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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 106-110 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 106: Knov, finally arriving at his destination, notices strange trees in front of the palace and realizes that they are cocoons holding the humans that were selected. Knowing that they'd stand against these humans as King's weapons, Knov creates the first exit using his ability, vowing to put a stop to this plan. He continues approaching the palace's entrance, making one more exit right in front of it. He figures out that reaching the second floor of the inner palace is a must in order to stop the arrival of reinforcements, so he aims for that. However, on his way, he encounters a Chimera Ant soldier. Quickly killing him with his Scream ability, Knov hesitates, not knowing whether there are more soldiers.

He eventually reaches the central staircase, however, before he can advance, he suddenly notices an evil aura coming from above. Facing his fear of being tortured for information before being killed, Knov realizes that he cannot continue beyond this point and opens a final exit. Meanwhile, Morel happens upon Leol. After exchanging jokes and introducing themselves, Morel begins running the opposite direction, knowing that he has to divert attention so Knov can infiltrate the palace. Unbeknownst to Morel though, he is being followed by an ability Leol stole. At the same time, a convoy of trucks is nearing the palace. Knov watches this from afar, knowing that Palm is inside one of them. Inside, Bizeff receives the delivery, requesting to leave the fourth truck alone. He personally drives it further into the building, letting five women out of it afterwards. He picks one of the women to go with him, while Palm continues following the plan of her mission. She states to herself that should she fail and end up captured, she will kill herself.

Now, far away from the palace, Knov finds a safe spot to hide himself. He begs Palm not to do anything foolish, in spite of knowing that the mission can continue even if Palm fails. He then recalls the vicious aura, knowing that facing it broke his will way too easily. He questions, while breaking down and crying, how is it possible that Gon and Killua are able to continue fighting in spite of facing Neferpitou directly. He then once again begs Palm not to do anything foolish, knowing that he cannot return to the palace anymore. At that moment, Palm, in order to manipulate Bizeff, enters his place 'with something cold to drink'. Meanwhile, Morel and Leol end up in an underground church. After some teasing from Leol, Morel calls the Chimera Ant cocky and unleashes his ability. Leol reveals his knowledge of Morel's smoke-shape-shifting, with the latter realizing that he can use this to his advantage. Even though he knows that he should strike before his opponent can reveal his ability, that's not how men should fight and excitedly waits for Leol to make his move.

Episode 107: Morel and Leol continues their face off in the underground church. The Chimera Ant activates his Nen ability and unleashes Inamura, much to Morel's shock, as a huge wave of water crashes into the church. Leol rides the wave with his board and heads towards Morel, clashing with him using the harpoon he has summoned. However, Morel recognizes the ability and angrily exclaims it to be his friend's power, while unleashing smoke that allows him to stand on the water. They continued attacking each other until Leol begins spinning, creating whirls of water. Morel readies himself just as he is forced under water. Leol takes his time, deciding how to finish off his enemy, however, he suddenly notices that his opponent is no longer under the water. It is revealed that Morel used smoke to get himself out of the whirl, thanks to his large lung capacity.

Morel then reveals that he now knows the secret behind Leol's power, vowing to defeat him for stealing the Inamura ability from his friend. After a short argument, Leol creates a huge wall of water, forcing Morel underwater one more time. After a short while, Leol is surprised to see that Morel still hasn't come out of the water and then witnesses air bubbles in the water on multiple places. He tries to figure out the Hunter's strategy and comes under the impression that Morel is trying to escape; however, before he has enough time to chase Morel, his vision suddenly begins to cloud up and begins to feel pain. As Leol wonders whether he has been poisoned or not, his ability disappears and he falls under water. It is then revealed that the 'poison' was in fact carbon dioxide, the amount of which Morel increased using his lungs and smoke. Under the palace, Palm takes her chance to move around, having figured out how to escape thanks to her ability. She eventually reaches the central staircase and, similarly to Knov, she witnesses an evil aura and realizes she cannot move beyond that point. Suddenly, the aura disappears, but a different one manifests itself, leaving Palm with nothing but an expression of fear.

Meanwhile, Killua wakes up at unknown place, with Ikalgo next to him. After questioning his whereabouts, Killua learns that he is in an underground clinic. He then tries to get out, shocked that he was sleeping for two days. Ikalgo argues that his wounds will reopen, but they are interrupted by the Underground Clinic Nurse who notices that Killua is awake and asks him to pay before he leaves. After a short argument, Killua uses a telephone to get in touch with Gon, having him to send the money for the nurse and also asking about the situation. After the call is over, Gon and others discuss Palm's whereabouts. Knuckle thinks that she's still at the palace, which leaves Gon worrying about Neferpitou's En. Shoot correctly deduces that Neferpitou's En cannot reach the underground warehouse. However, that also means that Palm cannot get out as the exit is on the surface.

Gon then contacts Morel, questioning Knov's state. It is revealed that Knov is unable to participate in the battle anymore, however, since he managed to place the exits, the original plan still continues. Meanwhile, Killua tests his body, with Ikalgo being shocked that he is already healed. As the doctor appears, allowing him to leave as the money has arrived, Killua heads to the exit, with Ikalgo standing behind. Killua tells him to come, wanting to introduce him to the rest of the Hunters, which leaves the Chimera Ant speechless. Ikalgo is then touched after Killua notes that he thought they were already friends. They both head out, but Killua stops to talk about how friends support each other. He also mentions the true nature of the Hunters. Ikalgo, knowing that this is what he always wanted, begins to cry, eventually following Killua on his way to other Hunters.

Episode 108: Meruem and Komugi continue playing Gungi, while Shaiapouf watches them. Soon, Komugi starts to feel different and Meruem steps out of the room, allowing Komugi to get some rest. As she leaves the throne room, Shaiapouf attempts to grab Komugi, but restrains himself. He understands that if he kills Komugi, Meruem will be furious that he didn't defeat her yet. Shaiapouf bursts into tears for such foolish thoughts and grabs his violin to play it. During his outburst, Menthuthuyoupi walks by and notices Shaiapouf's odd behavior.

Elsewhere, Killua and Ikalgo have already met up with the rest of the extermination team. They formulate a plan by drawing the Royal Guard away from the King as Chairman Netero will enter beyond Neferpitou's En. As Killua ends his plan, Gon suddenly mentions Palm and asks if there is something that can be done to contact her. Killua deduces that she might have been killed or is in hiding. If Palm have escaped, she would have contacted them but if it is otherwise, then she would take her own life for being captured. Shoot also presses that by showing concern, it would be an insult to Palm's resolve. Again, Killua explains that Gon's concern is worthless: that even if they are concerned of Palm, there is still no plan to rescue her.

Back in the palace, Meruem and Komugi are playing Gungi. Shaiapouf steps forward and asks for Meruem's opinion about the incoming selection, but Meruem brushes him off, telling the Royal Guard to decide on his own. When Shaiapouf presses further, Meruem orders that Shaiapouf shall not come until he is summoned. Shaiapouf leaves the throne room and sits beside Menthuthuyoupi. They begin talking about the King's game and Menthuthuyoupi remarks that Meruem is close to winning. Shaiapouf says otherwise, saying that both Meruem and Komugi are evolving and that he cannot predict the outcome anymore. After learning from Welfin and Bloster about Leol's loss, Neferpitou takes charge and keeps watch high atop the palace. They get interested in fighting Morel but dismiss that idea quickly since they cannot leave their post. They suddenly get frustrated and Menthuthuyoupi watches them from afar. During the night, the extermination team splits up into two groups: Knuckle and Shoot and Gon, Killua, Meleoron and Ikalgo.

In the Royal Palace of East Gorteau, as Meruem and Komugi resume playing Gungi, the King witnesses Komugi using her ability to play Gungi. Later, Komugi asks for a break so that she could record the moves used in their game. As she leaves the room, Meruem asks for her name. Komugi tells him and asks for his name as well, which leaves Meruem speechless. He summons his three Royal Guards to question for a name but all three provided no answer. Neferpitou calls him King which Meruem accepts. As the King speaks, Shaiapouf misinterprets his words again, thinking the King might be showing remorse, something Shaiapouf believes a king should never have. Meruem then releases a strong menacing surge of aura, shocking his Royal Guards. Shaiapouf interprets and confirms this as Meruem having no remorse for his actions. When the King leaves, Shaiapouf bursts into tears for his lack of faith in Meruem's demeanor.

Meruem returns to the room where Komugi is, preparing to end her life, full of self-esteem. However, when he opens the doors, he finds Komugi being attacked by an eagle, leaving her wounded and covered in blood. He quickly comes to her aid, kills the eagle, and checks on her condition. After being shown kindness, Komugi cries in front of the King, as no one has ever been this nice to her before. He acknowledges Komugi as his important guest, but starts to question his actions.

Episode 109: Ikalgo wakes up and finds both Killua and Gon preparing. Killua reviews their plan in which he and Gon will head to the central stairway and towards the throne room while Ikalgo will descend through an elevator to find Palm. However, Killua stresses himself if the plan will proceed as planned. He insists that if something unexpected happens, they should know how to deal with it. They plan on dealing with Neferpitou's Nen and also mention that the aura Knov came in contact with belonged to Shaiapouf, not Neferpitou. They conclude that something came up during Knov's infiltration, causing Neferpitou to leave the palace's security to Shaiapouf.

They called Colt, who is staying in a mansion, and he suggests that Neferpitou might be have been healing someone at the time. He explains that Neferpitou was the one that restores Kite. As Colt talks to them, a ball passes his side and on the floor, a child is playing with several toys. He continues that healing requires a great deal of concentration.

Killua speculates that someone within the palace, the King or one of the Royal Guards is injured and required healing. They also take into consideration that if one of the Guards is injured, Neferpitou wouldn't bother himself to heal them since his main priority is the King. They come to the conclusion that the King injured himself for some reason. In Peijin, Killua contacts Morel and tells him everything they talked about. Suddenly, there is an announcement in the capital and all the people march outside their homes. Neferpitou's Nen puppets lead the march.

In the palace, the three Royal Guards watch over the distance as the people march towards them. Neferpitou tells his brothers that more skilled enemies arrived and Shaiapouf is convinced that the enemy have reinforcements. Menthuthuyoupi suggests that the selection might be used as a cover-up. Since the King is participating in the selection, Shaiapouf suggests that one of the Royal Guards should stay beside the King throughout the selection. Menthuthuyoupi mentions that the King has been upset because of the Guards' closeness to him, which leads Shaiapouf to take the responsibility himself; Menthuthuyoupi's appearance can attract attention and Neferpitou can be distracted too easily. Neferpitou suddenly senses that the enemies' presence have completely disappeared.

The extermination team reside in Knov's dimension where they discuss further plans for the upcoming selection. Neferpitou suggests to recall his puppets, but Shaiapouf declines the idea, as it would be dangerous. Instead, he asks the puppets to join the citizens and guide them. In Peijin, Morel notices the actions of the soldiers and goes back inside the dimension. He reports what he had witnessed. They discuss their entrance to the palace where they would take entrances from behind. Knov arrives and tells them that he has no problem in investigating the area.

In the Royal Palace of East Gorteau, Meruem confronts Neferpitou regarding the previous attack on Komugi. Neferpitou admits that she knew Komugi was being attacked, but made no attempt to save her since the King was safe. Meruem orders Neferpitou to monitor Komugi's surroundings from now on and deal with any threats. Neferpitou agrees and leaves the throne room silently. Nearby, Knov investigates the citizens and notices that they are hypnotized and dazed by Shaiapouf's wing scales. He reports this back to Morel and the others. Morel takes this as an advantage; even if they cause turmoil in the palace, no one will panic and stampede each other. Gon, Killua and Ikalgo enter the dimension. The team prepares and its members ponder in silence. Shoot thinks to himself that Killua seems to be brimming with confidence, except for the fact that he also seems to be fading away. Meleoron practices holding his breath which reaches up to two minutes, claiming this is enough time for his ability. Knuckle believes everyone has a heart, even the Chimera Ants, but knows he must kill them or be killed. Gon promises Kite he will return him back to his normal self. Morel acknowledges his fatigue, but knows he has no time to rest. Ikalgo pledges allegiance to Killua and thanks him once again for a second chance.

Meruem continues to have an existential crisis, unsure of who he is, why he was brought into the world, and what he should do. The extermination team moves out and only ten more minutes remain before the infiltration.

Episode 110: The extermination team decides to use the nearest exit which is located in the staircase. Inside the Royal Palace of East Gorteau, Hina who is having a bath complains about her current appearance due to exorcising Nen for Leol. She is determined to ask for a reward when he comes back and insists on Shidore to talk more. Elsewhere in the palace, Bizeff is distressed on learning that Palm is actually an infiltrator. He encounters Welfin along the way who demands Bizeff not to use cellular phones as it irritate his ears. Welfin also knows that Bizeff is looking for a woman, suggesting Bizeff give him something which belonged to her in order to trace her scent. After being threatened by the Chimera Ant, Bizeff agrees and runs off to find Palm's clothes.

Another Chimera Ant contacts Welfin and they discovered the shoes left by Knov the other day when he infiltrated the palace. Welfin immediately recognizes that the blood belonged to Taragetter, a member of his squad. He analyzes the situation very carefully. Using his acute scent, Welfin discovers that the infiltrator has successfully entered the palace and is in cahoots with Bizeff's woman. In a separate room, Komugi sits alone in front of an untouched Gungi board. She opens her eyes and tears fall as she remarks that she still hasn't known Meruem's name. She wishes to play with him again. Five million people gather outside the palace. Meruem is followed around by Menthuthuyoupi and is immediately knocked out as the King is irritated by his presence. Neferpitou, sitting on her post, senses the exchange and laughs it off, remarking that all of the Royal Guard have been beaten by the King. Menthuthuyoupi flies to Neferpitou's post and tells her to remove the En surrounding the King.

Neferpitou proposes a plan to use En while not irritating the King, that is, Meruem has to stay in one place. He refuses the proposal and orders Neferpitou to keep her En outside the palace. Should someone attack from the underground, Neferpitou would not be able to tell, yet Meruem insists that if something like that happens, she will take care of the intruder personally. When asked about Komugi's security, Neferpitou assured him that eleven soldiers are still within the palace. Meruem concludes the meeting by ordering that no one should enter the second floor of the palace. The Royal Guard talk it over and disseminate the order of the King. Shaiapouf is troubled by this and proceeds to fly over to the palace.

Welfin continues in his investigation, but is distressed that the rain washed away the scent he is tracking. He follows the scent all the way to the main staircase and finds Menthuthuyoupi taking his post there, as Shaiapouf suggested. Menthuthuyoupi relays Meruem's orders and Welfin, after realizing that the intruders must have used his own power during the infiltration, dismisses himself from the Royal Guard. Bizeff returns to him with Palm's clothes and Welfin lies to the secretary about having a bomb somewhere in the palace. Bizeff instantly buys the lie and gets scared. Welfin suggests that they tell the Royal Guard, but not soon. He himself is determined to become King behind the scenes, and in doing so, he must get friendly with Bizeff first, not the King.

The extermination team return to Knov's dimension and spend the next seven minutes waiting. Knuckle and Meleoron review their plan. Knov returns to inform them that the Royal Guard is on the move. Gon, Killua, and Ikalgo spend their time eating and drinking while discussing their plans as well. Killua and Ikalgo start to have a dispute about exceptions in their plans and Morel suggests that one exception could be a woman. The King's objective is to reproduce so it may be possible that what the King is doing during the pre-selection is choosing women. They analyze the situation and guess that Bizeff may be actually bringing women for the King. Morel and Knuckle suggest that the King and Palm might have been doing "some things" and that they should stick to the plan.

They begin to discuss the other exceptions and Knuckle contradicts Killua's ideas. Morel assumes that the King and the Royal Guard will fight them. With one minute left, the members prepare themselves to leave the dimension.

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)


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