Episode 460: As Black Zetsu siphons Naruto and Sasuke of their chakra, he reveals Kaguya's story to them. Many ages ago in what would become the Land of So, a tree grew from a meteorite that crashed onto the world. Years later, the people of So see a glowing object landing off in the distance. The young So emperor Tenji sends his soldiers and they return with a mysterious woman who, after wiping away the memories of those present, introduces herself as Kaguya and claims herself as protector of the God Tree while requesting an attendant. Soon after, falling in love with Kaguya as they both desire peace in the world, Tenji finds himself at odds with representatives from the Land of Ka who seek to expand their territory by any means from false documents to war. Even learning that Ka is starting to stir conflict, Tenji decrees to his subjects they are not to attack Ka on any reason. But when men from Ka attempt to abduct Kaguya, she effortlessly slaughters them and a Ka representative named Suzaku later exposes her actions during peace negotiation. This forces Tenji, unaware that she was pregnant with their twin sons, to order Kaguya's death to keep the peace. Betrayed, Kaguya makes her way to the God Tree while her attendant sacrificed herself to protect her from arrow fire. Kaguya eats the God Tree's fruit and uses her newly gained powers to invoke the Infinite Tsukuyomi, binding Tenji and those caught in its light within the God Tree's roots.
Episode 461: After being born in the aftermath of their mother's Infinite Tsukiyomi, Hagoromo and his twin brother Hamura lived in ignorance of their Kaguya's amoral nature and habit of looking up towards the sky. One day while resolving a conflict over water between farmers, the brothers meet a toad named Gamamaru who points them toward the mountains around the God Tree, and asks them if they know it. The two identify it as the Peak of Demise which their mother told them was off-limits, but Gamamaru reveals the land is weakening because the God Tree and the truth of a ritual practice Kaguya placed for the people to follow. Though Gamamaru told them to see the truth beyond the peak for themselves, the brothers instead encounter a fraud medicine salesman with Hagoromo learning of their mother is viewed as a tyrant in other lands. When Hagoromo notices a girl he cared for named Haori leaving to participate in the God Tree ritual to become its servant, he and his brother confront Kaguya over answers to the ritual. But Kaguya explains that the ritual should not concern them and this it is to prepare for coming of "the others." This forces the brothers to go to the Peak of Demise, Hagoromo awakens the Sharingan upon finding Haori and several others lifeless and bonded to the God Tree's roots. The brothers later meet Gamamaru as he takes them to Mount Myoboku where he uses a Memory Stone to explain the origins of the God Tree and their mother's arrival to the world. Gamamaru revealed that Kaguya revived some of the people she put under the Infinite Tsukuyomi, wiping their memories while having the God Tree draining the land of its natural energy. Deciding that they needed more power to confront Kaguya should she turn hostile, Hagoromo begins training under Gamamaru in use Sage Jutsu. Though Hamura lied of his brother's whereabouts, Kaguya soon caught on to her sons' scheme.
Episode 462: After Hagoromo completed his training under the Toad Sage, unable to contact Hamura via messenger toad, he decides to confront his mother. But before Hagoromo leaves, Gamamaru gives him a special seal tag instilled with great sage power refined over the centuries in case he must replenish. Hagoromo confronts Kaguya about her actions, the latter beyond reason as she deems her son an ungrateful brat before having a brain-washed Hamura attack his brother. While forced to fight his brother to the death, Hagoromo's Sharingan evolves into the Rinnegan and uses the seal tag to restore Hamura's free will. With both sons against her, a livid Kaguya merges herself into the God Tree and transforms into the Ten-Tails to siphon their chakra. The battle lasted for months before the brothers were able to defeat Kaguya, their mother sealed inside Hagoromo's body. Researching the Infinite Tsukiyomi, Hagoromo was able to free most of the people bound in the God Tree and later extracts his mother's chakra and divides it into the tailed beasts before sealing the now-powerless Gedo Statue within the moon. Hamura, understanding their mother's reason, departs to the moon with his family to watch over her while his brother, revered as the Sage of Six Paths, works to spread Ninshu across the world. However, revealed to have been created by Kaguya seconds before she was sealed, Black Zetsu explains that his purpose was to shape events to enable Kaguya's return.
Episode 463: Kaguya voices her hatred for her sons. Outraged by Black Zetsu's claims, Naruto frees himself and Sasuke, disagreeing with him about those who shape shinobi history and how mothers should feel about their children. Sasuke surmises they need to create an opening to seal Kaguya, Naruto decides to use a certain jutsu, and starts filling Sasuke in on it. Black Zetsu dismisses them, pointing out Kaguya can absorb all jutsu. From afar, Sakura observes them, relaying the information to Kakashi, who is still in awe of Kaguya's power. Naruto's shadow clone heals Obito. Sasuke is dubious about Naruto's strategy involving a jutsu he practiced in secret even more than the Rasengan, but agrees to try it. He engulfs Kaguya with Amaterasu, which she effortlessly absorbs. Naruto moves in and transforms into a group of naked men, stunning Kaguya. Sakura is irate that Naruto would try that on someone so powerful, but is shocked when Naruto lands a hit on Kaguya. Kakashi wonders if Jiraiya is watching Naruto save the world with perverted ninjutsu. Sasuke teleports Kaguya between himself and Naruto, almost making physical contact, but Kaguya teleports everyone to her ice dimension, locking them in place with ice. Naruto's shadow clone, Sakura, and Kakashi discuss Kaguya's jutsu. Kaguya escapes the ice, and moves in to absorb their chakra again. Sasuke frees himself and Naruto with Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi. At Black Zetsu's suggestion, Kaguya splits them up, throwing Sasuke in her desert dimension. Naruto tries to keep the portal open, to no avail. Naruto evades Kaguya, who causes the surrounding landscape to attack Naruto. Obito wakes up, and is brought up to speed on the situation. They decide to assist in the battle. Sasuke wanders through the desert dimension. Naruto's clone finishes explaining the situation to Obito. They watch the original Naruto dodging the terrain, before finally allowing himself be captured to draw Kaguya out. Obito notices Kaguya's use of Space–Time Ninjutsu, and is certain that he can sync his Kamui with it, and bring Sasuke back if he is in another dimension. Due to the great chakra cost it would require, Sakura volunteers her stored chakra. Obito is prepared to die if he has to. In the real world, the four Hokage converge on Madara's severed lower half, and discuss what has happened and how to proceed. Hagoromo's chakra manifests itself from Madara's lower half, and introduces himself to the four.
Episode 464: Hagoromo explains to the four Hokage that Naruto and Sasuke are his sons' reincarnations, and that they're battling his mother. So the four can fully understand the situation, Hagoromo explains the origins of Ninshū. After Kaguya was sealed, Hagoromo began wandering the world, to restore the land ravaged by the fight against the Ten-Tails, and to find homes for the tailed beasts. Gamamaru gives Hagoromo another prophecy, about the tailed beasts and a "blue-eyed youth" and bids him farewell. Hagoromo comes across a broken bridge, and decides to repair it, against the protests of Futami, a thief who uses the broken bridge to scam and steal from people. Hagoromo warns a would-be victim about him, enraging him. After days watching Hagoromo restoring the bridge, Futami himself starts to help, so Hagoromo can leave sooner, intending to destroy the restored bridge again after he leaves. Seeing the two rebuilding the bridge, others begin to help. After the bridge is done, Futami leaves with Hagoromo, having changed his way. After getting to know each other more, Hagoromo shares his chakra with Futami, who asks to become his apprentice. Hagoromo discovers another purpose for his journey, bonding people through chakra. The two come across another broken bridge, with another thief, and the situation repeats itself. Hagoromo begins amassing more followers, and finds places where he could release the tailed beasts. Hagoromo's followers scatter, spreading Ninshū across the world. On his deathbed, Hagoromo releases the tailed beasts to the places he found. After his journey was done, Hagoromo returned to the Land of Ancestors, where he married and had two children, though his wife died after giving birth to Ashura. Unnoticed by Hagoromo, Black Zetsu set his sights on his sons.
Episode 465: At night, Ashura and Indra read about Ninshū, Indra effortlessly covering volumes of Hagoromo's writings while Asura struggles. The next day, the two fish together, Indra catching a big fish, and Ashura only getting a piece of driftwood. Indra transforms the driftwood into a fish. Indra showcases his talent at manipulating chakra to his father, brother, and other ninshū followers, calling the hand formations used to shape the chakra "seals" and the effects "jutsu". Indra's innovations change ninshū, giving it practical, everyday uses. From the shadows, Black Zetsu observes Indra. Indra shares his concerns about the potential applications of jutsu with Hagoromo, who argues that if Indra had not had such a breakthrough, someone else would have. Indra and Ashura spar. Futami mentions to Hagoromo he believes the future of ninshū would be safe under Indra's leadership. Ashura goes to play with his friends, who decide to go hunt a wild boar that has been damaging the fields, confident Ashura's Ninshū will save them if necessary. Having previously only detected its presence, Indra meets Black Zetsu, who talks about a power he can awaken if he loses someone he loves. Indra fears for Ashura. Asura and his friends are attacked by the wild boar, which kills their dog Shiro. Ashura struggles to perform Ninshū, but Indra arrives in time to save him. Ashura notices a change in Indra's eyes, which have awakened the Sharingan. Indra confronts Black Zetsu, who tells him to use those eyes to see the truth. Indra grows harsher, more isolated, and more focused on performing jutsu. Black Zetsu continues to influence him.
Episode 466: Ashura worries that Indra's demeanour will alienate others. Taisō asks him to clear a few trees to make a path between fields, making a shortcut for his mother. However, it was a lie. Later, Taisō is restrained, Indra finding him guilty of having the trees cleared without others' consent, and Ashura gullible for having believed him. Taisō confesses he wanted a path to get medicine for his mother. Ashura asks why he didn't tell the truth, as he would have used Ninshū to heal her, but Taisō reveals his mother hates it. As Ashura was deceived into clearing the path, Indra will not punish him. Hagoromo intervenes, suggesting Indra is being too strict, and that everyone makes mistakes. Indra is adamant that crimes should be punished to deter future crimes. At night, Ashura breaks Taisō out, but they're discovered by Indra, who chastises Ashura and defeats him. From afar, Hagoromo watches the two. At the anniversary of Shiro's death, Ashura and Hagoromo discuss Indra, his eyes, and the differences between him and Asura. The day comes when Hagoromo is to decide his successor as the leader of Ninshū. Hagoromo hands them scrolls, each one with a location that was damaged by the fight against the Ten-Tails. Hagoromo wants each to go to a location, and solve whatever problem remains. He will pick his successor based on the results. Ashura is baffled by Hagoromo's decision, having neither the skill nor the desire to take over Ninshū, willing to simply aid Indra. Hagoromo discusses the two with Gamamaru as the two depart. Ashura notices Taisō following him. Taisō explains that after telling his mother of what Ashura did for him, she told him to go aid him in his journey. The two journey to where the God Tree used to be, finding a village there. The two are attacked by the villagers, fearful they're more robbers. While avoiding one of their attacks, one of the attackers hurts another. Ashura heals her injury. Ashura and Taisō are welcomed into the village. The next day, the two grow suspicious when they're not allowed to go where Ashura senses the God Tree. The woman who Ashura healed, Kanna, wishes him to heal her mother. Ashura notices something with strong chakra connected to her, but can't heal her. Taisō finds graves of several others who perished to the same illness. Ashura decides to go to the God Tree, and is aided by Taisō and Kanna. The three venture down a cave among the God Tree's roots.
Episode 467: Ashura feels his chakra reacting to the location. He comes to the conclusion that the sap of the God Tree is what is making people sick. It acts as a fertiliser to the land, and when people eat food grown in that land, the sap builds up on them. Ashura and Taizō suspect that because the village elder had the place under guard, he is aware of this. Ashura, Taizō, and Kanna talk the village elder about the God Tree, Asura explaining he was sent to do something about it. The elders explains how dire their situation was before the God Tree started nourishing the land, with yearly droughts, and countless deaths due to starvation. Kanna is resigned to continue living there and endure what comes. Ashura tells the villagers about the dangers of the God Tree, but the villagers turn against him when they learn he's from the village of Ninshū. Hagoromo and Gamamaru discuss Indra and Ashura's missions, both having been sent to villages with the same problem. In the village he was sent to, Indra is certain all the villagers together won't be able to reach a decision. Thinking back to Hagoromo's words, Ashura decides to help the village without destroying the God Tree, even if it takes him years. Indra returns from his journey. Kanna finds Ashura and Taizō digging a well. Hagoromo wants to wait for Ashura's return before making his decision. Indra meets with Black Zetsu, who continues to influence him. After a year has passed, Ashura returns to the Land of Ancestors with some of the villagers. Gamamaru informs Hagoromo what he learned watching the two from afar. In the village Ashura visited, after learning his plan to dig a well, the villagers helped him, and Ashura taught them Ninshū. Working together, they managed to find water, allowing them to safely destroy the God Tree. Hagoromo reaches a decision.
Episode 468: Hagoromo chooses Ashura as his successor, to the surprise of all. Indra asks why Hagoromo did not chose him. Hagoromo received word the village Indra was sent to is almost destroyed, and asks how Indra performed his task. He responds he did the same as Ashura, giving the village water and destroying what was left of the God Tree, and that he did it alone. Hagoromo reveals that after Indra left, the villagers began fighting over the water rights, almost destroying the village. Hagoromo commends Indra for his Sharingan, and asks him to support Ashura in upholding Ninshū. Indra leaves, followed by two of people loyal to him. That night, by themselves, Indra's followers think they should appeal to Hagoromo. Indra thanks them, and kills them. A feast is held to celebrate Ashura's appointment. Taizō and Kanna discuss Indra and Ashura. Ashura questions Hagoromo's decision, and Hagoromo explains how Indra's Sharingan has impaired his ability to understand others, unlike Ashura. Hagoromo asks Ashura to join forces with Indra, and imparts Ashura with power. Indra attacks the celebration, denouncing love as the way to shape Ninshū, seeing cooperation as a sign of weakness. Hagoromo and Ashura note his Mangekyō Sharingan. Indra attacks, but Ashura is able to withstand his attack, surprising him. Indra uses Susanoo. Hagoromo and the other Ninshū followers join Ashura. Ashura blocks one of his attacks with Truth-Seeking Balls. After sharing of their chakra, Ashura begins using Wood Style, and defeats Indra. Indra escapes, vowing to never acknowledge Ashura. Hagoromo recounts how Indra began a sect that emphasises power, and how Black Zetsu tampered with the Stone Tablet he left behind to warn about the Sharingan. As he dies, Hagoromo tells Ashura of Indra's visit the night before, when he vowed to reincarnate until love-led Ninshū ceases to be. Hagoromo finishes his story to the four Hokage.
Episode 469: Team 7 finishes a mission early in the morning and are dismissed for the rest of the day. Wishing for a higher-rank mission, Naruto suggests finding out Kakashi's true face. Sakura is initially dismissive of the idea, but changes her mind when Sasuke expresses interest in it. Sakura points out their previous failed attempts at discovering Kakashi's face. Naruto believes there should be a photo of Kakashi unmasked, though Sakura reveals she already searched it, and only found masked photos. They are approached by a man named Sukea, who having overheard them, tells them Kakashi's ninja registration photo should show him unmasked. Sukea introduces himself as a photographer interested in getting a big scoop. Sukea joins their mission. That night, the four manage to break into a secret documents' storage unit, and even find Kakashi's registration photo, but are apprehended by Anbu before they can look at it. The next day, they are scolded by the Third Hokage, and when talking to Kakashi, Sukea tries blaming the situation on Team 7. Team 7 calls him out on it, and he offers to photograph Kakashi's face himself while he eats. Team 7 points out they've tried that before, and something always interrupts them when Kakashi has a meal. Naruto tries offering Kakashi dango, but Kiba comes by with Akamaru, who jumps on some pigeons. In Sukea's photos, Kakashi's face is blocked by a pigeon, Akamaru or leaves. Team 7 is about to give up when they're approached by Teams 8 and 10. Later, Hinata runs to Kakashi, saying a woman has drowned in the river. She takes him to her, in reality a disguised Naruto drugged by Sakura. They intend to expose Kakashi's face by having him perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but he decides to take the disguised Naruto to the hospital instead. Hinata reports the plan's fail. On his way to the hospital, Kakashi is attacked by Chōji, distracting him and causing him to land on Shino's kikaichū, leaving him immobilised. Ino tried body switching with Kakashi, but a frog leaps in front of her jutsu as Shino calls back his insects. Shikamaru traps Kakashi with his shadow, and Naruto gets out of his disguise, calling out for Sukea. Shikamaru begins forcing Kakashi to unmask himself, but Team Guy comes around, Neji running away from Lee, who wants to spar with him, followed by Tenten. Neji and Lee kick up some dust running around, while Tenten ends up tripping Shikamaru, breaking his hold on Kakashi. Kakashi vanishes, revealing he was a shadow clone all along. Sukea bids the genin farewell, while Kakashi watches from afar with Team Guy, who are actually transformed shadow clones. When Team 7 moves walk their way, Kakashi and his disguised clones are also released. Sukea grows apprehensive when he walks past Guy, who asks him if there was any trouble, having heard about the earlier commotion with Kakashi and the genin. Guy asks Sukea if they've met before, which Sukea denies. Guy leaves, sure he's met Sukea before. In his apartment, Sukea begins removing his disguise, revealing himself to have been Kakashi all along, and going to shower. Kakashi thinks back to earlier, and concludes his team's team-work is improving, and that he won't be able to pull something like this again many more times.
Rating: 8.5/10(Average)