Episode 9: Osamu is stunned to hear that Jin has a Black Trigger, just like Yūma and waits with the Administration to hear Jin's response to Kido's order to capture Yūma's Trigger even if he has to kill Yūma to do so.
Elsewhere in Mikado City, Chika takes Yūma to a run-down shrine she uses as her hiding place, and the two share hamburgers as they wait for Osamu. Recalling what Yūma said earlier concerning people being taken by Neighbors and used to fight their war, Chika asks how the abductees are used. Yūma explains this depends on which country is responsible and the situation of each country in the war, but it is likely they are treated as highly valuable assets and Chika would be considered a VIP. Chika is relieved to know that the abductees are still alive, but when Yūma asks why she wants to know, Chika lies and says it's nothing. Yūma calls her a liar, and threatens to ask Osamu later. Chika quickly explains that both her friend and her older brother were taken because she got them involved. Yūma says he understands, since he got Osamu and Chika involved earlier that day as well. Chika says its Osamu's nature to worry about other people first. Yūma asserts that he will fight as many Border agents as come for him, except Jin. Chika asks Yūma what he would do if Jin was to pursue him, and Yūma is confident that would never happen.
Back at Headquarters, Jin flatly refuses Kido's order. According to Border's chain of command, Kido is not Jin's direct supervisor and cannot give him orders. Since Jin is part of the Tamakoma Branch, he only follows orders from Rindō Takumi. Not to be dissuaded, Kido simply commands Rindō to give the order. Rindō sighs and orders Jin to capture Yūma's Black Trigger, and to Osamu's shock, Jin quickly agrees. Rindō adds that Jin is allowed to decide how to do it. Jin smiles and tells Osamu (who is relieved that his faith in Jin was well founded) that they should go. Kinuta demands that Shinoda send troops out as well, but Shinoda says that Kido's decision to leave it to Jin should stand. Karasawa asks Osamu if he knows why Yūma came to their world, adding that knowing someone's purpose allows you to negotiate with them. Osamu replies that Yūma came to find his father's friend in Border, and Karasawa asks for the name. Osamu says he doesn't know Yūma's father's name, but tells them Yūma's name instead. Rindō, Shinoda, and Kido are all visibly shaken and repeat the name: Kuga.
At the same time, Yūma tells Chika the same story: before his father died, he told Yūma to go to Japan and find his friend in Border. Yūma's father believed that Border could be the bridge connecting this world and the Neighbors. Once here; however, Yūma found that Neighbors attack people all the time and Border agents hate Neighbors in return. Chika inquires about Yūma's father, and Yūma tells her the three lessons he was taught when he was six years old: protect yourself by yourself, there isn't just one answer, and don't think your parents are always right. As they leave the shrine, Yūma wonders if his father's friend is still at Border.
At Headquarters, Netsuki and Kinuta ask about the name Kuga. Shinoda explains that Kuga Yūgo was one of the founding members of Border, a senpai to Rindō and himself, and a colleague to Kido. Osamu recalls that when they first met, Yūma had denied that his father had anything to do with Border. Shinoda then asks Osamu where Yūgo is now, and Osamu reports that he died. Shinoda says that if that is the case, there is no need to send troops out after Yūma. Kido seems relieved, but is skeptical if Yūma is truly Yūgo's son. Shinoda asks Jin and Osamu to take care of the situation with Yūma, and they are dismissed. Again, Netsuki and Kinuta are displeased and concerned about Yūma and his Black Trigger falling into the hands of the Tamakoma Branch. Kido is not actually concerned with whether or not Yūma is truly Yūgo's son, but states instead his intent to seize the Black Trigger.
In the hallway, Jin explains that there are three separate factions within Border: those who will never forgive Neighbors follow Kido, those who don't hate Neighbors and simply want to protect the city follow Shinoda, and those who want to be friends with Neighbors are in the Tamakoma Branch. Although the Kido group is currently the largest faction, if Yūma were to join the Tamakoma Branch, the balance of power would be thrown off because of his Black Trigger. Jin finishes by saying Kido will do anything to get the Black Trigger.
Netsuki, Kinuta, and Kido strategize how to get the Black Trigger. Kido asks for Karasawa's opinion, and he suggests they wait until conditions are in their favor. Kido agrees, stating their top A-Rank teams will return in a few days and alongside Miwa Unit will all seize Yūma's Black Trigger.
Jin and Osamu meet up with Yūma and Chika. Osamu informs Yūma that Border will most likely come after him, and Jin suggests that the simplest solution would be for Yūma to join Border.
Episode 10: Osamu and the others are shocked at Jin's suggestion, but he nonchalantly explains that Yūma would be joining his branch of Border and many of the members have visited the Neighbor world. He invites Yūma for a visit, who in turn invites Chika and Osamu.
The base for Tamakoma Branch is essentially an abandoned building in the middle of a river. When Jin remarks that all the agents are out, but some staff areinside, Osamu begins to fret over the high caliber individuals he is about to meet. Unfortunately, the first person he meets is Rindō Yōtarō, a rude young boy riding a fat Capybara. Next the group is greeted by a flighty Usami Shiori, Tamakoma Branch's operator. While Yōtarō attempts to steal Yūma's red bean pancake and proposes to Chika, inwardly Osamu is dumbfounded at the obvious differences between laid-back Tamakoma Branch and Border HQ.
Shiori says that Tamakoma Branch is small, with only three other agents besides Jin, all of whom are A-Rank agents. Upon learning that Shiori is one of the few Jin mentioned earlier, Chika asks how people are chosen to go to the Neighbor world. Shiori explains they are chosen from the A-Rank agents, and Osamu wonders if Chika wants to go to the other world. Just then, Jin walks in and encourages the three to stay the night, safe from Border.
When choosing rooms, Yūma first picks Raijinmaru's room, then Jin's room (which is full of fried rice crackers), eventually settling on an empty room across the hall. Shiori offers to stay with Chika, who politely declines. Then Shiori explains that they usually take turns making dinner, but today is leftover curry. Since there isn't enough food to feed everyone, Yōtarō sets out to fish. Yūma remarks that he is good at fishing, too, and they decide to challenge each other's fishing skills. Chika and Osamu are inside helping prep food, and as Osamu ties on his apron, he wonders again if this is really a Border base.
Much later, Yūma and Yōtarō are still fishing without much success. Although Yūma caught a reasonably-sized fish, the two knock it back into the river after Yōtarō reels in a destroyed Rad. The outlook on dinner seems hopeless after Raijinmaru eats what's left of the curry. Suddenly an alert sounds, indicating an intruder at the base. Osamu prepares to fight, but is cautioned by Yūma. The door opens...and a pizza delivery boy steps through. Jin's Side Effect warmed him that Shiori's cooking wouldn't work out, so he ordered pizza. Yūma is fascinated with his first experience with pizza and hot sauce. Jin then receives a call from the branch chief, who apparently wants to meet with Yūma and Osamu.
Jin shows them into Rindō's office, who greets Yūma especially as Kuga's son and assures him that they have no intention of capturing him. He asks Yūma if he knows the name of his father's friend, and Yūma replies Mogami Soichi. Rindō explains that Mogami was a founding member of Border and Jin's mentor. He adds that Jin's Black Trigger is actually Mogami, who died five years ago. Yūma barely reacts to this news. Rindō shares that he owes Yuugo a great deal, and invites Yūma to join Tamakoma Branch so Rindō can protect him openly. Yūma refuses, confusing Osamu. Jin asks Yūma to tell him the story of his and his father's past.
Replica tells Osamu that four years ago, the Kuga's joined the wars in their world as a favor to Yūgo's friend. Yūma tells Jin he was well-trained and did well as a rookie, but Replica explains everything changed on the day Yūgo died.
Episode 11: Flashing back to the past in the Neighbor world, Yūgo and Yūma (with black hair) helped Raymond, the leader of their country's defense and Yūgo's long-time friend. When the fortress was attacked, Raymond and Yūgo told Yūma to stay out of the battle, since the attackers most likely had a Black Trigger. Spinthir forces suddenly attacked, and the Calvarian Trigger controllers were outnumbered. Yūma decided to join the battle, disregarding his father's orders. A strange Neighbor with claws appeared and attacked Yūma, killing him. However, Yūgo created a Black Trigger, sealing off Yūma's dying body inside and replacing it with a Trion body. When Yūma woke up, his hair was white and he watched his father's body disintegrate, having used all his power to save his son.
The military pressured Yūma into using the Black Trigger to seek vengeance for Yūgo's death, not knowing that Yūma also inherited his father's Side Effect, detecting lies. Hearing this, Osamu suddenly realizes that Yūma really could tell if people were lying previously, but thinks this power must be a difficult one to have. After his father's death, Yūma decided to finish the fight the two of them started, until the war ended in reconciliation. Replica suggested that Yūma find Border and his father's friend, hoping that someone there could help Yūma get his old body back.
Replica explains to Osamu that Yūma has not grown since he was 11 years old, because he has a body made completely of Trion. Inside the Black Trigger, Yūma's original body is still slowly dying, and once it completely dies, Yūma's Trion body will also die. While Replica wanted someone to help Yūma gain his original body, Yūma actually hoped to find a way to resurrect his father. Hearing the news about Mogami Soichi, Yūma no longer has any hopes that someone from Border can help him and no reason to live. Replica implores Osamu to help Yūma find a new purpose. Yūma admits that he may no longer have a purpose in life, but the last few days have been fun. Jin assures Yūma that there will be more fun things in the future.
As Osamu ponders on helping Yūma find a purpose, he learns that Chika has decided to join Border in order to look for her brother and friend who were abducted. Osamu attempts to dissuade Chika in order to keep his promise to Rinji. Chika understands the near impossibility of finding her brother, but is surprisingly persistent in her desire to join. Shiori explains that there is currently no room for Chika to join Tamakoma's team, and she should go to HQ in order to create her own team.
Osamu relates Chika's decision to Yūma and their goal of creating a team, joining Tamakoma Branch, and aiming for A-Rank. He then asks Yūma to join them, who still refuses. Osamu implores Yūma to help them achieve A-Rank and selection for expeditions to the Neighbor world. Yūma surprises Osamu by noting the similarity between Osamu and Yūgo, because he smiled as he died to save Yūma. He asks Osamu why he fights, even risking his own life, for others. Osamu explains that if he runs even one time, he feels he may run when he really needs to stay and fight. Yūma stands up and declares he will help them out. He says that joining their team sounds like fun, but he will only join on the condition that Osamu is the leader. Chika agrees, and they head to Rindō's office. There they find the applications already prepared. Yūma asks Jin if he saw this with his Side Effect, and Jin reminds him that he said there would be more fun things in the future. Rindō officially welcomes the team to Tamakoma Branch as they prepare to aim for A-Rank.
Episode 12: At Tamakoma Branch, Rindō and his son eat breakfast. Elsewhere, Osamu, Yūma, Chika, Jin, and Shiori meet to discuss how Osamu's team can achieve A-Rank. Shiori explains that participation in defense missions or ranking tournaments against other teams will allow them to move up to a new rank. However, since new initiates are only brought on three times per year, Yūma will have to wait until then in order to join the ranking tournament. In the meantime, Yūma will need to learn how to use Border Triggers, since his Black Trigger is automatically classified as S-Rank and therefore disqualifies him from joining a team with the others. It is decided that Chika will also be a combatant.
Yōtarō interrupts by entering the room and promptly falling asleep on Raijinmaru's back. Next, the decide upon each person's position: attacker, gunner, or sniper. Chika, who has great endurance and patience, is chosen to be a sniper. Suddenly, a girl bursts in the door.
The girl (Konami Kirie) enters the room and shakes an unconscious Yōtarō, demanding to know if he was the one who ate her dorayaki (red bean pancakes). Shiori quickly apologizes for feeding the pancakes to their guests. Two more people walk in, commenting on the noise, and are greeted by Jin as Reiji and Kyōsuke. He introduces the new recruits, and falsely claims they are his younger brothers and sister. Kyōsuke confirms this, but Reiji admits Jin is an only child.
With the next recruitment day only three weeks away, Jin requests that each of the three A-Rank agents offer one-on-one training to their new recruits. Konami refuses at first, but Jin informs them that it is an order from Rindō. Resigned, Konami immediately picks out Yūma as the strongest. Chika is assigned to Reiji, the only agent with sniper experience. Osamu is left with Kyōsuke. Jin gets away, saying that he cannot mentor anyone since he has a lot to do. At HQ, Kido is informed that the away teams will return in about three days (see Episode 9).
Back at Tamakoma Branch, Chika activates a Trigger for the first time, learning that she can set her pain sensor to zero, effectively not feeling any pain from her Trion body. Shiori creates an artificial environment in Training Room 3, where Reiji and Chika practice shooting. Reiji teaches Chika that if she aims well, she'll hit the target. He instructs her to continue shooting until her Trion runs out, since he must leave on defense duty. Reiji admits to Shiori that although Chika is motivated and obedient, she isn't cut out for combat. In Training Room 1, Kyōsuke tells Osamu that a long time ago Kido said Triggers were not merely weapons but the foundation of Neighbor civilization. They activate their Triggers, and Kyōsuke orders Osamu to attack him with everything he's got. In Training Room 2, Konami orders Yūma to pick a Trigger and attack her. Shiori confirms that Yūma can attack her with everything he's got. Yūma refuses to use honorifics when addressing Konami unless she beats him. In turn, Konami agrees to call Yūma by his name (and not "shrimp") if he beats her.
At the end of the day, Kyōsuke asks an exhausted Osamu if he is really B-Rank. Konami exits Training Room 2 in disbelief. Yūma exits looking sorely beaten and claims he won, but only the last of ten matches. Osamu is shocked that Yūma only once against Konami, who challenges Yūma to another match. Kyōsuke asks if Osamu can also continue, and not to be outdone, he agrees. When Reiji returns, he is shocked to learn that Chika is still shooting due to her incredible Trion volume (see Episode 7). Outside, he admits to Shiori that perhaps these new recruits really are extraordinary.
Three days later, a gate opens inside Border HQ, and the away team returns with Border's top teams.
Episode 13: At Border HQ, a gate opens, and the ship with Border's Top Teams returns from their away mission. Over at Tamakoma Branch, Yūma is observed stretching outside with Raijinmaru (in perfect sync, no less) by Kodera and Yoneya of Miwa Unit. Osamu and Chika arrive, and Kizaki offers the three breakfast (triple meat and some vegetables). Kodera makes minute observations and takes detailed notes of everything occurring inside Tamakoma Branch, but Yoneya says he has no hard feelings towards them and takes little interest in their reconnaissance on the Black Trigger.
At HQ, Kido is presented with four unknown triggers by Isami Tōma, Sōya Kazama, and Kei Tachikawa. Kido immediately orders them to retrieve the Black Trigger at Tamakoma Branch. Narasaka relates the details of Miwa Unit's encounter with Yūma, Jin's intervention, and Yūma's subsequent acceptance into Tamakoma Branch. Kazama is not surprised by this information, recalling that Tamakoma's previous engineer was a Neighbor. Kido orders them to use any means necessary to obtain the Black Trigger. Narasaka fills the group in on Yūma's daily schedule, and Tachikawa surprises everyone by saying they will attack tonight. Miwa cautions them to not underestimate Yūma, but his warning is brushed off, leaving Miwa to reflect on how he has never liked Tachikawa.
Back at Tamakoma, Kizaki instructs Yūma on the correct way to eat his first sandwich and Chika's Trion level test reveals that she is at super A-Rank, or Black Trigger level. Both Chika and Yūma are praised by Kizaki and Konami, but Karasuma only says they should have hope for Osamu's future. When Konami says they don't need weaklings at Tamakoma, Karasuma lies and says that Osamu called her cute, causing her to blush happily. Karasuma quickly retracts and says it was a lie, and Konami pounds on Osamu in retaliation. As they return to training, Osamu resolves to become stronger to match his teammates. His training; however, consists of doing housework. Karasuma explains that the technique of turning cleaning movements into fighting strength came from an old movie he watched the day before. Unfortunately, he utterly fails during fighting practice. Yōtarō then joins Osamu's training, implementing a karuta game, which Osamu loses to both Yōtarō and Raijinmaru.
Elsewhere in the Forbidden Zone, the teams are speeding toward Tamakoma Branch. Again, Miwa thinks he has never liked Tachikawa. They pull up suddenly when Jin appears in front of them and casually asks where they are headed.
At the end of training, Yūma once again looks frazzled, but won three rounds against Konami. Yūma asks Karasuma for a match, calling him senpai. Outside, Kizaki and Yōtarō take Osamu and Chika for a run, in order to improve his ability to use his Trion body.
Jin and Isami exchange friendly pleasantries, but are cut off by Kazama. Jin asks the group to leave Tamakoma's new recruits alone. Isami seems hesitant to fight Jin, but Kazama reminds Jin that it is against Border's rules for agents to fight one another. Jin turns this back at him, stating that Yūma is also a Border agent now, so their mission is also against the rules. This infuritates Miwa, and Tachikawa counters by saying that Yūma cannot be considered an fully-authorized Border agent until the recruitment date in a couple of weeks. Until then, he is simply a Neighbor. At this point, Miwa realizes that the reason he doesn't like Tachikawa is because of his similarity to Jin. Kazama tells Jin that Kido will do anything to obtain Yūma's Black Trigger, and they will eventually succeed. Jin replies that it isn't just a Black Trigger, but more important to Yūma than life itself. Jin also admits that at best, even his Black Trigger would be an even match against the strength of Border's top teams. However, he isn't alone. Just then, Arashiyama Unit shows up, under orders from Shinoda to assist Tamakoma Branch. Arashiyama says he owes Osamu (see Episode 3), and Jin says that with Arashiyama Unit on his side, even his Side Effect says they will win. Tachikawa draws his Trigger, and decides he wants to prove Jin's Side Effect wrong.
Episode 14: Shiori teaches Osamu and Yūma about Border Triggers. Border stores Triggers inside small handheld holders. Triggers are actually small chips, and each holder can house up to eight different kinds of Triggers, allowing a user to employ both hands and switching between kinds. Shiori continues by describing different kinds of Triggers: Scorpion and Kogetsu. Meanwhile the battle between Border's top teams and Jin/Arashiyama Unit wages on with Jin deftly outmaneuvering his opponents.
Tachikawa takes a moment to confer with Kazama, who notes that Jin hasn't fired his Fūjin yet. Narasaka wonders about Arashiyama's sniper, and Kazama rejects Kikuchihara's suggestion to go after Yūma, since the rest of Tamakoma First is still at their base. Tachikawa decides to spilt their forces: Tachikawa, Kazama Unit, and the three snipers will go after Jin while Izumi, Miwa, and Yoneya stop Arashiyama Unit. Meanwhile, Jin and Arashiyama Unit also confer, deciding to preemptively split up to draw out their attackers.
Miwa confronts Arashiyama, demanding to know why they joined Tamakoma. Arashiyama explains that some people fight differently (than Miwa), and he believes Jin must have a good reason. Izumi activates his Trigger, and Kitora mentions that he is in attack mode. At a distance, Satori fires, but Izumi has already switched to defense in order to draw him out. Yoneya is dispatched to deal with him, and Kitora follows. The two clash in midair, and Kitora is knocked into a nearby building.
Elsewhere, Jin stands off against Tachikawa and Kazama. Their battle begins, and Jin not only deflects Tachikawa and Kazama's attacks, but he also dodges the shots fired by the snipers. Narasaka says they cannot avoid the fact that Jin will dodge their shots and asks Isami to join their offensive. However, Isami replies that his pride as a sniper won't allow him to shoot at a target he knows he cannot hit, and he decides to go meet up with Miwa. As he leaves, he remarks on how Jin has manipulated them into position. Jin continually retreats from his attackers, and Tachikawa again wonders what he is up to.
At Tamakoma Branch, Shiori also explains the Trigger Osamu used previously (see Episode 6), Raygust. It is the heaviest Trigger and used by Reiji. The No. 1 attacker at Border, Tachikawa, uses Kogetsu, and is considered Jin's rival. When asked who is stronger between the two, Shiori guesses probably Tachikawa is stronger. A few years ago, Tachikawa and Jin would rank first and second in battles, respectively. Because of Tachikawa's proficiency with Kogetsu, Jin worked with engineers to create Scorpion. As a result, their matches were even every since. Shiori further explains that although Black Triggers can typically only be used by a compatible person, Jin's could be used by 20 agents. Although they all fought for it, Jin came out on top. Tachikawa wasn't able to fight for the Black Trigger, because the Trigger didn't pick him.
Tired of chasing Jin, Kazama says they should head to Tamakoma Branch instead. At this, Jin unleashes his Fūjin on Kikuchihara, forcing him to bail out. As Jin faces Tachikawa, Kazama, and Utagawa, he sighs and says it's time for Plan B.
Episode 15: Everyone seems a bit spooked by Jin's sudden attack on Kikuchihara, who bails out and lands back at Border HQ. He is greeted by Kaho Mikami, who describes the three battles currently ongoing in the Forbidden Zone: Kitora versus Yoneya inside the abandoned building, Jin versus Tachikawa and Kazama's Unit, and Arashiyama Unit versus Izumi and Miwa Unit.
When Jin lands an incredible hit on Utagawa, he and Kazama activate their stealth mode and disappear. While Jin continues to fight Tachikawa, Kazama explains to Utagawa that Fūjin can attack anywhere he sees. The ribbons of light emitted by Fūjin indicate the number of slashes he has left before he has to reload. Kazama orders the snipers to provide Tachikawa with support, who pressures Jin by remaining close and preventing Jin from using Fūjin's ability.
Tachikawa appears to corner Jin in a small garage, but Jin manages to send send slashes through the walls and ceilings to hit Tachikawa multiple times. Kazama and Utagawa attack, and Jin hits Utagawa with Fūjin's final slash. Kazama manages to injure Jin with a blade that extends from his foot and up from underground. Thinking they caught Jin, Tachikawa moves to attack. However, Jin hid one last slash in the garage wall in advance and uses it to slash Kazama. Utagawa's bail out is noticed by Arashiyama Unit, Miwa, and Izumi, all of whom resolve to finish their own fight quickly.
Back at Tamakoma Branch, Shiroi continues her explanation of Border Triggers to Osamu and Yūma. She introduces Gunner Triggers and their attacks: Asteroid, Meteor, Viper, and Hound bullets. Izumi hits Arashiyama with Lead Bullets, and the two face off. As Izumi fires, Mitsuru teleports in behind him and fires in a synchronized attack with Arashiyama. Thanks to Miwa's warning, Izumi barely manages to avoid getting hit in the head or heart.
In the fight Kitora, Yoneya moves forward, shortening his spear, but suddenly stops. His arm is caught by wires, and Kitora runs him through the heart. Yoneya throws himself and Kitora out of the building, where Izumi is waiting to shoot. Mitsuru manages to shield Kitora, but is shot in the head by Isami, and both Mitsuru and Yoneya bail out. Arashiyama and Kitora enter a narrow alleyway, and both sides struggle to know what action to take. Arashiyama radios in to Ayatsuji Haruka and asks for sniping points nearby. Izumi notes that Arashiyama is heading their way, but Kitora is probably using a Bagworm in order to take them by surprise when the attack the bait (Arashiyama). Jumping along the building tops, Izumi finds Arashiyama and fires Meteor Bullets down upon him.
Episode 16: Yūma inquires about the bullets Miwa shot at him previously, and Shiori explains Lead Bullets and other Optional Triggers that can be used in coordination with other Triggers: Thruster, Chameleon, Bagworm, and Teleporter. Shiori adds that wearing eyeglasses can increase Teleporter's effectiveness.
Back in the Forbidden Zone, Izumi, Miwa, and Isami have trapped Arashiyama, who is taking a beating. Miwa confronts Arashiyama about his team using him as a decoy and shoots him with more Lead Bullets. Arashiyama teleports directly into Isami's sights, but before Isami can fire, Kitora slices him in the head, causing him to bail out.
Kazama and Tachikawa are both badly injured in their fight with Jin, who calls himself a hawk who hides his claws. Tachikawa vows to take the Black Tigger from Jin on the next enrollment day, since he now understand Fūjin's abilities. Jin says that won't be possible just before Tachikawa and Kazama bail out. Miwa is informed that the other snipers are also withdrawing, their mission failed. Izumi is annoyed that they were beaten by the fifth ranked team, which in turn annoys Kitora. Miwa warns Arashiyama that they will regret helping a Neighbor one day, stating that Jin doesn't understand what it is like for those who lose loved ones because of the Neighbors. Arashiyama corrects him, saying that Jin's mother was killed in a Neighbor attack and his mentor also died five years ago.
At HQ, Motokichi demands to know why Shinoda would betray Border. Shinoda says he still doesn't support stealing the Black Trigger, especially since it belongs to Kuga's son. Shinoda then declares that if they send assasins to Tamakoma again, the Kido faction will have to fight Shinoda personally. Karasawa considers that since Shinoda actually taught Tachikawa how to fight and is the strongest person with a normal Trigger in Border, they should try to reconcile rather than continue fighting. Kido; however, responds by saying the next assassin they send will be Amō another Black Trigger user with behavioral issues. This shocks and is cautioned against by everyone. Kido says that if Shinoda joins Jin, they have no choice. Just at that moment, Jin happily enters the room and interrupts their meeting.
Kido asks if Jin came to declare war, but Jin says he came to negotiate. Karasawa states that since he just beat their top teams and joined with Shinoda, he has superior attack power to negotiate with. Jin says he only wants Yūma's enrollment to be accepted by HQ, since Border agents can only fight each other in mock battles. In return, he offers Fūjin. Kido says that since Jin fought against Tachikawa and the others, he can simply take Fūjin from Jin.
Back at Tamakoma Branch, Yūma has returned from training with eyeglasses. Kirie tries on the glasses, thinking it is a kind of special skill. Unfortunately, they are a spare pair of Osamu's perscription glasses, and Kirie becomes dizzy and falls.
At HQ, Jin is happily eating fried rice crackers and hangs out with a surprised Tachikawa and Kazama. When Kazama says that Jin should have given up Fūjin in the first place, since there ended up being no reason to fight. Jin disagrees, saying that until yesterday, Fūjin lacked some prestige. After beating Border's Top Teams, he raised Fūjin's value and convinced the Kinuta and the other that it was worth letting Yūma into Border to have. Kido questioned Jin's reasons for a seemingly unbalanced trade in Border's favor, but Jin simply replied that he didn't want Border interfering with Yūma's battles. He added that Tamakoma Second would someday be helpful toward Kido's goal, according to his Side Effect. To Tachikawa and Kazama, Jin adds that he wants Yūma to have fun, because fighting with Tachikawa and the others was the most fun he had. Hearing that Yūma is such a skilled fighter, Tachikawa says he is now interested in meeting him. Kazama wonders about Jin letting go of a keepsake from his mentor, but Jin said that Mogami wouldn't be angry. Finally, Jin says that since he is no longer S-Rank, he will join the ranking tournaments, which excites Tachikawa.
Jin returns to Tamakoma Branch and asks Yūma if he has gotten used to Border's Triggers yet. Yūma replies that Shiori has taught him a lot of things and plans to surpass Kirie. He inquires about Osamu's training with Kyōsuke as well and says it should be fine, since Kyōsuke is good at teaching. After eating all the snacks, Jin retires to his room. After flopping down on his bed, Jin stares up at his empty hand which once wielded Fūjin. He closes his eyes and says it will be alright, since the future started moving forward.
As the days progress, Yūma chooses Scorpion like Jin. Osamu decides to be a gunner, although gunners use a lot more Trion than others. In training, Reiji praises Chika's practice and obedience. Just as Jin said, before they knew it, it was Recruitment Day.
Rating: 8/10(Average)