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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 126-130 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 126: The battle between Chimera Ant King Meruem and Hunter Chairman Netero wears on in the underground tomb. With each attempt of retaliation, Meruem is countered by the hands of the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva. The King is constantly thrown across the room, seemingly at the disadvantage against the calm Netero. At last, Netero moves from his position and delivers another heavy blow on the King. But only admiration reigns within the King, admiration to Netero's abilities.

As he attacks continuously, Meruem analyzes Netero's rhythm, as in the manner of playing Gungi with Komugi. He deduces that Netero needs to put his hands together before the attack is used. However, with each counterattack from Netero, Meruem reveals himself to be unscathed. He praises Netero for his power but Netero regards that an insect should not talk down on humans. Meruem attacks again in great speed, surprising Netero. The King presses Netero to reveal more of his attacks, as the Chairman could do nothing but defend. Meruem laughs to himself as Netero regards that the King's speed and ability to recover fast can be a threat.

After hundreds of hits, the King begins to feel pain all over his body. However, in a split second, Meruem tears off Netero's right leg. He demands Netero to stop the bleeding, else he will die of blood loss. He asks for his name again and praises Netero as a human. Netero fires up and tell his opponent not to be so cocky after landing a lucky punch. The ensuing fight has only taken less than a minute. As Meruem promises to take his left arm and attacks, Netero proceeds to his stance. Before the attack, Meruem tears off Netero's left arm and asks again for his name. But Netero only laughs it off and mocks that he can pray with one hand left, surprising the King, as prayers comes from the heart.

The 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva appears behind Meruem and executes the lethal Zero Hand. The extremely powerful attack destroys the entirely of the underground tomb, and Netero thereafter succumbs into an older age. However, though injured from the attack, the King stands still and praises the Zero Hand attack. As he is the King of Ants, he promises Netero that there will be a special place for the humans during his reign and only those who are chosen should serve as the Ants' food. He asks again for his name, in which Netero answers as "Meruem".

In the verge of dying, Netero releases an intense amount of aura, prompting the King to feel fear for the first time. He sticks two fingers to his chest, thus activating his final attempt for retaliation. Meruem moves away to escape, realizing that he had been on checkmate since the beginning. A powerful bomb deactivates, the Miniature Rose, destroying the field in which they are fighting.

Episode 127: The Poor Man's Rose is described to be a low budget bomb, but destructive and lethal. It consumes millions of human lives, and is therefore banned in production. But over 80% of the countries rejected the proposal, leaving thousands of seeds waiting to bloom in countries. Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf rush towards the explosion. Meanwhile, Knuckle confronts one of Shaiapouf's close. However, the clone shows its true appearance and flies off following its main body; Knuckle concludes that something must have happened to the King.

Ikalgo emerges from the basement and patrols the area. He is surprised to see the palace destroyed in about 30 minutes. He meets Killua and Palm along the way. The three decide whether what to do next, and Ikalgo asks if Killua will help Gon in his battle with Neferpitou. Killua agrees but Ikalgo knows that even if the three of them take Neferpitou, it will not avail. They later regroup with the remaining members of the infiltration team, Knuckle and Meleoron. Knuckle asks their next move, but he himself confirms that he will stay and fight. The others agree with him and they advance back towards the palace.

In the tower, Gon demands Neferpitou that his time is finished. Neferpitou panics, wondering on how did Gon manage to see through his calm composure. He guesses that it could be his blood lust earlier, when he decided to kill Gon. Doctor Blythe vanishes and Gon makes his way towards the door, just as Komugi wakes up and asks what is going on. In a fleeting moment of hesitation, Neferpitou is threatened by Gon that he will kill Komugi if he is further delayed. Neferpitou chooses to obey, and Killua and Knuckle arrive in the tower. Knuckle proposes to use his Hakoware on Neferpitou to aid him in his battle, but Gon declines the offer. Instead, he asks them to watch over Komugi as a hostage.

Gon and Neferpitou leave the palace for Peijin where they could start their fight. Ikalgo wonders why Killua did not come, and the answer from Killua is simple: in the turn of events, Killua might be captured and used as a hostage to get Komugi back. Though prepared to die with Gon, Killua respects his decision and stay in the palace. Meanwhile, Komugi wonders who these people are and where the King could be.

Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf witness the magma caused by the explosion. Shaiapouf begins to lose himself, but Menthuthuyoupi snaps him back. Menthuthuyoupi orders for Shaiapouf to surround the area in case the explosion sent the King flying, while he will enter the fiery chasm to search there. Shaiapouf breaks into hundreds of clones and searches everywhere. However, Menthuthuyoupi suddenly screams and exits the chasm, holding a horribly injured King.

Episode 128: Following Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi's discovery of the King from The Poor Man's Rose explosion, Netero is revealed to have perished with Meruem. Menthuthuyoupi holds the motionless King in his arms, but gains hope when Meruem moves and breathes. In an attempt to save him, Shaiapouf offers his life cells which the King sates himself. The brief strength that Meruem felt urges Menthuthuyoupi to liquefy his cells and made the King drink from it. Meruem introduces himself by name and allows his two Royal Guards to start calling him that. He praises Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi, which the two Guards greatly appreciate.

Meruem emerges back to his former self, albeit suffering from temporary amnesia from the explosion. When he turns and sees Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi in bee-sizes, he asks them what happened. Though Menthuthuyoupi is reluctant to answer, Shaiapouf answers that he has sent his clones to scout the area. Meruem threatens Shaiapouf for lying and gives him a second chance in explaining. Shaiapouf admits that he and Menthuthuyoupi offered themselves to the King despite the consequences. Then, Menthuthuyoupi suggests that they should return to the palace. Shaiapouf's other clone rushes back into the palace in hopes of killing Komugi while the King is still suffering memory loss. He guesses that it will take twenty minutes for the King to return to the palace. However, Meruem inherits Menthuthuyoupi's ability to grow wings. He takes flight while both Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi clings onto his tail.

Back in the palace, Shaiapouf's clone arrives in the room, but doesn't find Komugi there. He is suddenly attacked by an invisible Knuckle and Meleoron. At the doorway, Palm shows herself and announces that she has seen Shaiapouf coming through her Wink Blue ability. Meruem notices Knuckle's APR following behind them and Shaiapouf claims that it is from one of the enemies. As the King and his entourage fly back towards the palace, Palm gets surprised and announces to the extermination team that Meruem is still alive.

Episode 129: Palm warns Knuckle and Meleoron that the King is arriving at an alarming speed. On their way back to the palace, Meruem notices Knuckle's APR still following them. He remarks that it is annoying, and Menthuthuyoupi tells him that it is the enemy's power. The King puts that into the test and uses Menthuthuyoupi's Rage Blast to attack APR. Out of the debris and explosion, APR emerges unharmed from the assault. In his curiosity, Meruem asks Menthuthuyoupi on how he learned of the enemy's power. In all honesty, Menthuthuyoupi admits that he has experienced the same power and was only able to get rid of APR when he spared Knuckle's comrade. Meruem continues to ask on why did Menthuthuyoupi not kill both Knuckle and his comrade. Menthuthuyoupi answers that if he broke the promise, it will also mean conceding defeat. Though prepared for a punishment, the King accepts Youpi's statement and urges them to return to the palace.

Meanwhile, Shaiapouf's clone in the palace breaks into thousand smaller clones in search for Komugi. He is confronted in the hallways by Knuckle, but chases after Meleoron instead when Menthuthuyoupi informs them of Meleoron's ability to turn invisible. The real Shaiapouf blames Menthuthuyoupi for allowing a traitor to live. The King dismisses the idea of punishment and accepts the emotional instability that Menthuthuyoupi possesses. The reverse of the King's opinion is believed to be caused by the Poor Man's Rose explosion, but it is also the other side of the King.

Still in search for Meleoron, Shaiapouf's small clones breaks into smaller parts and passes through Knuckle. Outside the palace, Palm cannot see Shaiapouf in his small clones. Shaiapouf tells the King that Knuckle could have only served as a decoy while the chameleon and the others might flee. Mentally, Shaiapouf anticipates his plan on getting rid of Komugi while the Hunters believe that his objective is Meleoron. Knuckle returns to the rest of the extermination team and tells them of Shaiapouf's attempt to chase after Meleoron. But Killua, who carries Komugi on his back, has a different idea and wants to put it into action.

Shaiapouf's small clones watch as Palm opens the door leading to the underground room. He contemplates whether to follow her and guesses that their plan is to split his clones far to weaken him. However, at the top of the tower, Killua and Komugi appear, redirecting Shaiapouf's attention to them. The Royal Guard plans whether to fool the Hunters and go after Meleoron instead. In his impatience, Shaiapouf reforms his clone and dives in to kill Komugi.

At the last second, Killua uses his Godspeed ability to dodge Shaiapouf's attack, much to the Royal Guard's surprise. Shaiapouf is in disbelief at Killua's reaction time, and perceives that it will be hard to catch up even at full strength. Killua briefly mocks Shaiapouf into chasing him, but the Royal Guard has something else in mind. Shaiapouf splits himself again into smaller clones and chases Killua and Komugi out of the palace. He begins to draw Komugi by words. Killua, however, knows that Komugi is important to the King and will not let the enemies have her. Shaiapouf urges Killua to give the woman up. Komugi recognizes Shaiapouf's voice and asks Killua to put her down. When he disagreed, she begins struggling against his hold and asking him to put her down.

At the distraction, Shaiapouf attacks Komugi and urges her further to struggle against her captor. Killua lays the unconscious Komugi on the ground and draws a ring around them, threatening Shaiapouf that if he passes the ring, he will be killed. Shaiapouf ignores the threat and dives towards Killua, only to have his right eye damaged and torn apart. Killua explains that even though Shaiapouf is a clone, he is still made of cells and can be burned by his electricity. Then, he urges Shaiapouf again to attack.

Sensing Shaiapouf's impatience, Meruem offers his help. Shaiapouf gratefully dismisses the offer and shows the humans in front of the palace instead. The King remembers their purpose, but also remembers something else that he has forgotten. A blurry image of Komugi shows up, but Shaiapouf invites the King within the palace to help him regain his memories. Shaiapouf then remembers the destroyed Gungi pieces in the rooms. His clone abandons Killua and rushes back into the palace to remove the Gungi board.

Elsewhere, Neferpitou and Gon arrive at the place where the manipulated corpse of Kite is kept.

Episode 130: King Meruem is fast approaching the palace with Menthuthuyoupi and the main body of Shaiapouf. The King flies over the masses of humans that were collected for the purpose of creating soldiers and food. Hidden among the masses are Knuckle and Meleoron who are unnoticed by the King and his two guards. Palm rushes to alert the infiltration group that the King has come back, as she is using her powers to watch his arrival. Ikalgo peeks out from the entrance to the underground, and catches sight of the King's return. Knuckle and Meleoron are keeping just enough distance to prevent APR's timer from triggering. Shaiapouf, in an attempt to stall and to remind Meruem of memories that he thinks are important, explains the purpose of the trees covered in human eggs. Shaiapouf urges his clones to hurry in their removal of the Gungi board and pieces so that the King will not be reminded of Komugi.

Ikalgo tries to look for a body to take control of with his Living Dead Dolls (ability to take control of corpses), but finds that he can not use the two corpses lying around him because they are too torn up. Palm finds Killua, who is still holding onto Komugi, and warns him of the King's return. She advises him on where to go.

Palm reveals that Gon and Neferpitou are arriving at the Peijin hiding place. Killua asks Palm about her how her power works, and she explains in detail. Wink Blue uses her crystal ball, which is now attached to her forehead. She is able to watch over people that she has seen with her right eye through her left eye. She is now able to simultaneously view the current positions of the people seen with her right eye. Palm reveals that her power is limited to three people at a time, and may only see others if they are around the current three people that have been seen with her right eye. Seeing someone with her right eye will mean that she will be unable to see the oldest of her targets, and in this case, it is Shaiapouf. Killua responds by saying that he does not think that watching Shaiapouf will be necessary any longer, but Palm remains wary. She explains that with her ability to watch Shaiapouf, she will be able to determine the main body from the rest.

However, throughout the explanation, Shaiapouf was listening from the grasses, and intends to use her power against her. Welfin is shown, still lying in the control room of the underground area. He breathes heavily due to his wounds incurred by Ikalgo, but it found by Shaiapouf. Gon and Neferpitou arrive at the Peijin hiding place, and Gon remains in control of the situation. Neferpitou continues forward according to the commands of Gon. However, Neferpitou receives a phone call as she walks towards the room in which Kite remains.

Unbeknownst to Gon, Neferpitou picks up the call. Welfin is on the phone and he tells Neferpitou that he and Bloster have retaken Komugi. Neferpitou remains expressionless as he hears the news. Komugi's voice is heard on the phone, saying that she is okay. Welfin gets back on the phone and informs Neferpitou that they are taking refuge underneath the palace due to the continued presence of intruders. With that, the call ends. Neferpitou's expression changes as it realizes that Gon no longer has any leverage over it, now that Komugi is back in its possession. It is shown that Welfin did not actually have Komugi with him, but rather, Shaiapouf had used his power of changing himself on the cellular level to sound like Komugi. It served to trick Neferpitou into thinking that he no longer had to act with restraint.

Gon and Neferpitou open the door, and Kite is shown, kneeling at the center of the room. Gon commands Neferpitou to fulfill its end of the promise, but it responds by asking his name. Neferpitou tells Gon that Kite is beyond saving because he is dead. Gon is put into a state of shock and watches Kite's dead body fall to the floor. Neferpitou remembers that Gon was there when he fought with Kite, and begins to explain the extent of its ability to heal. It says that it is able to keep the body from decomposing, but is incapable of bringing back the dead. Once the soul has departed, Doctor Blythe may only prevent the body from decomposing and Neferpitou may only control the body. Neferpitou apologizes as Gon falls his knees in tears.

Killua thanks Palm, confusing Palm who has not had a particularly good relationship with Killua. Killua continues on to call Palm a friend, and explains that he does not say thanks to his friends. Palm is surprised yet pleased by the change in relationship. Palm checks on Gon, but she is shocked by what she sees. Gon is seen again, crying as he remembers all of his times with Kite. He is struck by grief, anger, confusion, and guilt.

Gon begins to say to himself that if only he had not tagged along with Kite, Kite would not have died. The previous fights with the other Chimera Ants flash through his mind as tears stream down his face. Conflicting emotions of guilt, anger, and denial cause Gon to remain in a state of shock. Neferpitou calls upon Doctor Blythe, raising Gon's hopes as he thinks that maybe Neferpitou was lying when he said that Kite was beyond saving. However, Neferpitou proceeds to heal its own arm that was previously injured. Palm and Killua are in a state of confusion as Palm reveals what he is seeing while Shaiapouf watches in delight from the grasses.

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)


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