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Anime Look Back: World Trigger S1 Episode 1-8 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

I will satrt back my manga review of the series once I have finish all my jump series anime review should I was hopeful to finish by end of the year but due to me been sick I may not be able to do so.

Episode 1: The episode begins as a large monster is about to attack Osamu Mikumo, when an unknown Border agent suddenly appears and destroys it. He calls out to Osamu (calling him "Megane-kun"), asking if he's alright.

The history of Mikado City is narrated, where a gate between another world suddenly appeared four years ago. Monsters called Neighbors began to pour out and destroy the city. A mysterious group appeared and saved the city. This group created an organization called Border to defend the world using Neighbor technology. After 4 years, the situation in the city is stabilized, and although gates are still opening, the citizens learned to convive with them, as they feel safe with Border around. In this situation, at Mikado City's Third Junior High School, Class 3-1, a group of bullies teases a boy in class, throwing his pencil case back and forth like a volleyball. Osamu, who was sitting quietly until then, intervenes and returns the pencil case to its owner. He overhears some of his classmates talking about the new transfer student and is highly interested when they mention the new student might be a member of Border.

A commotion is heard on the street in Mikado City, where a young boy, Yūma Kuga, has just been hit by a car. The boy is completely unharmed; however, to the amazement of all the people surrounding him. When questioned about his address, Replica, a small black creature, appears from inside his collar and whispers the answer into his ear. Afterwards, Kuga walks down the street, talking to Replica. Replica scolds Kuga for not being careful, and Kuga asks Replica if he can use his Trigger. Replica replies it is up to him and reminds him he is late.

At school, Yūma looks inside a class, where students are taking turns reading. He is surprised that they all dress the same, questioning if it's fashion, but Replica explains it's a way to identify the students of the institution. The class' teacher goes outside and asks Yūma where is he from, and he's then taken to class 3-1. There, he introduces himself, and one of the bullies points out that he's wearing a ring. The school principal, Moribayashi, tries to take it for him, explaining that wearing accessories is against school regulations. Surprised by that, Yūma apologizes and leaves, but Moribayashi tries to stop him. Osamu defends Yūma, saying he must have a good reason for not wanting to take it off. Moribayashi then asks him the reason why, and Yūma explains the ring was a memento from his parents, and one of the bullies says so is the manga that was confiscated from him, causing Moribayashi to tell him to shut up. After a chilling stare from Yūma, the Moribayashi commovedly allows him to keep the ring, and calls their homeroom teacher, Mizunuma, to his room. Mizunuma tells Kuga to sit next to Mikumo, and asks Osamu to take care of him.

Other students begin to question Kuga about his hair, while Mikumo muses on his suspicious about Kuga being a part of Border, but figures he was wrong. The bullies from earlier throw crumpled paper balls at the back of Kuga's head, claiming it is a normal Japanese greeting. Kuga, seeing though his lies, makes a more crumpled paper and flicks it into the ringleader's forehead, knocking him over. Kuga claims he is returning the greeting, and Mikumo amazes at Kuga's fighting ability. Mizunuma returns and resumes classes before the bullies can retaliate. Mikumo decides to keep an eye on Kuga and asks if they can walk home together. He warns Kuga about embarrassing the bullies and predicts they will retaliate.

Just then, the bullies show up and demand that Yūma comes with them. Kuga readily agrees, not realizing their motives, and starts to follow them. They tell Mikumo to leave, but he grabs one by the shoulder and demands they let Kuga go. In an abandoned lot, Osamu is punched several times by the ringleader and challenges them to fight him one-on-one. Osamu warns them about being in a Forbidden Zone and that a Neighbor could attack at any time. The ringleader ignores Osamu, saying he doesn't care about Border, and continues to hurt Osamu. Yūma doesn't make any motion is help him, coldly refusing to help when questioned, as it was Osamu's fault for intromising. The ringleader turns on Kuga, who easily blocks his attack and knocks him to the ground by breaking his leg. Just as the rest group lunges to attack Kuga in retaliation, warning sirens begin to sound, and a gate appears above their heads, with a Trion Warrior coming out of it. At Border's headquarters, Masafumi Shinoda orders Kyōko Sawamura to send in Miwa Unit to handle the situation. The bullies attempt to flee, but the ringleader is picked up by the large Neighbor that steps out of the gate. As he is dangling in the Neighbor's mouth, Yūma calmly suggests that they leave. Osamu; however, says he has to save them. Yūma says they got what they deserve and asks why Osamu wants to save them, but Osamu declares it's just because it's the right thing to do.

Osamu reveals he's a Border agent, activating his Trigger, Raygust, and his clothes transform into a white outfit. He jumps up and strikes the Bamster, freeing the bullies. However, he is not strong enough to pierce the Bamster's skin, and is thrown away. Yūma again asks Replica if he can use his Trigger, and Replica again states it is Kuga's decision. Kuga activates his Trigger, and his clothes transform into a black body suit, to which Replica fuses itself, as Kuga leaps through the air. He easily destroys the Bamster, to the amazement of Mikumo. After they both revert back to their school uniforms, Osamu questions Kuga about his Trigger and asks if he is affiliated with Border. Kuga says he isn't a Border agent. Mikumo is confused, then, why Kuga has a Trigger. Kuga explains it was his given to him by father, and he was told by his father to travel to Japan in the event of his death to find his friend who works at Border. Kuga explains his father had nothing to do with Border, either. Mikumo is even more confused, since only Border agents can have Trigger. Kuga says that rule only applies to "the world on this side". He smiles as he explains that he came from across the gate and is what is called a Neighbor, ending the episode.

Episode 2: After Yūma's battle with the Neighbor, Miwa Unit comes to the local. Tōru Narasaka meets with the 3 Idiots, asking what they're doing in the Danger Zone, which is out of limits for civilians. They ask for help, explaining that they've run away from a Neighbor, and Narasaka reports to their operator Ren Tsukimi that he found civilians in the Danger Zone and one of them is hurt, and they require protection. Meanwhile, Shūji Miwa and Yōsuke Yoneya investigate the Neighbor's corpse. Miwa asks Ren who defeated it, and she asks him to wait while she investigates it. Yoneya says it must've been an A-Rank agent, to which Miwa agrees, but Ren says they're the first Border Unit to get there, leading Shūji to wonder who did it. Not too far from there, Osamu follows Yūma, telling him to wait. He asks Yūma what he means when he says he's a Neighbor, as "that thing" was a Neighbor. Yūma corrects him, saying that thing was a Trion Soldier, weapons created by Neighbors, humans like him who live on the world on the other side. He says he wasn't the one who called that thing, and proceeds to say there are different people on the other side too.

Later that day, Yūma questions Osamu for not knowing about that, despite being part of Border, and Osamu says he never heard of that, and that it sounds crazy. Yūma notes that it's different from what his father said, and Replica tells him it was a wise decision to leave the Danger Zone immediately. Yūma decides to tell Osamu to forgot what he said, and that he's 100% percent Japanese and not at all a Neighbor, and Osamu says that makes him sound even more suspicious. Yūma is bothered by this, as saying he's a Neighbor is crazy and saying he's Japanese is suspicious. Osamu asks which one is the truth, and Yūma says he's a Neighbor, but then says he's Japanese, making Osamu even more suspicious of him. He asks himself what Yūma is, noting he helped Osamu, so he doesn't believe Yūma to be evil, but has a Trigger despite not being a Border agent. Osamu decides that, as a Border agent, he has to look out for Yūma.

Osamu tells Yūma they should talk more, but Yūma says he's hungry, so he asks Osamu to go eat. Osamu asks if he has money from Earth. Yūma says he does, but never used it. He reveals a big wad of cash and begins waving it, saying he only has paper money and a hundred must be enough, catching the attention of nearby people. Osamu, calling him a idiot, runs away with him. Osamu notes to himself that Yūma is very naïve, even if it's his first time in Japan, and that what he did was very dangerous. After they stop running away, Osamu explains to Yūma that he shouldn't show his money in public, as it'll put him in unnecessary danger, which Yūma recognizes. As Osamu reminds him of how people reacted, a thug bumps into Yūma and throws himself to the ground, saying his leg broke. After getting up, he and his partner demand money from Yūma to compensate for his broken leg, but Osamu says he couldn't have broken his leg, which Yūma agress with. This prompts the thug to punch Osamu to the ground, saying if he said his leg is broken it's because it is, and again demands money from Yūma. Yūma responds by breaking the thug's legs and then giving him compensation money, scaring the thugs away. Osamu, shocked, tells Yūma that he exaggerated, but Yūma says he did what he had to. Yūma says he'll be more careful, as Japan is a dangerous place.

Yūma still wants to eat, so he wants to search for money, but Osamu offers to pay for Yūma's food, and asks Yūma to stay quiet where he is. Yūma then investigates his money, wondering how it works, and is approached by more thugs. Their leader says they need money because their parents are dying due to a disease, but Yūma, knowing they're lying, beats them.

Episode 3: A gate opens above Third Mikado City Junior High School, which lies outside the Forbidden Zone, and combat-use Mole Mod Trion Warriors begin to attack. As the students and teachers attempt to rush to safety, Osamu heads out to face the threat. Yūma warns Osamu that with his limited abilities he will die if he tries to attack the Mole Mods and to wait for Border.

The Mole Mods continue to swarm the school as Yūma explains that it would take 20 Osamu's to defeat one Mole Mod, and 18 of them would die in the process. Osamu hesitates, but when he sees Chika he resolves to not run away. In the school, Osamu's classmates are surrounded by Mole Mods. They are shocked when when Osamu rushes in to rescue them.

For a moment Osamu believes he has the upper hand battling in a confined space, but a large Mole Mod slices off his arm. Yūma begins to worry about Osamu's Trion body and debates on helping him out. Once again, Replica reminds Yūma it is his decision to fight or not and also reminds him of Osamu's warning to not let anyone know he is a Neighbor. In the city, three Border agents make their way to the school. Back in the school, Osamu's Trion form is completely destroyed by the Mole Mod, leaving him helpless in his physical body. Yūma activates a shield to rescue Osamu and borrows Osamu's Trigger in order to fight without anyone finding out it was him. The Trigger scans Yūma's body and creates a Trion body in a Border uniform and begins to fight, despite Osamu's repeated objections. The Mole Mod's incredibly strong blades begin to wear on the Trigger's blade, which Osamu reveals is only for training. Yūma repeats Osamu's words from earlier about the advantage of fighting in a confined space and quickly destroys the remaining two Mole Mods.

Osamu is confused how Yūma was able to defeat the Mole Mods with his training Trigger. Replica appears in his floating-head form and introduces himself as Yūma's chaperone as well as a multipurpose Trion soldier. Replica explains that Trion comes from the Trion gland, and value differences exist in their function and strength depending on the user. Thus the difference in their ability to use the training Trigger comes from the difference in Trion between Yūma and Osamu. While the students look on in surprise, Osamu appears from the rubble pretending to rescue Yūma. He begins to feel guilty about taking the credit, but Yūma jumps in and further embellishes the story. Osamu is not too pleased being called a hero.

The Arashiyama Unit then appears at the school and ask who was responsible for defeating the Mole Mods. Yūma encourages Osamu to step forward and be praised, but Osamu admits he is still a trainee and is not permitted to use his Trigger off the base. He steps forward and claims responsibility to the surprise of the Border agents. Jun Arashiyama thanks Osamu, since his younger brother and sister actually attend the same school. As Arashiyama embarrasses his siblings, Osamu explains that Arashiyama squad is incredibly popular and often shows up on TV. Confused and perhaps suspicious of why Osamu continues to deny his skill, Ai Kitora jumps forward and proves she could easily destroy the Mole Mods. She further demands that Osamu is punished for his unauthorized use of his Trigger outside the base.

Episode 4: Ai Kitora demands that Osamu is punished according to regulations for his unauthorized use of his Trigger. Osamu reflects on the correctness of Kitora's judgment, but he worries he won't be able to fulfill his reason for joining Border if he is thrown out of his squad. Tired of her arrogance, Yūma confronts Kitora when she claims that using Triggers must be approved by Border, since they belong to Border. Yūma argues that Triggers actually belong to the Neighbors and points out that Kitora simply doesn't like that Osamu was praised. His pupils turn black again as he calls her a liar. Mitsuru Tokieda appears and states that the decision of Osamu's punishment should belongs to the higher ups. Jun Arashiyama agrees and tells Osamu to report to HQ today, adding he will try to ensure Osamu's punishment isn't too harsh.

After school ends, Osamu complains to Yūma about arguing with Kitora. Yūma states he doesn't like people who talk big but don't do much and reminds Osamu that he was the one who saved the students and Yūma only came to help Osamu. Outside the school, students are flocking and taking pictures of Kitora, who has come to escort Osamu to HQ. She insists that Arashiyama Unit could've handled the situation. Yūma interjects that several students would be dead if Osamu hadn't jumped in and that he did so, knowing he would be punished and not praised. Yūma further points out that Kitora seems to have a rivalry with Osamu, which she fervently denies and insists they address her as with respect. Kitora stresses that an A-rank agent would never feel that a C-rank agent like Osamu is her rival, since A-rank is elite. As they argue, something watches from below and a gate flickers in the sky.

Osamu asks Kitora why a Neighbor appeared outside the Forbidden Zone, unaffected by the Guidance Beacon. She explains that although no one seems to know why, but several irregular gates have opened all around Mikado City. Just then, an irregular gate opens and a Ilgar (rare flying Trion Warrior that releases bombs) flies across the city. Kitora decides to fight without waiting for other squads. Osamu wants to join, but he is out of Trion and cannot form a weapon. Unable to fight, Osamu decides to help people in the city and asks Yūma to help Kitora. Yūma is displeased and gripes that Osamu is a sucker for helping those in need. Replica gives Osamu a small clone that slips into his clothes, and Yūma tells him to call if he needs help.

Kitora plans her attack while Osamu rescues people in the city. He miraculously survives being crushed by rubble and Yūma lends him Replica's power to lift the debris to free people trapped in buildings. Kitora lands on the Ilgar's back, thinking it is unprotected. The Ilgar sets off several explosions, but Kitora protects herself with a shield and prepares to destroy it from the inside out.

Episode 5: Yūma looks on as Kitora defeats the Ilgar. Replica points out that this creates a new problem, and Yūma reluctantly activates his Trigger. When the Ilgar is fatally wounded, it uses its inner Trion to explode. Replica points out that each time a Trigger is used to destroy something, it leaves behind a traceable Trion, and the more it is used the harder it will be to hide it from Border.

Kitora is unable to destroy the cylinders. From below, Yūma creates a chain and drags the Ilgar into the river just before it explodes. Kitora cannot believe that she was helped by someone else and appears disgruntled when Osamu is praised by the citizens he helped. Instead, Osamu tells everyone that Kitora is the one who saved them, and Yūma points out that she is no match for Osamu but that she did a good job in defeating the Ilgar. Kitora admits she was helped by someone and won't take credit for something she didn't do. A group of citizens surround Osamu and demand compensation for the destruction. Kitora steps forward and says she will handle the situation herself. Elsewhere, Yūichi Jin receives a call to return to the HQ.

At the base, Kitora and Osamu enter. Yūma leaves them there, since only Border agents can enter, and tells Osamu to let him know if he needs anything. Kitora then explains Osamu that other irregular gates appeared while they were fighting as well, but other agents took care of them.

Inside the base, Jin is excitedly greeted by several agents since he doesn't how up at HQ very often. He enters the administration room with Sawamura and sits next to Osamu, who immediately recognizes him from before, though Jin doesn't seem to remember meeting. Masamune Kido begins the meeting to discuss the appearance of the irregular gates. Shinoda interjects, stating they haven't decided on what to do with Osamu. Kinuta demands that Osamu be fired, and Netsuki agrees, stating they don't want other C-rank agents to follow his example or the public to hate Border because of Osamu's actions. Shinoda replies that he is against firing Osamu, since he saved peoples' lives and Kitora reported that Osamu was a huge part in defeating the Neighbor. He suggests they promote Osamu to B-rank to make use of his ability to work in emergencies. Kido states he doesn't want an agent who doesn't obey the rules and asks Osamu what he would do if the situation happened again. Osamu declares that if he saw someone being attacked, he would save them.

Without coming to a conclusion, they move on to discuss the irregular gates. The R&D department cannot find the cause and the Trion barrier they put in place to force the gates shut will only last another 48 hours. They direct Jin to find the cause before then. Jin accepts, with the condition that they leave Osamu to him, believe him to have something to do with the irregular gates. Jin also claims his Side Effect has told him so. Kido agrees and dismisses them. As he leaves the room, Jin says he is counting on Osamu, and calls him "Megane-kun."

After the meeting, Jin meets with the Administration one by one, assuaging their concerns and creating a shift in the atmosphere of the room. Miwa Shūji approaches Osamu about an incident inside the Forbidden Zone the day before. Osamu hesistates, but lies and says he was the one who did it. Miwa asks for permission for his team to watch Osamu. He tells Kido that the Osamu might be in touch with a Neighbor, since the Trigger that was used to defeat the Bamster wasn't his. Kido tells Miwa that if there is a Neighbor to exterminate it, since Neighbors are their enemies.

Episode 6: A young Amatori Chika and her friend pause on the way home from school. Her friend reassures Chika that she believes in and will protect Chika from the "mysterious things" in the world as a set of eyes watches them from the bushes. As Chika is about to enter her house, she senses danger and rushes to the street and finds her friend's bag lying on the ground.

Back to present day, Osamu lies in bed late at night contemplating the day's events: the Trion barrier set up by Border can only seal off the irregular gates for two days, and although Jin Yūichi has no idea what to do, he claims Side Effect tells him it will be okay. Osamu discusses Side Effects with Replica and Yūma via Replica's clone while Yūma rummages through the wreckage at school for information on the cause of the irregular gates.

The next morning as Osamu leaves his house, he is unaware of Miwa Shūji and Yoneya Yōsuke watching him as they discuss the humanoid Neighbor. They are surprised when Jin suddenly appears behind them and shows them an order to report to Headquarters. Jin then meets up with Osamu and explains they are going to meet someone who knows about the irregular gates, someone Osamu knows. It turns about to be Yūma, who is standing in the place where Yūma defeated the Bamster a few days ago. After brief introductions, Jin casually asks Yūma if he is from the other world. Osamu and Yūma are shocked, but Jin quickly explains that his Side Effect allows him to see the future. The day before he saw an image of Osamu and meeting someone with Osamu who would tell him about the irregular gates. Yūma reveals a damaged Rad modified with a device for generating gates. Replica explains these Rads were hidden in the belly of the Bamster Yūma fought. They hid underground after separating from the Bamster and spread throughout Mikado City, using the Trion of people nearby to open the gates. Osamu is depressed to learn there are thousands hidden throughout the city, but Jin thanks them for the help and states it is now a job for Border.

At Headquarters, Jin (the self-proclaimed "Power elite") quickly gives directions to the members of the Administration on how to handle the Rads. Under his command, Border agents quickly find and destroy all of the Rads, to Yūma surprise. Jin expresses his gratitude to Yūma and Replica, wishing they were in Border so they could receive recognition. Yūma suggests the credit should go to Osamu. This move is supported by Jin, who states that this means Osamu will be promoted to B-rank as an official agent and could then fulfill his dream of saving someone.

Later, as Chika waits by the river, Yūma crashes nearby. He tells her he is waiting for someone as well and is practicing riding his bike, a feat which mystifies him. Chika receives a phone call and then decides to help Yūma learn to ride his bike while she waits. Yūma finally gets the hang of it, but crashes into the river. After pulling himself and the bicycle out of the river, Yūma introduces himself. Chika suddenly senses something and turns around just as an alarm sounds in the distance. Yūma reassures Chika, saying it is off in the Forbidden Zone. Remembering her missing friend, Chika runs off in the direction of the alarm.

Chika enters the Forbidden Zone and hopes that since she is there, the Vander will not enter the city and attempts to stay hidden. Her phone rings; however, alerting the Vander to her presence. Just as it strikes, Yūma jumps in and saves Chika. Replica advises against using his Trigger, since Border has begun a fight nearby. He adds that Osamu is on his way, and Chika reacts to the mention of his name. A little way off, Osamu sees the Vander and activates his Trigger, transforming into his B-Rank form. Worried he won't be able to defeat the Vander, Osamu reminds himself he is now a B-Rank agent and manages to fire a shot damaging the Vander's eye. Although he has difficulty controlling his thruster, Osamu is able to destroy the Vander with one hit. He is congratulated by Yūma, who appears with Chika. Osamu demands to know why she entered the Forbidden Zone, and Yūma is surprised to find out they know each other. Osamu explains he wanted the two of them to meet today. He then asks for Yūma and Replica's insight, because Chika is a human who attracts Neighbors.

Episode 7: When Osamu saves Chika from the Vander, his victory is noted by Headquarters and especially the Commander-in-Chief. While Replica senses no Rads coming from the Vander's remains, he suggests they move to a different place to discuss Chika's Side Effect, since other Border agents are nearby.

The group moves to an abandoned train station in the Forbidden Zone. Yūma is disappointed there are no trains and is interrupted by Osamu when he is about to tell Chika that he is a Neighbor. Osamu formally introduces the two, and Chika mistakenly assumes that Yūma must be part of Border. As Yūma says that Trion is the only reason the Neighbors are targeting Chika, a small group appears walking toward the train station.

Yūma further explains that Neighbors come to this world to collect people with high levels of Trion and the Trion glands of people with low levels of Trion and take them back to fight battles in their world. Based on this information, Yūma assumes that Chika's Trion ability must be very high and suggests they use Replica to measure the actual level. To reassure Chika, Osamu measures his Trion level first. It appears as a bright cube floating in the air. Yūma states that he would need three times this level to be targeted by Neighbors.

As Chika's Trion level is measured, Yūma asks Osamu if he and Chika are dating. A flustered Osamu quickly denies this, claiming that Chika is merely the little sister of his senpai, Amatori Rinji. Yūma inquires as to why Chika has never gone to Border for help, and Osamu explains that six months ago, Rinji told him that Chika was first targeted by Neighbors before Border existed, so no one believed her when she asked for help. When she finally had a friend who believed her story, her friend disappeared. Chika's Trion level appears and the cube's huge size shocks them all. Replica states he's never seen a Trion gland that big. Replica states that the best course of action would be to ask Border for help, but Chika again refuses. Just then, Miwa Shūji and Yoneya Yōsuke appear. Miwa reports to someone on the phone that they've seen Replica and will eliminate the Neighbor.

Miwa and Yoneya activate their Triggers and advance. They mistake Chika for the Neighbor, since they saw her using Replica. Yūma calmly interjects the he is the Neighbor, and Miwa shoots him without warning. Miwa declares he will kill every Neighbor, since that is his job as a Border agent. Yūma activated a shield just before he was hit; however, and is unharmed. He mentions that he knows Jin Yūichi and says they can ask Jin about him. Miwa calls Jin a traitor and tells Osamu to step aside or he will use force to remove him. Yūma also asks Osamu to stand back and activates Replica. Yoneya asks to fight Yūma one-on-one, but Miwa says it will take the two of them to defeat him. Yūma's pupils turn white and he calls Miwa an interesting liar. At a distance, two more members of Miwa Unit, Kodera Shōhei and Narasaka Tōru, have sniper rifles pointed at them. Kodera is surprised Yūma knew they was there, but Narasaka thinks Yūma is bluffing.

Yoneya is able to cut Yūma's neck, which surprises him. Osamu is shocked, since he has never seens Yūma injured in all the fights so far and worries Yūma is outmatched against A-Rank agents. Osamu calls Jin for help, who is also watching from a distance. Jin tells Osamu to sit back and watch, because although Miwa Unit is highly skilled, Yūma is extraordinary. As they begin to fight, it looks as if Yūma is slightly overwhelmed. As he jumps into the air, Narasaka fires his weapon and Osamu screams Yūma's name.

Episode 8: As the fight between Miwa Unit and Yūma continues, Kodera Shōhei and Narasaka Tōru fire their sniper rifles and hit Yūma in the arm, but fail to do any serious damage. Narasaka and Kodera split up, hoping to catch Yūma again. Osamu watches in horror, but realizes that Yūma isn't fighting back. The Replica clone suggests either Miwa Unit has chosen good positions from which to attack, or Yūma is concerned about how his actions will impact Osamu's position within Border. While Osamu frets with guilt over Yūma's self-restraint, the Replica clone assures him that Yūma is probably working out a way to neutralize Miwa Unit amicably. When questioned by Chika, Osamu affirms that Yūma truly is a Neighbor, but claims Yūma is different and calls him a friend. Osamu then asks Chika what she thinks, and after remembering how they met, she replies she isn't scared of Yūma.

Miwa fires Lead Bullets, passing thru Yūma's shield and causing heavy weights made from Yūma's own Trion to form on his arm, knocking him over. Replica then informs Yūma that the analysis of Miwa's attack is complete, and Yūma fires Lead Bullets back at Miwa and Yoneya, only Yūma's a much stronger. Yūma then grabs Yoneya's spear and examines how the tip transforms. On top of a nearby building, Narasaka prepares to fire at Yūma, but is interrupted by Jin (who is, of course, eating snacks). He advises Narasaka to not get on Yūma's bad side. Back on the ground, Yūma asks Miwa if they can talk.

Sometime later at Headquarters, Jin cheerfully greets Miwa, who glares back at him and accuses Jin of being in league with Osamu. Jin denies this, saying he is only worried about Miwa and his unit. Back at the end of the fight, Miwa discovers that Replica and copy another Trigger and return it many times more powerfully. Jin suddenly appears alongside Kodera and Narasaka, stating he ran into Replica up on the rooftop (Replica was about to deal with the snipers but Jin stepped in first). Jin teases Yūma about dropping his guard, but Yūma says that Miwa Unit was strong. Jin says defeating Yūma was impossible, since Yūma's Trigger is a Black Trigger. Replica explains Black Triggers are incredibly powerful Triggers made by individuals with immense Trion ability, and the owner must be compatible in order to activate it. Jin continues by advising Miwa to tell Masamune Kido that chasing a Black Trigger is dangerous. Narasaka is skeptical and asks if Yūma has anything to do with the recent Neighbor attacks. Jin promises that there is no connection between the two.

Miwa is infuriated, shouting again that Neighbors are their enemies and bails out. Yoneya deactivates his Trigger and whines about losing, telling Yūma to kill him if Yūma wants. Yūma asks Yoneya if he hates Neighbors, and Yoneya replies that Yūma never hurt him in any way and bears no grudge. On the other hand, Narasaka and Kodera's homes were destroyed and Miwa's older sister was killed by Neighbors, and he will never forgive Neighbors. Miwa Unit turns to return to Headquarters, and Jin says he better go as well to make sure both sides of the story are reported. Osamu decides to go along as well, telling Chika to look after Yūma who doesn't know much about Japan. Yūma's stomach rumbles, and asks Chika what she likes to eat. Chika responds that she likes plain white rice, so Yūma pulls out a large stack of money and inquires about a restaurant where they can buy just plain white rice. Chika says there is no such place, but she comes up with another idea.

At Headquarters, Jin and Osamu report to the Administration. Kinuta Motokichi and Netsuki Eizō are not pleased that Osamu hid his relationship with Yūma from them, but Shinoda Masafumi defends Osamu, stating he kept the Black Trigger contained. Karasawa Katsumi mentions that if Osamu had mentioned this earlier, it might've led to even more trouble. Jin surprises everyone by suggesting what if the Black Trigger was to join them instead.

In the meantime, Chika and Yūma are sitting at a park. Chika present some onigiri she made. Yūma is pleased and quickly devours one, after which he states he feels some kind of power rising and again attempts to ride his bicycle (and fails). Yūma again concludes that Japanese people must have some kind of special training in order to ride bicycles. He asks Chika if Osamu trained as well, and Chika says she's not sure but that Osamu is better than her. Yūma is impressed.

Back at Headquarters, Jin continues that since Osamu (again calling him "Megane-kun") has gained Yūma's trust, he may be able to get the Black Trigger on their side without a fight. Kido agrees that the Black Trigger will be a great asset and decides they should kill Yūma and take the Black Trigger from him. Both Kinuta and Netsuki agree, but Shinoda says it's basically stealing and worries about leaving the city defenseless. Kido replies that they should send another Black Trigger to fight Yūma and orders Jin to capture Yūma's Trigger. Back in Mikado City, Yūma and Chika are walking together, and Yūma offers to share some of the huge quantity of food he just bought.

Rating: 8/10(Average)


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