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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 139-140 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 139: Illumi Zoldyck explains to Hisoka that there were 6 cases of two people dying due to Alluka's power. He then goes down the list telling him how his mother didn't believe Killua and that she sacrificed several pairs of people to find out how Alluka's ability works and that Milluki sacrificed the lives of two pairs of tourists for cheap toys. He then tells them there were two major incidents one with 13 deaths and another with 67. Milluki was responsible for the first one by wishing someone death and Yasuha for the second for wishing to become a millionaire which killed Kasuga.

We see a flashback of Milluki showing a tourist named Muna around on the Zoldyck estate, while accompanied by Alluka and Kalluto. Muna is seeing making many photographs including one of Mike. Back in the present Illumi explains that finding this out was quite difficult but that the other incident was much easier to figure out since a butler was involved. He then tells him he realized that the criteria is different for more then two people and that perhaps there are rules for this. He then tells them that butlers are trained on their property and in that facility every butler that was in her class was wrung to death and so were a number of her teachers. But also butlers from some other classes, friends from her orphanage, her foster parents and their parents, all people she was close with or not. He then tells him that her biological mother who she visited in the hospital for half an hour a month did not die and that that was the person she loved the most. Hisoka remarks that people change and that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. To which he agrees but tells him that was not the case here, but that she started loving somebody else instead who she spend even less time with. Hisoka correctly deduces from this that they did not investigate Kasuga afterwards but before she died and that is why they chose her. They used her since she broke their rule of not being allowed to have a relationship, which they punish with death. This incident made clear that Alluka's power dangerous and might destroy the entire Zoldyck Family. They verified things with their second test and that if you fail four of Alluka's requests you must pay with your life. When the price is two people you and the person you love most die and when it is more you and the person you love die followed by those who you have spent the most time with during your life, which is why Kasuga's mother didn't die, while her lover did die. Hisoka remarks that this is a problem. Illumi then says that Killua will make a wish from Alluka to save Gon and that if he allows somebody else to fulfill her request there will be no problem but that he is sure Killua will do things the other way around.

Killua enters Alluka's prison and she is overjoyed by this. Illumi explains that Killua will have somebody else make the wish and will then attempt to fulfill her requests himself. Killua then apologizes to Alluka for leaving her there for so long. Alluka responds she is happy and missed his scent. Illumi explains that the leader of the monsters was strong enough to force Netero to use the Rose. Meaning that Gon's restriction and covenant must have been worse then death and that money and medical science can't do anything to reverse that. The wish will be granted, then Killua will try his best to fulfill the requests and fail halfway. Hisoka remarks that, that is mission failed and that the one he loves the most and those he spent the most time with, the restored Gon will die, either way. This surprised Illumi, at which point Hisoka asks if he is wrong and if he meant that when two will suffer he was referring to Gon and Killua or to Killua and himself. Illumi says it was himself to which Hisoka responds that just like him he's got issues. Illumi states that it will not just be him, Gon and Killua but that it will affect every Zoldyck and that it will require tens of thousands of lives, include that of Hisoka and that Hisoka's reaction surprise him. We see a sweat drop fall down Hisoka's face as he remarks that this is a problem.

Alluka tells Killua to die, which he agrees to, and pretends to shoot him. Illumi says he will ask Killua to follow the proper procedure when he makes his wish and that he wants Hisoka there hidden when he does and that if Killua refuses or feels that Killua is lying he must dispose of Alluka who has no combat abilities and can be considered a normal child. Meanwhile Alluka laughs at Killua pretending to be dead.

We see the Hunter Association's headquarters and find out that the third round of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election also failed and the voting has to be redone again. The turnout for the third vote was 593 Hunters out of 661. All of them made a valid vote which amounted to 89.7% of all Hunters the remaining 68 Hunters were absentees. Gon, Hanzo, and 21 others got 31st place with 1 vote each while Saiyu and 3 others got 27th place with 2 votes each, and Menchi and 6 others got 20th place with 3 votes each. Then Kite and Satotz got 18th place with 4 votes each while Knov and Kanzai got 16th place with 6 votes each and Tsezguerra got 15th place with 9 votes. Cutie, Linne, and Biscuit got 12th place with 10 votes each and Loupe got 11th place with 11 votes while Sanbica and Bushidora got 9th place with 14 votes each. Saccho got 8th place with 15 votes and Teradein got 7th place with 17 votes while Morel got 6th place with 18 votes and Mizaistom got 5th place with 27 votes, then Ickshonpe got 4th place with 28 votes and Botobai got 3rd place with 31 votes. Cheadle got 2nd place again with 49 votes and Pariston got 1st place again with 258 votes which amounts to 39% of all possible votes.

Pariston remarks that in the second round got 33 absentees and this round got 68 which is more and wonders if invalid voters have now abstained from voting since that is no longer really possible. Kanzai gets angry wondering why they would do that. Pariston then asks Beans whether it will be alright to take the Hunter License from anybody who has committed both offenses to which he agrees. He then hands Cluck a list telling her to send them a letter telling two things that they must bring their license to headquarters and that they must explain their absence. Pariston stops him and wonders if that is alright since violators now can break the rules with impunity if they are willing to give up their license and that they no longer fear the penalty for not voting. Kanzai gets angry again telling him that it was his idea. He responds that, that proposal was put to a vote and that everybody was against the idea of temporarily stripping them of Hunter status and that if his goal had been to quickly improve turnout, he would have pushed harder to. Cheadle contemplates that he is indeed hard to deal with because he accepts suggestions that can hurt him and he will even suggest them, like he enjoys those obstacles which is the only thing he has in common with Netero which she doesn't like. Pariston then proposes that the Zodiacs should give a speech in front of all the Hunters in which they express the importance of the election for the association, humanity and the world since speaking through a screen is no good and that they must look them in the eyes and let them hear their voices and feel their souls in person for the sake of the former chairman. Cheadle contemplates that this is why she hates his guts.

Alluka tells Killua to wake up at which point his body rises and he reveals that the was hiding his head in his collar which makes her happy. Killua contemplates that Alluka has rules that the rest of the family know nothing about. Alluka asks to play Shiritori which he agrees to, he contemplates that the real Alluka calls him brother and that the other one which is something else calls him Killua. Alluka then hugs Killua and asks him to pat her head, which is watched by Kikyo, Milluki, and Silva. Kikyo says that Killua is a model big brother to which Milluki remarks that, that is three requests down and that a computer is no big deal which angers Silva. Milluki apologizes saying he will never do it again. Silva states Alluka is ready to which Milluki confirms that Killua can make his wish.

Silva then asks Milluki to go over the rules again, which he does saying he is aware of five rules:

  1. when Alluka's requests are no fulfilled a price is paid and the request difficulty is reset to level 1 which is the best time to make a wish;

  2. once Alluka starts making requests to someone, she will never switch to somebody else, which is why he always made sure to return to a butler before sending her to them and that Killua probably did the same which is the reason why she never made requests to them;

  3. if the person fulfilling the quests dies before finishing the job it is a failure and at least one more will die, which was confirmed by experiment;

  4. if Alluka doesn't know somebody's name she can't make requests from them;

and the same person can't make two wishes in a row.

He further swears he is not hiding anything from Silva, who just wonders why Killua isn't making a wish. Milluki replies that he probably has some crazy idea and if he would make the wish now someone else will have to clean up the mess which Silva says doesn't make sense because he can save his friend first and deal with the consequences later. Milluki wonders whether Gon would be happy to know that many lives were sacrificed to revive him, no he wouldn't, that is going through Killua's head since he is stupid, which is why Illumi used his needles on him.

Killua is moving lifting Alluka from the ground and walking to the door and telling his father to open it, which he refuses telling him to make his wish in that room and that he can't let them outside which confirms to Killua that they know nothing of the other rules he knows while also thinking he is really his son. He then asks him if he referred to Alluka as coming from somewhere else and that he also calls the black eyed Alluka "Something" (Nanika) and that he is leaving and that he will clean up his own mess. He then tell Nanika to kill his mother if they haven't left the Kukuroo Mountain in half an hour. This startles her and angers Milluki. Killua tells Nanika that if they have left the mountain in half an hour to kiss him on his cheek, which she agrees to. Kikyo collapses and wonders how Killua can make such a cruel demand and that is it wonderful and that he has grown up while Milluki shouts that he did not know you could give yourself multiple options as long as one wish is granted. Killua again tells his father to open the door which he does. Killua in flashback contemplates that "Something" is good at destroying thing but bad at fixing them and that in order to do that she needs to touch them which she in the flashback does to an injured bird that's healed by her. We then see Alluka kiss Killua on the cheek in the present. Killua says he is going to save both Gon and Alluka.

Episode 140: In Gon's hospital room an unknown Nen exorcist remarks that it is impossible and that her power isn't enough to bear Gon's burden. Knuckle hands Morel a cellphone with Killua on the line whom he asks how he is doing and where he is, he tells him he is on his way back and asks how Gon is doing. He answers that there was no luck and that when they told him about Kite there was no response and that a lot of people have dropped by to talk to him but that there has been no reaction from him. Killua responds that he understands and that he doubts there are any normal means to bring him back, Morel replies to not be hasty and that Gon used a temporary restriction and covenant in order to wield an enormous amount of Nen and that it is best left to a Nen exorcist and that they can wait until they have exhausted all options before resulting to more riskier methods. Killua says that it came out wrong and that he wasn't talking about some crazy gamble and that he guarantees that Gon will be healed and that it is less risky than using a Nen exorcist and to let him handle it, however there is one problem because he can't get there which is his biggest challenge.

Gotoh interrupts the call apologizing saying he can't let that conversation continue on the grounds of secrecy to which he replies he didn't tell them anything secret, however according to Gotoh that is not true since he said that Gon's healing is guaranteed which is a reference to Alluka's power and that now he is still within the Zoldyck's boundaries but outside of its property and that his is already at alert level 4 and that he must be careful. Killua contemplates that Gotoh was waiting for him to give Morel a hint and tells him that he is too easy on him, which he does not understand. Killua contemplates that his father put him on level 4 and must be pissed off. Alert Level 4: Restrictions are placed on the targets speech and ability and in order to enforce this multiple butlers and family members are assigned to monitor the target and that if a restriction is violated the target will immediately be captured and returned home and the level will be raised to 5 at which point a single step is taken outside of the Zoldyck property the target will be captured.

Killua asks for the reason and is told that it was due to him removing a classified object, rebelling against his parents and the use of threatening actions which angers Killua since Alluka isn't a object. Gotoh then tells him there are three rules to protect family secrets, to not talk or exchange items with somebody else without permission and in order to accomplish that he may not carry any communication devices (they were taken away already), secondly he must stay within one meter of Alluka at all times (he doesn't plan to let her out of his sight) and thirdly he is forbidden to let outsiders know anything about Alluka's power. Killua replies that he understands completely. He and Canary have to come with him, so he won't need to ask permission every time he does something and that he lets them handle all the arrangements. Gotoh wonders why Canary is here to which Killua responds that he is an idiot and that Alluka is a girl and that he can't trust him to take care of her. Tsubone approaches with Amane, saying there is nothing to worry about since they will be accompanying them since master Silva did not believe that two butlers would be enough. Killua replies that he won't do anything stupid at level 4. Tsubone tells him to listen since she is not so lenient as her father and Gotoh and after a single violation he will be taken home and that if he resist he will be knocked out and if this is clear with him, to which Killua nods. Gotoh contemplates that Tsubone is the only one in the household to call Killua, Killua-chan.

Alluka steps in and tells Tsubone not to bully her brother. Tsubone smiles and apologizes, saying Alluka is kind and that she won't do it again. Killua contemplates that he just realized that he had difficulty dealing with old ladies. Tsubone asks Alluka if she likes her brother, to which she replies she loves him. Tsubone tells her that she must listen to him, which she agrees to. Canary contemplates that Killua is counting on her in order to save his friend regardless of the risk and that she will help him even if it costs her, her job or life. Amane then introduces herself to Canary. Alluka then shocks everybody by requesting Tsubone's pinky finger nail. Killua contemplates that this is the worst timing for this and that even he can't predict when and to whom a request will occurs. Tsubone agrees and removes her fingernail. handing it over to Alluka and saying that she will go into hiding for the time being. This will make Alluka unable to request anything from anybody else, further asking if Killua understands this and that she will stay near them at all times. Alluka is disappointed at seeing her go since she has more requests from her. Killua contemplates that she has pulled a fast one, but that it is alright and that he still has a chance and that he won't be able to make a wish but that he will be able to issue a command. Alluka asks if he is angry. Killua shakes his head and pats her on head saying it is okay and that there is nothing to worry about, contemplating that he will save her.

Gotoh inside of a car on the freeway with Killua, Alluka, Amane and Canary behind the wheel receives a call and responds to the person on the other line with multiple yes's saying this is Killua's phone and that he can't answer that question or the next and that in that case he should state his name first before hanging up. Killua asks who this was but before Gotoh can respond he is called back by Leorio who shouts that his name is Leorio and if he can put Killua on the phone. Melody and Morel with their fingers in their ears gesture him to be quiet. Killua contemplates that, that brings back memories. Gotoh responds that it has been quite some time to which he responds he remembers and that he is talking to the coin guy. Gotoh explains that Killua is currently on his way there accompanied by them in order to help Gon, but that there are strict conditions to be met. Leorio wonders why conditions are needed to save a friend and ask if he is dreaming and if he needs to speak louder, Gotoh tells him to shut up and that Killua is currently risking his life and that heading to him is against the family's wishes and that he should know that they are very special and therefore they can set the conditions. Killua asks for the phone saying that if he talks to him it will be faster and that he won't say anything that he isn't supposed to, since one violation would mean he would be sent home. Killua takes the phone and greets Leorio who asks to speak to Gotoh when they get there and if he is okay which Killua confirms but that he can't say anything specific and that he needs him to trust him and to do as Gotoh says, Leorio agrees and asks Killua to put him back on.

Morel says he will listen to the conditions to which he gets angry saying it is his phone and he is speaking to his friend and why he should let him talk? He responds that the answer is to give him the phone which Leorio refuses saying to get lost. Morel agrees but ask a favor instead saying he will find some condition impossible but that he can make it possible. Leorio back on the phone says it was nothing to Gotoh and to tell him the conditions. Gotoh tells him that when they arrive there must be no one in the building except master Gon, to which Leorio asks even doctors and the other patients which Gotoh both confirms. Leorio shouts that, that isn't possible since it is a national hospital and that many thousands of people are in there. Morel gestures Leorio to give him the phone, on the phone he tells Gotoh he understands the conditions and to leave it to him. Gotoh asks what the plan is and Morel tells him it is a big hospital with a huge parking lot and that they will set up a room there for Gon, so they can drive in and out of the area and that he will make sure that nobody can learn what they do inside. Gotoh says that he understands and that, that meats his requirements and asks for his name which he gives, to which Gotoh replies that from now on he will be the one he speaks with.

Morel hangs up the phone and explains to an angry Leorio that he needs to make one more call. He calls Knov saying that the situation has changed saying he will need to make sure that the equipment is operable in a outside room, without any monitors and that they can't have windows either and that it indeed sound like a Nen exorcist but that Killua made it sound like something else and that the only nen exorcist in the organization said Gon was beyond help, but that Killua said he could heal him without risks and that they should not pursue the matter since Killua said he would take care of it and that in the field it is a rule to listen to what a friend tells you. As Morel hands him back his phone he tells him he will let him handle all contact with Killua which he agrees to asking what he is going to do now. Leorio responds that there are several people he needs a word with. Outside he is calling Kurapika while contemplating that Gon is fighting for his life and wondering why this he won't answer his phone and what he is doing. We then see Kurapika sitting on a stool with the phone in his hand which he ignores.

Inside the Hunter Association's headquarters, Pariston explains that in accordance to the late hunter chairman's wishes that they have worked diligently to maintain for the betterment of the Association saying that their vote no matter whom they vote for will not go to waste which they can be assured about. But that at the same time he knows that some people are dissatisfied with current state of the Association or want to shake up its leadership but that he doesn't want them to do that by refusing to cast a vote and that they are welcome to come up to the stage and make a speech and that they will never smother a minority opinion. He continues saying that Ging is here who continuously commits violations every year but still calls himself a member of the Zodiacs and that if you intend to skip the vote you might as well vote for him, which he explains is a joke and that this is the final mission that Netero gave them and that the entire association must work together to clear it. Pyon thanks him and tells him to quickly return to his seat. She goes on to state that everybody may no express their views by raising their hands. Leorio raised his hand and gets the first turn.

He introduces himself and asks why Ging hasn't been to visit his son in the hospital and that he must know about his condition. Pyon says to hear the answer to which Ging responds what is your relationship with Gon? Leorio states they are buddies, which Ging appreciates and expresses his hope that he will stay friends with Gon as he puts down the microphone. Leorio gets angry and tells him to answer the question or to go visit Gon. Ging replies that he heard he has a number of friends like him and that, that should be sufficient. Leorio explodes and shouts: "Do you have any idea how much Gon wants to see you? And that if he talks to him he might even recover!". Ging asks if he has said so himself. Leorio loses the last of his calm thinking that Gon couldn't say it even if he wanted too, he then uses his Warping Punch while shouting Ging is a bastard the punch hits Ging square in the jaw and sends him flying of his seat. Leorio screams he can go to hell after which he gets an extremely loud applause from the crowd. A delighted Pyon announces that viewers can find footage of today's entire meeting on the hunter site, and asks the audience to tell everybody who wasn't present to absolutely watch it.

Rating: 8/10(Average)


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