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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 143-144 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 143: We see the results of the fifth round of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election which also failed to meet all the conditions but the required 95% was met again, meaning that now the top 8 can go on to the next round. The turnout for the fifth round was 633 Hunters out of 661. All of them made a valid vote which amounted to 95.8% of all Hunters the remaining 28 Hunters were absentees. The vote distribution was as follows:

15th: Loupe and Bushidora – 0 votes each

14th: Sanbica – 3 votes

13th: Ging – 7 votes

12th: Cutie – 10 votes

11th: Linne – 15 votes

10th: Saccho – 16 votes

9th: Biscuit – 18 votes

8th: Morel – 20 votes

7th: Mizaistom – 21 votes

6th: Botobai – 26 votes

5th: Ickshonpe – 28 votes

4th: Leorio – 55 votes

3rd: Cheadle – 63 votes

2nd: Teradein – 77 votes

1st: Pariston – 274 votes (41.4% of all possible votes).

Cutie reacts to her loss by saying that she didn't lose since Pariston will bring her dream of a "Cutiful" Hunter Association to life while Biscuit responds by saying that Netero was crazy and that the Chimera Ant incident proved that you can't escape danger by being a good boy. Ging substituted himself with a stuffed panda again. Saccho states he will just help the organization from the shadows and that he hopes they will support someone worth supporting instead, while Sanbica thanks everybody who voted for her and ask the camera to stop while Linne just sleeps through her bit.

Hisoka is standing among the corpses of death Hunters while calling Illumi telling him that he obtained a map with routes and destinations for six airships on it and that they must be on one of the remaining two and if he should send him a picture. He then uses his texture surprise to change things on the map, Illumi who also stands among corpses of death Hunters however tells him that someone on his side was also carrying a map and that he already knows which airship Killua is on, to which Hisoka reminds himself that Illumi has a spotter.

Tsubone who is following the airship Killua is on from the ground realizes she is being watched and wonders who is capable of tailing her while she is tailing somebody else, she climbs the highest tree and ponders that she has felt far away eyes upon her since the mission began which she can't shake off. She calls out to Amane telling her that they are going to fly and predicting correctly that Killua will take advantage of the cloudy sky. Tsubone then uses her Rider's High become a small glider plane which Amane jumps upon. Tsubone thinks that while they are in the cloud nobody can watch them and tells Amane to take down any suspicious aircrafts.

Illumi throws away the map stating their is still time and that he will help Hisoka, while we see a new Needle Person make a phone call to Teradein's groups stating that nothing has happened and that the target hasn't appeared yet.

In the Hunter Association Headquarters, Teradein has lost contact with point C but that nothing happened at point A and ask if they should send them for support to which Bushidora remarks that they can't know if point A is safe since Illumi can manipulate others with needles and that he may control that area already to which Loupe ask if he could have killed 20 people and Bushidora replies that it doesn't matter how many amateurs they throw at him and that they should warn the pro's that are going after the Needle People. Teradein then tries to call Latoon and Kenzaki who aren't answering and states that the two airships they were following were in close proximity. Bushidora remarks that he must go and that it is a chance for the captain of the Pure Paladin Squad. Loupe asks them about the election to which he replies that those who are able to should still go and that if they exclude everybody who is out hunting they can still finish in the top four. Teradein agrees that they must continue voting in the election and that if they can't predict the outcome he doesn't want to manipulate the vote through absenteeism. Loupe suggest hiring the Hunter Association in order to show them they can carry on it's spirit and that it could win them some of the votes that would otherwise default to Pariston, Bushidora agrees saying they should act immediately. Teradein then makes a call to Pariston while Loupe thinks to himself that Teradein is would object and is too honest and that if the Hunters they send get killed and miss the next vote, it will be invalid due to too many absentees and that Bushidora can't play well. Pariston on the phone says that Teradein has requested Hunters and tells them to accept the request and not be concerned about him and that there is no limit to the amount of Hunters they can send and to spread the word and take everyone. And that if they come across anything to tell him or ask him while on the job they are free to contact him and that if anything needs to be improved they can work it out. He hangs up the phone and laughs stating that they make an excellent trio and that they're easy to understand.

We see the results of the sixth round which failed to meet all the conditions. The turnout for the sixth round was 603 Hunters out of 661 the remaining 58 Hunters were absentees. This vote didn't meet the require 95 & since only 91.2% of the Hunters voted. Ickshonpe got 8th place with 0 votes and Botobai got 7th place with 37 votes while Mizaistom got 6th place with 44 votes and Morel got 5th place with 53 votes. Leorio got 4th place with 58 votes and Cheadle got 3rd place with 66 votes. Teradein ended up in second place with 73 votes and Pariston got first place again with 272 votes, which amounts to 41,1% of all possible votes. Teradein, looking at these results, wonders what is going on while Loupe burst in telling him that everyone who was pursuing the Needle People were wiped out. Their members, a camera crew, the association Hunters, and even Bushidora have all been killed. Teradein remarks that, that is impossible and that Illumi must have hired dozens of strong soldiers, while we see Hisoka next to Bushidora's corpse and remarking that it was just one.

Tsubone in the sky contemplates that she hasn't felt anyone watching them since entering the sky which means they were indeed tailed before. Inside the airship Killua remarks that the clouds have cleared up which should be fine since they are far from the hospital but that if anybody sees Alluka enter the hospital that Tsubone will say her powers are revealed and will take them straight home. He states that if he clears the area things will be much easier for Illumi to act and that taking the airship to the hospital would be difficult and muses that Gotoh's idea to drive a car straight into the hospital might be best. He then calls Canary telling her he can't reach Gotoh which she replies she can't either. He then instructs her to call Hishita and tell him to send cars immediately to the following three locations. Canary understands. Killua then contemplates that they lost the ground pursuit by flying above the ground and that they will be fine until they reach the car. After that, they must choose which route to take to the hospital. Killua mentally urges Gon to hang in there.

As Killua is landing the blimp he sees a car approach and is glad at the timing of Hishita saying that it took longer to arrive since they had to loop around but that now they are 60 km from the hospital and that they can't find them. They land and get into the car which takes off through the forest but stops as a group of Needle People approach which Killua contemplate is impossible and wonders if they followed the car. He tells Hishita to hit the gas who turns around saying he can't do it unless Illumi orders it showing us he has also become a Needle Person. They then get surrounded by Needle People as Illumi approaches the car. Killua and Alluka get out of the car and Killua contemplates that it is impossible for him to be here unless he knew which airship they were on. Even then it would be impossible, since they flew thousands of km over the clouds, and he couldn't have followed them on the ground. Illumi then asks him if he is hiding something about Alluka from him. Killua then contemplates whether to use Godspeed to get Hishita out of the car and use it to escape or to go back to the airship to escape by air. If he were alone either of them would work, but that they are hard to manage with Alluka with him. He then asks Illumi how he knew they were there, Illumi answers he will tell them if he gives him Alluka. Killua answers him saying to forget it.

Killua then contemplates that Alluka has the strength of regular child and that an attack from a Needle Person could be lethal, he wonders what to do and decides to summon Something (Nanika). Tsubone and Amane then arrive and Tsubone states that she was completely tricked since his mother can see everything she sees through her scope and that she probably transmitted the video to Illumi. He confirms this, saying she acted as his spy. She goes on to tell them that one the clouds cleared she again felt eyes upon her and realized the truth since the timing was too perfect. Illumi remarks that her feeling them watching her is very impressive and that now she know the truth she can't remove her monocle since his mom ordered her to wear it, which she confirms. Alluka then requests the nail from her middle finger, which shocks Illumi. Tsubone proceeds to tear it off and throw it to Killua, who drops it into Alluka's hands. Alluka then requests the nail from her ring finger, which she removes and tosses to Killua who drops it in her hand. Alluka then turns into Something (Nanika). Tsubone tells Killua to make his wish, saying she and Amane will take care of the rest and asking to be allowed to make amends for impeding his mission. Illumi then asks Killua if he is going to do it and says it is fine, asking if he is going to use the same process save Gon. Since if he sacrifices Amane and Tsubone to kill him he won't have any difficulty to sacrifice a bunch of strangers to save Gon. Illumi then contemplates rule 5 which states that no one can make two wishes in a row.

Hisoka watching from the treeline ponders whether it is more fun to kill Alluka and gain Killua's wrath or to spare Alluka, save Gon and make Illumi his enemy. Tough call... Illumi then tells him if he says yes he is happy to die and that his inner mission will have succeeded and that it is against the rules for family members to kill each other but that the thing that will grant his wish isn't family. While tears appear in Killua's eyes, Illumi contemplates that there must be a secret rule that makes rule 5 not apply to Killua and that if his death means that no other family member will die that's acceptable, since this will make Killua suffer for the rest of his life and he will live in his heart forever. He then tells him he is offering him a deal his death for his word that he will make the wish himself to save Gon. Hisoka hiding in the treeline contemplates that Alluka will live while Illumi dies and he won't earn Killua's wrath, so that when Gon is healed he would neither gain or lose anything. In which case he will kill Alluka to gain Killua's wrath and then kill Killua to gain Illumi's wrath, which he considers to be the best choice.

Killua then tells Something (Nanika) to heal Tsubone's left hand, which shocks everybody present and to which Something agrees. She walks over to Tsubone and Killua orders her to put out her hand which she does reluctantly. As Something starts healing Tsubone's hand, Killua explains that Something is good at destroying things but bad at fixing things and that in order to fix things she must touch them. Something then walks over to Killua and asks him to pat her head. He does so, telling her she is amazing. As she falls asleep Killua explains that Something calls him Killua and that healing someone is tiring to her and that she must sleep afterwards. He says that is the only downside and that she has never made a cruel request after healing someone, since she is kinder than anyone. The one who is cursed is the one who wishes. He then stares at Illumi and tells him if he refers to Something as an object again he won't consider him his brother anymore. Hisoka stands down and disappears after hearing this. Illumi states he understands and that if he can heal Gon without risk that is great, but doesn't change the fact that Something is dangerous and his question remains unanswered and that he is still hiding something such as how rule 5 doesn't apply to him and that he won't let Alluka go until Killua tells him everything. He then leaves, and Killua contemplates that he is an idiot and that the reason he can't tell them anything is that if he did they would put needles in his head again. Tsubone and Amane then tell him they will take him to the hospital.

Teradein is broadcasting a message saying that Bushidora was killed in pursuit of the wicked Hunter they wanted to bring to justice which confirms that there are demons among them and that the regrets to say that the Pure Paladin Squad does not have the power to bring Hunters to justice and that they must band together to resolve this urgent matter at once and that their goal is to get a 95% voter turnout and that the winner has a majority and that they are in negotiations with Morel in hope that he will become the next captain and that they are prepared to release the name, face and abilities of the demon to prevent further tragedy and that if they agree with their ideals to vote for him. Meanwhile we see Hisoka enter the Headquarters and make his way up to Teradein's office. Morel on the phone with Teradein tells him he already turned him down and that he was indeed close to Netero and participated in the extermination of the Ants but that he is not a warrior and that it was determined that his support was needed and that he isn't strong and that he is a Sea Hunter who belongs on the sea not on the land and that if Teradein is in such a hurry to end the election he should tell his base to vote for Pariston, though he rather dies then vote for Pariston. At which point Hisoka enters Teradein's office and kills him unbeknownst to Morel who tells him that if he releases that information he and a bunch of other fools will end up dying and not to use the name Pure Paladin Squad when you are so weak and that he is not teaming up with people who won't heed his warnings and that he doesn't want to become chairman.

We see the results of the seventh round which also failed to meet all the conditions but the required 95% was met again, meaning that now the top 4 can go on to the next round. The turnout for the seventh round was 604 Hunters out of 635. All of them made a valid vote which amounted to 95.1% of all Hunters the remaining 31 Hunters were absentees. Botobai and Ickshonpe got 7th place with 0 votes each while Morel got 6th place with 14 votes and Teradein who has been confirmed death got 5th place with 43 votes. Mizaistom got 4th place with 72 votes and Cheadle got 3rd place with 87 votes while Leorio got 2nd place with 95 votes and Pariston got first place again with 293 votes which amounts to 46.1% of all possible votes.

Episode 144: Ging is walking through the Hunter Association Headquarters when he is confronted by Cheadle, who asks him if he is planning to abandon the election and his son. After briefly ragging on Beans for spilling the beans on him, he tells her he is absconding because he has already had his fun- he knows the outcome and meeting Leorio was the highlight, and that he is going to vote for her. Cheadle, incredulous, casts doubt on his sanity- with four candidates still in the running, they can't possibly know the outcome yet. Ging responds by asking if she wants to know how many days the election is going to take. In the face of her continued disbelief, he says that she and Mizaistom are in it to win but that if they wanted to win they should have tried harder to secure a majority vote in the second or third round and cleared the turnout requirement. When she retorts by asking by saying that it is easy to speak in hindsight, he answers that if he had warned her she would have done the opposite, and also complains that she is difficult.

He turns to leave, but she stops him and, sighing resignedly, tells him she will do what he says. Ging remarks she doesn't sound happy about this and she replies that she doesn't know what Pariston is thinking to which Ging answers she had never done anything he told her and explains that Pariston isn't in it to win but he doesn't want to lose either which makes him strong. She exclaims how that could be to which Ging replies that common sense tells you that people who want to win are stronger which is right but makes her predictable and that this especially the case in a game where you are trying to secure votes. Which angers her which Ging predicted and tells her that she is big on morals, balance and sticking to the manual and that this made her mad and that she should act like a dog and that she is being herself and that Pariston knows both sides of her and therefore what she is thinking and will do next and that even so he doesn't want to win which makes him good. Cheadle asks him again what she should do to which he replies that if he told her she would never listen and tells her what would happen if the game continued saying she and Pariston would remain after the next vote after which the first and second place will flip, which will keep happening since Pariston will try to lower the turnout rate since the hunter he has control over will refuse to vote. Cheadle asks why and Ging reminds her that Pariston is not in it to win or lose and that he will drag it out to the very last day since he is only looking for fun, just like him and Netero even though he gets bored more easily and Pariston has more patience and is therefore the only one remaining who carries Netero's will. Cheadle burst out in anger saying he has not right to say that to which Ging calmly replies that she is jealous of him and asks her if she was really that fond of that dirty old man. Which angers her even more and she tells him to shut up and not get to full of himself and that he only has to tell her the day the election will end.

Ging agrees to tell her and says she should act more like her character. He then explains that when Netero blew himself up one hundred airships of the Hunter Association set of for the Republic of East Gorteau with no record of their departure, since the records show they were in maintenance and that she should make friends with some mechanics and pilots. She ask what he is talking about and he goes on to explains that they recovered five thousand cocoons containing chimera mutants who all have the ability to use Nen and that they are about to hatch and that Pariston is planning to have some fun with them now he has such a large playground and that the election will end when the Hunter Exam begins but that if the commandments are reformed the situation will change slightly and that if she is a hunter she will figure out the rest herself.

Pyon explains to the gathered hunters in the headquarters they will now hold the 8th vote for the election of the 13th chairman and that they will first listen to speeches of the remaining candidates and hear some debate among them before voting. Leorio wonders why this happened and Pyon announces that they have comments from the candidates that didn't qualify. Botobai thanks everybody who voted for him and asks them to give their support to Cheadle instead since they share similar goals. Ickshonpe by means of cue cards tells the viewers he is not in their reality and to do what they want and he tells Ging not to run while he is ahead. Pyon says they will now continue with the speeches and notes that everybody will not be allowed to leave until the 13th chairman has been elected. Which causes a surprised reaction from the crowd and from Pariston and Leorio.

Amane drives upon the hotel parking lot where a large building has been erected to house the injured Gon. She asks one of the butlers standing guard if there is anybody inside and is told that Tsubone and Canary are inside. We see that the parking lot and the area around it is not only guarded by Zoldyck butlers but also by Bine, Palm, Ikalgo, Meleoron, Hanzo, Biscuit, Melody and Goreinu. The car enters the building and drives through the hallways and comes to a stop in front of the last were Amane gets out and ask how Alluka is doing to which Killua answers she is still asleep and he is waiting for her to wake up. He carries her out of the car and thinks that he is nearly there and Gon must wait only a little longer. Killua enters Gon's room and sits down on a bench with Alluka sleeping in his lap, while we see the fully bandaged Gon.

Pyon continues her explanation by saying it is possible they will have multiple ties and that they have arranged for provisions so they can rest easy and vote as many times as necessary be it for hours or days and that they may not leave the hall until the election is over. We see that the other Zodiacs are guarding all the exits. Pyon then moves on to Mizaistom for his speech, which Ging thinks is bad. Mizaistom approaches the stage thinking he will be the sacrificial lamb and says the most suited for chairman is Cheadle saying he doesn't necessarily doesn't want to become chairman but that it isn't his time since he must first train the hunters under him and become a Triple Star Hunter and to end the election today. While Leorio wonders what to say it is Cheadle turn to speech who tells the crowd to vote for Leorio which causes an uproar among the crowd and surprise with Ging and her fellow candidates. Leorio contemplates that he doesn't want to be elected and that it isn't his focus. Cheadle contemplates that Pariston isn't smiling anymore and that she won't let him have his way. Pyon then calls out to Leorio multiple times before erupting in anger and waking Leorio from his thought. As he goes up to the stand he is drawing a blank before speaking he tells the crowd he is going to tell them what is on his mind saying he will treat the Association like it is his own and that his first command will be to order all of them to help save Gon and that this isn't were he suppose to be right now but that he couldn't help Gon even if he was with him and that Gon is his friend and is fighting for his life right now and that he only found out recently that while he was studying for himself, drinking and jerking off, that Gon was fighting for others alongside the chairman and their allies and that one of them has put his life on the line to save Gon and that all he can do is talk to him. He asks them to help save Gon and to use their heads and take action if they have any ideas and that he will do anything to help Gon.

Cheadle contemplates she understands why Ging didn't avoid his punch, since he from that moment saw something in Leorio and that she is fine with having him as chairman. Leorio remarks he said more then necessary and asks they forget the part about jerking off. Tsezguerra, Basho and Linssen start the applause that follows his speech. Cheadle thinks he will make a good chairman and that it is over for Pariston since her, Mizaistom and the independent votes will be added to his. Pyon tries to calm the crowd but Pariston motions the crowd to silence and starts his speech saying they can continues speaking on the phone since that is the hunter spirit and he promises to do everything to heal Gon after the election is over but to keep that matter separate from it and that the most qualified candidate is Mizaistom since there are three thing he learned a Chairman needs while serving under Netero. 1 Combat ability given the requirements of the job which was evident during the recent crisis and 2 experience which comes wisdom comes from and you can never have enough experience. Cheadle contemplates why she feels so irritated when Pariston is talking. Pariston continues saying the third thing is caliber. Cheadle realizes she hates him since he never says what he truly thinks. Pariston says that there aren't many people who would make you think the association is in good hands since Cheadle lacks strength and Leorio lacks experience and he lacks all three of them. Cheadle contemplates she mustn't get angry and find out what he's after. Pariston ends his speech by saying Mizaistom posses all three qualities.

Cheadle contemplates that 120 of Pariston's 290 votes are Association Hunters and that 30 votes come from the investigative and administrative departments he heads and he is able to control them as he likes without signs or speeches. Pyon announces they will go on to the debate while Cheadle contemplates that Pariston's speech will create a split among the independents who were leaning towards Leorio she then visualizes how the voting will look which will lead to another vote and she wonders if something will change during the debate and sees Ging sleeping which angers her and makes her determined to figure things out herself. Pariston asks if he can go first in the debate but Mizaistom cuts him off saying he will go first he then states he is not interested in becoming Chairman, but Pariston corrects him saying he said he doesn't necessarily doesn't want to become chairman and that this isn't about what he really wants but about what the voters feel and that sometimes there are situation when a certain job can only be done by one person which is were caliber comes in and that he shouldn't talk about how he feels and that he should stop the tricks and let the voters decide which pisses of both Mizaistom and Cheadle who question where he gets the nerve from. Cheadle wonders why he is pushing Mizaistom and if he suspects that greed will get the better of them and that they will push Mizaistom forward, which will never happen since votes for Leorio are primarily independent and that if he loses they will swing to Pariston but if he remains the votes for her and the Anti-Pariston votes will go to Leorio along with the Teradein and anti-zodiac votes as well as the Morel votes. She communicates to Mizaistom if he understands this which he does knowing that defeating Pariston is the ultimate goal and that as a crime hunter he trusts his instinct and that even though there is no proof and it is possible his hands are clean Pariston does have underground ties and that they can't let him run rampant in the Association any longer, since even Netero couldn't rein him in and that this elections is where they must tear Pariston's system down. We then see the Hunters vote.

Rating: 8.5/10(Average)


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