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Black Clover Episode 31-40 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 17, 2019

Episode 31: Sister Theresa realises the snow hypnotises children whose magic has not manifested. Gauche almost hits her in anger but Asta stops him. Gauche tracks Marie into the mountains with Asta and Sister Theresa, leaving Noelle behind to contact reinforcements. Marie wakes up among hundreds of kidnapped children. Neige realises she is awake, accuses her of being a bad friend and hits her. Neige’s abusive older brother, Baro, realises Marco has almost no mana so he throws him out into the snow. Noelle contacts Magic Knight Headquarters and is forced to ask Sekke for help. Asta spots Marco in the snow but Gauche only cares about Marie. Asta falls off the broom to reach Marco while Gauche flies on. Asta nullifies Marco’s hypnosis while Sister Theresa heals him. Baro begins painfully draining the mana from the children. Gauche arrives but is forced to stop fighting when Baro uses Marie as a shield. Asta arrives and frees Marie. Sister Theresa sees the children are completely empty of mana, meaning they will never be able to use magic, ever. Baro assumes Asta is weak for having no magic, until Asta learns Baro was stealing the children’s mana for money and blasts him into the wall.

Episode 32: Sekke flies to the Black Bulls hideout to get help for Asta and Gauche but finds most of them are drunk and Yami, having just woken up in a very bad mood, thinks Sekke is a debt collector. Neige is tricked and defeated by Gauche’s Mirror Clone. Sister Theresa restrains Baro while Asta begins nullifying the children’s hypnosis. Baro activates a signal transmitter. Sister Theresa mentions that she once trained Sister Lily who told her about Asta and his determination which inspires her every day. Sally, responding to the signal, appears through a portal. Sekke finally manages to explain that Asta and Gauche need help. Yami weighs up doing it himself, which he does not want to, or sending Gordon and Grey, both of whom are generally hard to communicate with. Sally outmanoeuvres and traps Asta and Gauche with her Gel magic. Sister Theresa burns away the gel and reveals she was once Theresa the Crimson She-Leopard of the Crimson Lions who trained Captain Fuegoleon when he was a child. Sally injects Baro with a magical substance that transforms him into a giant mud monster. Gauche flees with Marie, leaving Asta, Sister Theresa and the other children to die.

Episode 33: The mud monster tries to kill Neige but Asta protects him. Gauche has a flashback to their childhood when a relative killed their noble parents, stole their money and threw Gauche and Marie into the street. Gauche turned to thievery to keep Marie from starving but was sent to prison and Marie was taken in by Sister Theresa. Gauche changes his mind when Marie tells him she was proud he became a Magic Knight, so he leaves her with Marco outside the cave and goes back. He sees Asta is still fighting the mud monster so Gauche attacks Sally but is badly beaten. Asta ends up saving him, causing Gauche to remember first joining the Bulls. He decides, for the first time in his life, to support someone else. A new spell appears in his Grimoire and he casts it using the magic mirror inside his left eye, creating dozens of Asta mirror clones and they defeat the mud monster together. Neige swears revenge on Sally while Asta offers to be his friend. Neige, Gauche and Sister Theresa are suddenly attacked by Licht, leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. Like Yuno, Licht owns a 4 leaf clover Grimoire.

Episode 34: Licht claims it is his duty to destroy the Clover Kingdom and expresses anger that Asta possesses the 5 leaf Grimoire. Yami appears through Finral’s portal and saves Asta with his sword, a Katana from his home country. Licht, who wields Light magic, decides to duel Yami, who uses Dark magic. As Yami is convinced that they met before, Licht reveals he comes from a village of powerfuled magicians before being slaughtered by those who once revered them out of jealousy. Yami counters with his own more ridiculous tale of how ended up in the Clover Kingdom, eventually wounding Licht's face once the villain admitted to have serious wounded Fuegoleon. Yami orders Asta to fight as well, revealing that he countered Licht's attack by sensing his Qi, non-magical energy emitted by a person's movement. Licht asks Valtos to capture Asta so Yami orders Asta to use his Qi sensing technique, Asta succeeding on the second try while reflecting Valtos's attack back at him. This infuriates Licht as he causes a cave-in to bury Asta and Yami under the rubble, only for the two to free themselves before Licht and Valtos can leave.

Episode 35: Licht criticises the Clover Kingdom's hypocrisies of respecting magical ability yet forces those with powerful magic to suffer in poor living conditions, continuing his fight with Yami while Asta faces Valtos. Despite his new ability to sense Qi, Asta is wounded so he throws himself into one of Valtos’ portals, reappearing on the other side of the portal in front of Valtos who and punches him into a wall, defeating him. Yami tricks Licht into attacking and wounds him. Licht praises Yami for being the second man to ever seriously harm him, the first being the Wizard King who aged his right arm beyond recovery. Licht prepares to use a powerful spell to kill both Yami and Asta and retrieve the 5 leaf Grimoire. Finral returns the children to their parents while Sister Theresa and Gauche undergo healing. The mage healing Gauche remarks that all of his injuries were on the edge of areas that should have been fatal; making it a miracle he is alive. Sister Theresa gives Gauche her remaining magic so he can help Asta, who she is glad has made Gauche a better man. Neige and Marie also give him their magic. Licht fires his spell Ray of Divine Punishment but Gauche has Finral teleport him in front of Yami and uses his Full Reflection spell to defeat Licht with his own spell.

Episode 36: The children return to the village, Noelle learning of the fight at the cave while upset that she was left behind and Asta might still be at risk. At the cave, with Licht knocked out by his own attack reflected back at him, Yami proceeds to restraint him and Valtos before he, Asta and Gauche have to wait from Finral to regain his strength to teleport them. Licht comes to as he recognizes Gauche as a friend of him despite the Magic Knight knowing they never met, Licht saving the explaining later when freeded by three Eye of the Midnight Sun members that suddenly appear through a portal. Licht explained the three members are the Eye's strongest members: The Third Eye. Licht further explains that Third Eye members represent traits that oppose Integrity, Hope and Love which the Clover Kingdom hypocritically value. Rhya the Disloyal displays his ability to use Copy Magic by replicating Yami's attack as the Black Bulls captains battles him, Vetto the Despair whose Beast Magic allows him to shatter Yami's sword, and Fana the Hateful who uses the spirit Salamander of the Fire. The Third Eye were about to finish Yami off when their attacks are deflected by Nozel Silva, Charlotte Rosary, and Jack the Ripper of the Green Praying Mantises.

Episode 37: Neige explains to Noelle his motivation to turn himself in so he and Asta can be friends. Noelle continues to worry about Asta, which is noticed by Rebecca. In the caves the captains begin arguing amongst themselves, revealing that Jack and Yami duelled in the past, and that Charlotte is in love with Yami but is too stubborn to tell him. Charlotte duels Rhya, Jack duels Vetto and Nozel attempts to kill Licht but ends up duelling Fana. Licht grows angrier over Asta owning the 5 leaf Grimoire and his swords as he attempts to intercept Yami when he has Finral teleport him above the mage Yami over Licht’s head for a surprise attack, failing to realize he and the Third Eye could not sense Asta as he lands a mortal blow before Yami knocks Licht to the ground. The entire cave is filled with light as the result of Asta’s sword nullifies a hidden sealing spell on Licht meant to contain mana reserved for a special ritual, Licht's personality drastically change as he accuses Asta of stealing the Demon Slayer Sword and Demon Dweller Sword that once belonged to his Master. The Third are forced to abruptly end their duels to cast a sealing spell on Licht to stabilize his mana before taking him and Valtos to safety. Asta once more passes out from exhaustion. Nozel decides to keep an eye on Asta from now on. Elsewhere, with Licht, Valtos, and Sally recuperating the Third Eye and Rades argue over what to do next due to the threat Asta is posing to him as Rhya decides they have to hasten their agenda straight away.

Episode 38: Asta awakens the following day after being healed by Klaus and Mimosa, who along with Yuno arrived too late to fight Licht. Neige is arrested for kidnapping the children and is given community service at Sister Theresa’s church as punishment. Sister Theresa recovers and is pleased Gauche’s attitude has improved, despite still being obsessed with Marie. Rebecca kisses Asta on the cheek to thank him for saving her siblings, and also to let Noelle know she likes Asta too. Back at Black Bull headquarters, after an eating contest, Yami receives a summons by Julius to attend a meeting of all the squad captains and to bring Asta. As Yami meets up with the other squad captains, the Wizard King's aide Marx Francois escorts Asta to a secret prison where the Midnight Sun members Catherine and George are located. Julius, realizing there may be a traitor among the Magic Knights, asks Asta to use his Demon Slayer Sword to break the spells placed on the Midnight Sun members to protect their memories with Marx proceeding with his inquiry. The squad captains bicker among themselves while waiting for Julius before they are summoned to the prison where the Wizard King reveals that there is a traitor among them.

Episode 39: The traitor is Gueldre Poizot the captain of the Purple Orca squad, despite his attempts to denounce it before the other Magic Knight captains point out that the rumors of his criminal dealings while advising him to let Marx probe his mind if he has nothing to hide. But Gueldre instead his Transparency Magic to turn invisible and flees while the Magc Knight captains deal with his soldier constructs. But Gueldre did not count on Asta, as his tracked the traitor by sensing his Qi and uses his Anti-Magic to nullify the former captain's invisibility. Gueldre is then trapped in a magic painting created by the Aqua Deer Squad captain Rill Boismortier. Gueldre has his memories examined which reveals all his criminal activities; including being paid by the Midnight Sun to give them the capital's Guardian Mage prior to their attack. All the captains save Yami are then excused, one of them revealed to be Rhya in disguise though which captain he impersonated is not revealed. Meeting with Yami and Asta alone, Julius reveals that Charlotte and George also revealed information about the stone tablet and the Midnight Sun's goal of collecting the magical stones so they can be reborn in their original, true forms to fully harness mana. Julius explains one of the four remaining stones is located in the Underwater Temple, an area of strong magic which few can reach. Julius asks Yami to retrieve the stones as his subordinates have the least social ties and as the other Magic Knight squads could have traitors in their ranks, with Yami remembering how he and the Wizard King met years ago when first got his Grimoire. Yami agrees to the mission and the entire Black Bull squad begin preparing for a trip to the beach, including Noelle who panics at having to buy a bikini.

Episode 40: Yuno, Klaus and Mimosa hear a scream and rush into the shop it came from, only to find it was Noelle being stripped naked by Vanessa so she can try on bikinis. After they leave Noelle buys the most expensive bikini in the shop, hoping it will get Asta’s attention. The Black Bulls fly to the beach, only realising they accidentally left Gordon Agrippa behind after arriving. The Bulls begin having fun while Noelle is embarrassed at how much skin her bikini reveals but eventually decides she does want Asta to see her wearing it. However her every attempt to get Asta to notice are ruined by the Bulls antics. Sekke, who also happened to be at the beach, is blasted into the ocean by the Bulls mad stampede before he can flirt with any girls. Yami arrives and immediately punishes them for slacking off. He explains that the temple is on the ocean floor protected by magical ocean currents so strong most people would drown before breaking through. The only time the currents are weak is during the full moon, which is still a week away, and the only Black Bull capable of manipulating water is Noelle. Despite her lack of confidence Yami orders her to practise controlling her magic enough to break through the current. Noelle begins practising turning her water shield into an airtight water bubble that would allow them to breathe underwater. Asta offers to help her train but they suddenly hear a voice and further down the beach they find a young woman singing.

Average Rating: 8.5/10


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