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Anime Look Back: Hunter x Hunter Episode 71-75 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 71: Razor drew his aura and disperse back to himself to be able to make a throw with his true strength. Razor focuses his aura and threw the ball to the air for him spiking the ball towards Gon, Killua and Hisoka, at the other side. The three combined for them to stop his a formation built to where Gon will catch the ball, Hisoka conceals it and Killua to support the two from outbalancing themselves. Once the balls land in Gon's hands the 3 succeeded to stop the ball as Razor praise them for what they have done specifically Killua as he points out the role of the 3 by stopping his own attack.

While Razor is planning and preparing to stop the ball Gon on the other hand releases a large amount of aura where his own teammates is amazed by him and Razor realizing that Gon's first attempt wasn't his full strength and seeing him going all out he states that he is Ging's son something Ging's needs to be proud of. As Gon goes all out he punches the ball straight to Razor. As Razor being aware of how strong Gon's throw he's having thoughts, even the ball is catch-able Razor wouldn't risk catching it due to the amount of power of the ball he will get out of bounds and neither dodging it isn't an option. Razor tries the first attempt he did when he stops Gon's first throw by letting the ball hit his forearm but instead of hitting it in the air he directly hits it towards Gon, Tsezguerra screams asking Gon to dodge it, but Razor is convinced that Gon will not dodge it base on his observation on him however the ball pass through Gon since he feinted by using that huge amount of aura to which Tsezguerra mentions much by his relief but suddenly Hisoka uses his Bungee gum to stop Razor's counter and not let Gon's hard work go to waste by getting a decisive win. Hisoka throws the ball back to Razor as the ball is cover by his bungee gum and Razor tries to throw it back to them again but this time the ball sticks in his forearm as he was push outside while holding the ball as the Ref announces that Razor is out and Gon's team is victorious.

After the game Gon finally is conscious and realizes it was Hisoka who's the one save the game, Razor went through Gon and accepts his defeat. While Biscuit takes care of Killua's arm and the others wait. Razor and Gon have a conversation. Razor tells Gon and that Ging is not in Greed Island nor he know his whereabouts but he tell some stories about his past with Ging and on how Ging change him.

After speaking to Razor, Gon and his team left Razor place and an event with the Plot of Beach NPC takes place in order for them to get the card called Plot of Beach. After the event Gon and his team finally got the card following Hisoka departure. Killua realizes that Hisoka lied for he knows about playing Greed Island before meeting them. As the group has a conversation with one another, Genthru contacts them demanding that they handover the card Plot of Beach card to him and threatens Tsezguerra to come alone as he continues to talk he mentions the names of the first group of fifteen where Gon first came to Razor's place as Gon and the others finds out that Genthru killed all of them to where Gon contact Genthru to be take him on Genthru tells him he will go to him after he is done with Tsezguerra since Gon have another card that he wants. Killua asks Tsezguerra to move somewhere else to avoid Gon getting tangle with Genthru. Genthru and his gang discusses about their targets believing that its necessary to hunt Tsezguerra first and when he surrendered Gon will follow and if they go at Gon first they will let Tsezguerra have enough time to escape.

It is clear that Genthru wants the original copy of the Plot of Beach and believing Tsezguerra have it and at the same time Tsezguerra reminded Gon on what he have done earlier is wrong by inviting Genthru he selfishly thinks for himself and could cause his people around him. Tsezguerra and his group will help Gon prepare and heal to battle Genthru and his gang by giving them enough time provoking Genthru's gang. And in the middle of discussion a deal has been made Tsezguerra states that buying Gon's time isn't alliance instead it was a deal to obtain the card Wild Luck Alexandrite and will Gon at least three weeks of preparation to plan out how to beat Genthru and his gang. Tsezguerra's team left to face Genthru while Gon and Killua starts to heal and train with Biscuit.

Episode 72: Hisoka and Phinks meet with the Phantom Troupe. Hisoka approaches Machi and Nobunaga who are spying on the exorcist. He also notices the newest member of the Troupe. Meanwhile, after a short discussion, Tsezguerra's group confronts the Bombers. They cast a "Levy" spell on them and immediately use "Accompany" to get away. After checking their lost cards, Genthru feels that Tsezguerra will ambush them until they run out of cards. Tsezguerra collects some escape/teleportation cards with the help of Goreinu. Gon trains hard in order to fight Genthru. Biscuit advises Gon to start training in Emission in order to gain a new weapon in his fight with Genthru. While Gon is struggling with his Emission training, Killua and Biscuit chat about Gon's power. Killua asked Biscuit to reveal her technique in order for him to plan better in their upcoming battle against the Bombers. Biscuit shows Killua her technique called Magical Esthetician and it underwhelms Killua.

Tsezguerra continues to target Genthru's group by sneak attacking them during the night. Genthru believes they have some Nen user with the ability to track them and thinks he knows what Tsezguerra is planning. They start harassing other players and steal their "Accompany" and C-Rank cards. They also check if the other players have already met Tsezguerra and his group. If not, they tell them who they are and threaten them by making the players collect cards by force; if the player has met Tsezguerra's group, they dispose of them. Goreinu continues to spy on Genthru's group and contacts Tsezguerra to report their scheme.

While Gon trains, Killua and Biscuit continue to set up a plan. Genthru collects plenty of spell cards in order to pursue Tsezguerra's group. Knowing Genthru's movements, Tsezguerra immediately casts a spell card to escape them while Genthru casts a spell card to follow. The two groups continue to pursue and escape each other until Genthru is thrown off by Tsezguerra's group. This gives Tsezguerra and his group time to think of a plan by using the spell card "Return" when they run out of "Accompany" cards. Goreinu informs Tsezguerra he is right to think the Bara and Sub with Genthru are fakes.

The real Sub and Bara are in front of a shop in Masadora and are keeping their eye on everyone entering the shop. Tsezguerra would like to stick to the plan instead of fighting Genthru even if he is alone. Meanwhile, Killua informs Gon to stop his training since he came up with a plan to defeat Genthru and his team. After Tsezguerra uses their last "Accompany" card, they plan on leaving the game and go all the way to Battera's mansion. If the Bombers follow them, they will just fend them off outside the mansion.

Arriving at Battera's mansion the team is shocked at what they see. The mansion is empty and a guy named Sabazushi informs them that everyone already left. Tsezguerra, who wants an explanation, approaches Battera who is locked in his room with tears flowing from his eyes. Genthru and his group arrive at the mansion and kill Sabazushi.

Episode 73: Goreinu contacts Gon, Biscuit, and Killua to inform them that Tsezguerra's team left Greed Island according to their plan. Tsezguerra's team cards will disappear if they're out of the game for more than 240 hours; however, he left all the valuable cards to Goreinu. Killua believes Genthru will know they have allies when none of the four hold any valuable cards.

Genthru and his team await Tsezguerra and his team at the starting point. As they do not show up before the deadline (3:05 p.m.), they officially celebrate Tsezguerra’s departure from Greed Island, believing they never returned out of fear of them. Meanwhile, Goreinu explains that he and Tsezguerra’s team switched 32 of their 96 cards with fakes and Goreinu holds all 96 real cards. He tells Killua and the others that he'll give them the cards once they've defeated Genthru. Goreinu warns Gon's group when the Bombers head towards Masadora to prepare for battle. The three are ready when Gon succeeds in his training by calculating exactly 1 minute.

In Battera's mansion, Tsezguerra is curious about a girl's picture on a table. Battera reveals that she was his lover and after an accident put her in a coma, he heard of Greed Island and started buying copies to hire players to finish the game. He needed a player to collect a card called "Angel's Breath" that could completely heal her. However, after her passing, all of it has now become pointless.

After planning, the Bombers go straight to Gon's group and Genthru immediately proposes a deal. During the conversation, Biscuit and the two deceived them so Genthru's team can't tell they're ready to fight as well. Killua keeps refusing Genthru's proposal until Genthru loses his patience. Killua, Gon, and Biscuit immediately act and use "Accompany" to get away from them. After using their last "Accompany", Gon's group heads towards Masadora and hides their auras. Genthru searches the whole area, but can't find them so they decide to use "Accompany" straight to Gon's group. They don't move, meaning Gon's group is still there, and it is also the last "Accompany" Genthru's group has.

After another discussion, everything is going according to plan by making Genthru's team battle them one on one. Killua and Biscuit run away from where Gon is in order to separate the Bombers. Gon and Genthru's fight starts and Gon anticipates his attack, making Genthru wonder who told him his abilities. Gon doesn't answer and instead proposes a deal to Genthru that whoever surrenders first will give up all his cards. Genthru won't bite until Gon swears he would rather die than be a thief and Genthru has no choice, but to agree. Gon keeps attacking while remembering Biscuit's advice in the middle of his fight: he might not be as strong as Genthru, but he's fast and clever.

Genthru's hit sends Gon flying and Genthru mockingly states that he won't use his ability on him. Gon remembers Biscuit's advice that all is according to plan by letting Genthru calculate how strong he is, but Gon being a prideful one, plans on making Genthru use his ability against him and carry on the plan afterwards. Meanwhile, Biscuit uses "Accompany" in order to separate Bara from the others and fight him one on one. Bara asks her why she used "Accompany" on him and Biscuit replies that she is stronger than him and doesn't want him to be helped by the others. She releases a flurry of attacks, but Bara says she's weak. He is able to send Biscuit rolling on the ground, causing her to transform into a scary muscular form that Killua later takes to calling "the gorilla" and knocks out Bara in one punch. He asks why she hid her power and she tells him she hates that form before he goes unconscious.

At the same time, Killua battles Sub and Killua reveals a new yo-yo technique in the middle of the fight. It weighs 50kg and is easily able to destroy a tree. Sub dodges the best he can, but is hit. He notices Killua leaving his right open and takes advantage by kicking Killua on his right side. However, Killua reveals another yo-yo on his right arm and smashes Sub on the back of the head. He left his right side purposefully open, to trick Sub. Killua hits him again, and uses electricity, knocking him out for good. Gon takes a lot of punches from Genthru, but never accepts defeat. Genthru realizes his stubbornness and takes back what he said. He decides to use his ability to mess with Gon's mind and make him admit defeat.

Episode 74: Genthru takes hold of Gon's wrist and tries to blow his hand up by using Little Flower. But the boy is able to protect his hand and receives only a few burns, angering Genthru. Genthru attacks again, grabbing Gon's wrist yet again. Gon tries the same thing by putting aura in his hand, but Genthru anticipates it and hits Gon with a punch in the abdomen that sends him down in pain. As Genthru analyze what Gon is trying to do by protecting his arm from his bomb. Gon opens a part of his body that is vulnerable as Gon states Biscuit is right about Genthru. As the fight continues after Genthru grabs Gon; he punches Gon again on the body, but Gon didn't even flinch this time as he escapes from him. Gon manages to counter Genthru's last attack by remembering what Biscuit told him about his ability Little Flower, where you can tell that if Genthru is preparing to use it he shrouds his aura around his hand and when he is planning to attack him somewhere else, then he won't use Gyo, but Genthru immediately sees through this and warns Gon that his plan will backfire and states the consequences when getting hit by his Little Flower.

Genthru thinks that it is meaningless to fight and wants Gon to surrender. At the same time, while looking at Genthru's arms with both hands wrapped with aura, Biscuit words pops in his mind telling him that, if those two hands were shrouded by aura, he will use Little Flower and this is where Gon should start sticking to the plan. But Gon decides on his own and thought of a plan that he'd like to give it a try and got back at Genthru asking him to surrender instead; Genthru walks towards Gon and threatens by telling what he will do to him and Gon invites him as Genthru grabs both Gon's arms and uses his ability to blow up both of his hands but Genthru felt something and realizes he was hit and got his mouth busted. As Genthru is stunned and can't control his body, Gon starts to charge his Janken and launches his attack but Genthru accidentally saves himself by getting trip down by a stone.

Realizing that he was saved, Genthru analyzes what Gon did by completely not protecting his left hand and using only a small amount of aura in his right hand but putting a large percent of aura in his feet to be able to land a hit to him; this is where Genthru realizes how crazy Gon is, much to the extent where Gon tells him that he's done being selfish and it's time for him to get serious. Gon opens up his book, takes a card, and tells that Genthru needs to surrender or he will die, but Genthru (though he was just bluffing) instead he thinks of an idea and brings up his won back and tells Gon he surrenders and can take all his card from his book. After Genthru had his chance, he hits Gon in the throat, followed by chop from his back of his neck, which Gon blocks using his Gyo immediately the card Gon is holding triggers containing a bottle of gasoline and breaks it towards Genthru.

Even though he can't use his Little Flower, Genthru brags about another technique called Countdown which is much stronger than Little Flower and it's impossible to block it with Gyo. As Genthru walks towards, Gon and sets his technique and suddenly uses his Janken, but instead of hitting directly to Genthru he punches the ground that creates pitfall sending the both of them deep down to the pit. Genthru thinks about his situation and when he looks to Gon he is no where to be found, but slips right through a small path of hole and a card in his hand triggers that contains a large rock that will crash Genthru, but before he gets hit to the falling rock he managed to save himself by going to the hole where Gon is, but Gon waiting for him uses his Janken and crash Genthru even if he's surrendering.

With the Bombers caught, they surrender their cards and by using the card "Angel's Breath" Gon's injuries were healed. Goreinu reaches Gon, but disapproves on healing Genthru and the others since they were murderers, but later on he can't do nothing about it after Gon, Killua, and Biscuit tell their reasons. After healing Genthru when the three is about to leave Goreinu stops and tells them, he'll give all the cards anyway before they even try to heal Genthru, since it was a decision made by him and Tsezguerra and his team including their share of payments from Battera. Gon, Killua, and Biscuit completed the cards from, 1 to 99 and only #0 is left. And a quiz will be held according to the announcements and each players in Greed Island went directly to Gon's group and surround them.

Episode 75: Gon, Killua, and Biscuit are surrounded by other game players. Because of Team Gon's success, they try to strike a deal in order to get some of the game completion reward. Gon and Killua agree to a proposal offered by another game player. If they win the final card, Team Gon will buy it off them for 5% of the total winnings, not knowing about Battera's situation. The quiz soon begins and everyone takes part. The first question being:

What is the name of the elder who gives an important hint about #01 Patch of Forest?

A. Hira

B. Hida

C. Hiso

D. Mayu

E. Hima

Killua is already struggling with the first question. Meanwhile, with the Bombers all tied up, Abengane touches Genthru and says, "I caught the Bomber," releasing the Nen ability Little Flower that was placed on him.

The quiz continues and soon the final question is revealed. The player with the best score is announced. Gon wins, getting 87 out of 100 questions correct. An owl delivers a letter to Gon and the card #110 "Ruler's Invitation". Unfortunately, Gon is only allowed to enter by himself. Suddenly, two players, Gashta Bellam and Zetsk Bellam use an "Accompany" to confront Gon. They both threaten to take his cards by force, but are defeated in a flash.

Gon originally planned to use an "Accompany" card to transport to the castle. Killua, however, points out that it won't work as they haven’t visited Limeiro before. Biscuit suggests using the card #1016 "Drift". This allows a player to transport to a previously un-visited city. Killua uses Drift and then returns shortly after, allowing him to use "Accompany". Abengane uses "Magnetic Force" to travel to Hisoka, using Chrollo Lucilfer's name. He states that he will return to reality and make a fortune exorcising Nen off Chrollo.

Biscuit and Killua wait outside while Gon enters the castle. He is then greeted by List. List introduces him to Dwun who is quick to explain that his name is spelled W-D-W-U-N-E. When he gets in the room however, it is covered in garbage and junk. Dwun makes a space for Gon to sit down and then presents him with the last card, #000 "Ruler's Blessing". He teases Gon a little about his father. Dwun gives Gon a three-slot card holder and explains the rules of how he can use it and what cards he can't take. List and Dwun then explain the concept of Greed Island's name, and how each letter corresponds to a game master. With the 'G' in 'Greed' belonging to 'Ging'. Dwun explains how his name actually begins with 'W' instead of 'D'. Ging changed it so it would work better with the naming of the game. Dwun becomes angry at the memory, while List just laughs at him. Gon likes seeing Ging's old friends.

The players and NPCs of the game celebrate with fireworks and parades since the game is now over. Team Gon enjoy a feast and then decide which three cards to take back to the real world. Killua suggests choosing one each and Bisky is quick to pick hers: #81 "Blue Planet". Killua and Gon devise a plan as only restricted card slots are allowed to be taken out of the game, meaning spells cannot. In the end, the three cards Gon selected were: "Plot of Beach", "Blue Planet", and "Paladin's Necklace". Upon getting out of the game, Bisky uses 'gain' on her Blue Planet. She marvels at the gem, and loves it right away. First, Gon 'gains' his Paladin's Necklace. Then using the necklace, transforms the "Plot of Beach" to revert into an "Accompany" card.

Gon says he noticed a player's name on his book and because he was the first player to enter the game, he must have met this person previously. He guesses that when he was a baby, he came to Greed Island with Ging. Gon and Killua say goodbye to Bisky and then use "Accompany" to travel to "Nigg," the name listed. They appear in a foggy forest like place, with a figure leaning on a tree, fishing. Gon and Killua look in amazement hopefully have found Ging at last.

Rating: 8/10(Average)


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