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Anime Look Back: World Trigger S1 Episode 17-24 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 17: Osamu, Yūma, and Chika arrive at Border HQ on Official Recruitment Day. Osamu is nervous even though, as Yūma points out, Osamu is already and official Border agent. After reaffirming their desire to form a team and aim for A-Rank, the official ceremony begins. Shinoda welcomes the trainees, all C-Rank. From there, Arashiyama Unit takes over, to the delight of most of the trainees. Next to Yūma; however, a group of boys scoff, saying Arashiyama Unit is only chosen for their good looks in order to promote good PR for Border. Yūma and Replica note their ignorance.

The attackers and gunners are told to stay in the main hall, while the snipers are directed to follow Satori, and Chika waves as to Osamu and Yūma she follows the sniper trainees to the training hall. Arashiyama nods at Osamu and Yūma, then begins by explaining how the trainees can achieve B-Rank and thus becoming official Border agents. He directs everyone to look at the back of their left hands, where glowing numbers appear, indicating their skill in using Triggers. The trainees must use the one combat Trigger in their holder to raise that number to "4000" in order to pass. Some trainees have higher numbers, due to their recognized potential. Among these are the three boys who disparaged Arashiyama Unit earlier. Trainees can earn points by joining group trainings twice per week or by participating in ranking tournaments. As the group walks down the hall, Kitora approaches Osamu and asks why he is here, since he is already B-Rank. Osamu explains he is here to accompany Yūma and transfer registration. Kitora notices some kind of thing about Yūma, and he asks her how to get to B-Rank as fast as possible. She tells him to get a perfect score in every training and win in ranking tournaments.

First off is virtual combat against a Neighbor. During the simulation, trainees won't lose Trion or get hurt, and each person has a five minute time limit. As the trainees proceed to take turns, Kitora and Osamu observe from above. Kitora remarks that a pretty good time would be under one minute. She asks how long it took Osamu his first time, but he is too embarrassed to say that he ran out of time and was disqualified. When the loud-mouthed boy from earlier finished in 58 seconds. The controllers remark that this crop of trainees isn't as skilled when compared to those who came previously (Kuroe: 11 seconds, Kitora: 9 seconds, Midorikawa: 4 seconds). Just then; however, Yūma's turn begins, and he astounds everyone by finishing in 0.6 seconds. The loud-mouthed boy demands that Yūma do it again, his score becomes 0.4 seconds. Kazama, Kikuchihara, and Utagawa observe and admit his skill. Kitora then realizes that Yūma was the one who defeated the Neighbor at Osamu's school. Just then Karasuma appears, and Kitora seems flustered. She blushes and asks Karasuma to coach her again, but Karasuma declines and asks her to one-on-one coach Osamu instead, leaving her speechless with jealousy.

At sniper training, Satori completely misses Chika, because she is so small. Satori then introduces the different kinds of sniper weapons: Egret, Lightning, Ibis. Chika is asked to shoot Ibis, the most power and difficult to aim. She asks if she has to run after shooting, and the trainers assure her that she doesn't have to run this time. While the other trainees laugh at her apparent naiveté, one of the trainers inwardly admits Chika is correct. Since this is a skill normally taught after achieving B-Rank, he wonders who Chika's mentor was. Chika finally fires and not only destroys the target, but actually blows a giant hole out of the side of the building.

The loud-mouth boy calls out to Yūma, claiming he has "passed" and invites Yūma to join their team. Yūma abruptly declines, and Arashiyama confirms that Yūma is instead joining Osamu's team. At this, Kazama appears and asks to challenge Jin's kouhai in the training room. Arashiyama objects, saying Yūma is just a trainee. But Kazama corrects him, saying the one he wants to check out is Osamu who is an official agent, so it shouldn't be a problem. Both Arashiyama and Karasuma encourage Osamu to decline, since Kazama is not only A-Rank but also ranked third overall. Despite this, Osamu resolves to become stronger and go on away mission, he accepts. Tokieda moves all the trainees out of the room, but Yūma asks to stay. Karasuma tells Osamu that he won't be able to win as he is now, and Osamu says he knows. With an impassive look, Karasuma simply tells Osamu to not strain himself.

Episode 18: Osamu and Kazama size each other up as the fight begins, but then Kazama disappears. Karasuma explains to Yūma that he is using Chameleon, and Kikuchihara remarks that since Trion doesn't run out inside the training rooms, Chameleon can be used limitlessly. Osamu looses over and over, but Osamu realizes that when using Chameleon, Kazama can't use other Triggers. He fires Asteroid around the room, trying to catch Kazama off guard, but Kazama appears and says he is used to this strategy, and once again defeats Osamu.

Kitora asks Karasuma to stop them, since there is no way Osamu can win. Yūma says Osamu probably knows he can't win but is instead gaining experience for the future. Kitora says that if he doesn't fight to win, he won't gain anything from the experience. Karasuma admits she makes a good point, but says it is up to Osamu and Kazama to decide when to finish. Just then, Kazama puts away his Triggers, having won over 20 times. Kazama then admits he expected more from Osamu and doesn't understand why Jin would give up his Black Trigger so his team could compete in the ranking battles (see Episode 16). Understanding that Jin gave up the Black Trigger made by his mentor's death, he asks Kazama for one more fight. Thinking he may not be able to win, he wants to hit Kazama at least once. Osamu remembers what Karasuma taught him about shooters and their ability to manipulate bullet performance, and that his sense can reflect thinking and planning strategy during the middle of battle. Osamu considers his four weapons (Asteroid, Shield, Raygust, and Thruster) and prepares for the final round.

Osamu fills the entire training room super slow-moving bullets in order to pull Kazama out of Chameleon. Kazama rushes at Osamu, thinking he will attempt one large shot, but Osamu surprises him by activating his Thruster instead and pinning him to a wall. Osamu then seals Kazama to the wall with Raygust, creates an opening, and fires Asteroid at point-blank range. Osamu appears to have lost, suffering a major hit to his shoulder. However, as the smoke clears, Kazama's Trion arm falls off, and round is declared as a draw. Karasuma remarks that although Osamu didn't win, it was a stunning victory.

Yūma meets Osamu as he exits the training room, and the two of them high-five. Karasuma meets up with Kazama and thanks him for fighting his pupil. Kazama then asks if Karasuma taught Osamu the final strategy, but Karasuma says that he only taught him some basics. When Karasuma asks what Kazama thinks of Osamu, he says Osamu is weak with low Trion level and can't see what Jin was raving about, but he has with and creativity to fight, which Kazama doesn't object to. Yūma asks Kazama for a fight, but Kazama declines, telling Yūma to reach his level if Yūma wants to fight.

Kikuchihara scolds Kazama for losing to "that," saying he would've won 100 out of 100 fights. Inwardly Kazama reflects on Mikumo's ability to completely read his moves after the first 20 rounds and is interested to see how far someone untalented can go with that kind of wisdom and creativity.

Arashiyama runs up to Osamu, quickly telling him there is trouble with his other teammate. Chika is on the floor, bowing in apology for blowing a hole in the side of the base. Azuma says that Satori will take responsibility since it occurred during training. Noting that Chika's Trion level hasn't been measured, he asks where she is from, and Chika worries that her actions will reflect poorly on Tamakoma Branch. Again, Azuma says Satori will take responsibility. Kinuta barges in, angrily demanding to know who blew the giant hole in the wall. Chika stands up, but Satori quickly jumps in front of her and takes responsibility. Chika ends up bowing on the floor again and admits she was the one responsible. Kinuta asks Azuma if this is true, and he confirms that Chika shot the hole with Ibis and she is from Tamakoma Branch. Osamu and Yūma rush into the room to find Kinuta kindly patting Chika on the head and praising her high Trion level. Azuma remarks that probably Chika reminds Kinuta of his daughter who lives far away. Seeing Osamu, Kinuta slaps him on the back several times and tells him to properly look after Chika. The other sniper trainees huddle excitedly around Chika as Yūma checks out the giant hole she made. Azuma realizes that Jin and Rindō most likely didn't report her amazing Trion level in order to make a spectacular debut at HQ.

Sitting among a large pile of smoking Trion Warrior remains, Jin receives a call concerning his attention-grabbing kouhai and says that even without his Side Effect he could tell they would be at the center of attention. At HQ, everyone is talking about the amazing new members, Chika, Yūma, and Osamu. During his phonecall, Jin says that this is just the beginning.

Episode 19: Chika runs up to Yūma and Osamu, running a bit late from school. Osamu reminds her that she can tell the school about her new enrollment at Border and they will understand. As they walk down the hall, a young boy watches Osamu from around the corner.

During virtual training, Yūma once again amazes everyone with his skill, coming in first again. Arashiyama and Tokieda watch Yūma remotely, with Jun adding that Kitora says they owe Yūma one (see Episode 3). Tokieda says he was interested in Yūma and going to keep an eye on him anyway. Having done all the training he can that week, Yūma's score is up to 1100. Tokieda appears beside him and says that it will take 19 weeks to reach B-Rank with just joint trainings. Yūma says he can't possibly wait that long, so Tokieda takes him to the lobby for C-Rank Wars and explains how it works: these ranking matches are basically one-on-one combat in a virtual arena. The weapons and points are listed on a board, indicated the trainees currently participating but not their names. Tokieda informs Yūma that if he wants to gain points the fastest, he should choose opponents with the highest points, but if he loses, he will lose the greatest amount of points.

The loud-mouthed boy is earning points with his friends by targeting weaker opponents where they can be more assured of winning. When Yūma's score (which is much lower than theirs) shows up on the board, the loud-mouthed boy jumps up and decides to teach this "weak" rookie about the harshness of reality. The two fighters enter Cityscape A, and their battle begins. When Yūma appears, the loud-mouthed boy is not only terrified, but loses splendidly. Impressed at how much faster the Rank Wars will get him points, Yūma instantly prefers this method, but Replica cautions him from beating his opponents too badly.

Kido observes Yūma's progress and asks Kazama for his opinion. Since he is still a trainee and cannot be challenged, Kazama can only guess that if Yūma had a combat Trigger, he would most likely be at master level, around 8,000 points. Shinoda says that they should have started him at 3,000 points and raised him to B-Rank earlier. Inwardly, Rindō admits that he had wanted to do that, but was afraid Kido would reject his idea. Kido then demands to know why Yūma doesn't have his Black Trigger, since being S-Rank is the fastest way to be promoted. Rindō says that if Yūma had brought his Black Trigger, Kido would contrive some way to take it. Kido brings up the incident when Chika blew a hole in the side of Border HQ. Rindō explains that Chika's brother and friend were abducted by Neighbors, and now Yūma and Osamu are helping her to get them back. Kido calls this ridiculous, but Rindō says it will be good from them to have a purpose, whether revenge or rescue. He looks to Kazama, who says he isn't seeking revenge for his brother, unlike Miwa. Kazama mentions that Miwa has changed since the mission last month when Arashiyama said something to him (see Episode 16). Just then, Jin walks in, and Shinoda begins their discussion on the future: a large-scale Neighbor invasion.

Yūma buys a drink from a vending machine and Replica attempts to explain metal coins versus paper money and the concept of change. Miwa walks up and confronts Yūma. Elsewhere, Osamu overhears trainees whispering about him and his composure. Contrary to everyone's perception of him and the fight with Kazama, Osamu wishes desperately that someone would ask him what really happened so he could admit the truth. He is approached by the young boy who was watching him earlier, who asks about his transfer to Tamakoma. Seemingly displeased by Osamu's mention of Jin, the boy asks Osamu for a Rank Battle and the two set off for a C-Rank booth with many trainees following.

Back at the vending machines, Miwa hands Yūma a coin from the ground and buys a drink himself. Yūma notices that Miwa seems depressed, compared to earlier when he suddenly shot Yūma without warning (see Episode 7). They are interrupted by Yoneya, who has Yōtarō on his shoulders and is caring for him and Raijinmaru as a favor to his cousin (Shiori). Yūma remarks that Tamakoma Branch and HQ seem to get along better than he thought. Yōtarō explains that Karasum and Shiori were at HQ about until about a year ago. Yoneya then asks Miwa why he isn't at the meeting, and Miwa says he told Kazama he was ill. Yoneya explains to Yūma that in reality, Miwa believes killing Neighbors is natural, but lately people around him have been saying things to the contrary and it confuses him. Yūma then asks Miwa about his sister who was killed by Neighbors and offers to have Replica find the country whose Trion Warrior killed her and help him go all out. Miwa angrily pushes Yūma away, saying all neighbors are enemies. Yoneya then reminds Yūma that they promised to have a battle, but not for points.

At the meeting, Shinoda explains that their information suggests that the invasion will be larger than the one four years ago (when the first Neighbors appeared). They do not know; however, which nations will invade. Jin says his Side Effect has a vague idea who it might be, but suggests a more "reliable" source. Both Jin and Rindō suggest using Yūma to find out information on the coming invasion.

Yoneya and Yūma, along with Yōtarō and Raijinmaru, head toward the virtual battle rooms. On the way, Yoneya asks Yūma how he would stand up against other fighters from the Neighbor world, and Yūma replies he would be pretty strong. Further, Yūma says there are a lot of people who are difficult for even him to kill. Arriving at the C-Rank War lobby, they notice an unusually large number of people. Yūma then notices that Osamu is fighting Midorikawa, and has lost all ten rounds. Osamu staggers out in total defeat and is confronted by Yūma and Yōtarō. Above, Midorikawa calls out to Osamu and says that now he knows Osamu's level he can go back. The spectators begin whispering disparagingly about Osamu, and Yōtarō says he will avenge his honor. Yūma asks Midorikawa if he purposefully attracted all the spectators, which he denies. Yūma uses his Side Effect and calls Midorikawa a liar. Yūma then challenges Midorikawa, saying he'll give Midorikawa all of his 1,508 points, and claims that his training Trigger will be enough to win. Midorikawa asks Yūma how many points he wants in return, but Yūma wins, he wants Midorikawa to start using "senpai." Midorikawa agrees, but Yūma says he was referring to his captain, Osamu. Yōtarō remarks that it seems Yūma is actually angry.

Episode 20: Osamu calls out to Yūma, who walked into the room without acknowledging him. Yoneya then walks up beside him and sighs that Yūma promised him a fight first. Yōtarō adds that Yoneya is Shiori's cousin and one of his "Yo" friends.

Inside the staging area, Midorikawa instructs Yūma how to accept a fight with an official agent. Since he cannot receive points from beating Yūma, Midorikawa suggests he take points from Osamu instead. Yūma agrees, saying only if Midorikawa wins. Thinking of his time with Kirie, Yūma suggests going for ten rounds. In the lobby, Osamu is surprised to learn that Midorikawa belongs to an A-Rank no. 4 Unit. Quickly, Yūma loses the first two rounds. Spectators, including Osamu, are in awe of the ostensible difference between A-Rank and rookie agents. Yoneya says there is a huge difference in experience, but referring to Yūma's experience, not Midorikawa's. Yūma wins one round, and Yoneya says that since Yūma beat four members of Miwa Unit, there's no way he'd lose to one person. He adds that it seems Yūma really wants to beat up Midorikawa. Yūma then proceeds to win two straight rounds, confusing Midorikawa.

Yoneya says that since Midorikawa joined about a year ago, he constantly wants to himself. Yūma, on the other hand, has the movements of someone who will absolutely defeat his enemy. Yūma continues to win and confronts Midorikawa about attempting to ruin Osamu's reputation, saying he will defeat Midorikawa in Osamu's place so he will never try anything like that again. Midorikawa actually smiles and remarks to himself that Yūma is strong.

In the meeting room, Kazama notices that Yūma is soundly beating Midorikawa, and Jin notices that Yūma only let Midorikawa win in the beginning. Kinuta tells Kido that he isn't sure if they can trust Yūma, but they should use him if he has information.

In the tenth round, Yūma asks Midorikawa why he doesn't use other Triggers. and he explains this way their differences are understood. Yūma quickly defeats Midorikawa and walks out to join Osamu, Yoneya, and Yōtarō. Jin walks up and asks Yūma and Osamu follow him to see Kido. When some of the trainees refer to him as S-Rank, Jin happily informs them that he is now A-Rank. Midorikawa runs up to Jin and cheers his name and begs for a match. Yoneya informs Yūma and Osamu that Jin saved Midorikawa from a Neighbor and that is why he joined Border. Midorikawa then calls Osamu "senpai" and apologizes for trying to purposefully humiliate him in front of others. Osamu is relieved to admit that he lost 24 times to Kazama and that the rumor about his tie was blown out of proportion. Yūma and Midorikawa reconcile and form a friendly rivalry. Midorikawa asks Jin to let him join Tamakoma if he defeats Yūma. Osamu, Yūma, and Yōtarō astride Raijinmaru leave with Jin, and Yoneya pouts that he wasn't able to fight Yūma. The spectators whisper about Yūma's amazing victory, but also about the mysterious Osamu, who Yūma calls "captain" and seems to be close to Jin and Kido.

Jin asks Yūma and Osamu about their impressions fighting Midorikawa. Yūma calls him strong, but Osamu admits he couldn't read him at all. Yūma then explains he usually fights people as if they are animals. His father once told him that since humans are illogical, it is sometimes better to examine people's behaviors than logic. Disheartened by the realization of the difference in strength and ability between himself and Yūma, and understanding how hard he will have to train in order to catch up to other people working hard, Osamu stands in the elevator muttering to himself after the others have exited. Yōtarō calls him back to reality.

They enter a room with a large virtual display and are greeted roughly by the head staff of Border. Shinoda explains that they anticipate a large attack in the near future. After the bombing incident where many people were injured, they are looking for ways to reduce injuries and ask for Yūma's opinion as a Neighbor. Kinuta explains further that they haven't been able to gather enough information and as a Border agent they expect Yūma to give them his opinion or which country might attack and what kind of attacks might be used. Yūma says it would be better to ask his partner, and Replica emerges from his sleeve, surprising everyone. Replica introduces himself as a special Trion Warrior created by Kuga Yugo and affirms that he has information from traveling around the Neighborhood. Before Replica will give them the information; however, he demands that Yūma's safety be guaranteed by Kido. Osamu realizes that Yūma is testing Kido with his Side Effect. Kido quickly agrees, saying that as long as Yūma follows Border regulations, he will be protected. Yūma doesn't react, leading Osamu to believe Kido is telling the truth, and Replica proceeds to tell them about Neighbors.

Episode 21: Replica explains that counties in the Neighborhood are like stars with elliptic orbits. Kuga referred to them as "planet nations." Replica goes on to say that when a planet nation revolves close to this world, they can open a gate and send their away ship. He says that one of the nations orbiting the planet right now is the one preparing to attack. Kinuta angrily states that they know this much, but they want to know which one exactly. For that, Replica asks Rindō and Shiori for help uploading his own data on the actual Neighborhood map, which is much larger than the one Border had been using. Based on the new map, Replica states that the country attacking them will most likely be one of four: Liberi, Leoforio, Kion, or Aftokrator (the largest military nation in the Neighborhood). Unfortunately, there are also "errant nations" that fly around the Neighborhood without a designated orbit. One of these countries could also attack if close enough.

Kazama then points out that an Ilgar and a contingent of Rads had been sent to Mikado City recently and were most likely a prelude to war. With this in mind, Yūma says that either Aftokrator or Kion were most likely to be the ones, since few countries use Ilgar. Yūma then asks if Jin's Side Effect can't tell which country will attack. Jin explains that he cannot see the future of someone he hasn't met. Kido says they should move forward assuming it is either Aftokrator or Kion. Kido asks for more information on these countries, particularly whether or not they possess Black Triggers. Replica says that when they visited those counties seven years ago, Kido had six Black Triggers and Aftokrato had 13. He adds that Black Triggers are rarely used on away missions, and the majority of the attacking force will be Trion Warriors and not Humanoid Neighbors. Shinoda asks Osamu to notify them if he notices anything (since he was part of both the Ilgar attack and the Rad invasion previously), and Yūma to fill in any intelligence they don't know.

During shooting practice, Natsume Izuho ranks 112 out of 128, but next to her Chika ranks 41st. Chika says her mentor told her snipers get better through practice and she could become an official agent if she wasn't lazy.

Shinoda talks with Osamu and Yūma after the meeting and thanks them for their cooperation. He relates Kinuta's estimate that the map they provided was worth 30 away missions. Shinoda mentions that he was once indebted to Kuga and encourages Yūma to come to him if he ever needs help. He adds that Kido was actually the one who knew Kuga the longest. Shinoda then offers to promote toYūma to B-Rank.

On the roof of HQ, Jin approaches Miwa and asks for a favor. Although Miwa initially refuses, but Jin asks Miwa to look out for Osamu during the upcoming battle. Jin explains that his Side Effect says that Miwa is the one would be able to come to Osamu's aid. As Miwa walks off, Jin offers to recommend him to be Fūjin's new owner. Miwa lashes out angrily again and walks away, while Jin repeats that his Side Effect says Miwa will save Osamu.

At Tamakoma Branch, Yūma relfects on his conversation with Shinoda. He rejected the offer to move up to B-Rank without earning the position. Replica asks if it was okay to turn down the offer. Yūma says it's fine, because when he fights the Neighbors, he will be using his father's Black Trigger, not a Border Trigger. Replica warns that this could be dangerous, since Kido's words meant Yūma would be seriously punished if he ever broke Border's rules. Yūma says that if he senses he is in danger, he will definitely use the Black Trigger. Replica repeats the words he often told Yūma when they first came to Japan, that using the Black Trigger is Yūma's choice.

In the morning, Shiori offers Yūma a bento with side dishes leftover from the massive quantity Reiji made the day before. Rindō enters and asks for some as well, and Yōtarō and Raijinmaru ask for rice. Shiori attempts to open the rice cooker, but accidentally presses on Replica instead. At school, Osamu's classmates congratulate him on becoming an official agent, and they barrage him with questions. When Osamu requests and is granted leave to go on defense duty, the students are even more impressed. Exhausted from all the attention, Osamu eats lunch with Yūma up on the roof and reminisces about the day he first met Yūma and everything that has happened since. Yūma says he is also glad that Osamu was the first person he met. Osamu then remembers that Yūma's real body is slowly dying inside the Black Trigger. Chika and Izuho join them on the roof, and Izuho asks Osamu if he is going out with Chika. Osamu quickly denies it, saying they are just childhood friends, and thinks about the promise he made to Rinji to look after Chika.

Osamu asks Yūma about the invasion circulation sent to the C-Rank agents, and Yūma explains that although they aren't allowed to fight, C-Rank are allowed to use their Triggers for evacuation or rescue (thanks to Osamu's actions during the Ilgar incident). Izuho incorrectly guesses that Yūma is the leader of their team, but says she likes Osamu upon learning he is the leader. He asks Izuho to look after Chika, reminding Yūma of Osamu's explanation that he fights for the sake of others. Yūma says that Kion and Aftokrator will move out of range in ten days and they should endure it until then.

Elsewhere in Mikado City, Jin sits on a rooftop and remarks that they are early. A warning sounds at HQ, and a large number of gates suddenly appear over the city all at once. Shinoda immediately orders for emergency summons of all off-duty agents and orders the commencement of a full-force counter attack.

Episode 22: Warnings sound out as gates open above the Forbidden Zone and countless Trion Warriors pour into Mikado City. Osamu warns his teacher and classmates to leave as quickly as possible, but assures them that unlike the first invasion, Border is much larger and more prepared. Osamu then directs Chika to not enter the Forbidden Zone, but assist with the evacuation, and asks Izuho stay with her. Yūma gives Chika the mini Replica clone as well, so she can call for help. From the windows above, the students cheer on Osamu, and he and Yūma activate their Triggers.

At Border HQ, Sawamura Kyōko informs the staff that although the gates have opened over the Forbidden Zone, the Trion Warriors have formed groups all heading into the city. In order to buy time for the evacuation, Shinoda sends out the on-site squads in three directions, but neglects the northwest and west. Netsuki objects, saying that any loss of human life will reflect poorly on Border. Shinoda says they cannot be sure that this invasion is about collecting Trion, as previous missions were, but it doesn't matter since Jin and Amō are heading there. Concerned about the other three directions, Shinoda calls out to Kinuta, who previously worked up a plan with Fuyushima Shinji. As Trion Warriors attempt to make their way out of the Forbidden Zone, they activate several traps that destroy Trion Warriors but also begin depleting the base's Trion reserves. This is followed by several units of Border agents begin engaging in battle. Replica informs Osamu and Yūma that Border has the upperhand, due to their preparation and foresight. Yūma quickly warns that if this is the same country that sent the Rads previously (see Episode 6), they most likely attacked knowing Border's strength and feeling the odds were in their favor.

Elsewhere in the city, Azuma Unit has just defeated all the Trion Warriors in their area. Suddenly, a strange new Trion Warrior bursts out of one of the carcasses. Faced with a new enemy, Border agents are at a loss. Okudera Tsuneyuki starts to tell Azuma to go help the others, but is suddenly attacked and sent flying through several walls with one hit. Not waiting for Okudera to come back, Koarai Noboru jumps forward and is caught. The Trion Warrior rips off Okudera's arms and opens a compartment inside its chest. Thin metal arms reach out from inside and attempt to grasp Okudera. The Trion Warrior deflects Azuma's Ibis shot as Okudera screams Azuma's name. In desperation, Azuma shoots Okudera, causing him to bail out, and then radios into HQ to tell them that the new Trion Warriors seem intent on capturing Border Members.

Overhearing the warning from HQ, Replica informs Shinoda that this new Trion Warrior is mostly likely a Capturing Trion Warrior previously in development by Aftokrator, called a Rabbit, designed specifically to capture Trigger holders. Replica warns that no one should attempt to fight a Rabbit alone, or they will be eaten. In the Forbidden Zone, Suwa Unit is attacked by a Rabbit. Tsutsumi Daichi watches in horror as Suwa Kōtarō is captured. Unable to move away while holding an unconscious Sasamori Hisato, the Rabbit es forward to strike. At the last moment, Kazama Unit jumps in to save them, with Kazama warning Kikuchihara not to underestimate the Rabbit on its size. Sasamori asks to join them, but Kazama coldly tells him to stay back, since Sasamori will just be in their way. At HQ, Sawamura informs Shinoda on the status of the Rabbits and the units engaging them. She says that with the interference from the Rabbits, the other Trion Warriors will soon be able to invade the city. Netsuki, worried about Border's reputation, cries out for units to destroy the weaker Trion Warriors before they can reach the urban area. Shinoda angrily asserts that regrouping must come first, or they won't have any forces to send out. Kido surprises Netsuki and Kinuta by agreeing, saying that a loss of forces now will make things more difficult in the future.

At the end of the Forbidden Zone, Osamu and Yūma work together to fight Mole Mods, noticing the increasing numbers of Trion Warriors heading their way. Yūma sighs that it seems they cannot help but fall into the trap. Reports reach HQ of units barely able to fend off the Rabbits and running out of Trion. Kido mutters to himself that whoever planned this invasion knew what they were doing.

In a Neighbor away ship, six figures sit around a table, each watching monitors. One Neighbor watches Osamu and Yūma fight with a smile on his face.

Episode 23: Shinoda orders the squads currently engaged in fighting to focus on maintaining their forces and not protecting the city. Surprisingly, Kido agrees, unsure of the enemy's true goal. Meanwhile, Osamu and Yūma struggle against an increasing number of Trion Warriors, and Yūma sighs that they have no choice but to fall into the Neighbors' trap. Replica explains that either the Border agents fight the Rabbits and allow the other Trion Warriors to destroy the city or Border spreads out its forces to protect the city and Trigger users are captured one by one. At Headquarters, Shinoda says they will keep to the current plan until the A-rank units return to tackle the Rabbits, and then all the B-rank squads will head to the urban areas. Kido asks what will happen if the A-rank squads fail to stop the Rabbits. After a significant pause, Shinoda says that although their failure is not even a possibility, if it comes to that, he would go out himself.

Elsewhere in the city, Kazama Unit fights a Rabbit and discovers that its ears function as a radar. Kazama discerns it is best to cut off the parts of the Rabbit with the thinnest armor: ears, legs, and then stomach. Thru the Rabbit's eye, the group of cloaked Neighbors watch Kazama's progress. Two Neighbors praise Miden's (Earth's) progress. Enedra sneers that the Rabbits are merely a basic model. Lamvanein disagrees, remarking that Border didn't seem to fall for their trap. Hyuse asks Captain Hairein if they should also attack. Hairein tells the group that they will only go out after they have seen the limits of Border's strength, considering the number of agents they witnessed after the Rads attacked earlier. He adds that they have plenty of "eggs" left. Enedra scoffs and asks to go out and destroy all of Miden himself. Lamvanein tells Hairein, his older brother, that it seems about time to go move about, but Hairein tells them all to hold on a little longer and directs Mira to move onto the second stage.

At HQ, Shinoda orders the B-rank units to move into the South area of the city and destroy all the Trion Warriors there. When Osamu learns of this, he feels guilty for telling Chika to go assist with the evacuation in the Southwest. He thought she was going to be safer there, but in the end actually put her in danger. Suddenly, a Rabbit bursts out of the building above and immediately attacks. Osamu activates his shield but is violently thrown into the ground. Yūma switches from his Border Trigger to his Black Trigger and knocks the Rabbit away. Osamu exclaims that he and Rindō won't be able to protect him if he uses the Black Trigger. Yūma calmly reasons that Chika and the others are in trouble, therefore this isn't the time to hold back. Two other B-rank agents, Chano and Fujisawa, appear and mistake Yūma for a humanoid Neighbor and attempt to attack him. Unfortunately, the Rabbit grabs them both and moves to capture them inside its chest. However, a barrage of shots rain down from a building above, breaking the Rabbit's inner eye and destroying it. Arashiyama Unit arrives and reassures Chano and Fujisawa that Yūma is on their side. Kitora asks Yūma if Kido gave him permission to use his Black Trigger, and Yūma smiles and replies that it is an emergency. Arashiyama calls HQ to report their success, but only receives static and a faint message about cannons ready to fire.

In the distance, the HQ building can be seen firing cannons at two Ilgars, closing in on them. One is destroyed, but the other activates its self-destruct mode and crashes into the base. There is a massive explosion, but the building remains intact. Kinuta breathes that it was a good idea to strengthen the walls with extra Trion after the last explosion. A second wave of three Ilgars approaches, and Kinuta warns that they can only take one more hit. The cannons destroy one Ilgar, and Tachikawa leaps from the rooftop to take down another in a single strike. The final Ilgar collides with HQ, but again the building remains intact. Kitora is shocked at Tachikawa's ability, when she struggled with an Ilgar previously (see episodes 4 & 5). Tachikawa is then directed to take down as many of the Rabbits as possible, which he obeys, hoping to return quickly to his lunch. Even Yūma is impressed that Tachikawa destroyed the Ilgar in self-destruct mode with a regular Trigger, since they are easier to destroy as before. Hearing this, Kitora realizes that Yūma was the one who actually rescued her.

When praised to being the first to destroy one of the new Neighbors, Arashiyama humbly states that Yūma and Osamu were already fighting the Rabbit and his unit only finished it off. Osamu interrupts and asks to be allowed to go into the Southwest to support the C-rank agents. Shinoda begins to agree, but is cut off by Kido, who says that only Osamu is allowed to go. He adds that other agents and civilians might mistake Yūma for a Neighbor as Chano Unit did. He orders Yūma to follow Arashiyama Unit into the Forbidden Zone to destroy Trion Warriors. He permits Yūma's use of his Black Trigger due to the emergency situation, but he demands that Yūma follow his orders. Yūma encourages Osamu to protect Chika, and Kitora decides to accompany Osamu, stating that she owes them both.

Episode 24: At HQ, Shinoda wonders about the seemingly erratic strategy employed by the enemy. Aboard the enemy ship, Enedra wonders the same thing, complaining that they should just destroy Miden (Earth) in one blow. Hairein explains that the objective is to learn about all of Border's forces and reminds him that the ultimate goal is not to occupy or take over Miden. Chika and Izuho watch attack on HQ from a distance, resolving to do what they can. The New Three Idiots, on the other hand, gripe about being left for last and worry only about making a name for themselves in the battle.

In the city, Murakami directs his team to head to where the B-rank agents are meeting up and resolves to stay and fight the Rabbit confronting them until the A-rank agents arrive. Kazama Unit also defeats a Rabbit, but doesn't find Suwa inside, but only a glowing cube. Kazama tells Utagawa to call Suwa Unit and have the cube analyzed at HQ. When Kikuchihara wonders if HQ will be alright, Kazama considers all the people inside HQ and says that if all else fails, he will make his move.

Elsewhere, Jin walks up to Tsukihiko Amō, who is sitting the in recent wasteland of his "boring" fight. Jin asks Amō to cover his area to the west, offering him snacks as a bribe. Jin remarks that the enemy is about to bring out their big guns, and he ought to be there as well.

While Osamu and Kitora move southwest, Replica's clone remarks that Aftokrator's strategy is strange. He explains that the Trion cost of one Rabbit is incredibly high. Coupled with the outrageous number of other Trion Warriors, far more than the first invasion, this would leave their own country defenseless. Furthermore, spreading out their forces seems to have no point. Kitora reasons that their purpose is to capture Trigger users. Replica replies that Border agents could simply bail out to avoid being captured, information the Rads should have told the Neighbors before. Replica worries that underneath the seemingly unrelated actions lies the enemy's true motive. If Border was pushed too hard by the enemy, new Black Triggers could be created, since people would likely sacrifice themselves. It has happened before that an attacker on the brink of victory has been pushed back by the sudden creation of Black Triggers. Kitora cuts off their conversation by telling Osamu that Trion Warriors have invaded the Southwest.

As Chika and Izuho help a group of children escape, Kōda Unit destroys a Bamster, only for a new kind of Rabbit to appear from inside. Osamu and Kitora appear and stop the new Rabbit, but a Mole Mod also appears. Kitora tells Osamu to fight the Mole Mod and prove that he is different now. Remembering his first battle with the Mole Mod and how he had to rely on others for help, the training he did with Usami, and the advice he received from Karasuma, Osamu defeats the Mole Mod. He rushes to Kitora, who is firing at the Rabbit so fast that there is no room for Osamu to help. He tells the others to evacuate the civilians, but Izuho counters that Kitora seems to be have the upper hand. Osamu reasons that Kitora never battled the new model, so she could lose nevertheless. Just as Kitora moves to cut the Rabbit with her blade; however, it flies up into the air and begins firing on the civilians. Enraged, Kitora jumps after it, but the Rabbit grabs her by the leg and throws her viciously into the ground. Resolved to not lose this time, Kitora cuts off her own leg and is able to cut the Rabbit's inner eye with her blade, destroying it.

Inside the enemy ship, Viza remarks that a flock of "baby birds" has appeared, focusing on a group of C-rank agents. Lamvanein remarks that it was no wonder none of them came out when they attacked the "nest." From within the body of the fallen Rabbit, three Rads appear and form gates, from which three more new Rabbits step out. Hairein reveals that the C-rank agents are the true target, since their Trigger have no bail out function. He directs the other five to distract the official Border agents in order to allow the Rabbits to capture all the C-rank agents. Kitora discovers too late that each of the new Rabbits have different abilities. She tries to tell the C-rank agents to run, after realizing they're the Rabbits' true target, but is captured and turned into a cube before she can bail out. Osamu rushes in to save her but is knocked into a nearby house. He yells for everyone to run, but Chika is frozen in fear.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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