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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 76-80 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 76: Gon and Killua use the "Accompany" they took out of the Greed Island game to transport to the player named "Nigg." They both appear in a quite foggy-like environment with a figure leaning against a tree, fishing. Gon takes a step towards the mysterious person, but his footstep alerts them to their presence. He drops his fishing rod and assaults both Gon and Killua. He then uses his Nen ability, Crazy Slots. He draws a gun and opens fire at Gon. Killua quickly dives to pull Gon out of the way. Killua notices an injured ant on the ground. The figure quickly explains that he was preventing them from being attacked, and that the ant he shot was actually a Chimera Ant, an aggressive insect currently under a class-1 quarantine. The injured ant attacks Killua and Kite quickly kills it.

The man reveals that they were actually standing next to a Chimera Ant's nest. If he hadn't intervened, a whole ant army would have attacked them. Gon says that this person isn't Ging, but is actually someone he met on Whale Island before he set out to be a Hunter. The man is revealed to be Kite, a student of Ging's. Sitting around a campfire, Kite begins to tell his story, about how he met Ging, and how he managed to track him down.

Kite tells them how he used to be a thief and would steal bread with the aid of some animals. When he returned to his hideout in the sewers, he found Ging there. Kite asked Ging to train him and soon developed his own Nen. Ging told Kite to try and catch him if he can. The journey Kite went on to find Ging was long and hard. On his journey, he traveled to Whale Island in order to find clues to Ging's whereabouts. When he finally finds him, Ging says that the boy he saved on Whale Island was Gon, his son.

Kite suspects that Ging has set it all up. Gon agrees and explains how Ging set up the fight with Razor. Gon asks if Kite had ever been to Greed Island and Kite confirms he was taken into the game, but wasn't sure if he used the alias "Nigg." It then becomes apparent that Ging asked Elena to make the Accompany card, if used, take Gon to Kite, and "Magnetic Force" take him to himself. His reasons being he doesn't want Gon with friends when he first meets him.

When Kite asks whether Gon wants to know his father’s current whereabouts, he refuses, as he wants to find Ging without cheating. Kite tells Gon that his father is capable of being a Triple-Star Hunter, but remains a Double-Star because he's uninterested in the paperwork. Meanwhile, we see a mysterious creature in a cave eating fish, trying to recover her strength. She is the Queen, and she must give birth to the King.

Episode 77: The Chimera Ant Queen eats in the cave, already planning the birth of the King. The next morning, Gon and Killua talk with Kite. He tells them he is a biological surveyor of new species and about the Camp Tiger. This animal uses the horn on its head to pierce through its food and cook it over a fire. Killua asks about the Chimera Ants, and Kite tells him they're Class-1, a very dangerous insect. He was studying the ant hill until he had to kill them all. Just then, Kite's partners Stick Dinner, Banana Kavaro, Spinner Clow, and Monta Yuras head toward the group. They are Amateur Hunters in the same field as Kite. They introduce themselves and Spinner recognizes Gon's last name as the same as Ging's. They also recognize Killua's last name, Zoldyck, for the assassin family. Learning the two boys are also pro Hunters, the group is even more shocked. They say they've been with Kite for three years and Lin Koshi and Podungo Lapoy are two other surveyors in the group. Monta shows Kite a Chimera Ant Queen claw, which is abnormally big. Kite doesn't know why it's so large, but is obviously worried.

It was found on the Azian continent and a researcher named Wong told them about the new Ant species. He hired them to find more information, as they need a Hunter to identify it. The surveyors walked into a vault and under glass found an insect arm as big as a human's. This is where they got the sample to study from. Kite brings the boys along to the south of Yorknew City where the Ant arm was found. While walking, Kite sees the similarities between Gon and Ging, smiling at the thought of his friend. He thinks Gon will find Ging soon. Back at the cave, the Queen eats a bat, but needs bigger prey.

The group is now driving to the new location. They discuss further why the Ant grew as big as it did. Banana thinks it has something to do with the way they reproduce, phagogenesis, which is the process of eating an organism, giving birth, and the next generation gaining its abilities. An Ant can lay up to 5 eggs at a time, so the generations could grow larger with each new metamorphosis. Killua figures by the size of the claw, the Ant could be more than 6 feet tall and easily able to eat a human.

In the woods, a boy named Kurt protects his sister Reina from a snake. Later, they're home with their mother, Haruna, and have dinner. He promises to keep them both safe from harm. At the same time, the Queen looks over her eggs, now more than a few dozen hanging from the ceiling of the cave. The soldiers hatch, in the form of a bat, fish, crab, etc. She telepathically orders them to find new food so she can give birth to the King. Now morning, Reina and Kurt have caught a lot of fish and head home. Suddenly, a crab Ant comes out of nowhere. Kurt tries to attack it, but it's no use. The Queen eats, happy about this new food. Kurt and Reina's clothes lay by her feet. She wants more.

The surveyors and the boys make it to the beach. They scout out the area, wondering if it went into the forest. Banana uses her dog to find out where the Queen might have gone. Gon also joins in. They don't find anything and Kite suggests they look around other nearby shores. They split up and spend all day searching, but with no luck. Meanwhile, a new Ant is born, this one more human looking than others. The Queen orders him to take the Ant army and bring her more human food.

Episode 78: The Queen orders Colt to lead all her soldiers to capture more food, especially highly nutritious specimens. The narrator comments that Chimera Ants are Class-1 quarantined, carnivorous insects: once they have grown beyond two meters in length, humans do not stand a chance against them. While working the fields, a man in a village sights a swarm approaching. Befuddled, he asks what it is. When they finally see the Chimera Ants descending on them, the villagers run away in terror. Colt commands the soldier to capture only the fully grown individuals, since they provide more nutrition. Colt flies back to the Queen with his underlings.

It is explained Chimera Ant Queens move around until they find a place they like; at that point, they birth more and more ants to form an army, and then carpenter ants to build a nest at incredible speed. The queen will remain in the nest until her death. Assuming one grew to two meters and began to target humans, there should be entire towns missing. However, Spinner, at the computer in a hotel room, informs Kite, Gon and Killua that she cannot find anything, and in six months, the largest group of missing people numbered ten. Gon inquires whether it is possible to look up single people individually, but she replies that there are way too many. She tries to check which areas have the highest concentration of missing people, but the data is two years old. Gon and Killua suggest they search for sightings, again to no avail. Banana begins to suspect they are getting worked up over nothing, to which Spinner agrees.

However, Kite asks her to bring up the tidal data from the day the arm was found. She does so and Kite tells her to go back ten days, to locate any currents that might have carried it in that time, as he believes it could have been severed when the ant made landfall. Spinner says it might come from the Balsa Islands, including the Mitene Union, where NGL is located. Aside from NGL, there is also the Republic of East Gorteau, and there is no getting any sort of information out of those two countries. Killua asks what is NGL, and Banana replies it is an acronym standing for Neo-Green Life. It is a country founded by people who wanted to live in the nature. Bringing machinery into its borders is a crime, and, according to Spinner, when in '82 three journalists attempted to trespass, one of them was sentenced to death and the others are still in jail. The Amateur Hunters what NGL people would do if they were to come in contact with the Chimera Ants, and Kite replies they would probably do nothing, as they let epidemics run their course rather than letting international doctors in; and even if they tried to spread the news, the underdeveloped means of transport and communication would make it impossible for them to succeed before it is too late. If that arm belonged to a Queen, she might have already constructed her nest.

In the nest, Alligator challenges Colt to capture more humans than him. His assertive behavior prompts Colt to remind him that he follows only orders issued by the Queen. Alligator says he is just afraid of losing, since his squadron is made up of the elite, and reckons he should let the other Squadron Leaders in. Moreover, by competing, everyone will capture more prey. Upon hearing this, Colt agrees, but remarks that the quality is also important before leaving. Alligator comments that he is too stiff, but Turtle asserts it is part of his charm, and Peggy adds that the human he once was must have been pretty zealous.

In her home, Haruna offers a bowl of broth to a deity and starts to weep for her children. On the table are other three bowls.

Episode 79: The Chimera Ant Squadron Leaders have finally adapted the naming system. It turns out that many of the Chimera Ants who have the ability to talk and are appointed as Squadron Leaders prefer to do things their own way. They have invaded many large towns and are easily able to fulfill their quota.

Yunju and two other Chimera Ants attack Gyro's men. Meanwhile, ten Hunter groups have already reached NGL, including Pokkle's team. Kite and the others are the last ones to arrive. His team has trouble getting in to NGL because they uphold strict policies for not allowing any kind of manufactured or artificial material inside their borders, so anything not from nature is not allowed in NGL. After many medical tests on each member of the group, only Kite, Killua, Gon, Stick Dinner and Podungo Lapoy were able to go inside NGL.

Somewhere inside, Pokkle's group examines the dead body of one of Gyro's men. Suddenly they're attacked by three Ant soldiers. Pokkle uses his Red Arrow Nen ability to shoot red arrows that burns one in the face and they all run away. Ponzu trips and is almost attacked, but Pokkle is able to save her by launching two red arrows at the same time, taking out both aggressors. In the end, Gyro's base is attacked by Yunju's team.

Episode 80: Gyro, in his childhood, experienced many abuses from his drunk father. Getting beaten, learning to sleep without any emotions or movement in fear of making a sound in bed that might wake his father, even learning to control his bladder at night. Even so, he still saw his father as a God from the lesson, "Don't make trouble for others" and Gyro took by that advice. No matter how cruel his father would be, he continued to idolize him for two reasons: when Gyro was five, he got a fever that almost killed him, but his father stayed all night taking care of him and his father never asked or ordered him to leave from their home.

However, Gyro's feelings towards his father changed when a guy from his work revealed that the only reason his father let him stay was because he brought money and his neighbor was the one who actually took care of him when he was sick. His father did nothing. Gyro snapped after hearing the truth and attacked the guy, but was badly beaten. Bloody on the ground, his father glanced at him while walking by and never helped him. He now knew his father never cared for him and the lessons he taught were for his own benefits. He realized that the world never gave him a single thing. He stood up, grabbed a hammer and killed his father. Nine years later, Gyro founded and ruled NGL, to ruin life by distributing Drug D². In the present, Yunju's team has killed Gyro's soldiers and took over the hidden drug factory.

The situation in NGL is getting worse as the Chimera Ants continue to kill humans on their own accord, while Pokkle's team watches on helplessly. After learning about soldier Ants killed by guns from Cheetu, Colt collects information from Peggy by examining the corpse. It is revealed to him that some humans possess special abilities that the Chimera Ants don't, but he believes they can easily learn what humans can. Peggy explains the human strength of learning, and knows if they find out the Queen makes them vulnerable, humans will do everything to kill her. Colt gets furious and warns Peggy that they will do everything to protect their Queen. He tells Peggy that they will protect Reina, but can't remember who that is.

Meanwhile, Pokkle and his group can't send any messages to other Hunters about the situation, so they decide to leave NGL, but a group of Chimera Ants attack them. After one of his colleagues is killed, Pokkle manages to kill a Chimera Ant by using his Nen, but a spider-like Chimera Ant comes for him. Pokkle fires another arrow, but it is easily caught by his opponent who knows about Nen techniques. He attacks Pokkle, who manages to dodge, but Balda gets caught in the spider web, is pulled and instantly killed when Pike bites off his head. This angers Pokkle who attacks the Ant by punching him multiple times. When he is about to do a finishing blow, Pokkle suddenly faints from getting stung by Zazan's tail. Zazan orders Pokkle's body to the Queen, believing he has the nutrients of a thousand humans.

Ponzu, who was in Pokkle's team, manages to escape and uses her bees to send a message to any nearby Hunters for help. Ponzu keeps running for her life, but is suddenly shot down by a Gun-toting Ant who shoots her multiple times and eats her body. Kite, Gon and Killua receive the message from Ponzu and Kite asks if Gon and Killua will join him even if it is dangerous. Before going any further, Kite asks Stick and Podungo to leave NGL and contact the Hunter Association about the situation in NGL. Kite, Gon, and Killua race to their destination. They arrive only to find Ponzu's blood and clothes on the ground. They discover a bullet made by NGL, but Kite and the others know that the massacre was done by the Chimera Ants. Kite fears that the Ants and NGL is the worst combination imaginable.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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