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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 86-90 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 86: Goku arrives to The Lookout to ask Dende where Android 17 is. When Dende says that 17 is located on an island to the south, he offers to take Goku there. Dende calls for the Power Pole to retract and uses a technique to make the entire Lookout move, saying that he can take Goku to the island where 17 is this way. Goku asks if 17 is still plotting to kill him, and Dende says he is a new person compared to his former self and he is now working hard, providing for his family. Dende also says that 17 has gotten much stronger compared to back then. Dende then brings up a young boy from a small village having immense martial arts talent, but he is still very young. Goku is impressed but says he can't recruit him for the Tournament of Power. Dende suggests that Goku teaches the boy how to use his power once he gets older, and Goku says he's no good at that. Dende surprises Goku by saying this boy is the reincarnation of Kid Buu, and Goku remembers the wish he made before obliterating Buu. Dende says that in order to fulfill his promise of meeting him one day, Goku must prevail in the Tournament of Power so Universe 7 doesn't get erased.

The Lookout arrives directly above the island where 17 is, and Goku thanks Dende and flies down there. Goku says it'll be hard to find 17 on such a large island since he can't sense his ki, and notices an explosion nearby. Goku comes across 17 battling a large group of poachers, and their Guns and Rocket Launchers have no effect on the Android. Goku meets 17, and 17 does not recognize him. Goku introduces himself, and 17 says he recognizes his voice (due to his programming). A battalion of more poachers arrive, and 17 asks for Goku's help in detaining them, also telling him not to hurt the animals and not to kill the poachers. Goku and 17 easily destroy the poachers' vehicles, forcing them to retreat.

Goku asks what the poachers are after, and 17 leads him to a rare Minotaur he is protecting, telling him its horns are valuable and can be sold for a fortune. The Minotaur notices them and attacks, and before Goku can attack back, 17 tells him to stop and just fly, explaining that the Minotaurs gained a distrust in humans due to constantly being threatened. When the Minotaur walks away, 17 says he is surprised that he is meeting Goku so suddenly, saying back then he wanted to kill him because of Dr. Gero's orders, only to be absorbed by Cell, so the two never had a chance to meet, let alone fight. Goku is thinking the same thing, and asks 17 to let him test his strength, becoming a Super Saiyan.

Goku immediately attacks, and the two take their fight in the air. When 17 knocks Goku down, he tries to save the forest before Goku crashes into it, but Goku stops himself. The two fight an equal battle, and Goku becomes a Super Saiyan Blue, saying he didn't intend to go full power, also noticing 17 hasn't been going full power either. Goku tells 17 to go all-out since they're above the clouds and they are posing no danger to the forest, charging a God Kamehameha. 17 blocks the attack with his Android Barrier, but it ends up getting destroyed. The two collide punches, and they crash back down to the surface fighting an equal battle. 17 suggests they stop there, as any more would destroy the island. Goku agrees, and is relieved 17 is not an enemy with his level of power.

As the two are drinking tea by a bonfire, 17 is thankful for his resurrection via the Dragon Balls, since being revived allowed him to gain his job and meet his wife. He shows Goku pictures of his wife and 3 children (2 being adopted) on his cell phone, also saying he works away from home. 17 then asks Goku why he tracked him down, and Goku starts to explain.

Meanwhile, at Capsule Corporation, Beerus is eating a lot of food and prepares to take a nap, only to ask Whis to wake him up in an hour so he can eat again. Whis tells him not to be greedy and only eat or sleep, and Beerus reminds him that he could be erased in a little while. Goku explains the situation to 17, but he refuses to enter despite winning 10 million Zeni (Goku is still keeping the universe erasure stipulation a secret). 17 refuses because he already has enough money from his job, and he cannot leave the island in order to protect it from poachers. Goku offers for Trunks and Goten to watch over it during the tournament, but 17 still refuses, also realizing Goku is lying to him. Goku tells him the truth about being erased, and 17 still remains indifferent, saying that if everyone is erased then it can't be helped, while he is leaving and tells Goku to find someone else.

Meanwhile, a bizarre spaceship is approaching Earth, full of a mob of Galactic Poachers wanting to extract the Minotaur and other rare species. There are 31 hours and 40 minutes left until the Tournament of Power.

Episode 87: Android 17 has declined Goku's offer to join the Tournament of Power, despite hearing about being erased should they lose. Goku tries to persuade 17 again, saying that the prize will be the Super Dragon Balls, further tempting him by telling him about how superior they are to Earth's Dragon Balls. The two suddenly hear the Minotaurus howl, and 17 and Goku both sense that something is approaching. An enormous spaceship flies over them, and it fires a binding light to the ground, abducting all of the animals on the island. 17 immediately tries to save them, and Goku follows him, but they are too late as the spaceship prepares to take off. Goku tells 17 to grab him and he uses Instant Transmission to teleport inside the spaceship where more animals, even some from other planets, are being kept. An alarm sounds, and soldiers on the spaceship immediately head to Goku and 17's location. Goku engages them while 17 reminds him not to destroy the spaceship, as the animals would die if they get tossed out.

On Earth, Krillin can sense Goku's energy moving far away. Android 18 can sense the same thing, and hopes that Goku and 17 aren't off playing around somewhere as she says they both have an immature side. On the spaceship, the two defeat all of the soldiers, but two more show up. 17 tells Goku to deal with them while he goes to find their boss. Goku says that's not fair as that would make him the strongest out of all of them, and offers to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to fight him. The soldiers suddenly attack Goku and 17 leaves, confronting the boss in the spaceship's main room. The poacher boss asks if 17 is alone, and 17 responds saying he usually is, but he has a partner with him this time. The poacher boss summons two more fighters, and asks if 17 is scared, but 17 easily defeats them, also threatening the boss to return the animals he has poached.

Goku finds 17, and 17 demands the boss about why are they after the Minotaurus. The poacher boss responds by saying that its horns are valuable, and it is said they can be used to create immortality medicine. After a failed attempt at bribing him, 17 attacks him again. The boss then pulls out a remote device, threatening to self-destruct along with the spaceship. Despite Goku yelling not to, the boss presses the switch, causing the ship to "explode". Luckily, Beerus suddenly wakes up, and that it was all his nightmare. Bulma is about to put a crying Bulla to bed, and Vegeta is irritated that Beerus and Whis are lounging at Capsule Corporation like "living in some cheap hotel". Beerus explains his nightmare about Goku dying to the others.

Actually, the boss has not pressed the button yet, but is about to. He attempts to blackmail both Goku and Android 17 to release him, if not, he threatens to blow up the ship, killing everyone on the board, including the animals. Running out of options, 17 suddenly gives his final request to Goku, pleading him to protect the animals, and to give his regards to his family and to his sister, 18, before pushing himself and the boss through the ship into outer space. When the hole in the ship causes a huge vacuum, Goku, not wanting to lose a potential teammate for the Tournament of Power, goes Super Saiyan Blue, and appears behind the boss and 17, then transport them to King Kai's Planet, surprising the nearby King Kai and co., causing him to spit out the cereal he was eating, he demands who was the person Goku mistakenly introduces Android 17 to him, as Goku plans to do the same with the boss poacher with his self-destruct device just like he did with Cell ages ago, King Kai berates Goku, saying that his planet is not a "bomb disposal unit" and wants Goku to place the boss somewhere else. Goku leaves the boss with King Kai anyway, but King Kai objects, despite the boss no longer posing any threat because he was unable to move his body due to the planet's increased gravity, fearing about his planet's destruction again after what Goku did to Cell, despite being dead. Goku is suddenly contacted by Dende, who informs him the boss was lying about having a self-destruct device, and it was all a bluff to try and ensure his escape. 17 demands the boss to press the button, and he fearfully complies, revealing fireworks and confetti, to everyone's surprise.

The captive animals have been safely returned to the island, and Jaco thanks Goku and 17 for helping him capture the poachers he had been after for years, and that he will take the credit for their work despite not being there, while Goku reminds him that he should join with them in their fight, Jaco claims that a super-elite is "super-busy" (considering his cowardice, he was just excusing to avoid getting involved). Jaco leaves on his spaceship which has the poachers' spaceship attached to it. 17, in an act of gratitude, accepts Goku's offer and join Team Universe 7, leaving the island to Trunks and Goten, and wanting to use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for a boat for him and his family, specifically a large cruise ship that costs five billion Zeni. Android 17 explains to Goku the irony of having to fight with him as allies, despite his programming to kill Goku. Goku, already familiar with these redemption acts, recalls to 17 that Tien, Piccolo and Vegeta used to be his worst enemies, now that they already turned to the side of good. 17 asks if his brother, referring to his brother-in-law Krillin, is on the team, Goku confirms it, including Majin Buu, despite 17 being confused and under the impression that Goku killed Kid Buu with the Super Spirit Bomb, Goku explains that this Buu is no longer evil.

There are only 23 hours and 20 minutes left until the Tournament of Power.

Episode 88: In a secluded place in the mountains, Gohan and Piccolo are training, where Piccolo tells Gohan that he is aware of the Tournament of Power and about the universe being erased should they lose. Piccolo tells Gohan about Goku meeting with him after the Zeno Expo, saying he'll enter the tournament, and they begin to discuss Gohan. Goku tells Piccolo that Gohan did well at the Zen Exhibition Match, but considering his original power he should have done way better, as he is out of practice. Piccolo asks if Goku has any Senzu Beans left. Piccolo requests Goku to get him two Senzu Beans, determined to train Gohan so he can get his fighting sense back. Goku agrees and leaves the rest to him.

Piccolo, holding the Senzu Beans, says that they won't eat them until the very end, and that it's going to get tough from here on out. Gohan is prepared and becomes a Super Saiyan, and the two start fighting again. Meanwhile, at Capsule Corporation, Bulla is crying as Trunks tries to change her diaper with Goten helping him. Bulma is talking about Bulla while on the phone with someone, and Beerus and Whis watch. Trunks calls for Vegeta, who effortlessly changes Bulla's diaper, stopping her crying. Beerus watches the others, saying that they could be erased soon and they're acting so carefree. Whis suggests telling them the truth, and Beerus imagines Bulma mouthing off to him, blaming him on not stopping Goku from going to Zeno. Whis asks if he should tell Bulma, and Beerus says it's not necessary.

At Krillin's house, he and Android 18 are sparring. While two civilians walk by and are shocked that lovers' quarrels have escalated so much, Marron cheers on her parents as 18 defeats Krillin. Krillin advises 18 to hold back a little, and 18 is determined to not only win her 10 million Zeni, but gain Krillin's 10 million Zeni for herself, telling Marron she'll buy her whatever she wants. Gohan and Piccolo continue training, and Gohan is being pressured by Piccolo. While Gohan is determined to keep going so that he can protect everyone, Piccolo tells him that his overeagerness is hurting him more than helping him and that he needs to calm down, saying that he won't be able to think clearly that way. While Gohan powers up, Piccolo tells him that he should accept the fact that he will be erased if he loses, then tells him to win, saying he can win and that he needs to be more confident.

In Universe 6, Cabba is flying in a spaceship, and he says that even though Hit is strong, it's not guaranteed he'll be able to win against 70 opponents. He flies to a planet to meet his friend, Renso, but Renso injures his leg as he tries to open the door for Cabba. Renso praises Cabba for his hard work being the ace of the Saiyan elite unit, the Sadala Defense Force, and Renso is revealed to be Cabba's (former) Captain. Renso heard about Cabba's new ability, and Cabba agrees to show it to him, turning into a Super Saiyan. Renso is impressed and is relieved that the universe is safe as long as Cabba is here. Cabba then tells him about the Tournament of Power, and asks him to enter since his battle experience will come in handy. Renso refuses, due to his retirement and his injured leg, but advises Cabba to take his sister, Caulifla, with him, saying that even though she seems like a punk, her potential power is even greater than Renso's.

Piccolo says that the warm up is over and takes off his weights, telling Gohan to come at him using his full power. Gohan does so and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2. Piccolo says that even though Gohan is powerful, he does have a weakness, and unless Gohan overcomes it he won't be able to last in the tournament. The two start fighting, and Piccolo eventually traps Gohan with his extended arms, asking him if that's all he has. Gohan asks when did Piccolo get so strong, and Piccolo says he hasn't been sitting around doing nothing while Gohan has been studying and researching. Gohan powers down and is defeated, and Piccolo helps him breathe by using a Kiai on his chest. Piccolo tells Gohan that his heart isn't fully like a warrior's, saying he lets his guard down at vital moments, reminding him of his arrogance and overconfidence when Old Kai unlocked Gohan's full potential to fight Majin Buu. Piccolo tells Gohan to not be arrogant, as he will not win the tournament that way. Gohan, listening to Piccolo's words, powers up. Piccolo says that Super Saiyan 2 isn't Gohan's real power, telling him to awaken the power he used when he fought Buu. Gohan powers up and a light engulfs him, revealing his Potential Unleashed state. Gohan says that he will not be holding back now.

Piccolo creates a large number of clones and they all attack Gohan, who is able to read their moves and defeat them with one blow. Gohan then chops off Piccolo's arm, however he is surprised to see that that was the real Piccolo, hesitating. Piccolo says that that's it, and if Gohan fights like that, he won't lose. Gohan thanks Piccolo, who attacks him from behind with his severed arm, saying he still let his guard down. Piccolo reminds Gohan about assuming the fight is over and letting his guard down is what caused him to eventually be absorbed by Buu. Piccolo tells Gohan to lose his arrogance and to not let his guard down until the fight is over, and Gohan agrees, and the two begin to start again.

Later that night, while eating a severed dinosaur's tail, Piccolo tells Gohan that he believes he can get much stronger, and he offers to train him some more in the time they have left. Gohan agrees, and also offers Piccolo to create a double-team combinations for the tournament, and Piccolo says that it seems interesting. At his house, Yamcha rehearses his answer should Goku eventually come to him to ask him to fight in the tournament, while Puar watches him with a bothered face. There are only 9 hours and 30 minutes left until the Tournament of Power.

Episode 89: Goku heads to Master Roshi's island, where Oolong informs him that Tien and Chiaotzu have started a martial arts dojo, and that Roshi has headed there to act as a special instructor. Goku decides to make Tien the tenth member of the team, and heads off to recruit him and Roshi. At Tien's dojo, a woman named Yurin with a grudge against Tien arrives and requests to join the dojo. Although Tien denies her because her motivation of beauty was unfit for his dojo, Roshi drags Yurin off to ogle her. Goku arrives and asks Tien to join the Tournament of Power, but, even after Goku bribes him with 10 million Zeni, Tien refuses. Yurin escapes Roshi's advances and uses witchcraft to drive Tien's students on a rampage throughout town. Goku, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Roshi arrive at the village, where Yurin confronts them. Yurin explains that she is a former classmate of Tien's during his time at the Crane School and that she swore revenge on him after he left the school and refused to fight her. Meanwhile, Cabba sways Caulifla into joining Universe 6's team by promising to teach her how to become a Super Saiyan. Back in Universe 7, while Goku, Chiaotzu, and Tien cure the students of their brainwashing, Roshi battles Yurin. He lowers his guard after catching a glimpse of Yurin's panties, which allows her to brainwash him. The brainwashed Roshi defeats Tien, but Goku intervenes. While Chiaotzu temporarily disables Yurin, Goku subdues Roshi with a Kamehameha and cures him of the brainwashing. Tien orders Yurin to apologize to everyone she hurt and offers her a place at his dojo. Tien decides to join the Tournament of Power because he believes that the 10 million Zeni Goku promised will repair the village. After hearing about the 10 million Zeni, Master Roshi quickly agrees to join as well.

Episode 90: Out in the wasteland, Piccolo finishes training Gohan. Now Gohan must test out his power and Piccolo knows just the person for that. Elsewhere, Goku, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and Master Roshi are eating at a restaurant. Tien wonders what they’ll do with the remaining time before the tournament, and Roshi offers to teach a few of his techniques. But just then, Piccolo and Gohan walk in, and Gohan requests a sparring match against Goku and Tien.

Back out in the wasteland again, the group selects a suitable spot to serve as their ring. It will be a two on two match: Goku and Tien vs. Gohan and Piccolo. Falling out of the ring means a loss, and since this shall be a battle royal, they should focus on teamwork. Tien warns Goku to remember that this is a practice match: he should be careful not to hurt anyone! But Goku thinks they might be the ones who should worry about getting hurt.

The match begins, and Goku and Gohan rush at each other and trade blows, while Piccolo begins charging up an attack. Tien aims his Tri-Beam at Gohan, but Goku tells him to focus instead on Piccolo, who’s still charging. However, Gohan steps in and prevents Tien from successfully attacking Piccolo, and Piccolo now unleashes a powerful energy wave from out of his entire body.

Goku manages to tough out the big blast, and while Gohan rushes in for a follow-up attack, Goku blocks this too. He compliments Gohan and Piccolo on their wonderful combination, saying that Gohan has managed to get back his knack for fighting. Tien notes that the mountain they’ve been using as an arena has been blown to smithereens, so the match is over. However, Gohan insists on fighting another match against Goku. Though Tien thinks this would be pointless, Goku readily agrees.

Over in Universe 10, Gowasu is fretting over which warriors he should select to fight in the tournament because he doesn’t want to mess up and pick someone like Zamasu again. Rumush and his Angel Kusu stop by to tell Gowasu he’s overthinking things and rather than using his head, he should decide with his body. To that end, Rumush and Kusu have brought along ten warriors Rumush has already selected. Their leader, Mulithim, introduces himself, but he and his fellow fighters soon need to take a time out to drink their protein drinks. They must do this regularly to build up their beefy bodies! Rumush thinks he can depend on this group, but Gowasu doesn’t seem quite so certain.

Back on Earth, Goku and Gohan take a Senzu Bean and power up to begin their match. Tien thinks this is a waste of Senzu Beans, but even he now wants to see how these two Saiyans square off. Gohan says he is now at his full power, though Goku notes he’s not a Super Saiyan. Gohan confirms that he is aiming for an "ultimate form" never seen before, and that he is going about it in a different way than Goku. Goku is impressed and figured fighting warriors from other universes would make for the best training. But he forgot he had Gohan there the whole time! The two begin trading blows and firing a barrage of ki blasts, before at last firing off a Kamehameha at each other.

Their battle shakes the ground, and even Vegeta and co. off in West City can tell something’s up. Though Gohan more than holds his own, he remains unsatisfied, and asks Goku to fight with his full power. Goku agrees, and first powers up into his Super Saiyan Blue form, then uses Kaio-Ken to boost. The two clash and when the dust clears, Gohan collapses, though not before vainly trying to get in one final attack. Goku catches Gohan before he hits the ground, saying that they will go forward together. Later after Gohan regains consciousness, he thanks Goku and apologizes to Tien for the trouble. Goku announces that he’s selected Gohan to be the leader of Team Universe 7.

Only four and a half hours left until the Tournament of Power!

Rating: 8.5/10(Average)


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