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Boku no Hero Academia S3 Episode 53 Review

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

In this episode, how 'Deku' stop the felling rock from hitting 'All Might'...

Bakugo for the first time in the series shows that he cares about someone where most of the time he will not give a damn about what happen to other people...

'Deku' realize that everyone in Class A did some altering to their custom, as both Kaminari and Kirishima say that you are the one person that thinks about this, as all of them did think of altering their custom too...

Class 1-B enters, and the idiot says that Class B will crush Class A...

Class A students did not care what that idiot says...

Aizawa tells Vald that he is early as there is still sometime before the training ground become their...

On the day of the test, Class A met their rival or should I said U.A.'s rival school...

Later they also met another school student, Aizawa knows their teacher...

The examiner Mera gives a short opening words, by complaining that he did not get to sleep at all and wishes to end this as soon as possible so that he go back and sleep...

He then announces their first test...

The whole of Class A was attacked by all the students who took part in the exam with Baguko, Kirishima, and Todoroki going off at the start...

Aizawa tells Ms Joke that if you think that his Class can defeated that easily then she is wrong as they already knows this fact, that everyone knows their qurik and that they have train themselves if this were the way things goes...

Rating: 9/10



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