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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 81-85 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 81: The third match of the Zeno Expo between Goku and Bergamo is about to begin. The gods of each universe all discuss their potential fates if they are defeated in the Tournament of Power. Goku suggests that he and Bergamo go all-out since their fight will not have any universes destroyed. Bergamo tells Goku to shut his mouth, and announces his name to every god in attendance. Bergamo points out that Zeno gave his Universe 9 the lowest mortal level, but he points to Goku, accusing the Saiyan of having a much lower mortal level due to him creating the idea of the Tournament of Power, and without it every universe could have lived in peace. Bergamo takes it upon himself to crush Goku, calling him the enemy of every universe. Bergamo then bows down to Zeno, politely asking him to rescind his rule of erasing the defeated universes once he has defeated Goku. The Universe 9 spectators are proud of Bergamo's smooth way of talking, and Beerus and Whis realize that Bergamo is trying to name Goku the villain; Whis also points out the animosity towards Goku is increasing. While many gods agree with Bergamo, Goku points out to Bergamo that he doesn't care about being the villain to every universe, saying as long as he is on the edge he can fight to the fullest.

Zeno agrees with Bergamo's proposal, and the rule is set: if Universe 9 wins, the rule of erasing every defeated universe will be scrapped. However, Grand Minister tells Goku that if he holds back because he doesn't want to be erased, Zeno will immediately destroy every universe. Goku agrees and says he already planned to go full force. Cae and Vermoud of Universe 11 ask Top how he views Goku, and Top wants to wait until Goku fights seriously. While Champa boos Goku, the Supreme Kais of Universes 3 and 4 ask him who Goku is, wondering why he acts so casually in front of Zeno and Jerez asks why the Great Priest and Zeno would overlook his behavior. Champa answers that he doesn't know and that Goku's limit seems to be unfathomable, also pointing out that Universe 1 is acting composed which Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12's Supreme Kais responded that that means their work must have been good to have gained their high mortal levels therefore making them exempted from the Tournament.

The match finally begins. Goku and Bergamo start exchanging blows, feeling each other out. Bergamo then purposefully leaves himself defenseless, telling Goku to hit him so he can show him why they call him "Bergamo the Crusher". Goku obliges, and lands a number of blows on him. Bergamo then suddenly glows and grows larger and stronger, knocking Goku back with a punch. Goku keeps attacking him, and Bergamo keeps growing, telling him to keep attacking. Gohan tells Goku to be careful, pointing out that Bergamo is using his power against him. Ro of Universe 9 loudly exclaims Bergamo's ability: the more he is hit, the more he grows and the stronger he becomes, calling his strength "truly limitless". Goku is excited at this, and becomes a Super Saiyan. Goku keeps attacking, and Bergamo steals more of his power. Bergamo eventually becomes gigantic in size, and Goku uses his speed to constantly land hits on him. While Bergamo grows bigger and bigger, Goku seems to be smiling.

Goku taunts Bergamo, saying the bigger he grows, the more blind spots he gains. Mr. Satan grows worried that Goku is just giving him power, and Gohan points out that Goku is making him stronger on purpose because he gets excited when he fights stronger opponents. Bergamo soon grows so large that the ring under him is beginning to crack from his steps. Goku asks if he can still get stronger, becoming a Super Saiyan Blue. The gods are shocked that Goku can clad himself in godly ki, and Zeno tells Future Zeno that this is Super Saiyan Blue. Goku offers to power up even more, using the Kaio-ken. Bergamo also powers up while Goku charges a 10x God Kamehameha. Bergamo uses his special attack, Wolfgang Penetrator, clashing with Goku's Kamehameha. Goku uses his full power to push the attack back and hit Bergamo, defeating him instead of powering him up further. Grand Priest announces Universe 7 as the victors of the Zen Exhibition Match.

Goku tells Zeno that he didn't hold back, and they are very happy and impressed with his match. While Basil and Lavender help their brother up, Bergamo promises Goku that every universe will come after him. Goku announces to every god to come at him with their strongest warriors, and that he will beat them all. Grand Priest asks Future Zeno what he thinks, and the two Zeno are very impressed with the matches and they are excited for the tournament. While Grand Priest says the Zen Exhibition Match is a success, he announces the rules for the Tournament of Power: it will be a survival match and victory is gained by knocking opponents off of the ring. The use of weapons, killing opponents, and using Flight is prohibited in the tournament. Also, the time limit for the match will be 100 takks; Whis explains that this is about 48 minutes in Earth time. When Whis exclaims this time may be too long for matches, Great Priest further announces that since the ring will also be huge, the tournament will have all 80 participants from the 8 universes participating all in the ring at once, and the universe with the most survivors will win; also if there is a single survivor, that universe will win. The Universe 7 group discuss that power alone won't be enough and tactics and teamwork will be important; teamwork not being Goku's forte. Goku comments that he should be fine since he has Gohan.

Top suddenly jumps to the ring and confronts Goku, wanting to talk to him. He then introduces himself as the leader of the Pride Troopers of Universe 11, taking off his cloak and revealing his husky appearance. Top then challenges Goku to a fight. Goku accepts, saying with Bergamo he wasn't satisfied enough. Top calls Goku evil, and that his fists will bring ruin upon all evil.

Episode 82: After obtaining Zeno's blessing to proceed, Goku and Top begin their battle. Top quickly gains the upper hand and dislocates Goku's shoulder. Goku responds by attacking with a flurry of blows, but Top manages to grab Goku in a powerful bear hug. He begins squeezing the life out of Goku, which forces Goku to turn Super Saiyan Blue to escape. Goku gains the upper hand in this form and damages Top with a Kamehameha. Just as the two power up even more, the Grand Minister puts an end to the fight to prevent unnecessary death. As Top leaves, he reveals to Goku that Universe 11 has a warrior even stronger than him named Jiren. The Great Priest begins creating a martial arts arena suitable for the Tournament of Power. In the Sacred World of the Kai, Beerus and Goku get into an argument over Goku's constant relaxed and negligent attitude, which Whis breaks up. The group agrees to convene at the Capsule Corporation to discuss their future strategy.

Episode 83: At Capsule Corporation, Chi-Chi is preparing a feast for the new baby when Goku, Gohan, Mr. Satan, Good Buu, Beerus, Whis, Shin, and Old Kai arrive. Chichi offers the food to them since the baby hasn't been born yet, and Goku and Beerus happily accept. Bulma is exercising in the gravity room with Pilaf, Shu, and Mai, and she apologizes to Vegeta, who is watching them close by. He says she is making him rusty but worries if she is able to move so much. Trunks says Mai said exercise will ensure a healthy birth and Goten asks Vegeta if he is excited about the baby. Turning to walk away, Vegeta retorts he is only staying because Bulma told him to and decides to go train somewhere close, and he reminds Trunks that he has to move the baby's bed. Trunks asks Goten to help him and they run off, and Vegeta takes his leave and thinks about a name that is worthy of Saiyan royalty.

As everyone eats, Goku states his excitement about fighting strong opponents and repeats his assertion to Beerus, who reminds him to be serious, that they only need to win. Shin goes about which participants of Universe 7 will be entering. Gohan asks how many planets are there with powerful life forms in the universe and Shin explains that since the loss of Planets Sadala, Vegeta, and Namek, there are 28 planets. However Beerus suggests they stick with warriors in Earth because they don't know how strong people from other planets are and with those already known on Earth, they have a 12.5% of winning. Goku and Gohan start thinking of their friends and Goku wants Monaka but Beerus lies that he is unwell. They consider Krillin, but Mr. Satan reminds them Krillin gave up martial arts a long time ago. Goku and Gohan have a mind battle between Krillin and Basil, and it appears Krillin's Destructo Disc and Solar Flare have little effect on Basil. Gohan is worried but Goku concludes Krillin can hold his own because he has resumed training. Shin suggests Trunks and Goten but Goku declines because their rivalry will be an issue. Gohan suggests Master Roshi for being experienced and having tricky techniques and Mr. Satan suggests Android 18, which Goku agrees and decides to ask for Android 17 to enter. Mr. Satan asks if it will be okay because they are androids but Goku says it will because they were simply modified to be super humans. Goku decides to get Senzu Beans but Whis says those are forbidden because they increase their stamina. With one member left, they ask Vegeta, who is thinking of a baby name. Goku informs him of the battle with Top and of 80 fighters fighting simultaneously. Although Vegeta is intrigued of the battle royal, he refuses because he doesn't know when the baby will be born and he is suspicious why Goku wants him to participate so badly. Vegeta further says he won't agree unless they convince Bulma. With little choice, Whis decides to intervene.

Chi-Chi and Bulma are discussing her large belly when Whis comes in and uses his staff to bring out the baby from inside her, leaving everyone shocked. Whis announces to Vegeta he can now participate. As Bulma coos to the baby girl, Vegeta instantly comes to love his daughter. Everyone later gathers to properly meet the baby and hold her and remark how she looks nothing like Vegeta, who stands nearby listening. The baby smiles at being held by her grandparents and Goku but cries when Mr. Satan holds her, which angers Vegeta into turning Super Saiyan Blue. Yamcha arrives to visit and holds the baby but she cries, angering Vegeta again. Trunks and Goten finish putting the bed down when Gohan tells Trunks he is now a big brother. Goten says a brother would mean Trunks gets to train with him and a sister would be cute, but Trunks prefers a brother so he can train. Trunks meets the baby and is disappointed that it's a girl, and is reluctant to hold her but gives in when Bulma tells him he needs to protect his sister. Seeing Vegeta wants to hold the baby, Bulma tells Trunks to ask him to hold the baby. After a silent moment, Vegeta asks Trunks to give him the baby and he holds her. When asked what her name is, Vegeta is about to suggest Eschalot but Bulma announces she has decided on Bulla. Everyone thinks it is a beautiful name but Vegeta says he needs to give his daughter a name worthy of a Saiyan. Goku decides to start recruiting members for the team and tells Gohan he will be visiting Krillin first. When Goku leaves, Yamcha, who overheard the conversation, confronts Gohan and he thinks he will be recruited as well, and heads home to wait for Goku. Vegeta says Bulla isn't a bad name after all, much to Bulla's delight.

Episode 84: Goku and Gohan are flying in the air, heading to meet Krillin. Krillin has just defeated a burglar and saved the clerk of the store, who thanks Krillin. Krillin just got through with catching another criminal when Goku and Gohan meet up with him. They return to Krillin's house and tell him about the Tournament of Power and the rules. Krillin says he might be able to manage due to the ring-out only victories and no-killing rules. Android 18 tells Krillin to enter, otherwise all of his exercise equipment would all have been used for nothing. Goku also asks 18 to participate, and 18 immediately declines, saying she doesn't work for free and she has to look after Marron. Goku says she can leave Marron with Bulma, making Marron excited by saying Bulma's house has an aquarium and amusement park. 18 asks why Goku is pushing her to participate if this tournament is for fun. Goku nervously agrees, quietly discussing with Gohan about keeping the extreme tournament outcome a secret. 18 is suspicious about how the two are acting. Goku brings up that he forgot that the winners gain 10 million zeni. 18 is unimpressed, as she would only have 1 million for herself after dividing the prize for the entire team. Goku corrects her by saying each participant would gain 10 million zeni. 18 shows more interest, but still wonders if Goku is lying or not. 18 then accepts Goku's offer and joins the team. Krillin tells Goku that he better not be inviting him just to invite 18. Krillin also decides to enter, but Gohan immediately interrupts, asking Krillin for a request.

Gohan asks Krillin to spar with him, and he agrees, and they choose to spar on top of two rock formations to simulate the tournament's ring-out rule. Gohan requests Krillin to show him his power to gain a better understanding, so that he can come up with a plan for the tournament. Gohan thinks to himself about his image simulation battle of Krillin vs. Basil, and is worried that Krillin would not be able to stand a chance in the tournament. He wishes to fight Krillin himself so he can understand why Goku insists on recruiting him. 18 is suspicious about the whole thing, noting Gohan's eyes to be far too serious for a simple tournament. Goku ensures he must want the 100 million Zeni, and 18 says Goku added an extra zero. Goku, trying to avoid 18's suspicions, directs her attention back to the match.

Gohan is distracted by Marron's cheering, and Krillin immediately attacks. After Gohan blocks his attacks, Krillin asks if he can't go full power against him. Gohan knocks Krillin back, who immediately flies in front of the sun and uses his new technique, Solar Flare x100, and Gohan is still blinded despite having his eyes closed. Goku wonders if it is a new technique, and 18 hands him some sunglasses. While Gohan is blind and also unable to sense Krillin's ki, Krillin attacks him and knocks him into the water, and Gohan stops himself from falling in. Krillin remarks that Gohan has lost due to being knocked out of bounds and being forced to use Flight.

Gohan is impressed by Krillin's performance and his new technique. 18 is about to go home but Goku also gets excited, wanting to fight Krillin himself. Krillin tells Gohan that they can get stronger together, and with Krillin's skill and experience with Gohan's power, their victory is ensured. Gohan is ashamed of his own inexperience. Goku challenges Krillin, and the two relocate to Satan City on top of a skyscraper with a helicopter landing pad. Gohan reminds Goku that the tournament will start soon, and he'll be forced to step in if he feels Goku is going too far. 18 also protests that Krillin is tired from the last match and that his Solar Flare x100, being for surprise only, won't work over and over again. Krillin stops her, saying he wants to fight right now. While Krillin and Goku stare at each other, Krillin recalls his match with Goku in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament many years ago. It starts to rain and 18 hands her daughter an umbrella while the two begin to fight.

Krillin fires a number of Destructo Discs at Goku, who dodges them and as he attacks, Krillin prepares to use Solar Flare. While Goku braces himself, Krillin reveals to have faked the attack and fires energy blasts at Goku, also controlling his Destructo Discs to attack him from different angles. Goku barely dodges the attacks and destroys the discs with his own blasts, and Krillin charges and fires another blast, intending to push Goku off of the building. Goku cancels out the blast and goes Super Saiyan, and Krillin takes the time to hide behind the debris and masks his ki. Goku finds him and exposes him, and Krillin smirks as the floor under Goku slices apart, and Goku barely saves himself from falling. Krillin tells him he launched a fourth Destructo Disc to slice the floor while Goku was distracted with the three attacking him. Goku is impressed, and 18 and Gohan talk about needing a plan for the tournament. Goku then goes Super Saiyan Blue, and Krillin feels the intense pressure but remains strong. 18 remarks that there's nothing he can do about the huge power difference. Krillin says that this is fun, and he and Goku each charge a Kamehameha. The two energy blasts collide, and Krillin is being pushed back from Goku's bigger beam. Krillin is saved by 18, who forces Goku to direct the beam into the sky.

18 checks on Krillin, who asks why she interfered. She reminds Krillin about the tournament being a battle royal, and announces to Goku that it won't always be a one-on-one, and they must be prepared to be at a handicap, also telling Krillin to fight together if he can't alone. The two prepare to fight Goku, also telling Gohan to join if he wants. Goku turns back to base and says its enough, saying there's a lot he can learn from them about the tournament, also telling Gohan to learn, too. Goku remembers about Android 17 and asks 18 if she knows where he is. She says that the last time they talked on the phone, he told her he works at a wildlife reserve, but he didn't tell her where. Krillin suggests that Goku ask Dende where he is. Goku agrees and prepares to head out. Android 17 is seen watching the sky on a cliff.

Episode 85: While Goku and Gohan are flying, Gohan is about to go meet Piccolo, who Goku says would quickly agree to participating in the Tournament of Power, being a fighter himself. Goku is about to head to meet Dende, but notices an explosion in a nearby city. He uses Instant Transmission to sense whoever's ki is there, which turns out to be Good Buu.

Meanwhile, on the Sacred World of the Kai planet in Universe 11, Cae summons the Supreme Kais of every other universe in a conference call fashion. Cae requests that the other Kais refrain from mentioning the universe destruction stipulation to their inhabitants. Gowasu, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, agrees, but asks why Shin, the Supreme Kai of Universe 7, is not present. Cae answers that he has not invited Shin, due to the Tournament of Power being Universe 7's idea in the first place. Ro, the Supreme Kai of Universe 9, yells that this is a waste of time and Cae reminds him that they are meeting to discuss their situation. Roh says he is too busy gathering warriors and signs off. Pell and Ea, the Supreme Kais of Universe 2 and 3 respectively, begin to argue about their universes' intellectual levels and how Pell thinks it is irrelevant in the Tournament of "Power". They are both silenced by Cae, and Kuru, the Supreme Kai of Universe 4, slanders them for spouting out their egos. Cae advises that all of the Supreme Kais join together to request Zeno to reconsider the universe destruction rule to give them a chance to raise their universes' mortal levels. The Kais agree but all realize that Zeno has made his decision and if he is displeased, it would mean erasure on the spot. All of the Kais sign off as they are all busy gathering warriors, and Cae settles on the idea that his universe will have to win, as he believes it is home to the strongest warriors.

Back on Earth, Goku finds out Mr. Satan is helping Buu train. Due to constantly training since the Zeno Expo, Buu has lost weight and has gotten much slimmer in appearance. Buu tells Goku that he had fun "playing with the doggie guy" (referring to his match with Basil) and is excited about fighting more strong guys in the tournament. Mr. Satan asks if Goku wants to spar with Buu, and Goku eagerly accepts. Mr. Satan says the two will be using the tournament rules, and whoever touches the ground first will be the loser. Goku and Buu start fighting an even match, and Goku comments that Buu has gotten much stronger and faster. Buu is excited about eliminating everyone in the tournament, and Mr. Satan and Goku remind him that killing is against the rules; he must knock them out of the ring. Buu continues the fight by assaulting Goku with an endless barrage of Ki Blasts, and while Goku is busy deflecting them all, Buu attacks him and pushes him to the ground, winning the match. Goku compliments Buu's strategy and is very impressed, and Mr. Satan tells Goku not to get knocked out of bounds so easily in the actual tournament. Goku tells Mr. Satan he successfully recruited Krillin and Android 18, and he's off to find Android 17. When Goku flies off, Buu remarks that he's tired, and Mr. Satan says he won't be able to rest easy until the tournament is over.

Meanwhile, back in Universe 11, Top appears and talks with the General of the Pride Troopers: Casserale, who asks him what happened at the Zeno Expo. They are called to fight an attacking monster on the Planet Daldon, and they ride a ship to head there. In Universe 6, Champa calls for a meeting with the Gods of Destruction after finding out about the Supreme Kais' meeting. Mosco, the God of Destruction of Universe 3, asks why Champa has not invited Beerus. Quitela of Universe 4 says should they should leave Beerus out due to his universe having the mortal (Goku) whose responsible for the tournament. Vados argues that everyone should be in Goku's debt because if he didn't suggest having the Tournament of Power, the lower level universes would have already been erased, and this, way they would have at least a fighting chance for survival. Sidra of Universe 9 and Rumush of Universe 10 show ill will towards Goku and his chummy attitude towards Zeno. Jerez of Universe 2 calls Goku beautiful. Vermoud of Universe 11 is confident that Universe 7 will be unable to stand up against his fighters.

On planet Daldon, Araghne and Dorakiyan are running amok. Dispo of the Pride Troopers shows up and fights Araghne head-on, but is trapped in its tentacles. Before he is eaten, he is saved by Top and Casserale. United with his teammates, Dyspo poses with Top and Casserale, who launch a combined attack on Araghne and defeats it. Top throws Dorakiyan into Araghne's mouth, destroying them. On the ship, Top tells his team about the Tournament of Power. They agree on recruiting Pride Trooper members from other planets, including Jiren, who is currently meditating.

On The Lookout, Goku meets with Dende and Mr. Popo. Dende reveals he knows about the tournament due to listening in on a conversation between Beerus and Shin. In Universe 6, Fuwa is counting on Champa to recruit powerful warriors. Champa and Vados decide to recruit Cabba first, and Vados calls him with her staff. Champa yells at Cabba to find more Saiyans, particularly some stronger than him. Gohan confronts Piccolo, who is meditating on top of a mountain. Piccolo says he will retrain Gohan's weak body, and Gohan accepts. Goku asks Dende if he knows where Android 17 is, and Dende says he is located on an island in the south, also offering to take Goku there. There are 37 hours left until the Tournament of Power.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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