P.S. I wanted to post Season 1 and Season 2 summary before the airing of Season 3 but I was also trying to push all of Weekly Shounen Jump manga series before the year end should I did somehow managed to do it with only One Piece left as I did wanted to posted it as a mass post but I was busy due to me keep going for checkup hence wasn't able to it, so I will post Date A Live Season 1 and Season 2 summary. As for One Piece I will be posting it somewhere next month.

Episode 1: The series begins with a spatial quake devastating the center of Eurasia. Thirty years have passed since the spatial quake, and the ditzy Kotori Itsuka and her adopted older brother Shidō live in Tengū City, Japan. For the opening ceremony, Kotori and Shido make a promise to meet at a diner later that day. As school ends for Shido, a spatial quake alarm sounds throughout the city for the citizens to enter shelter areas immediately. After being unable to contact his sister, Shido uses his GPS to confirm that she is still within the city according to their promise. He leaves the shelter to find her and in doing so, is outside when the spatial quake occurs and creates a giant crater, thus meeting a spirit-armor girl in the center. After a battle between the Spirit and the AST unit; those eradicate Spirits, where Shido witness his popular classmate Origami Tobiichi is a part of the AST, he meets the Ratatoskr organization on their airship, the Fraxinus, with serious Kotori the commander, and learn about the Spirits. He gets knowledge of his ability can seal away Spirits' powers by making them fall in love with him.
Episode 2: Shido is undergoing stage two of his training which is practical application upon real humans. First is his teacher Tamae Okamine who, with the assistance of Reine Murasame and Kotori, falls head over heels in obsessive love with him. Running away from her, he bumps into Origami. He uses her for practice but ends up unintentionally starting a relationship with her. A spatial quake alarm occurs and the "Princess" Spirit is expected to appear at Raizen High School. With the students evacuated and part of the school destroyed by the spatial quake, Shido heads inside the school to confront Princess. Shido makes a connection with Princess and names her Tohka. The AST shows up and engages Tohka from long range with their rifles to kill Tohka but Origami sees Tohka with Shido and assumes she is holding him hostage. Since Shido is now her boyfriend, Origami battles Tohka in close combat, but is injured. The next day, Tohka appears before Shido as he is rummaging through the collateral damage so that they may go on their date.
Episode 3: Following the incident at Raizen High School, Shido and Tohka are on their date being overseen and supported by the Fraxinus crew. Tohka mistakenly assumes that each variety of food she is consuming at first is a "date". Not accustomed to a crowd, when the couple enter the shopping area she assumes that humanity is launching an all-out attack on her. Origami observes them from the shadows while Shido and Tohka go from a high-priced restaurant to south of the station where they enter an improvised shopping area. Tohka is able to indulge in the foods present to her desire but notices that Shido does not seem to be having fun. They move on to an arcade that is dominated by crane games. In the course of playing for a prize that has caught Tohka's eye, Tohka inadvertently voices her bond with Shido. They make their way to a cliff edge where Tohka finally notice what a "date" is and sees why the "mecha people" want to keep the world that is so kind, fun and beautiful from getting destroyed. Meanwhile, Origami is given permission to kill her with a single blast but Shido intercepts Origami's blast. With Shido killed, Tohka furiously attacks a stunned Origami to avenge Shido. Before Tohka can kill Origami, Shido is mysterious revived with his wounds completely healed and falls from the sky towards Tohka. To prevent the city's destruction by a critical state Halvanhelev, Tohka kisses Shido while they glide down to the cliff edge as Tohka's Astral Dress disappears. Her last request is that Shido take her on a date again.
Episode 4: Tohka has transferred into Shido's class, where she and Origami immediately started a rivalry. Shido meets Yoshino for the first time while running through a shrine on a rainy, ill-forecast day. Believing her to be just a girl, he goes on about his way. At school, Tohka has made cookies and competes with Origami for Shido's attention. Arriving home, Shido learns that Tohka will be living in his house since he has sealed her powers. Kotori explains that it is also training as Shido still has to assist in sealing more Spirits. Later, as a spatial quake alarm goes off during school, Shido heads out to find it is Yoshino aka "Hermit" that is the cause. Tohka is left in the shelter while Shido goes out to meet Yoshino only to have Tohka follow him and witness the two accidentally having kissed. Tohka retrieves her powers from Shido but only to provoke Yoshino who attacks while leaving. Utilizing her angel Zadkiel, Yoshino is also able to escape from the AST nearby while Origami eyes Yoshinon, Yoshino's puppet.
Episode 5: Tohka is avoiding Shido due to her feelings about what happened between him and Yoshino. She talks with Reine and receives advice and clarity about what occurred. During this time, Shido helps Yoshino look for her puppet, Yoshinon. Yoshino gets hungry while searching so the two go to Shido's house to eat. It's revealed that Yoshinon is Yoshino's friend because he is strong, cool, bold, and is essentially a hero that is everything Yoshino wants to be. As Shido is getting close to Yoshino, Tohka barges is spouting an apology but misinterprets the situation. Yoshino disappears away, Tohka barges out again, but Shido learns that Yoshinon is at Origami's place. Origami forcibly makes progress between them when Shido comes over but as the conversation turns to Spirits, she gets notice of a mission. Yoshino is being targeted by the AST but Shido plans to save her with Tohka's help. As Tohka acts as a decoy, Shido makes it through Yoshino's barrier with Yoshinon to fulfill his promise. With her trust in him established, Shido seals Yoshino's powers. In the last few scenes, it is revealed that the housing for the Spirits has been completed so that Tohka and Yoshino may move in.
Episode 6: Tohka and Yoshino desire to visit hot springs so Shido makes the arrangements for them to go to Tenguu Gokuraku Hot Springs. Perverted Kyōhei Kannazuki persuades Kotori to go but exposed that he has ulterior motives. His punishment is to dig a hole and refill it for the next week. Meanwhile, Ryōko Kusakabe of the AST is informed that the DEM Corporation is going to send reinforcements. A disappointed Ryōko also finds out that due to the increase in the Spirit's alert level the group's vacation trip is cancelled. Convinced by an AST member, Ryōko decides the AST will instead go to the hot springs. Origami, uninterested at first, receives a phone call from Shido where she overhears that he'll be going to the hot springs with Tohka. While riding, Yoshino is given affectionate attention by Shido which frustrates Tohka causing her to collapse the road. This in turn disrupts the train the AST is riding underground. The AST arrive up the surface behind. To prevent contact of the two groups, Ratatoskr intervenes in the path of the AST with multiple obstructions. Kotori orders Date Town to enter Battle Mode Level 2 with authorization to open fire on the AST leading to a battle in which stray ordnance causes Yoshinon to fly off. Shido goes to find Yoshinon in the midst of the firefight and is almost killed by Ratatoskr's Destruct Mode. Tohka saves Shido from the attack while overseen by Origami and fellow AST members. Everyone reaches the hot springs but due to Yoshino's actions, it has partially frozen. Kyōhei dug up a hot spring that Kotori and the group end up enjoying themselves in. Mana Takamiya is then shown as arriving in Japan.
Rating: 7/10(Average)