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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 11-15 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 11: After winning a bet over Majtani, Leorio continues his wager with Leroute. This time, she bets over her gender. Despite looking conspicuously female, Leorio, as predicted by Killua and Kurapika, bets that she is a male. Leorio thinks that it is a win-win situation, because even though he is revealed to be wrong, he still gets to examine her body. He then asks Leroute what the answer is, to which she replies she is female. She offers Leorio to examine her body, which he accepts with joy. Tonpa, whose watching the game, comments that Leorio is going to lose.

Leorio then challenges her in rock-paper-scissors. She accepts it, and starts the game with putting an 80 hour bet on her victory. Just when they are about to start, Leroute claims that she is able to read his mind, as she already knew what he will use. Leorio starts to panic, and refuses to believe it, but Leroute calmly says that he will believe her soon enough. This makes Leorio lose his cool even more, and uses "rock", as stated by Kurapika, that nervous people unconsciously avoid any action that involves opening up. She then continues her bluff, making Leorio more panicked. When they start the second round, he still is unable to calm down, causing him to use "rock" again and makes Leroute win. This causes the team to get 50 hours penalty.

The last match will be Johness vs Killua. As Lippo starts to remove Johness' handcuffs, the other prisoner starts to take a step back to avoid him. Johness removes his face cover, much to Leorio's alarm when he recognizes him and he strongly advises Killua to back down. However, Killua ignores him and both of them enter the platform. Killua then asks how should they settle this match, which Johness replies that he does not care about the exam and that he just wants to kill him. Killua innocently answers that the one who loses will die. Before Johness can even make a move, Killua has already ripped his heart out in an instant, shocking everyone. Johness pleads him to give his heart back, but in a matter of seconds, he's dead. This puts the score at 3-2 in favor of Killua's team. A small path suddenly appears, which leads them to a small room that they must wait in for 50 hours. Meanwhile, Gittarackur is seen in the finish line and is followed by Hanzo, thus making Gittarackur to be the second to finish and Hanzo the third.

Episode 12: Gon and the others have to wait for 50 hours in a small room. Elsewhere, Geretta manages to make it to the bottom of the Trick Tower before the time runs out and thus becomes the fourth person to finish the Third Phase. With 40 hours left in the room, Gon and Killua keep themselves entertained by doing many things. While others sleep, Killua lays awake. Kurapika, who is awake as well, sees him and asks him if he cannot sleep, to which he replies that he can go two or three days without sleep. Killua then tries to bug Gon by throwing a pillow towards him. However, Gon, who is seemingly pretending to sleep, throws the pillow back at him without opening his eyes. Killua realizes this and he begin to throw it again and they end up playing pillow fight, causing Leorio to wake and scold them.

Time continues to run until there is only one minute left. They all stand in front of the door, waiting impatiently. Finally, the long awaited minute passes and the door opens automatically. Gon rushes out before anyone else makes a move. They begin their journey to the bottom of the tower by getting through various hurdles. After many obstacles their time is 1 hour and they all arrive in a small room with two doors. The first door has an "X" mark on it, while the second door has an "O" mark. They encounter a very difficult choice: the first is to choose the door with "O" mark that allows five to pass, but is long and difficult, which requires a minimum of 45 hours, while the second is to choose the door with "X" mark that is short and easy, which requires only 3 minutes but only allows three to pass.

Tonpa, who is becoming impatient, grabs an axe and attacks Leorio. They begin fighting, while Kurapika and Gon convince them to stop. Suddenly, Gon gets a bright idea by watching Tonpa break the wall with his axe. They all press "O", and when they are inside, they break the wall that separates both paths using the axe. With the time almost out, Gon, Killua and Kurapika arrive first followed by Leorio and Tonpa behind them. With that, they all have passed the Third Phase of the Hunter Exam.

Episode 13: On Whale Island, Aunt Mito receives a letter in her mail box, which goes unnoticed as she does the laundry. An opened envelop then sits next to a steaming mug of coffee. It is a letter from Gon, which she reads at the dining room table together with her Grandmother. Gon asks if they are doing fine and says he is doing fine. He tells her he has just passed the third phase of the Hunter Exam, which was hard and that after he left the island on the boat it sailed into a storm. Flashbacks start from the end of Episode 1, when Gon met Kurapika and Leorio, joining up to save Katzo and becoming friends.

Now Episode 2, the confrontation with the Quizzing Lady and meeting the Kiriko Family. A flashback of Episode 3 has everyone in the underground tunnel with Satotz introducing himself and starting the first half of the first phase of the Hunter Exam. The run through the underground tunnel from Episode 4 has Gon and Killua met for the first time and race for the exit. Parts of Episode 7 appears with Killua and Gon's ball catching match against the Hunter organization's Chairman Netero. He beat them both and commended them on their effort. Mito continues reading the letter and is relieved the Hunter Exam has been really fun for Gon and that he found a best friend in Killua.

Episode 5 is shown when they ran through the Milsy Wetlands and Hisoka's testing of the participants and the following confrontation with Leorio and Gon. The Hunter Association blimp sails through the sky now, approaching Trick Tower from Episode 8 and only 41 of the 404 contestants remained. The group descended down the Tower and confronted the Trick Tower prisoners from episode Episode 9, Episode 10 and Episode 11. During that time, Gon and company also decided to break through the wall to pass the third phase, which in Episode 12 amused Hisoka along with 19 others.

Gon tells Mito and his great grandmother that he doesn't know how many phases lie ahead, but he is planning to pass them all and become a Hunter just like his Dad. Gon tells her "Until next time" and signs Gon Freecss. Mito walks to a picture of Gon's dad, her brother, while their Grandmother in the background says that his name is Ging and that Gon is following in his footsteps. She then asks the picture of Ging if he is happy about this with a tear in her eye.

Episode 14: Twenty four candidates have completed Trick Tower and passed the Hunter Exam's third phase. They are Hisoka, Gittarackur, Hanzo, Geretta, Pokkle, Goz, Agon, Ponzu, Ryu, Siper, Shishito, Kyu, Sommy, Umori, Imori, Amori, Bodoro, Kenmi, Bourbon, Kurapika, Killua, Gon, Leorio and Tonpa.

Lippo congratulates them on escaping Trick Tower. He tells them that only the fourth and final phase remain and the fourth phase will take place on Zevil Island. The Trick Tower's 3rd examiner comes with a wheeled table with a box on it. He then tells them they need to draw lots. The examinees act surprised and Lippo tells them it is to determine who will hunt and who. There are 24 cards, with ID numbers on them and they will draw in the order they exited the tower. Hisoka is the first to draw the number 384. He is then followed by Gittarackur who draws 371. Hanzo draws 197, Geretta 405 and Pokkle 105. Next the Amori brothers, Bodoro, Shishito and Agon and Kurapika, meaning everybody but Gon's group has now drawn a card. Gon asks Killua if will they have to fight each other, to which he answers probably. Kurapika draws number 16 after Killua draws number 199. Gon is next and he draws number 44. Leorio is last and draws with style, number 246 and Tonpa draws number 403.

Lippo informs them to remove the seal on their badges and reveal the number on it. He explains that the number revealed is their target. Many candidates immediately cover their badges. Gon is shocked to have drawn Hisoka's number. Lippo tells the candidates that the box has recorded which card was drawn by who. It is alright for them to take off their ID tags and the objective is to steal their target's badge. Imori is relieved that they don't have to kill each other. The examinees are allowed to use any method they choose to steal ID tags, which includes killing their target. He explains the rules further: their target's ID is worth 3 points, their own is also worth 3 points if kept in their own possession and that all other badges are worth 1 point. They will need 6 points in total to advance to the final phase.

A small steamboat heads for Zevil Island as their new guide Khara commends them for their excellent work during the third phase and introduces herself, telling them it will take two hours for the boat to reach Zevil Island. No one makes a sound. She tells them that all 24 candidates are automatically qualified to take the exam next year, while winking, but to no avail. She continues that if they fail, not to feel bad and try again next year. She gets depressed by the total lack of response. Kurapika tells Leorio that the battle has already begun and Leorio agrees telling him that everybody has already removed their plates and hid them. Khara tells them they are free to do what they want for the next two hours and to enjoy the boat ride. Leorio asks if he is Kurapika's target and if he would show him any mercy. Kurapika answers "naturally, if you would happen to be my target, I would say the same thing." Leorio doubts him and asks again if he is his target. Kurapika responds that he was just speaking hypothetically and that he is not his target and he should not worry. He walks away and Leorio angrily shouts that he isn't his target either.

Killua approaches Gon and asks what number he drew. Gon asks Killua, but he says it's a secret. They laugh and Killua assures him that he is not his target; Gon says the same. Killua says to show their numbers at the same time. Killua immediately realizes that number 44 belongs to Hisoka and tells Gon he has bad luck. Gon knows and asks who number 199 is. Killua doesn't know either and he didn't bother to memorize everyone's number, thinking the game is lame. Gon is excited about stealing Hisoka's plate. Killua asks him if he is happy or scared, Gon replies both and that he would never be able to beat Hisoka in a straight up fight, but only stealing his plate gives him a real shot at winning. Killua agrees, walking away, telling him to do his best and to make sure to stay alive. Gon tells him the same.

The boat arrives at Zevil Island and Khara thanks them for their patience. She tells them to exit the boat in the order the exited Trick Tower, which ticks Leorio off. They each must wait two minutes every time someone exits the boat. Killua realizes that they have to wait a while before exiting. Khara explains that they will be on Zevil Island for a week and they must amass 6 points before returning to the landing site. She calls for the first person, Hisoka. Kurapika comments that those who disembark earlier hold the advantage. Leorio agrees telling him that they can hide and monitor their target's movements. Gittarackur then exits the ship, frightening Khara from the way he looks. Hanzo is next, Agon is seventh, Shishito is eleventh, one of the Amori Brothers is 15th and Kurapika is 20th. Killua is next, telling Gon he will see him later and Gon agrees. Killua decides to scout the area first. Khara calls Gon, telling Leorio that he will see him later. He then runs off the boat and onto the island thinking that first he must find Hisoka's location.

Gon wonders how he will get Hisoka's tag. In a flashback, Gon confronted Hisoka in the Milsy Wetlands. Gon then shifts his position, now hanging upside down from a branch, he comes to the conclusion that he can't steal Hisoka's tag head on. He spots Kyu with a sword in a long grassy area below. He then notices that there is another candidate, Pokkle, behind the candidate he is targeting. Kyu is aware of someone's presence; Pokkle aims his bow at Kyu and realizing an arrow, Kyu senses the attack and manages to dodge. However, it slices his arm, injuring him. Kyu tells Pokkle that was close, Pokkle stands up and Kyu warns him that he won't be so easy. He suddenly starts to lose control over his body and falls down, wondering what has happened. Pokkle explains that the arrow was coated with a fast acting tranquilizer and he won't be able to walk for the next week, but that he shouldn't worry since there's water nearby so he won't die. He rummages through Kyu's backpack and collects his tag.

Gon is amazed at how Pokkle masked his presence while stalking his prey and equally impressed his opponent was able to sense the arrow being fired. He now understands how to approach Hisoka. Gon grabs his fishing rod and jumps off the tree. He can steal Hisoka's plate with his rod. He practices with his fishing rod getting apples from wood logs in one swing. He knows he'll need to sneak up on Hisoka without him realizing and then wait for the chance to get his tag. It's clear unlike the apple, Hisoka will be moving and he will only have one chance to hook Hisoka's tag when he is not paying attention. Gon ties an apple to the tree, making the wind move it and tries to catch that, which he does. During this time, Gon is being watched by Geretta, his predator.

Gon continues to train this way, but it is too easy to calculate how a swinging target will move. A frog then jumps out of some bushes and Gon tries to catch it, but fails. He realizes he shouldn't forget that Hisoka will try to get out of the way of his attack. He decides to try to catch a bird by observing how it moves or he'll never be able to catch Hisoka's tag. He tries the first time, but fails. This surprises him, but he tells himself he won't get a bird on the first or second try and continues.

Meanwhile, Leorio walks through the dark forest, wondering whose number he has. Kurapika on a cliff, looking at the sunset, decides he should probably stay in one place. Gon is now exhausted, lying on the grass, looking up at the night sky. He shouts, saying he didn't think it would be this hard. It is now too hard for him to see and all the birds are gone. He decides to catch one tomorrow. All this time, Geretta still watches him and waits.

The next day has now arrived and we see Gon washing his face in the river. He grabs his rod and goes back to training. Still unable to catch any bird, a tired Gon lies on the grass during midday and realizes it's no use. He figures maybe it's impossible to catch a bird in flight with pinpoint accuracy. He then sees a bird catch a fish straight out of the river. He sees the bird watching a fish, who is watching a fly, and at the moment the fish goes to eat the fly, the bird swoops in and catches the fish. Gon now realizes there may be a moment when his opponent will target another, and he will be able to intervene. He finally manages to catch a bird, which is about to catch a fish, that is about to catch a fly. Gon is overjoyed to have found out how to get his target. Geretta, who has been watching him, is surprised that he has actually mastered the art of hunting. However, his intense concentration will be his undoing.

Episode 15: Gon at last perfects his technique for snagging Hisoka's badge. He notices that his hands are drenched in blood and blistered from practicing for two days straight. The scent of blood attracts Hemotropic Butterflies. Gon then recalls seeing Hisoka wounded on his shoulder from Trick Tower. He takes advantage of this by using the Hemotropic butterflies to lead him to Hisoka's location.

Gon finds Hisoka, and sits quietly in bushes to hide his presence, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Meanwhile, Leorio has a run in with Tonpa. Tonpa is collaborating with Sommy to steal badges, however, Kurapika halts Tonpa and they proceed to tie him up and leave him on a random rock with a sign behind him reading "Please do not feed!!!" They soon catch Sommy and his pet monkey too. Leorio receives his badge back and Kurapika takes Tonpa's badge, having a total of six points to clear the fourth phase.

At the break of dawn Hisoka senses someone nearby in the bushes and he proceeds to walk towards them. Gon thinks that Hisoka notices him, but it turns out to be Goz. Goz challenges Hisoka to a duel, allowing Gon an opportunity to strike while Hisoka is attacking his prey. Goz relentlessly attacks with his spear while Hisoka dodges effortlessly. Goz collapses from a fatal wound he received before confronting Hisoka. Hisoka knows Goz wanted to die in battle, but even so, he still refuses to fight him, because in Hisoka's eyes Goz's already dead. Goz enraged bolts towards Hisoka, but out of nowhere he's struck down by Gittarackur's needles, instantly killing him.

Gittarackur removes the pins from his face, morphing into another one, and is revealed to be a comrade of Hisoka. He gives Hisoka another's badge, and having six points of his own to pass the fourth phase, he digs a hole and decides to sleep on it until the final day. In the evening of the second day, Hisoka begins to search for his target and comes across Leorio and Kurapika.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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