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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 101-105 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 101: As the kidnapper leaves Komatsu at the mercy of the Devil Python, Komatsu uses a special firecracker given to him by Toriko, but the shock wave causes Komatsu's heart to stop. Toriko and Coco arrive to find Komatsu alive, as he has been revived by Knocking Master Jiro, the old man from the train Toriko and Komatsu rode. They reach the Cavern Lagoon, and find a school of small Puffer Whales. By calming himself, Coco masks his presence and knocks a puffer whale. Toriko does the same. After catching about ten, Coco tries to remove the poison gland from one but fails,. He has Komatsu try, and he is able to save just one, which they enjoy in sashimi and sake. Afterwards, a mysterious creature with an anteater-like head and a fearsome aura emerges from the water with a net full of Puffer Whales.

As Killua starts to count, Ikalgo narrates his wish to become a squid instead, as he thinks octopi are ugly. With two seconds left, Ikalgo cuts off his gun and lets himself fall, saying that he won't betray a friend. Killua catches him using his yo-yo and compliments him by saying that he is cool and that they could have been friends. He throws Ikalgo to the other side of the cave and gets attacked by a gigantic Chimera Ant shark instead. Flutter contacts Ikalgo and asks for a report on their fight. Ikalgo replies that they are still fighting. The shark mocks Killua and forces him to beg for his life. Killua instantly kills the shark with his claws. Coburn emerges from the shark's body and attaches a badge on his back. He then reports to the Ortho Siblings that the Bar Double Bull badge has been attached to Killua, much to the siblings pleasure.

Killua lands on the other side of the cave and notices how his bleeding is still not stopping. Suddenly, he hears a digital sound inside his head and gets attacked on his left hand. Another dart hits his torso and his body suddenly resembles a dart board. He figures that the fish are made from Nen and the Ortho brother talks to him through telepathy. More darts hit him continuously and his blood exudes slowly from the wounds. He deduces that his attacker could only use three fishes at once. He runs towards the lake and sees himself covered in a dart board-like scheme. The Ortho brother explains that his board is linked in Killua's body. He continued to attack Killua and gives points to whatever part of Killua's body is hit.

The brother announces that the game is almost over with 86 points left. When his sister suggests that they should inform Killua, the brother declines and would rather prefer Killua begging for his life. Killua begins to fall as he continuously gets hit by the fish darts. He breathes heavily as he has lost too much blood. The Ortho brother prepares his final move and pierces Killua's left ear. Still getting hit, Killua prepares to use his electricity. The brother shoots his final dart, aiming for Killua's head. The 40 points left on the board reduces to zero and the fish dart materializes on Killua's forehead. He falls on his back while the Ortho siblings celebrate on their base. The sister leaves the base, followed closely by her brother, to check on Killua's corpse. They leave their base underwater and plan on sharing some meat for Coburn.

Elsewhere, Gon eats fruits while Meleoron merely watches. He asks Gon why he trusted him. Gon replies that Meleoron was following him and said that he isn't lying. Meleoron gets surprised at Gon's innocence and says liars make promises all the time. If Meleoron is lying, Gon will destroy him.

The Ortho siblings emerge from the water and approach Killua's body. The brother tells Flutter that the target has been killed. He assures the siblings their promotion from Leol. As they celebrate for being soon-to-be assistant squadron leaders, Killua beheads them in an instant. As their heads fall on the ground, the brother expresses his shock for seeing Killua alive. Killua takes out the dart from his forehead and reveals that a suction cup saved him. The brother insists that his darts are unstoppable but Killua tells him that the he grabbed the dart the moment it materialize from his forehead. He also reveals that he removed the darts and substituted the sharp point with a suction cup and stick it back on his forehead.

The brother exclaims that no human has fast reflexes enough to catch a dart. It would have not been possible if Killua didn't know where it would appear. He knows exactly where the final dart would hit; in the game of darts, the final dart must hit the outer ring per double out rules. He explains the rules of the game and the siblings are surprised. Throughout the whole game, Killua did the math and subtracted the points where the darts hit his body. He waits until there is only 40 points left and places his hand on top of his forehead, the 40-point area. He uses his electricity to improve his reflexes. The brother asks him if Killua has a history with darts. Killua replies that he has mastered the game at the age of six and had counted down from 1,440 points as a part of his early training.

The sister blames her brother for being too cocky. Killua walks away and falls back on the ground. His blood begins to exude and pool around his body. He thinks that he is going to die, right after getting an idea of improving his ability. He apologizes to Gon. Ikalgo appears and Killua still calls him an octopus. Ikalgo denies it again and proceeds to take Killua away from the cave. He tells Killua that he knows a doctor and it won't take long to get there. By calling Ikalgo a cool guy and that they could have been friends, Ikalgo just couldn't let Killua die. He takes an underwater road and tells Killua not to die on him.

Episode 102: While Killua is being rescued by the Chimera Ant Ikalgo, Gon accompanies Meleoron in the forest. They sit in front of each other, with Meleoron smoking a cigarette. Gon takes notice of Meleoron's habit of smoking as it would give away his position even if he is invisible. Meleoron thanks him for his advice but he is confident about his powers. He smokes again and suddenly vanishes out of sight. Gon gets surprised as he couldn't sense Meleoron's presence. He tries touching the spot where Meleoron sat before but there is nothing. Meleoron appears again much to Gon's surprise. He explains that he has been there the whole time. The ability is called Perfect Plan which enables him to "erase" his existence by holding his breath: the reason why Gon couldn't touch him before. It is the same way how some people are overlooked by others. Meleoron informs Gon that they are the only ones who know about Meleoron's abilities.

They start to walk off and Gon asks Meleoron why he is telling his abilities. Meleoron replies that it could build trust since he is the one taking the risk. If he cannot convince Gon to trust him, then they cannot start anything at all. Once Gon becomes his partner, he will tell him more. In an instant, Gon agrees to be his partner. Meleoron complains on how Gon doesn't know how to bargain and how is he not suspecting everyone. He rants on how Gon cannot make decisions on his own and mentions that Gon's friend Killua will have a fit when he finds out about this. Meleoron even goes as far as insulting himself by calling himself a "suspicious-looking monster".

They walk off again and Meleoron asks again if Gon is already sure about it. He still worries about Killua's reaction. Gon guesses that Killua would surely be angry since he is cautious and tends to question everything. But if Gon insists, eventually, things will go his way even if Killua wouldn't like it at first. Meleoron reluctantly agrees and then proceeds to his motives. He wants to defeat the King. Gon listens intently as Meleoron continues that his reason is revenge. He refuses to tell the story behind it at first. Suddenly, Meleoron narrates on how the King killed someone dear to him: Peggy. Peggy was beheaded right after the King was born and right in front of Meleoron's eyes. Meleoron tells Gon that he can remember his life as a human and he remembers that Peggy is the name of his foster father's name. Peggy always carried books around and had always been the educational one. Meleoron describes that some Chimera Ants are feral by nature. By then, Gon understand why he is willing to trust Meleoron as he is much like a human.

Gon finally introduces himself properly to Meleoron and they shake hands. Meleoron takes the opportunity to show Gon his third and final power. He activates his power and they approach a bird while holding hands. Meleoron touches the bird but it didn't fly away. Gon does the same and Meleoron finally breathes out. The ability is called God's Accomplice which enables a second person to turn invisible as long as they hold hands. It is the powerful technique that Meleoron plan on using against the King. Partnered with Gon, it will let them approach and attack an enemy without their knowledge. The King's strength is not important; as long as they could launch a powerful hit when his guard is lowered, they will win.

Meleoron mentions that he watched Gon fighting against Bat and Hollow and how Gon used his technique. He admits that they are his soldiers and he sent them to measure Gon's strength. Gon also admits to Meleoron that there is someone more suited to become Meleoron's partner then him. However, Meleoron refuses to trust others just because Gon trusts them. He tells Gon that Perfect Plan is actually a vulnerable ability; although people cannot sense Meleoron's existence, their attacks could still hit him. If he turns invisible, others can locate him through En. This kind of ability is only invincible if no one knows about it.

Gon contacts Knuckle and he shouts on the other line. He informs Gon that because of their plan, Morel had to make a move. He uses his aura to surround the capital to make it harder for Neferpitou to control his puppets. In other words, they cannot perform the selection from a distance. Morel and Knov will consume all their energy to delay Neferpitou. When the operation starts, they won't be in condition to take on the Royal Guard. Knuckles also informs that they cannot contact Netero as he is holed up somewhere until the last minute, preparing for the final battle. The remaining Hunters: Knuckle, Shoot, Killua and Gon will have to decide whether to face the Royal Guard or send reinforcements. When Knuckle asks about Killua, Gon tells him that Killua isn't there. Knuckle is surprised to know that they split up but later understands that Killua has been working on his own. Gon tries to call Killua but he is not picking up. Knuckle decides that they should meet up on Mandai City.

Elsewhere, in the Royal Palace of East Gorteau, the King plays a board game against a Shogi champion. Meruem asks why the human didn't resign. No answer is given and Meruem proceeds to severe the man's left ear. Meruem despises repeating himself and continues to tell the man that the match ended twenty-two moves ago. Seeing Meruem's angry look, the man attempts to run away but is killed by the King. Shaiapouf announces that the next opponent is the national Go champion. He hands over the rule book to Meruem and counsels that the game is quite complex. Hours later, Menthuthuyoupi drags in the Go champion. The newcomer is bewildered to see another man dead in the room. Meruem gives him a choice: either sit across him now or die.

At the end of the game, the King wins. The Go champion announces that the only reason he lost is exhaustion, fever and dizziness. Meruem then gives him eight hours and any medicine he needs to be in top condition. If the man loses again, there will be no excuses. As the man leaves, Shaiapouf praises the King on how quickly he is able to learn these games. Meruem replies that everything is because of the feel. The games have different rules but all have certain rhythm to their moves. It means that disrupting your opponent's rhythm is crucial. Shaiapouf, once again, praises the King and advises that the games will only bore him. Meruem asks for another game and Shaiapouf informs him about the country's professional game: a board game called Gungi. For the past fifteen years, there have been world tournaments and East Gorteau has yet to lose. Their third representative is a five-time reigning champion. Meruem thinks that by beating the champion will make him the best in the world. They start off soon, with the Gungi champion entering the room.

Episode 103: Komugi enters the room and introduces herself to the King. Meruem continues reading the Gungi rule book, while Komugi keeps talking. The King orders her to shut up, since she is distracting him. After a while, when Meruem is ready to start the game, he sees Komugi lying on her side. Shaiapouf comes to the King's side explaining that since he ordered her to shut up, she is unable to breathe since her nose is clogged. Komugi recovers and excuses her behavior, calling the act an embarrassment. They begin the game and Meruem is surprised to see Komugi open her eyes. When asked if she can see, Komugi replies that she cannot, but still opens her eyes whenever she plays. Meruem notices the change in atmosphere that surrounds her. She takes the first move of the game.

Elsewhere, Gon still tries to contact Killua and is finally convinced that his phone is off. Knuckle complains about waiting for Killua to call. In the bushes, Meleoron hides and observes Knuckle and Shoot's attitude. He thinks that Knuckle's face says he always wants a fight, while describes that Shoot doesn't seem to be trusting to other people. He is sure to himself that he cannot trust Gon's friends until good news comes up. Suddenly, a group of stray dogs arrive. Gon tends to them and notices that they still have collars. Shoot tells him that Knuckle fed these dogs and even sacrificed sleep just to help them. Knuckle immediately denies it, but ends up telling them that some dogs were too loyal to leave their homes behind. Some didn't eat the food offered to them. Knuckle begins to tear up and again, denies the act. Shoot tells him that he doesn't have to cry about it. Meleoron thinks Knuckle is a different person, but still doesn't trust him.

Back in the palace, Komugi attacks with 7-8-2, spy and announces checkmate. Meruem analyzes her strategy and concludes that she is only using a standard strategy that beginners use. He thinks that he is not good enough for her to show her true skills. He asks for another game which Komugi happily accepts. The game continues until night wherein Komugi attacks Meruem with 8-8-1, knight. Meruem gives up again and announces that it is already checkmate. Komugi compliments Meruem that he is such a fast learner. Meruem allows her to have some rest, but Komugi declines, claiming that she can play Gungi three days and nights without sleep. Meruem tells her that he has another guest so Komugi takes her leave. Once she has left, Shaiapouf approaches the King who tells him that all the games are essentially the same. In four or five games, he will able to drive Komugi to use her real ability, and he will destroy her rhythm. Menthuthuyoupi arrives and holds up a note, saying that the previous Go champion hanged himself. Meruem laughs and smiles to himself, telling Menthuthuyoupi to bring her back. The game between Meruem and Komugi resumes.

In the capital of Peijin, Morel is using his powers to surround the place and delay Neferpitou and the selection. He creates an army of 50 soldiers made from his ability Deep Purple. While scouting the area, Neferpitou's Puppeteer manipulates a soldier, which is instantly disabled by Morel. On a roof he meets up with Cheetu who seems more confident and strong. Morel deduces that the Chimera Ants have an Exorcist with them since Knuckle's APR is gone, or Cheetu himself can dispel Nen. In the shadows, Leol watches closely and is confident that whoever wins between the two, he will still triumph over. Cheetu engages Morel in battle and punches him. Morel is surprised that Cheetu still relies on his speed. The area near them begins to tremble and Morel is teleported into a Savannah. Cheetu mocks his opponent and shows off his new ability called Tag. He explains that Morel must touch him within the eight hours given. Cheetu rolls down the hourglass and the time limit starts. However, Morel only walks away and continues on deducing Cheetu's ability.

In Peijin, Knov witnessed Morel and Cheetu suddenly disappearing. He runs away, but unknown to him, Flutter's dragonflies are after him. Morel walks towards the end of the space and feels a wall. He deduces that the field is about the size of a baseball field. If he stopped Deep Purple, he could easily break out, but the idea is too risky. Even if he stops Deep Purple, it is not guaranteed that his aura will return to him. He walks back to Cheetu, who seems to be enthusiastic about it. Morel attempts to break the hourglass, but is unsuccessful. He asks Cheetu what happens if he can't catch the Chimera Ant within eight hours. Cheetu feels no obligation to answer such a question. Morel puts down his pipe and lays on the ground, confusing Cheetu. Morel tells Cheetu to wake him up in five hours, which greatly angers Cheetu. He gets more frustrated when Morel fakes a snore. The Hunter smiles to himself. The battle is not of speed, but of mental fortitude.

Knov runs in an alleyway and is still chased by a dragonfly. Flutter notifies Leol about Knov's presence. He asks whether he is with someone and Flutter says no. Leol worries about Deep Purple; he thinks that they are ordinary soldiers, but the leader may still be hidden among them. He still cannot show his power and Hina is still occupied by exorcising the Nen on Cheetu. Convinced that he still needs pawns, he contacts Neferpitou who is in the palace. The Royal Guard accepts, but the enemies need to be defeated as the King is almost done with the games and may insist on taking out the enemies himself. He sends Bloster and Welfin to help Leol.

After the call, Neferpitou enters the room where Meruem and Komugi are still playing. Shaiapouf expresses his worry over the fact that Meruem is still nowhere near victory. Meruem analyzes the situation again and remarks that he should have been able to break Komugi's defenses. He attacks with 4-5-1, musketeer in which Komugi counters immediately with a 2-8-2, fortress. Meruem gets alarmed as Komugi's spy has done nothing during the entire match, but is able to control the board all of a sudden. He announces his defeat and demands another rematch. Komugi's strength in the game upsets the King.

Episode 104: Welfin and Bloster leave the palace while talking about the King. They talk about him being obsessed with playing Gungi to the point of skipping meals. Bloster suggests that they take the food for themselves, but Welfin dismisses the idea since he doesn't want to be confronted by the King or the Royal Guard. Bloster agrees with him and since their superiors are all powerful, he might as well obey them. It is revealed that Shaiapouf is giving them powers and all Chimera Ants understand it except Hagya.

In Peijin, Knov takes on several of Neferpitou's puppets, while Flutter keeps a close watch through his Satellite Dragonflies. Flutter reports to Leol that Knov is being cautious with his surroundings. Leol asks if Knov has been using any kind of ability. Flutter says that Knov is only using physical attacks like the others to take out the puppets. Leol plans to take out Morel's Deep Purple until the reinforcements arrive and anticipates learning Welfin and Bloster's abilities.

Knov heads in an alleyway and activates his portal, leaving Flutter confused as his target has disappeared. He reports back to Leol, while Knov continuously scouts the area using his ability "Hide and Seek" which enables him to create portals from surfaces and transports him into a Nen space. He can teleport other people and even objects through his portals. The Nen space is composed of twenty-one rooms on four floors. Each room is isolated and doesn't have any entrance or exit. The entrance is shut all the time and one must exit through another door in order to return to the real world. It is possible to create many entrances and it depends on the size of the room. There is an exit door, in which Knov approaches, which leads back to the portal used for entry. As a general rule, one can enter and exit through the location of the entry portal. However, Knov has a master key that can be linked to any portal.

Knov's portal transports him near the palace and he remarks that the place is still quiet. Meanwhile, Morel's Deep Purple is used for defensive purposes. If these puppets encounter someone who is not seen as an ally, it will keep its distance. However, if its attacked, it will automatically retreat while fighting back. In order to fight back, the puppets will throw nearby objects at the enemy. They try to avoid direct contact as the enemy will realize that they are actually Nen puppets. Knov spots Flutter flying only a few meters from him. He deduces that he is the one controlling the dragonflies from before and decides on taking out Flutter to refrain him from relaying information.

Elsewhere, Cheetu keeps on distracting Morel from falling asleep. Suddenly, Morel attacks him using his pipe and Cheetu dodges just in time. He boasts that Morel can't trick him and Morel only retorts that he can't fall asleep due to Cheetu being so noisy. Cheetu laughs it off and tells Morel that he will keep the distraction going. Morel lies back on the ground and promises Cheetu that he will not get up until the five hours are over. Cheetu begins to get frustrated once again and keeps on trying to get Morel's attention. The Hunter smirks to himself as he thinks about his victory and a puff of smoke emerging from his mouth.

It starts to rain while Meruem and Komugi continue their game of Gungi. Shaiapouf sits quietly on the other side, while reading a book. Meruem sends a 9-9-1, marshal which is quickly countered by Komugi with a 1-5-1, marshal. Meruem sends a 7-9-1, pawn and countered by another pawn by Komugi. They keep on playing until Komugi's marshal has been isolated. Meruem confidently calls this strategy "Remote Concealment". The game continues and Meruem analyzes Komugi's strategy. He anticipates that Komugi will position her archer on her right flank. Indeed, she places her archer on her right flank in which Meruem counters with a new spy. He knows that he will cost two pieces but in doing so, it will create an opening in her left flank. He dislikes to be predictable and counters with a lieutenant general. Komugi suddenly pauses and Shaiapouf takes notice of her hesitation. Meruem starts to feel confident that he can attack through the center of the board.

Komugi counters with another lieutenant general and Meruem is utterly surprised. He admits his loss and tells Komugi that she knew his strategy was a dead end, yet she hesitated before attacking again. Komugi explains that Meruem's "Remote Concealment" strategy is actually named "Kokoriko" and it was Komugi who came up with that strategy ten years ago. By placing the lieutenant general in the middle was also invented by Komugi, called "General in the Middle". But then, she saw a way to defeat it when an opponent used the same strategy against her. Since then, her devised strategies were removed from official matches and all textbooks. She narrates how happy she feels and that is why she hesitated. Meruem calls it foolishness and leaves the room. He tells Komugi to get some rest and be prepared for their next match as she won't get any more breaks. Shaiapouf remarks again that it is the first time that Meruem actually listened to someone for such a long time.

Four hours later, Cheetu has become bored and started reading manga. Parallel from Morel's position, he is laughing and kicking his feet. He notices that Morel stands up and gets fired up to begin the contest. He laughs again, but pauses when he realizes that a rope made from smoke is tied around Morel's pipe and around his ankle. Morel winds up his pipe, while walking towards Cheetu. Cheetu attempts to run away, but is held back by the rope on his ankle. He punches it desperately, but the rope is still attached. Through his frustration, Cheetu conjures a crossbow on his right arm and starts showing it off to Morel. He attempts to attack Morel with an arrow, but it is easily countered. Morel suggests Cheetu use the claws at the end instead, which seems more useful. Cheetu does what he suggests and embeds the claws into Morel's chest. He begins to laugh until he realizes that the Morel in front of him is really just smoke and the real one is behind him. The real Morel touches Cheetu's shoulder. They are transported back into the real world and Cheetu admits defeat. When Morel asks Cheetu again about what would have happened if he didn't catch him in the eight hours, Cheetu refuses to answer and heads back to the palace to ask Shaiapouf for a new power.

Morel deduces that Shaiapouf is a Royal Guard, which is difficult if the selection is carried out. Knov calls Morel through his phone and asks to meet with him. Inside Knov's Nen space, Flutter has already been defeated. Knov informs the reinforcements have arrived: a lobster and a wolf. Outside the Nen space, Welfin, Bloster and Leol are looking for Flutter. Welfin demands a change of plans and Leol is forced to use his power, refusing to lose again in front of Neferpitou. He sends out his Rental Pod, but lies about its true capabilities. He hides while using it and uses Flutter's ability, Satellite Dragons, to fool Welfin and Bloster that Flutter is back on.

In the palace, Meruem is upset about his constant loss but admits to himself that he is actually enjoying the game.

Episode 105: Meruem continues to ponder about his constant losing to Komugi, but at the same time, enjoys their matches. He regards this feeling as frustrating and he heads back. Greeted by Menthuthuyoupi, Meruem finds Komugi still sitting in her spot where he last saw her. He asks Shaiapouf about it and the Royal Guard only shakes his head as Meruem sees Komugi sleeping and drooling at the same time. Meruem remarks this as unsightly and proceeds to wake Komugi. In their next game, Meruem proposes that they should have a wager. He is willing to grant any wish from Komugi if she wins, but if she doesn't, he will take her left arm. Komugi takes time to decide, but ends up betting her life, like she always does. She explains the reason that she cannot lose is because Gungi players are not allowed to lose. Being in a family of twelve, Komugi is the breadwinner and losing will make her a burden. Meruem dismisses the topic and asks her again what she wants. She answers that her request will be mentioned after her win.

After realizing that Komugi has no desire or fear, Meruem begins to laugh and remarks that he is the one with no resolve. He admits to have imagined that Komugi will take his life if he loses. Shaiapouf reacts violently and Meruem demands silence from him. Komugi denies such a thing and answers that the thought has never crossed her mind. Meruem then calls off the wager and takes off his left arm as a form of apology. Shaiapouf reacts once more and runs to Meruem's side. The Royal Guard cuts off his sleeve and tends to Meruem's injury. Komugi asks what happened but Meruem only wishes to continued the game. Shaiapouf differs himself and is focused more on treating Meruem's arm. The Chimera Ant King slaps Shaiapouf and sends him across the room. Shaiapouf offers Neferpitou's help and will reattach Meruem's arm. If Meruem refuses the offer, Shaiapouf is willing to be killed. Meruem asks him to come forward and asks Komugi to make a move in their game. She refuses to play until his injury has been treated. Meruem threatens Komugi and demands her to make a move. Still, she refuses and he gets frustrated and asks for Shaiapouf to summon Neferpitou.

In the city, Knov and Morel are convinced that all the puppets have vanished. Morel suggests that the selection has been resumed, but Knov doesn't think so. As the Hunters surround the capital, the Royal Guards focus on keeping the King safe. Knov deduces that something may have befallen upon the Royal Guard or the King himself. Morel calls this their "golden opportunity" to infiltrate the palace. They also consider it a trap, but are more convinced that the Royal Guard won't endanger their King. Knov must create a portal near the palace. Leol's Satellite Dragonflies find Knov and Morel and sees Knov demonstrating his ability to create portals. The two Hunters split up and Leol, Welfin and Bloster focus on taking out Morel first.

Back in the palace, Neferpitou arrives and uses her ability, Doctor Blythe, to treat Meruem's injured left arm while he continues to play Gungi with Komugi. Shaiapouf asks Neferpitou on how long the operation will take and Neferpitou replies that around two to three hours will be sufficient for the King's complete recovery. She admits that this ability requires a lot of Nen, and she is unable to use her Puppeteer and En during the time being. Shaiapouf volunteers to watch the surroundings and admits that his En is nowhere near Neferpitou's.

Near the palace, Knov appears and confirms that no En is being used. He gets confident that during the night, he will be able to hide himself in the dark and take out enemies. He runs down towards the palace, all the while pulling off bushes and cloaks himself in it, as a camouflage. He begins to plan ahead and decides to prepare three exits in the area around the palace. He will set up entrances where the palace is within sight. He advances nearer to the palace and crawls his way closer to it.

In the palace, three humans are kept alive who are not intended as food: Komugi, Ming Jol-ik and Bizeff. The last one serves as the country's ruler and deals with domestic organizations. Other than the three humans, eleven more Chimera Ants are there, including Cheetu, Hina and Shidore. Knov successfully reaches the palace and attempts to proceed to infiltration. Secretary Bizeff complains about too much work given to him and requests for three more secretarial assistants. He receives an e-mail, which contains pictures of women that are "available". Bizeff smiles wickedly and continues to browse the pictures. He proceeds to make this request and they are sent immediately to Marcos who informs Palm that the target has taken the bait.

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)


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