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Anime Look Back: World Trigger S1 Episode 41-47 and S2 Episode 48-64 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 41: After a hard battle, Tamakoma Second defeats Arafune and Suwa Units and advances to rank 8.

Episode 42: Following the Rank Battle, Yūma fights Murakami only to lose due to the latter's Side Effect.

Episode 43: Konami and Usami are surprised to learn that Yūma lost a Solo Rank Battle to Murakami, and Shiori explains them about Murakami's Side Effect. Nasu Unit, Mikumo Unit and Kuruma Unit all prepare strategies for their next match, and Kō Murakami remembers the time Arafune became a Sniper. On the match's day, everyone is surprised to see Nasu Unit's stage choice.

Episode 44: Getting to the map, the members of Tamakoma and Suzunari are surprised to see heavy rain and flooding in the city. Mikami announces that the transfer is complete, and all agents are on the field. The map is riverside A, with a storm climate. Tachikawa is impressed, that'll make it hard to cross the river as falling into it is dangerous. Jin notes that weather and time period are included in the map options, but he never saw such an extreme configuration. He says it's visible how serious Nasu Unit is about the match. Mikami then says that all units were separated by the river, so it seems the main objective of the teams right now is to reunite. Nasu takes the lead with their advantage of choosing the storm. Nasu then orders her teammates to start the operator, to which they comply.

Jin, Tachikawa, and Mikami comment on the Rank Battle between Tamakoma Second, Suzunari First, and Nasu Unit. Tachikawa notes that they most likely chose the battleground they did so that visibility would be difficult for sniper activity. Kuruma and Betsuyaku converse and Kuruma has Betsuyaku wait at the riverside in case Yūma tried to cross, in which case, he could shoot at him. Osamu analyzes the situation and determines that the worst-case scenario for his team is if Murakami and Yūma were stranded on the opposite side while Nasu Unit was fully gathered on his.


Akane Hiura was upset over the fact that she was going to move after the Second Large-Scale Invasion because her parents wanted to be in a safer city. As such, Nasu Unit declared that they were going to pass #8 before the moving date.

Flashback End

Nasu encounters Osamu, while Kumagai encounters Murakami. Chika fires at the bridge, destroying it before Nasu Unit could. With this change, Nasu prepares to take out everyone on her side, while Kumagai prepared to battle Murakami.

Suzunari First loses a huge advantage due to Chika blowing up the bridge, so Murakami decides to take down everyone on his side. He clashes with Kumagai. Commenting on the battle, Jin notes that ability was being tested in this battle, unlike the other battle, where strategy was tested. Yūma joins the fray, trying to get Murakami into the river, though he fails. Hiura prepares to shoot one of them.

Meanwhile, Nasu attacks Osamu. Using the Viper, she nullifies Osamu's ability to hide since she could make the bullets change trajectory. Betsuyaku shoots at her, but misses. Shiki sends the pictorial information to her, so she can attack Betsuyaku, who is about to get hit, when Kuruma saves him. Tachikawa notes that Nasu's prowess with the Viper allows her to create a bullet trajectory for any situation, something only she and Izumi could do. He adds that Nasu Unit had the advantage since the Attackers were on one side, and the Snipers' abilities were neutralized by the storm, making it a battle of Gunners. Osamu orders Chika to remain hidden and shoot only if necessary, and for Yūma to continue fighting. Osamu declares that he would get points.

Konami watches the match from the base and wonders out loud whether it was a bad idea to destroy the bridge. Karasuma argues that they have lowered Nasu Unit's advantage by this. Konami brings up the point that Yūma is their only key to victory. Rindō asks Hyuse what he thinks, to which he responds that it was simply a battle where the weak would lose.

Episode 45-46: Can't find.

Episode 47: Mikumo Unit defeats Kuruma and Nasu Units, advancing to B-Rank' top tier, and is set to battle Ninomiya, Kageura and Azuma Units in their next match.

Episode 48: Osamu, after realizing he is still not enough, decides to train to become better at fighting. After a pratice match with Kitora, he asks other Border agents to fight him, but is unable to win any match. However, his team mates assure him of his worth.

Season 1 ends at this point and Season 2 starts here with original anime content.

Episode 49: Osamu and the others go for training in Shizuka City. Later, a mysterious boy appears and attacks them with Trion Warriors.

Episode : While Osamu and Yūma tries to negotiate with Xeno for Chika's release, they were attacked by an unknown assailant.

Episode 51: Osamu fights with Xeno's Trion Warrior in order to gain his trust.

Episode 52: On Chika's request, Osamu asks for Usami's help to cheer Lilith up.

Episode 53: While working on their school assignment, Miwa, Yoneya and Kodera are trapped by Trion Warriors in Tamaga Tower.

Episode 54: While Osamu argues with Xeno regarding his method, Gieve and Charon approach Shizuka City with a giant Trion Warrior.

Episode 55: As Pergrande closing in Shizuka City, Arashiyama Unit arrives at the scene with Arafune and Murakami as reinforcement in order to help Mikumo Unit and Xeno rescue the captured civilians and stop Pergrande from reaching Shizuka City.

Episode 56: Osamu and the others brings Xeno and Lilith to Shizuka Marine World to teach Xeno and Yūma on how to swim. Later, Gieve's Trion Warrior attacks them, forcing Lilith to reveal her true identity.

Episode 57: Xeno reveals his story on how he met Lilith and why they escaped from Ergates. Meanwhile, Gieve and Charon try to make a deal with Osamu by asking him to hand over Lilith to them.

Episode 58: After they found out Osamu's location, Yūma, Chika and Xeno rushes to his aid. However, Yūma got separated from the others and forced to face Gieve and Charon on his own.

Episode 59: Can't find.

Episode 60: While trying to go after Konami and the others, Yōtarō ends up getting lost and arrives at Nanao Town, where he met with Kokoa Takeda.

Episode 61: With one day left before another planet nation passes by, Osamu and the others discuss their next move. Meanwhile, Gieve grows desperate and launch an attack on Border's Training Camp.

Episode 62: Due to Charon's plan, Gieve transforms into his combat mode and attacks Mikumo Unit and Tamakoma First. Meanwhile, Yoneya, Kodera and Izumi try to save the citizen of Shizuka City.

Episode 63: After Lilith has been absorbed inside Gieve's body, Charon sees it as a failed attempt to capture her and tries to hack Gieve's mind in order to force him to self destruct. Meanwhile, Xeno reluctantly asks Mikumo Unit to help him rescue Lilith.

Episode 64: Osamu discusses his unit's performances in the previous matches with Konami and Karasuma. Later, he joins Branch Chief Rindō and Yūma, who are heading to HQ.

Rating: 7/10(Average)


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