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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 46-50 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 46: Uvogin exclaims that he still wants to fight Kurapika. At the same time, Hisoka, meeting Kurapika at a merry-go-round, awaits his answer to join forces. Before Kurapika can answer, Melody calls to inform him Uvogin has escaped. After hanging up, Kurapika asks Hisoka if he knows anything about the Scarlet Eyes. Hisoka only knows that Chrollo admires what he takes and eventually sells it off. He tells Kurapika he doesn't want to team up, but exchange information, as Kurapika wants to kill the Phantom Troupe and Hisoka wants to kill Chrollo. Kurapika doesn't answer, walks away, and tells Hisoka to meet in the same place tomorrow.

Back in the motel room, Melody, Kurapika, Squala, Basho and Linssen sit around wondering what to do next. Squala tells the group Neon Nostrade's father, Light Nostrade, is the one who hired them. They tell Neon about the other bodyguards who died during the attack on the auction and ask to speak to her father for further instructions. They all pick Kurapika to talk to him, however, this is exactly to Kurapika's plans to become close with the mafia to dismantle them. Kurapika tells Light that Dalzollene is most likely dead and he's taken leadership. He also tells him about the Phantom Troupe attacking the auction. Light agrees and Kurapika leaves.

In a random dead person's apartment, Uvogin drinks beer (to get the poison out from the leeches) while Shalnark looks on the Hunter Association website to find where Uvogin was being held captive. He finds out the Nostrade family is there. Uvogin is ready to go when Franklin tells him to hurry and Shalnark tells him not to go overboard. At the same time, Kurapika is looking at the same information. He realizes the Phantom Troupe can easily find where they are. He orders the others to go to another room, while he'll stay there. Uvogin is already killing those on the list of possible places to find the "chain user."

Meanwhile, Gon, Killua and Leorio discuss their money situation in buying Greed Island. They continue their arm wrestling scam when a mafia boss tells them about an underground fighting ring where they can make much more money. Just as Gon is about to enter a fight, it is cancelled because the mafia wants everyone to look for the Phantom Troupe members. There's incredibly huge rewards for them dead or alive. They call Kurapika to tell him about the bounty on the Troupe, but he doesn't answer. He stands face to face with Uvogin.

Episode 47: Uvogin finally finds Kurapika, and on Kurapika's preference, the two go to a deserted wasteland where the tension increases. After getting rid of the leeches inside his body, Uvogin asks his opponent who he is since he senses that he isn't an ordinary Nen user. Kurapika asks before answering, if Uvogin and the Phantom Troupe remember the people they've killed. He answers he can only remember certain people that made an impression, understanding now Kurapika wants revenge. As Kurapika reminds him of the Kurta Clan which the troupe massacred five years ago, and their Scarlet eyes, Uvogin can't remember a thing about them, but confirms that he was a member of the Troupe five years ago. He implies that he doesn't feel anything when killing people, leading Kurapika to call him scum and that Uvogin will atone through his death. Uvogin charges up and replies back that people like him are the reason why he never gets sick of killing.

Uvogin makes the first move. Kurapika evades his attack and uses his chains multiple times, but Uvogin dodges every one. Realizing how dangerous the chains are and feeling an abnormal Nen coming from them, Uvogin comes up with an idea: he needs to strike first to get an advantage. He runs directly to Kurapika and throws a hard punch that damages Kurapika's left arm. However, Kurapika quickly counters with his chains that Uvogin manages to avoid. Impressed Kurapika is able to attack in spite of his injury, Uvogin thinks that it's useless since his left arm is broken, but when Kurapika appears from the dust, he is surprised to see Kurapika unscathed. While figuring out what type of Nen Kurapika has, Kurapika insults him by saying his punch is weak. Uvogin angrily goes to half strength and runs towards him. Kurapika evades his attack, counters and hits Uvogin, still not getting an answer.

Kurapika then dares Uvogin to use his full strength. In response, Uvogin does so and punches the ground, causing a smoke screen. He sneaks up on Kurapika and lands a full strength Big Bang Impact that completely breaks his left arm. After Kurapika praises him about his In, he uses his own In to trap Uvogin with his chains and explains how he got captured. Figuring out Kurapika's type of Nen, Uvogin wonders if he mastered both Enhancer and Conjuration techniques. Kurapika stands in front of him and removes his contact lenses, revealing his Scarlet eyes. Seeing this, Uvogin finally remembers the clan, stating that they were really tough and their boss really wanted those eyes. Uvogin becomes fired up again and tries to break free from the chains wrapped around him. He keeps trying, but fails as Kurapika tells him when his eyes turn scarlet, he's a Specialist and when he is in that state he can gain full control of the other types of Nen.

In flashback, Kurapika discusses using chains with his teacher for his attack. He also makes condition on the chains so they can't break against the Spiders and sets a rule that will risk his life. Back in the present, Kurapika demonstrates his power by using a chain to fully heal his left arm. He tells Uvogin why he chose him as his first target, the reasons being that he is the strongest in terms of physical strength from what he saw against the four Shadow Beasts and if he can't break through his chains then the other spiders would be left helpless. Furthermore, the Chain Jail activates Zetsu when it ensnares any Troupe member and that explains why Uvogin can't break through using his aura. Uvogin tries to break the chain again, now using his physical strength alone.

Kurapika punches Uvogin, piercing through his steel body. He is convinced that he can beat any Troupe member when they are wrapped in his Chain Jail. He enquires Uvogin about the Troupe's location and abilities, but he refuses to answer and instead he asks Kurapika to kill him. Kurapika continues to punch Uvogin until Kurapika throws all his senses to disarray and questions why Uvogin feels nothing when killing the innocent. Uvogin repeats the same answer and Kurapika snaps. He uses his Judgement Chain, wrapping it around Uvogin's heart. Kurapika explains the Judgement Chain: if Uvogin breaks the rules he sets, the knife will activate and pierce through Uvogin's heart. Kurapika's rule is to force Uvogin to answer all of his questions. Then Kurapika asks him again where the Troupe is hiding. Instead of answering, Uvogin smiles and tells Kurapika to die. The Judgement Chain activates and crushes Uvogin's heart. After the fight, Kurapika makes a call to Melody and buries Uvogin's body in the ground.

Back in the Phantom Troupe's hideout, all the remaining members of the Troupe gather and listen to Chrollo Lucilfer. Their leader deduces that if whomever Uvogin is after uses a chain, then it's highly likely that his enemy is either a Manipulator or a Conjurer. Chrollo tells the team that Uvogin can hold his own in a fight, but these two types would give Uvogin the most trouble and have the highest chance of killing him in a one-on-one fight: It's common practice for Conjurers to give special abilities and properties to their creations, and some of those special abilities and properties could cancel Uvogin's strength out, and a Manipulator could manipulate Uvogin himself. Shalnark is upset that he didn't follow when he knew that he should have. Chrollo then states that they will wait until dawn; if Uvogin has not returned by then, then they will change their plans.

Episode 48: Gon, Killua and Leorio pursue the Phantom Troupe as Gon uses his Hunter License to make money and gather information about the Troupe and Greed Island. On the way, Gon notices a knife in the market as Killua explains that it is one of Ben's knives, from a famous blacksmith. Gon uses his Gyo and sees an Aura flowing around it. Killua acknowledges this, but Leorio can't see since he doesn't know anything about Nen yet. Killua remembers that their Nen teacher, Wing, told them real talented people use Nen without even realizing it and they may be able to earn money by collecting these rare items with Nen. To collect items, they first need to bid and put a price that can surpass the previous price before the time expires and be the highest bidder to win the item.

The trio split up, while Gon and Killua are collecting items, Leorio searches for more information. The two decided to bid 2.5 higher than the previous bidder to discourage other bidders. Unfortunately, they notice a man named Zepile who bids for the same items as them and puts a price of 4 higher than what the two bid. Gon and Killua want the items no matter what and collect 2, but lose 1, then head to an auction house.

The two are denied by the auction house, since they can't accept anymore items, but find out about the Trade market. They go to a shop, sell their items and are given a higher price, but the item that has a box and statue, according to appraiser, doesn't have much of value. He gives the two a deal if they sell their items to the price he desires, then he will pay a good amount for the statue. Suddenly, a guy enters and stops the appraiser, telling Gon and Killua he's scamming them about the real price of the statue. He tells them no one will pay a good amount of money for the wood, but instead he is interested in the contents of the statue.

Zepile explains that the statue is a wooden trove, a way of hiding money 300 years ago. As Zepile continues to argue, a man behind the appraiser pops out and questions Zepile to prove if the statue is a genuine wooden trove or not. He adds that Zepile could be a counterfeiter that tricks professional appraisers and Zepile denies this. The arguing continues and the other guy tries to explain all the possibilities why it is fake, making Zepile eager to prove it is indeed real. There's a possibility the statue has been opened and then sealed, meaning the treasure might not be inside anymore. The bald guy asks Zepile if the statue is a wooden trove and the contents have been swapped out, what would he do? Zepile says he'll be his slave for the rest of his life. Now convinced, the bald guy walks back to the shop, accepting his defeat, telling the owner to give up.

Thanks to Zepile, Gon and Killua didn't sell the statue and see the treasure inside. Gon agrees to Zepile's deal that they would give him a 20% cut once they sell the treasure, but Killua rejects the deal since they need money, offering him a free lunch and surprisingly Zepile accept. While eating, the three ask each other questions about their reasons for selling items, information about the Trade market, about Greed Island and other things based on items. They talk of the auctions, money and the pot Zepile made himself back when he desperately needed money as a replica that counterfeits the original works.

Zepile asks if he can help them, making Gon question why he would want to. Zepile answers it's because they made him happy the a piece of junk pot made by him caught their eyes and Gon stands up and tells Zepile that it wasn't a piece of junk. He praises Zepile's work and effort for making the pot because the item had aura which makes it more special.

Zepile tells them about his appraising experience: that it's harder to appraise humans than antiques. Gon then asks Zepile to teach him the techniques they discussed in the appraisal shop and by this Zepile completely understands why he is interested in Gon and understands his personality. Zepile demonstrates a technique of how some fool professionals like himself. Instead of having one opening, like the last statue, some create multiple openings to get the treasure inside and putting a fake one in later. Leorio calls Gon and informs them that members of the Troupe were located. Gon and Killua depart as they leave the auction to Zepile.

Episode 49: Gon, Killua and Leorio head to the location where two Phantom Troupe members were spotted. Arriving at the area, the trio watch Machi and Nobunaga at a distance. The Spiders discuss what could have happened to their comrade Uvogin, while planning their next move. The two bystanders who found the Spiders receive a sum of money from Killua and they run off. Machi and Nobunaga wonder if Uvo is dead or not. Killua explains to Leorio why it's impossible for them to catch two Troupe members, recalling something that his father said when he fought one. He complained that the price wasn't enough as Killua says that is the greatest compliment a target can get, his Dad telling them to stay away from the Troupe.

He continues by saying the Troupe aren't worried to show themselves in public, acting as bait to trap their prey. Machi and Nobunaga are aware someone's watching them, making them think it is Kurapika and Nobunaga will stick to the rules that their boss told them to capture and bring the chain user back, dead or alive. The two begin to have a heated conversation, while the three feel the atmosphere changing, wondering if they've been noticed, but Killua is confident they weren't. Leorio explains he can't use Zetsu, but Killua believes that will attract more attention. He also thinks their opponents are not trying to sense Nen, instead are trying to tell which people are suspicious around them. Machi and Nobunaga still argue whether they will take down the chain user dead or alive as the two finally solve their arguments by flipping a coin.

Shalnark and Chrollo gather information about the Nostrade Family, knowing that the chain user is working for them and Chrollo becomes interested in Neon Nostrade. At the Hotel, Light Nostrade advises his bodyguards to keep his daughter safe at all costs. He gives orders to Basho and Melody to bring Neon back to their way home, promising Neon she'll go to an auction one day. When Neon leaves the room, Light informs his guards that the Underground Auction will resume at night as the Ten Dons vowed to reclaim the lost items.

Regarding the stolen items, Kurapika mentions the Shadow Beast who took the items beforehand, but Light informs them that all the Shadow Beasts have been wiped out except for Owl, who is the one holding the items for auction. Light believes that he was captured by the Troupe, the Ten Dons assume that the stolen items are already in the Troupe's hand and this is why they hired professional assassins to get rid of the Troupe. Nostrade orders Kurapika to join the assassins to hunt the Troupe as it will give them a chance to make a name for themselves.

Machi and Nobunaga make their move and the three starts to plan, deciding Gon and Killua will tail them. If they are spotted, they will stop and escape; if further pursuit is impossible for any other reason, they will give up. Killua advises Gon, giving him a signal through his phone and if the Spiders split up, they will follow Machi, while Leorio will join Zepile to help him in the auction. The tailing starts when Nobunaga and Machi move, Gon and Killua following with great caution. The two realize they are being followed and are quite impressed with their skills since they can't sense a thing. As the tailing continues, Killua realizes that the two already know they're being followed and are heading to a deserted area. He starts making assumptions whether it's a trap or are they going back to the hideout as Killua decides to continue their pursuit.

Machi and Nobunaga stop in the middle of a deserted place, surrounded by abandoned buildings, acknowledging the ones following them can't be the Chain user since he assumes that he works alone considering he works for the Nostrade family, yet he fought Uvogin alone. The Mafia hasn't made a move, meaning they would have used Uvogin against them, dead or alive. If he was dead, then the news would have spread. Since nothing has happened, Nobunaga thinks the chain user killed Uvogin without reporting to the Mafia and used revenge as motive. Machi rejects that and believes the ones following them have some connection with the chain user.

Gon and Killua talk on the phone, believing that they are trying to lure them out, when suddenly Nobunaga's phone rings. The two pay close attention to Nobunaga and Machi, waiting for a reaction from them, then they'll make a run for it. Nobunaga explains their situation to Phinks, who is on the other end and offers Nobunaga some help. Nobunaga suddenly looks directly toward Killua's location. Both Gon and Killua quickly make an escape, but the doors are blocked by Phinks and Pakunoda. Killua uses his speed and bounces around the room, but Phinks easily grabs his leg. Killua grabs stones and throws them towards Phinks as a distraction, immediately following a kick that is also easily caught by Phinks. Killua pierces the ground with his fingers, spinning until he's escaped from Phinks' grasp, but behind him is Nobunaga. Killua realizes him and Gon were the ones being stalked by Phinks and Pakunoda the whole time.

Gon is surrounded by Machi and Pakunoda, asking him if he knows the chain user, not knowing yet that the chain user is Kurapika. Nobunaga asks him why they're following them and Killua has no choice but to answer. The Mafia put a huge bounty on them, telling them who taught him Nen and questions if he knows anyone using chains. Killua says he has no idea who that is, making Nobunaga ask his last question whether he wants to die now or later, having only 3 seconds to answer. Gon tries to escape, barely moving an inch before getting caught by Machi and Pakunoda gets a call saying Killua has surrendered. On the way to their hideout, the Troupe ask the same questions and the two have the same answers, Pakunoda putting her arm around Killua. They finally arrive at the hideout, meeting the rest of the Troupe and in more danger than ever.

Episode 50: Gon and Killua are now in the Phantom Troupe base, surrounded by the members, not knowing what they'll do to them. Both boys notice Hisoka, but the three pretend not to know each other. Nobunaga wonders if they know any of the Troupe and Killua notices Shizuku. Franklin and Feitan recognize Gon as the arm wrestler. Nobunaga challenges Gon to arm wrestle and continues to pound Gon's hand into concrete, hurting it. Nobunaga brings up Uvogin, telling he was the strongest Troupe member, but not strong enough to beat the Chain user. Killua exclaims they don't know who the chain user is, prompting Nobunaga to slam down Gon's hand, threatening Killua with death if he talks out of turn again. Killua feels his killing intent and Nobunaga begins to talk about Uvogin again as Gon's hand begins to bleed.

Nobunaga talks of his friendship with Uvogin, as he knew him better than any other Troupe member and even begins to cry. He swears to find the chain user, no matter what. He knows the Nostrade's hired him and that he holds a grudge against the Troupe, which makes Killua piece together who it could be. He asks one more time if he has information at all on the "Chain User" is; Gon reiterates that he knows nothing and suddenly in a rage, and activating his Nen, Gon voicing how he could have feelings to mourn a friend and at the same time murder so many others. Gon slams Nobunaga's hand down this time, prompting Feitan to restrain him from behind. Killua takes a step towards Gon and Hisoka holds a card to his neck to not break appearances.

Nobunaga essentially orders Feitan to release Gon which Feitan takes as condescension. They stare each other down until Franklin settles Nobunaga. Machi asks if Nobunaga had forgotten the rules and Shizuku reminds him that one of the rules is that Troupe members may not seriously fight one another. Nobunaga flips a coin to decide what to do; Nobunaga wins the flip therefore Feitan lets Gon go. Franklin asks Pakunoda if they knew anything, but her Nen ability didn't find any memories of the Chain user. Killua deduces Pakunoda checked their memories by touching them, which is bad now that Killua has an idea that the Chain User might be Kurapika. Some Troupe members want to let them go, but Phinks still has an inkling they may not know since the Chain User hides his chains. Shalnark comes up with the idea to find more information about the Nostrade family since they know he works for them.

After everything is decided, Nobunaga asks Gon to join the Phantom Troupe, but Gon boldly states that he would rather die. He just laughs, guessing that Gon is an Enhancer and wants to ask Chrollo if they both can join, however, Nobunaga is tasked to watch them. Franklin mentions to the others that Gon reminds him of Uvogin. He fought strongest when it was for someone else, much like the feeling they get from Gon. He says though Uvogin had a rough exterior, he was a softy on the inside. Shalnark gives out flyers of all the bodyguards working for Neon Nostrade. They pair up to find the Chain user and since Nobunaga is staying behind, Machi is stuck with Hisoka, much to her dismay.

In a prison-like setting, Nobunaga sits watching Gon and Killua. Gon holds his hand in pain, while Killua thinks of Hisoka's killing intent from before. Illumi passes through his mind, reminding him if someone is stronger then don't fight them and give up. Killua loses himself for a moment, standing up and releasing a good amount of aura. Nobunaga laughs, thinking that it's a challenge and Killua tries to walk towards him, but freezes in a cold sweat, eventually walking back powerless. He punches a wall in anger and Gon thinks of a way of escape. Gon mentions some things Zepile taught them when he notices Killua shaking, who offers himself as a decoy for Gon, but Nobunaga hears the whole thing, telling him to forget it. Killua figures with his sword, his range is twice as much as his own. Illumi creeps in his mind again, but he wants to try anyway until Gon punches him in the head. They begin arguing about who has the right to die until Nobunaga starts to laugh. He tells them as long as they don't make any trouble, they won't get hurt and can leave if Chrollo won't accept them.

Once again, Gon mentions side-stepping, giving them both an idea. They charge their Nen and rush towards Nobunaga, who prepares to kill them, but instead both crash through the walls of the room in opposite directions. Nobunaga chases Gon, but is tricked by a hole in the wall that lead to nowhere. They both use Zetsu, so Nobunaga uses En. Gon and Killua have all ready escaped, leaving the building and heading back to Yorknew City. They still want to defeat the Phantom Troupe, but know they must get a lot stronger to do so. Killua tells Gon that Kurapika is the Chain user and figures he's the best person to ask about the Troupe.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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