Now that everyone should had gotten the chance to watch this movie, now it time for my review for the movie. Note that I did not write some of the characters name in this review.

This movie at the beginning show us 'All Might' back in his younger days where he when to america to train, as he was still new at using his power there he met David Shield whom he calls him 'Dave', thinking to this point he was brought back to the present day where 'Deku' and him was about to arrive at their destination, I-island. There they met Melissa, 'All Might' introduces Melissa to 'Deku' as his friend's daughter and they when on to see this friend of his. When they arrived at the place 'All Might' and Dave had a chat in pirate after meeting with 'Deku'. Later, they talk about 'All Might' current state and 'All Might' did not want to Dave that he has already passed his powers to 'Deku' as it will only put his life and Melissa's life on the line if they knew the truth about this. Meanwhile Melissa was show 'Deku' around I-island there they saw Uraraka who thinks that 'Deku' was flirting with an unknown girl and she look a little pissed but she was called out by Yaoyorozu and Jiro as he found out the reason for them to be here, they run into Kaminari and Mineta who was working past-time there and Iida came along and they learn why they are here, later they heard a voice that they know and when to have a look as they saw Kirishima playing some kind of game and 'Bakugo' appears shortly after breaking Kirishima's record shocking the host. They then learn why 'Bakugo' and Kirishima is here. It was because 'Bakugo' won 1st place in the U.A. Sports Festival hence he got a ticket to I-island and that there were two tickets so Kirishima tag along 'Bakugo'. Todoroki then breaks 'Bakugo' 15 second record as they were shocked to see him there too, he explains why he is here too,and they were invited to a party. Therefore this group got together and when on to the party after they asked Kaminari and Mineta to come along as Melissa has extra tickets. They when their ways as decided to meet at a later time, Melissa then give 'Deku' a gift and explains to him she is qurikless and that she wants to be a hero in her own way. Meanwhile, a villain appeared within I-island just as the party was about to start. The villain makes a move, the whole place has been closed off and we saw what the rest of Class 1-A were doing. We saw almost all of them and when listen closing most of them had a couple of lines only the girls had lines before this and that the part where they decide who should go along with Yaoyorozu. As I had mention only the group that was asked to attend the party has a role to play while the others doesn't. They were shock to learn that they were trap and the city has been lock down. 'Deku' plans to save everyone including 'All Might', so they when go to the top floor but throughout the way they fought a couple of villain, meanwhile ' David along with his assistance who did appeared at the beginning help the villain to get what they are after in order to keep everyone save. Back to 'Deku' and the others their present has been exposed or so they though, it wasn't them but 'Bakugo' and Kirishima the two fought the villain, Todoroki decided to give them a hand and tell the others to go ahead without. The three fought with the two villain that is standing in front of them, Kirishima saved 'Bakugo' as they had slight difficulty fighting them, but in the end 'Bakugo' manages to defeat one of the two villains while the second got blasted away by Todoroki with the help of 'Bakugo' when he stated the his sweat has the same effect when he blows people of, using it has an advantage, they when to help Kirishima and they when to go to where 'Deku' and the others as they were about to go they encounter enemies this time robot, 'Deku' and the others too fought the robot they had a hard time as they did know how to defeat it as they tried a few ways to defeat it. The end they did defeat it, 'Deku' and Melissa when to the control-room where they learn the truth, it was her father who asked the villains to attacked only to get back-stab by the villain and his assistance who was working with the villain all this time. The villain then kills the assistance and injured David, later 'All Might' reaches the villains after been freed he learns the truth and that all of this was because of the guy 'All for One' and 'All Might' had a hard time fighting him as his time limit is almost up, so 'Deku' joined 'All Might' and with his friends telling them not to lose, they manages to defeat the villain. David learns that 'Deku' was the want that got his powers as they chat a little. The item that Melissa has been to 'Deku' has been destroy during the fight.
In the movie as some of you maybe able to spot, that some of Class 1-A's student had a cameo and most of them had a single line with the only three character it did not have a single at all as they credit roles they did appeared at the end of a moment along with the students without a single line, that been Aoyama, Ojiro, and Koda. Where as the remainding Class 1-A excluding 'Deku', 'Bakugo', Todoroki, Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Kirishima, Jiro and Mineta having the most lines and been the main feature in the movie along side 'Deku' who was on I-Island because of 'All Might' asking him to come along with him to see his friend. Where as the others were there for a different reasons.
Rating: 9/10
For Discussion:
For Changes that has been made to the anime:
Thought not much has been made to the anime.
Lastly a reminder that the new season will return this OCT.