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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 51-55 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 51: While shopping, Neon Nostrade is able to escape from her servants and bodyguards. Meanwhile, a man, who seems to give competition to Light Nostrade, named Zenji gathers assassins/hit-men, which include Silva, Zeno and Kurapika, to take care of the Phantom Troupe. After the assassins have made a decision, Zenji mocks Light Nostrade, but stops when threatened by Kurapika until Light tells him to cease. Zenji quickly leaves with his guards. Now traveling to the auction, Kurapika receives a call from Basho and Melody regarding Neon escaping from them. Light hears the news of his daughter and gets immensely worried, but Kurapika locates her using his Dowsing Chain. Light then immediately alerts the police and guards not to let his daughter enter the auction building.

Neon, with the help of Chrollo, is able to get passed the security and goes inside the building where the auction is held. Light gets an update about his daughter that she has entered the auction house and gets worried about her safety. Meanwhile Chrollo chats with Neon about her Fortune Telling skill and asks her if she can foretell his fortune to which Neon agrees. When she finishes her ability, Chrollo reads the first verse of the paper and tears flow from his eyes by saying that all of the things foretold are true. It essentially says, he'll mourn for lost comrades, be injured, but will remain strong, and to find new teammates. The two then leave the restaurant.

Neon explains when she was little she saw a Fortune Teller on TV who ended of being a con artist, but that didn't stop Neon from becoming one herself. Chrollo can't stop thinking about Neon's fortune to him. While walking, he tells Neon that he believes in ghosts, referring to Uvogin, and in memory of him, goes wild. He then knocks Neon out lightning quick. After knocking her out, Chrollo acts concerned and asks for help from the security. In the monitor operating room of the building, Assassin A asks an operator to rewind the scene where Neon collapses and sees Chrollo striking her. Kurapika and Light arrive at the building and go straight to Neon. Kurapika tells Light to leave the place with Basho and Melody and tells him that the auction will not be held since the place will be turned into a battlefield. Assassin A locates Chrollo who already disposed of another assassin, tells Assassin A to show himself and invites him to fight one on one.

Feitan tells Phinks about the message he receives from their Boss, telling them to "go wild" while getting to the Cemetery Building where the auction is supposed to be held. Phinks asks him about the others and Feitan replies that they are on their way to the cemetery, but they are cleaning up trash while approaching the Building. Other members of the Troupe, except Hisoka who watches from afar, are seen in the streets of Yorknew City disposing all the police and mafia members. Meanwhile, Chrollo uses his Nen ability, Indoor Fish, on Assassin A, which has torn his body to pieces, but kept him alive. Chrollo opens the window and Assassin A is instantly killed, per the rule of the ability. Chrollo, while stating the prophecy that's been foretold to him, performs a requiem by shedding blood dedicated to Uvogin.

Episode 52: The Phantom Troupe continues to wreak havoc on the streets of Yorknew City. Meanwhile, Kurapika and his Boss were in the room where Neon is resting. Kurapika decides to patrol the building, but Light Nostrade stops him and begs him to stay for his daughter’s safety while waiting for their rescue and the doctor to arrive. Shortly after, the doctor arrives and examines Neon's condition. Bean questions Kurapika about him staying in Neon’s room instead of doing his job by hunting down the Phantom Troupe. Afterwards, Kurapika gets permission to patrol the building.

While patrolling, members and bosses of the mafia are seen unsatisfied with their situation. Kurapika then receives a call from Gon and Killua. The two tell Kurapika about them being kidnapped by the Phantom Troupe which makes Kurapika angry at them. The two still insist on helping by giving him information, but Kurapika refuses since he has another source and doesn't want them to get involved in his mission. After their conversation, the Phantom Troupe continues their rampage while getting near the auction building. The situation inside Cemetery Building is uncontrollable in which the members of the mafia start to panic and want to protect themselves by breaking the rules of the auction.

Zeno and Silva appear and warn the mafia about a member of the Phantom Troupe who sneaked inside the building making them realize how strong he is by saying he can kill them all in less than ten seconds. Kurapika, while trying to find the Troupe, gets a call from Light who orders him to go back to Neon. Zeno and Silva finally find Chrollo's location and after a short chat, the three make their moves and start to battle. Chrollo manages to cut Silva by using a Ben's knife which Silva easily recognizes and he managed to stop the poison from spreading. Zeno analyzes Chrollo's abilities and manages to deduce that Chrollo's power, because it is so powerful, has an activation cost of least four or maybe five conditions which Chrollo is very unlikely to be able to meet while fighting both Zeno and Silva at the same time citing that Chrollo's use of a toxic knife is further evidence that Chrollo cannot steal Nen freely; this prompts Chrollo, realizing Zeno's skill based upon his analysis of his power, to discard the knife and switch tactics.

Zeno walks towards Chrollo and makes his move, but he suddenly stops. He sees Chrollo taking action by using his ability, a book that contains the lists of abilities he stole. Zeno becomes more cautious and uses his Nen to fight Chrollo at a distance and manages to guess the use of Chrollo’s book while fighting. Chrollo keeps evading Zeno's attacks while not letting his guard down on Silva. When Chrollo finally felt the presence of Silva, he gets distracted then caught in Zeno’s technique. When Chrollo is finally trapped, Zeno signals Silva to finish him off and Silva releases two large illuminating balls of aura aimed directly toward Chrollo and his father.

Episode 53: Illumi and Kalluto arrive to assassinate the Ten Dons. Back in the Cemetery Building, the guests of the auction feel the huge explosion caused by Silva's attack on the basement. As the guests panic, Bean arrives and tells them that the Ten Dons will speak to them directly. The guests praise Neon's fortune-telling ability as they remained safe during the whole event. In the auction hall, the leader of the Ten Dons appears on a screen and apologizes for the inconvenience. He informs everyone that the leader of the Phantom Troupe is dead and the rest will soon be dealt with.

Elsewhere, the Ten Dons are revealed to have been killed by Illumi. He calls Silva through their transmitter and asks his father whether his client, Chrollo Lucilfer, is still alive. From the debris inside the basement, Zeno and Chrollo emerge with little damage. Illumi tells Silva to relay a message to Chrollo: to write the payment to Illumi's account. Zeno turns to leave and when Chrollo asks why, Zeno explains that the Ten Dons were their clients and now that they are killed, Chrollo is not their target anymore. The Zoldyck Family does not kill for pleasure, everything runs because of business. Chrollo expresses his relief and asks again if they continued their fight, who would win? Zeno confidently answers himself, but if Chrollo is really decided on killing him, then that would be another matter. Zeno and Silva then turn to leave, with the latter glaring at Chrollo. When Zeno and Silva have left, Chrollo collapses on the floor and is disappointed for not being able to steal their abilities.

Kurapika instructs Melody to wait at the hospital and they will send Neon there. The doctor assures everyone that she has just fainted and will be safer in the hospital. The Spiders arrive at the basement to see Chrollo. He tells Kortopi to proceed with their plan: to make static copies of their "corpses". He orders them not to hinder the ambulance that Neon is in. While on their way, Kurapika assures Light that no one will harm Neon.

The auction begins, and Bean gets a light from Hisoka backstage and is killed by Machi. The host of the auction is controlled by Shalnark and Pakunoda serves as the bringer of the items. The next item is mentioned and in the backstage area, the original item is being replaced by Kortopi. The fake copy is introduced to the audience to which the guests bet their money on.

As Kurapika watches the ambulance leaving, he is approached by two men and they ask him why is he not attending the auction. Kurapika is informed that the leader of the Phantom Troupe is dead. Zenji taunts Kurapika over this and ends up getting punched. Kurapika refuses to believe it unless he has seen the body with his own eyes. Chrollo's "corpse" is found outside by the Mafia, and comments on how young he is. They found the bodies of the other five members. Kurapika rushes back inside the building and arrives just in time to see the Scarlet Eyes being auctioned. He calls Light and asks if he should bid on them. Light orders that Kurapika must win the Scarlet Eyes. He bids 350 million Jenny Currency Symbol for the eyes, but Zenji contradicts him once more, bidding 1 billion Jenny Currency Symbol. In the end, the Scarlet Eyes cost 2.9 billion Jenny Currency Symbol.

Kurapika gloomily walks back towards the hospital, carrying the Scarlet Eyes, and encounters Zenji on the road. The Mafia boss points a gun at him but Kurapika threatens him and reveals his very own Scarlet Eyes. Zenji recoils in surprise and fear as Kurapika walks past him.

Gon and Killua find out Leorio and Zepile having fun in their room. Leorio invites them to drink and Killua refuses, saying that he and Gon are still underage. They narrate on how they were captured by the Spiders and Leorio is impressed that they escaped. Gon tells Zepile on how his lesson helped them during their capture. Leorio invites Gon and Killua to the auction tomorrow but Gon tells him that they will learn Nen from Kurapika.

Neon awakens and is overjoyed at the sight of the Scarlet Eyes. She thanks her father and remarks on how beautiful the Scarlet Eyes are. Melody senses Kurapika's sadness and assures him. He calls Gon and informs him about the Spiders' deaths. Meanwhile, Hisoka attempts to call Kurapika but the other line is not answering. He watches as the members of the Troupe drink over the success of their mission.

Episode 54: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio finally reunite in Yorknew City and have some words with each other. Kurapika explains his Nen powers to his friends and the sacrifices he's made to become stronger. Killua gets angry because he believes that a member from the Phantom Troupe who can read memories is still alive. Kurapika also mentions teaming up with Hisoka who gave him some information about the Troupe. Meanwhile, Chrollo orders the Troupe to depart Yorknew by night. Nobunaga denies, stating that they need to find the chain user and avenge Uvogin's death. After Franklin advises him to follow their Boss' orders, he starts questioning if it was indeed an order from their Boss. He calls Chrollo by his name and wants to ask him a few questions. Chrollo faces him, stating that before he answers his questions, he needs to first answer his questions.

Chrollo asks Nobunaga about his date of birth, blood type, even his full name and gives him a sheet of paper to write all of his answers down. He then uses the technique he stole from Neon Nostrade to foretell Nobunaga's future. Nobunaga's fortune states that the Phantom Troupe will lose more members. The passage is similar to Chrollo's own fortune. Shizuku asks Chrollo to foretell her fortune too. She deciphers the verses with the help of Chrollo and learns that she is one of the members who will die by next week along with Shalnark and Pakunoda.

After learning the results, the members remind Nobunaga that they might get killed if they keep on pursuing the chain user. Chrollo also reminds him about his position and value on the Troupe. Hisoka jumps into the conversation and asks Chrollo if he can foretell the fortunes of each member.

Meanwhile, Kurapika still plans to collect the eyes of his clan, when suddenly he receives a message from Hisoka stating that the corpses were fake. He gets furious and overjoyed at the same time. The situation has changed and Gon, Killua and Leorio want to aid their friend. Kurapika receives a call from Melody and she says that the mafia has given up hunting the Phantom Troupe. It was a direct order from the Ten Dons. The awards have been rescinded for they believe that the members of the Troupe came from a place called Meteor City.

The members of the Phantom Troupe have their fortunes told by Chrollo. Hisoka's fortune is shown to be about meeting and teaming up with Kurapika and giving him information about some of the Phantom Troupe members' abilities. It also foreshadows when he will face Chrollo alone. Pakunoda wants to see Hisoka's fortune, but Hisoka warns her she might regret it. On handing his fortune to her, it somehow changes. After learning Hisoka's fortune, Pakunoda immediately shows it to the others. Nobunaga is furious after reading Hisoka's fortune, questioning him if he sold out Uvogin.

Episode 55: After reading Hisoka's fortune, Nobunaga accuses him of selling out the Phantom Troupe to the Chain user. With sword drawn, Nobunaga gets no answer from Hisoka, who sits calmly fiddling with his cards. Shalnark and Franklin try to settle him down, knowing the fortunes can be avoided. Hisoka tells them that the first verse with the Chain user is true, but after that he can't explain the rest. He'll fight though, but only to defend himself. Nobunaga decides to attack, but is teleported to a higher ground, away from Hisoka, by Chrollo. He himself asks Hisoka a few questions about the fortune, but Hisoka does not say a word about his relationship with Kurapika. He analyzes the fortune further, asking which powers Hisoka has seen from the various Troupe members and deduces the Chain user's abilities. One being to capture and kill, like he did with Uvogin, and another being to control what one says, this coming from the line, "Sword of law" in Hisoka's fortune. Chrollo believes this "sword" is pointed towards Hisoka's heart, restricting his speech. Hisoka naturally becomes aroused at Chrollo's reasoning skills, wanting to kill him all the more.

Shalnark reviews, wondering if the Chain user is a Manipulator or a Conjurer. It is important since a Conjurer can walk around unarmed, so they might never see someone with actual chains. They figure Hisoka will not be able to fight the Chain user because of this. In his mind, Hisoka laughs at them, having fabricated most of his fortune using his Nen. There's no "sword of law" at his heart and he only revealed Uvogin and Shizuku's powers. If Chrollo hadn't fallen for the ruse, Hisoka knows he'd be in trouble, but now might have an opportunity to fight Chrollo. Shizuku reads the second verse, with Phinks confused at one of the lines. Shalnark believes more than half of the Troupe will be dead if they return home. Phinks says he, Feitan and Kortopi are also in danger since they didn't have their fortunes taken. Chrollo's decision is to stay in Yorknew City.

Meanwhile, Killua decides not to pursue the Troupe with Gon. Killua believes the risk is too much, now without even a reward for their capture, but Gon still thinks it's the right thing to do. Killua reminds him they're there for Greed Island and still need funds for it. Gon has a plan, but keeps it a secret, much to Killua's annoyance, so they can continue stalking the Troupe. Killua agrees, but knows they need Kurapika's help. At the hotel, Neon Nostrade leaves to go shopping with Basho and Melody accompanying while Squala stays in the room. Leorio and Kurapika meet to discuss the upcoming auction. Leorio thinks Kurapika should tell the Mafia that the Troupe is still alive, but he tells Leorio it won't make a difference. He just hopes the auction will take place so he can attack the Troupe once again, which Leorio thinks is crazy without help. Gon and Killua enter, telling him they'll help and Kurapika accepts, surprising Killua.

The four sit around, coming up with a plan. Killua will stake out the Troupe base and Kurapika makes it clear their target will be Pakunoda. Leorio will be the driver for Kurapika and Gon will act as a decoy so Pakunoda can be snatched away. Gon will have to stall them for one second and thinks back to how fast they all are. To increase his resolve, like Kurapika's, Gon asks for him to put a Nen blade next to his heart. All three are stunned, but Leorio and Killua leave so he can explain to Gon his powers, which will put him in even more danger with others knowing his secrets. Kurapika conjures his chains and explains the first is Chain Jail, to encompass a Troupe member completely with unbreakable chains that forces the person into a Zetsu state. Another is Judgement Chain, the attack that points a blade towards the heart with rules involved. Only Chain Jail is for the Troupe members, but Judgement Chain can be used on anyone, however, he must be in his Scarlet Eyes phase. Gon is shocked to see Kurapika can turn on his Scarlet Eyes whenever he wants now. The Eyes make him a Specialist, which makes his attacks stronger and increases his essence and resolve.

Gon is confused about the premise, but wants the Nen blade nonetheless. Kurapika accepts, but not before Killua and Leorio pop up from behind him and ask for the same Nen blades. The blades can be taken away after the mission is complete, but Kurapika never wanted to use the blades at all. He wanted to hear how serious the three were about fighting the Phantom Troupe that they would go to such lengths to help. Now that he knows, he is glad he has such good friends and thanks them all. Killua leaves to the Troupe base so their plan can begin.

Various Troupe members go over their fortunes again, many with unpleasant predictions. Chrollo puts them into groups: Shizuku, Machi and Pakunoda; Kortopi, Feitan and Phinks; Chrollo, Shalnark and Nobunaga; Bonolenov, Franklin and Hisoka. Machi mentions Gon and Killua to Chrollo, reminding Nobunaga he wanted them recruited into the Troupe. Machi tells Chrollo she thinks they have something to do with the Chain user, so just as a precaution, Kortopi creates multiple fake bases to throw them off. Killua arrives to find fifty new identical buildings!

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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