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Black Clover Episode 41-50 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 17, 2019

Episode 41: The girl, who introduces herself as Kahano, asks if she can be Asta and Noelle’s friend. She explains she had been practising her singing, dancing and magic to become an idol. As she grabs Asta’s hand she diagnoses him with muscle fatigue from his training and uses Song Recovery Magic to make him heal faster. Noelle is impressed as such magic requires high levels of control, which she struggles with. Noelle is intrigued at having a female friend her own age. Noelle explains the troubles she has so Kahano suggests she cast her spells while thinking of a pleasant memory, but all Noelle can recall is the abuse she received from her father and siblings. For the next week Noelle continues practising, and then on the last night before the full moon Asta suggests Noelle forgets control and just cast the spell randomly. As she does so the spell engulfs her and she is overcome by her feelings of failure and lack of any pleasant memory to focus on, however, she sees all the Bulls shouting encouragement and is overwhelmed by all the pleasant memories she has of her friends, especially Asta. Another new spell appears in her Grimoire, the Sea Dragon’s Cradle, and her water shield is transformed into a perfect airtight water bubble. As the Bulls celebrate Noelle realises Kahano has disappeared. Yami watches from a distance and is impressed with Noelle. Kahano remarks to herself she is looking forward to seeing Noelle again in the Underwater Temple, and then she jumps into the sea.

Episode 42: The Bulls set off for the Underwater Temple, just barely passing through the magical currents using Noelle’s Cradle. They reach the temple but find it surrounded by a magic barrier of spinning whirlpools. Yami throws Asta at the whirlpools, despite knowing Asta cannot swim, and he cuts through them with his sword, allowing the Cradle to enter. Once inside and able to breathe the Bulls find the Temple, a large city grown from glowing coral. Unseen to everybody, Nero, hiding inside Asta’s robe, flies ahead of them. They come across citizens of the Temple who, rather than becoming hostile, welcome them, asking them many questions about the surface and revealing that it had been over 10 years since they last had a visitor from the surface. Yami demands to see the one in charge so they are taken to the High Priest. Once inside they are attacked by a fish monster they easily defeat. The High Priest, an eccentric old geezer named Gifso, reveals it was a prank to scare visitors. Gifso, who knows they want the magic stone, tells them if they want it they must play his game and win, the game being a fight between the Bulls and the Temples warrior mages. The Bulls are teleported to random locations around the Temple and separated, forcing each Bull to fight a warrior mage alone. Asta is immediately confronted by an octopus headed mage and prepares to fight.

Episode 43: Yami is forced to watch the fight with Gifso. He reveals that his warrior mages are ranked as Intermediate Magic Knights while most of the Bulls are Junior Magic Knights. Yami smugly watches as Asta, Luck, Magna and Gauche each defeat their opponents in seconds, shocking Gifso and reducing the mage team to 5. Gifso reveals his 3 strongest mages would rank as Senior Magic Knights and will surely win. Charmy is put to sleep by her opponents Lullaby Magic, reducing the Bulls team to 8. Magna and Luck team up against another mage. Asta also runs into a mage who fights using swords. The mage, named Kiato, reveals the High Priest is his grandfather and if he defeats Asta he will be allowed to leave the Temple and pursue his dream of becoming a famous dancer. Noelle runs into the Lullaby mage who turns out to be Kahano, whose dream of becoming an idol is also dependant on defeating the Bulls so her grandfather will allow her to leave. As she is Noelle’s friend she insists on fighting fairly. She tries to put Noelle to sleep with her lullaby, but Noelle protects herself with her water shield. As they fight Noelle’s attacks all miss. Kahano tells Noelle she has had perfect control of her magic all along, the only reason she keeps missing is because she unconsciously wants to avoid hurting people. Noelle realises this is true and decides she must fight to win. Asta struggles to match Kiato’s graceful sword style and changes his own style to match it. Vanessa defeats her opponent by trapping him in a web of magical string, leaving the mages with only 4 members to the Bulls 8. The mage facing Luck and Magna is revealed to be Gio, the High Priests Son. As he duels with Luck and Magna he is suddenly crushed beneath a powerful spell as Vetto the Despair arrives with 4 Midnight Sun mages to steal the magic stone.

Episode 44: It is shown that Vetto took out a team of top ranked wizards, witnessed by Sekke, before entering the Underwater Temple. Gio survives and prepares to fight. Vetto sends his mages away so he can fight Gio, Magna and Luck. Vetto survives Gio’s attack and severely injures him. Gifso is shocked his son was beaten so easily and Yami demands to fight as well. Unfortunately Gifso explains that once his game spell has been cast no one outside can interfere. Yami realises he and Gifso have been sealed in a different dimension by a Midnight Sun mage. Yami contacts the Bulls and the Temple mages to explain they must defeat Vetto. Gifso alters the rules, to win the Bulls and Temple mages must defeat Vetto, and their prize will be having any wish granted. Luck and Vetto begin duelling at incredible speeds Magna can’t keep up with. This irritates Magna, who refuses to let Luck leave him behind, and he attacks Vetto with fireballs. Luck remembers first meeting Magna and knowing instinctively that Magna had a dangerous side. Over the years he continually irritated Magna into letting that side out, growing stronger as a result, and becoming the first real friend Luck ever had. As Asta and Kiato race toward the battle Asta asks why it was so difficult for him to follow his Qi and Kiato explains his Dance Magic puts him in a trance so his body moves without conscious thought, making his movements unpredictable even to someone who can sense Qi. Despite now being critically injured Luck and Magna manage to hit Vetto with their combined spell, Flame Lightning Exploding Cannon.

Episode 45: Vetto managed to block Luck and Magna’s attack and is unhurt while Luck and Magna collapse. As Vetto is about to kill them Asta blocks his attack and manages to slash his stomach. Kiato and Asta fight him together. Vanessa and Gauche both encounter Midnight Sun mages. Gauche’s enemy wields a magic chain capable of destroying his mirrors. Gauche is forced to hide and he comes across a crab previously seen throughout the caves. He tricks the mage into believing he summoned his mirror clone but then gets behind him and defeats him easily. Both the crab and the fake clone are revealed to have been the recently arrived Grey using transformation magic. Grey leads Gauche back to Charmy but they are trapped by another Midnight Sun mage that begins draining their magic. Gauche recalls the lesson he learned from Asta, that friends protect each other. Grey manages to transform a boulder into a large piece of meat while Gauche shouts at Charmy that the mage is trying to steal her dinner. This snaps the food obsessed Charmy right out of her enchanted sleep and she furiously summons a giant Sheep Chef that crushes the mage. Grey, who is usually seen as a large man breathing smoke, suddenly runs out of magic and reverts to his real body, a young woman with short blue hair and grey eyes who is embarrassed by people seeing her real body. Vetto overpowers Asta and is furious that Asta wields the Demon Dweller and Demon Slayer swords as they do not belong to him. He almost breaks Asta’s arm but he is saved by the arrival of Noelle and Kahono.

Episode 46: Kahano and Kiato combine their Song and Dance magic to increase Kiato’s combat abilities. Vetto easily severs Kiato’s leg so he cannot dance and crushes Kahono’s throat so she cannot sing. Gifso attempts to save his grandchildren by summoning sea monsters but Vetto defeats them. He gloats at having crushed Kiato and Kahono’s dreams of fame, revealing that the members of the Midnight Sun had their own dreams until they were taken away by humans. Noelle is desperate to help but is once more overcome by fear and is too unsure of herself to attack Vetto. Kahono manages to pass Noelle a telepathic message, reassuring her she is strong enough to protect what is precious to her. As she thinks of her friends Noelle gains full control of her power and casts another new spell, Sea Dragon’s Roar, a giant water snake that completely overpowers Vetto, smashes through the Temple wall and the whirlpool barrier into the outer ocean. Vetto is enraged as his right arm is completely destroyed. Yami is pleased Noelle finally made progress but is surprised that she was actually an Attack type mage all along. Vetto has a flashback to meeting Licht, and of a wedding in a village of white haired elves. The village was attacked by humans who slaughtered every elf and destroyed the village. Vetto’s rage is so great his hair turns white and a third eye opens in the centre of his forehead. His magic turns demonic red and he casts a spell, Mythical Beast Magic, which regrows his severed arm. Yami, knowing that no known healing spell can regrow a lost limb, realises Vetto is far more dangerous than he realised and shouts at Noelle to run. Noelle realises too late she has run out of magic. Vetto casts a powerful spell at her, completely obliterating the wall behind her, yet Noelle is unharmed. Unseen to everybody Asta had regained consciousness and thrown himself in front of Noelle, redirecting the spell with his sword to keep her safe.

Episode 47: Asta fought on, and Vannessa as well as Finral arrive to fight along Asta as they try to defeat Vetto. They combine their attacks together in order to fight with Vetto and they are hard time defeating him.

Episode 48: The battle between Vetto and Asta, Vannessa and Finral rages on, meanwhile Yami been very pissed with the guy who trap him in that space tells him that just you wait, back with Asta and others their fight was interfere by Gauche, Charmy and Grey just as the battle was about to end.

Episode 49: Asta, Vannessa and Finral manage to defeat Vetto, Vetto was knockout for a moment before waking up again, this time Yami did the finishing attack on Vetto.

Episode 50: The battle ended, with almost of the Black Bull injuried they stay in the sea temple till they have recover, we see Noelle visting Kahono and they chated for a moment. THe episode ended with everyone singing to the Black Bulls as a way of saying farewell.

Average Rating: 9/10


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