand Priest explains the rules for the fights: there will be one-on-one matches in order, there is no time limit, and the winner will be chosen if his opponent surrenders or is unable to continue fighting. Roh greedily asks Grand Priest if there are any prizes, and Grand Priest says that the purpose of this match is solely to provide anticipation for the tournament, and to show Future Zeno what a tournament is, he further explains that that is not to suggest that this expedition is not without possible consequences: if Zeno believes that the fighters do not give their all or are unworthy, then Zeno may take drastic measures. Sidra nervously asks the Grand Priest if he is suggesting that they will be destroyed on the spot if Zeno considers the fighters to be boring, and Grand Priest says that it is a possibility, as all is as Zeno wills it. Grand Priest calls for the two beginning fighters to go to the stage, and Basil goes, and Bergamo tells him to enjoy toying with them. Just like they decided, Goku says the first fighter will be Buu, but the group notice that Buu fell asleep during all of the talking. Beerus quickly orders Mr. Satan to do his job, and Mr. Satan wakes Buu with a chocolate bar, promising more if he goes to play with Basil. Buu agrees and heads to the ring. With both fighters present, Grand Minister announces the match to begin.

Basil quickly goes on the offensive and kicks Buu around, showing that his fighting style revolves around using his legs in a kickboxing-like method. The two Zeno are impressed with Basil's speed. As Buu lays on the ground motionless, Basil comments about what a real buffoon he is, and Shin and Beerus are worried as Roh smirks. Lying on the ground, Buu grins.

Episode 79: Buu is mocked by Basil for being too weak. Shin is worried to see Buu taking the blows so easily. Meanwhile, Roh brags about his "Trio the Dangers," but Old Kai thinks it is a stupid name for a group.

Kibito thinks that Ro is quite rude for a Supreme Kai. Elsewhere, the Zenos and Jerez are confused why Buu's laughing.

For Buu, it is all a game and he wants Basil to do it again what he did. Mr. Satan has suggested that Buu take the fight as playtime.

Buu calls Basil "little bit fun" but Basil thinks he is not fun at all. Goku wonders there is something different about the Universe 9's fighters as he is unable to sense their ki. However, Goku is excited about fighting these warriors and the other folks from different universes.

Beerus thinks that Goku is not taking the tournament seriously and Whis believes that his sense of excitement has affected the Omni-King.

Goku asks the Universe 9's fighter to go hard against Buu. Basil taunts Buu again during the fight and Roh thinks that Basil, alone, can take down all the Universe 7 fighters. Buu still thinks it is a game while everyone is shocked to see Buu still standing with a hole in his chest.

In the crossfire, Mr. Satan is harmed and Buu asks if he can heal him, but Mr. Satan wants to him to continue the fight.

Buu gets upset after Satan gets harmed. Meanwhile, a cloaked warrior from Universe 11 blocks a stray attack from hitting his Supreme Kai. Buu has won the battle due to the ring-out rule but the Zenos want more.

The Grand Minister tells them that this tournament does not have the ring-out rule. The fighters can continue to fight until one side gives up. Beerus is unhappy about this development, but he will have to suck it up. Basil powers up and attacks Buu. Basil declares he has won the match, but wait, Buu is still standing. Goku and Gohan are shocked to see Buu. However, Old Kai says that Buu has hit his threshold point.

The Zenos announce that they enjoyed and the Grand Minister announces Buu as the winner of the first round. Lavender is next and he asks Bergamo if they can kill their opponents. Bergamo tells him to kill to his heart's content.

Gohan declares he wants to go next. The Grand Minister sees Gohan as Goku's son. Meanwhile, the Omni-Kings have high hopes from Gohan.

Episode 80: The next match of the Zeno Expo is Gohan of Universe 7 against Lavender of Universe 9. Gohan remarks that he hasn't participated in a tournament in a long time, and he should take things slowly to regain his fighting sense. While Lavender silently chuckles to himself, Gohan says he must see how Lavender fights with his eyes since his ki cannot be sensed. Goku tells Gohan to not wait and see Lavender's actions, but to start the fight without holding anything back because Gohan is strong. Gohan agrees and thanks him, and the two fighters walk towards each other. Grand Minister calls for the match to commence.

Immediately, Gohan attacks and he and Lavender exchange a number of blows. When Gohan throws a punch, Lavender dodges it and wraps himself around Gohan's arm. Lavender then sprays a mist of toxic gas in Gohan's face, blinding him. Lavender then sprays the same gas on his fists and uses them to attack Gohan, further immobilizing him. Whis exclaims that Lavender is using a very powerful toxin. While Lavender is overwhelming Gohan, Ro proudly exclaims that this is what Lavender of the Trio of Danger is capable of. Mr. Satan yells out that this is cheating, and Goku reminds him that in this tournament anything goes. Despite Roh's boasting, Shin pulls out a bag of Senzu Beans, saying that if Universe 9 may use drugs and healing items on their fighters durring the fight, then so are they. However, Gohan tells him that he doesn't need a Senzu Bean, not wanting anyone to interfere in this battle, wanting to use only his power. Goku agrees with him, saying that against an opponent whom Gohan cannot see or sense, this is the perfect training for him to regain his fighting sense.

Ignoring Lavender's boasting, Gohan quietly concentrates to hear and feel Lavender's movements. When Lavender tries to attack from behind, Gohan blocks his attack the instant he feels Lavender's leg connecting on his head. The two Zenos are impressed and gleefully watch. Exclaiming it was a fluke, Lavender tries attacking again, but Gohan blocks every single hit and counterattacks. Bergamo points out to a surprised Roh that since Gohan lost his sense of vision, he is heightening his other four senses, also commenting that Gohan is a worthy opponent. After more trial-and-error, Lavender flies into the air, and Gohan remarks he can no longer hear his footsteps. Lavender then fires Ki Blasts at Gohan, and he has trouble defending himself. Goku exclaims that this could be bad for Gohan, but is confident that his son will be able to overcome things the harder they get. When Lavender prepares to finish Gohan off, Gohan says he hasn't had a chance to unleash his power, transforming into a Super Saiyan.

The two Zenos are amazed that Gohan is shining and gold, and Grand Priest informs them that he is a Super Saiyan. Top realizes that Universe 7 has fighters who can willfully alter their power level. Lavender exclaims that despite Gohan's power increase, he should still be helpless in sensing Lavender's attacks, and Gohan tells him to give it a shot. Lavender does so, and Gohan manages to deflect his ki blast. Gohan deflects more ki blasts, and flies straight towards Lavender and relentlessly assaults him. Lavender asks if Gohan can see him, and Gohan says that his ki detects where he is. Whis and Shin praise Gohan for wisely using his Super Saiyan powers like an active radar, but Whis exclaims that this could be a double-edged sword. When Gohan tries to finish off Lavender, he collapses and powers down to base. Whis and Beerus comment that due to becoming a Super Saiyan, the toxin spreading in Gohan's body is accelerating. Lavender takes this opportunity to assault a helpless Gohan and spraying even more toxin on him. Despite his disadvantage, Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan again and the two fight a heated battle, also entering a beam struggle with Lavender's ki blast and Gohan's Kamehameha. However, Gohan is overwhelmed due to gradually getting weaker from the toxin, which has begun spreading throughout his entire body. Lavender sprays more toxin, and Gohan flies straight through it, attacking Lavender and grabbing him with a Full-Nelson. Exclaiming it doesn't matter if he's blind if they're that close, Gohan slams himself and Lavender to the ring below, causing an explosion.

When Lavender is knocked out, Gohan momentarily stands up to say he has won, and falls down himself. Grand Priest exclaims the match is a tie due to both fighters being unable to continue. Goku feeds his son a Senzu Bean, proud of his performance and that it got him excited, but Gohan still says he's too weak. Grand Priest announces to all of the spectators Zeno's rankings of the Universes, giving Universe 7 an average of 3.18, which is second from the bottom. Whis asks which universe ranked below them, which the Grand Minister responded to by stating the surly that they could tell: Universe 9 has an Average Mortal Level of 1.86. Grand Priest reveals the stipulation of the losing Universes being destroyed to the public, and Champa is afraid of this news. While each universe discuss this, Shin asks Grand Priest if every Universe that enters will be destroyed if they lose which the Grand Priest confirms, but he also informs him that Universes 1 & 12, along with 5 & 8, are exempt from entering as their average is over 7. Whis simplifies his words, explaining that every low-level Universe was going to be erased to begin with because they're weaker, but will be spared if they win in the Tournament of Power which the Grand Priest confirms. Mr. Satan faints when Shin explains to him their fate if they lose in the tournament.

Beerus blames Shin's passive nature and tactics based upon his belief that it's pointless unless mortals develop themselves, and Shin blames Beerus for being asleep most of the time. Old Kai asks what will happen to the losing Universes' gods, and Grand Priest answers that they will also be erased with their universe, except for the angels. Whis and Vados seem to be aware of this and Beerus, Shin, Old Kai, Champa, and Fuwa are flustered that they will still live. Preparing to announce the third match, Grand Priest repairs the ring. The final fight between Goku and Bergamo is about to begin.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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