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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 111-115 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 111: Two minutes before the invasion, two men jump off a giant dragon and dive down to the palace. Neferpitou is the first one to notice and is immediately alarmed. As she diverts her En towards the oncoming force, Shaiapouf is the next to notice. Both Royal Guards are surprised to see a Nen dragon diving down towards them. At the same time, the extermination team has ten seconds left on the clock and prepare to move out. However, Killua notices Gon's sudden change; his eyes sink and become dark.

Back outside the palace, the Nen dragon, carrying Netero and Zeno, comes in contact with Neferpitou's En. Hitting their ten second countdown, the extermination team leaves Knov's dimension as the Nen dragon shatters into thousands of smaller dragons, made from Zeno's Nen. Shaiapouf acts on instinct and rushes back to the palace for the King's protection. Neferpitou searches for the enemies among the thousands of dragons and eventually finds Netero in the air. Neferpitou activates her ability Terpsichora, an ability used only when Neferpitou fights in full power. The second Neferpitou began the move, Netero tells her that he prepared various responses and what Neferpitou just did was a "bad move."

Zeno appears to be talking to someone, explaining things from his point of view. As a buffet is laid in front of him, Zeno narrates the back story of Netero while eating. He calls Netero's Nen quiet and unpredictable. He begins with saying Netero is very old; Zeno was still an infant when Netero was already old himself, and that the only one who survived fighting Zeno's grandfather was Netero. In terms of strength, Zeno admits that they are not evenly matched as Netero always has the upper hand. When it comes to battle, Netero has his most dangerous ability, the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Still suspended in the air, Netero begins to move his hands very slowly which appears fluid and gradual to Neferpitou. Below Netero, an aura is emitted and strikes Neferpitou so fast that even the Royal Guard cannot dodge.

Six decades ago, when Netero was 46 years old, he spent his time training himself: 10,000 punches of gratitude daily. It took him around five to six seconds to compete one punch, and will take him around 18 hours to finish 10,000 punches. His daily ritual consisted of worship, pray, preparation, then punch. After two years, he noticed a difference and continued his training until he reached 50 years old. By then he was so quick he could finish before the sun set. One day, he returned to the school and showed what he learned: his punch was faster than the speed of sound, earning the respect of the master.

Back in the present, the powerful attack on Neferpitou throws her across the sky and she herself cannot stop her movement. She calls for Shaiapouf, but the other Royal Guard is too occupied with rushing back to the palace to hear Neferpitou. In order to stop her movement, Neferpitou uses her ability: Doctor Blythe, an ability used only for healing and is attached to her tail. Doctor Blythe cannot move from its original position when summoned and Neferpitou cannot move beyond twenty meters from Doctor Blythe's location. Summoning Doctor Blythe stops her from farther flying away. As she falls back to the ground, Neferpitou watches in horror as Zeno's dragons rain down on the palace.

In the main staircase, Menthuthuyoupi yawns while the Extermination Team exits from one of Knov's portals. The commotion outside momentarily diverts his attention as Meleoron and Knuckle, Morel, Gon, Killua and Morel take the staircase head on while Ikalgo, disguised as Flutter, sets out in search for Palm.

Episode 112: The Extermination Team continues to ascend the main staircase and finds Menthuthuyoupi on guard. Killua anticipation for the impossible and previous experiences help him stay calm. Menthuthuyoupi uses his Nen ability to shape-shift himself into a creature with multiple limbs. He calls himself the shield, and he protects the King with his body. Shoot, who is supposed to battle Menthuthuyoupi, freezes on the spot, as he knows that the Royal Guard will not hesitate to attack him. As Shoot begins to move his cage and floating hands, Zeno's dragons descend and destroy the palace. The Extermination Team is overwhelmed, except for Killua who quickly recognizes the dragons as his grandfather's and realizes that Zeno and Netero have arrived.

During the commotion, Gon rushes towards Menthuthuyoupi and Killua runs after Gon. Shoot blames himself for his weakness, but praises the boys for their courage and follows after them. Youpi prepares to fight the intruders, but Knuckle punches. The Royal Guard becomes confused; he can't see Meleoron and Knuckle since they are invisible from God's Accomplice. Knuckle's APR attaches itself to Menthuthuyoupi, but since Knuckle is invisible, APR is also invisible. Menthuthuyoupi wonders what happened, but focuses himself on the three intruders running up the stairs. His head begins to shape shift and countless eyes emerge on both head and neck. Knuckle realizes the amount of Menthuthuyoupi's aura and calls it unlimited. He quantifies the Royal Guard's strength and concludes that Menthuthuyoupi has over 700,000 aura power. It would take a very long time for APR to drain his aura.

Outside the palace, Neferpitou watches the smaller dragons rain down and exerts her massive aura towards the whole place. The Hunters feel the sinister aura and are momentarily hesitant. Shaiapouf rushes towards the throne room, but finds the King isn't there. Since Neferpitou lacks wings, she only option is to continue falling. She uses En to locate the King and finds him with Komugi, while Zeno and Netero come towards the King. She realizes that the enemies are also using En, so Neferpitou crouches in mid-air; her legs tense like steel. She jumps back towards the palace, but the instant she feels the King's aura, she stops.

Meruem holds Komugi's injured body, as blood continues to flow. Neferpitou, Zeno, and Netero have arrived, but no one moves. Below them, Menthuthuyoupi destroys the whole staircase and the room trembles. Meruem deactivates his killing aura and lays Komugi in front of Neferpitou. He asks for Neferpitou to heal Komugi and says that he is counting on her. Neferpitou cries as she approches Komugi. Netero and Zeno do not interrupt them out of respect. Then, the King invites Netero to fight somewhere else. He mentally agrees as his plan with Zeno is to separate the King from his Royal Guard. When Neferpitou activates her Nen ability Doctor Blythe, the two veterans are too overwhelmed that they did not notice the Chimera Ant King passing through them.

Episode 113: After Menthuthuyoupi's destruction of the central staircase, the extermination team gets separated; Gon, Killua, and Ikalgo proceed toward the throne room and elevator respectively, while Knuckle, Meleoron, Shoot and Morel deal with the enraged Royal Guard. The smoke within the room is intensified by Morel's own smoke, which he uses to conceal himself and the others. Shoot is injured in the process, his right leg broken from Menthuthuyoupi's previous attack.

From the smoke, Morel steps forward to confront the Royal Guard and sends his smoke puppets for diversion. The distraction works, as a smoke puppet attacks with Morel's giant pipe. Menthuthuyoupi directs his attack to the smoky Morel and by the time he realizes this, an invisible Knuckle and Meleoron attack him from the side. With his right leg broken, Shoot uses one of his levitating hands to stand on and move, while the other two hands simultaneously attack Menthuthuyoupi to divert his attention once more. Shoot does this in order to fetch Morel's pipe and deliver it to him. Morel mentally thanks his students for their assistance and then sets off towards the throne room.

Meanwhile, Ikalgo (disguised as Flutter), Gon and Killua head toward the throne room where they expect the King. On their way there, Killua catches a glimpse of two Chimera Ant soldiers near the elevator where Ikalgo is headed. Acting on impulse, Killua changes course and takes out his yo-yos to attack. Surprised by his own actions, he gets confused as the Chimera Ant soldiers are killed. Only Ikalgo and Welfin are able to witness this; Welfin is hiding in the shadows during Killua's attack. Killua returns to follow Gon and once Ikalgo thanks him, he finally realizes that he helped a friend in need.

From the shadows, Welfin sees Flutter arrive at the elevator. He is surprised to see Flutter alive while the two other Chimera Ant soldiers were killed when the attacker, Killua, had just left. He concludes that Flutter is a traitor and is probably doing one of Leol's orders. From the two other sides of the room, the servant quarters for the Chimera Ant soldiers open and Cheetu and Bloster exit.

In the throne room, Shaiapouf blames himself for failing as a Royal Guard. His loyalty to the King makes him both weak and strong at the same time. He begins to cry and dance, calling himself a fool. He admits his hatred for Komugi, whom he deems to be only a lowly human in contrast to their absolute Chimera Ant King. As he leaves, Shaiapouf sees Morel in the throne room. The Royal Guard attempts to leave, but Morel's wall of smoke prevents Shaiapouf from doing so. Shaiapouf sets himself back on the ground and proceeds to use his Nen ability, Spiritual Message, against Morel.

Gon races through the palace and finally arrives on the tower next to the throne room. He sees Morel's Smoky Jail from afar and knows that neither the King, nor Neferpitou, are there. Then, Meruem exits the tower, followed by Zeno and Netero. The chairman recognizes Gon and acknowledges him, giving Gon a small smile and points behind him, signaling the whereabouts of Pitou. Gon understands the gesture and is ready for battle.

Episode 114: The confrontation between Shoot and Menthuthuyoupi continues while Knuckle and Meleoron, who are both still unnoticeable and watching in the sidelines. In the throne room, Shaiapouf spreads his wing scales within Morel's Smoky Jail. Killua arrives in the topmost tower and sees his grandfather on the other side.

Meruem asks his two opponents to proceed, and Zeno, whose previous Dragon Dive attack accidentally harmed an innocent civilian quits the job and creates a Nen dragon for Netero and Meruem to carry them. The two fighters leave the Royal Palace of East Gorteau to fight in a remote location. As the dragon flies off, Gon jumps off the tower and heads to the tower where Neferpitou is.

Ikalgo, disguised as Flutter, is greeted by Cheetu and Bloster who are both unaware of the commotion. Bloster notices Flutter's broken wings and Flutter replies that he lost his wings in an earlier fight. He tells them that he received orders from Hagya to go underground. When they heard Zeno's dragon taking off, Cheetu gets excited and runs off. Flutter dismisses himself and proceeds inside the elevator, watch closely by Bloster and Welfin who remains in the shadows. As the elevator doors are closed, Bloster and Welfin realize that Flutter called his commander "Hagya" instead of "Leol".

Meanwhile, in the throne room, Shaiapouf's wing scales envelops the interior of the Smoky Jail. Morel is cautious; Knov once told him that the scales could hypnotize people. He holds his breath while Shaiapouf keeps on talking. He mentally assesses Morel's emotions through his scales. He concludes that Morel has a ration of 2:3:5 of caution, resolve and confidence. Shaiapouf introduces himself as one of the King's Royal Guard and notices that his opponent's caution has slightly increased. He also informs Morel that his speculation of the inhalation of the scales will do not good. Then, with his wings, Shaiapouf envelops himself inside it, like a giant cocoon and Morel has decided to wait, whatever kind of beast emerges from it.

Shoot, despite being injured terribly, continuously tries to buy time and dodging Menthuthuyoupi's attacks. From the sidelines, Knuckle refrains himself from bursting into the battlefield; if he does, Menthuthuyoupi will be alarmed of another opponent. He begins to cry as he cannot help his friend in need. It was only then when APR appears and adds interest on the unsuspecting Royal Guard, indicating that only ten seconds has passed. But when Shoot gets hit more, Knuckle rushes forward, only to be halted by Meleoron. Then, one of Menthuthuyoupi's limbs hits Knuckle and the interest on APR decreases.

Knuckle and Meleoron retreat into the far side of the room where Meleoron could catch his breath. His Nen ability, God's Accomplice, becomes undone and APR can already be seen. Menthuthuyoupi notices the strange creature and realizes that the previous hit he took must have met the condition of the ability. In his frustration, Menthuthuyoupi retracts his limbs into his body and concentrates on a new attack. Hundreds of sharp needle shoot through his back and the speed was faster than Shoot himself. Shoot uses his two extra hands to accelerate the evasion. Menthuthuyoupi calls back his numerous limbs and starts to run after Shoot.

From the shadows, Knuckle steps forward and lets himself known to the enemy, and Menthuthuyoupi turns to face him.

Episode 115: Bloster stands in front of the elevator as Ikalgo, disguised as Flutter, descends beneath the palace to search for Palm. The name "Hagya" aroused Bloster and Welfin's suspicions. In the basement, Ikalgo uses Flutter's, Nen ability Satellite Dragonflies to begin the search. Despite only hearing about Palm from the others, Ikalgo considers her as friend. He boards one of the trucks and uses it. The elevator he had left earlier ascended once more. It is equipped with a security camera and only one person could ascend it at a time. Chimera Ants are given a pass code which differentiate from each other. Once back on the surface, the elevator is entered by Bloster and Welfin watches from the shadows. After Bloster, Welfin decides to follow but he smells the decaying scent of Flutter. He wonders if Bloster is actually conspiring with Flutter and worries that he might get ambushed in the basement. He remembers Bizeff and hurries to find him instead.

Meanwhile, Gon and Killua reach the main tower and there they met Zeno. Zeno remarks that Killua has changed and leaves the palace, saying that he knows nothing beyond the mission he received from Netero. Then, Gon and Killua proceed to enter the tower where Neferpitou is. In the central staircase, Knuckle had revealed himself to Menthuthuyoupi. Out of frustration, Menthuthuyoupi attacks APR, but is unable to do any damage. He chases Knuckle out of the central staircase as Shoot collapses on the floor, wounded. Meleoron, despite wanting to help Shoot, leaves the room to find Gon and Killua. He accidentally crosses paths with Welfin. Meleoron is already running out of breath and Welfin senses his presence. Welfin, still paranoid, uses his ability Missile Man to attack the unknown person. However, Meleoron has already escaped. As Gon and Killua enter the room, Neferpitou slowly turns behind him, and Gon's aura intensifies.

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)


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