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Date A Live S1 Episode 7-12 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 7: Mana is having a 10 vs. 1 practice match against Origami's unit before having introduced herself at the briefing AST's previous battle with Hermit where she unknowingly reveals herself to be Shido's biological sister. Kurumi Tokisaki transfers into Shido's class revealing herself to be a Spirit. During her time touring the school with Shido they're followed by Origami and Tohka, but as Shido attempting to seduce Kurumi she is also attempting to do get closer to him. Kurumi code-named "Nightmare" is known to be the most deadly Spirit. After school, Kurumi kills three delinquents and is confronted by Mana. Mana then runs into Shido later on that day. Taking her to his house, what Mana shares about herself leads to a quarrel between her and Kotori but ultimately leaves everyone with more questions than answers. During school the next day, Shido finds out that Kurumi was killed during her confrontation with Mana yet she appeared at school. Origami questions Kurumi in a secluded place and finds out that Kurumi is pursuing Shido for his extended lifespan.

Episode 8: Shido invites Kurumi out but is forced on a polygamous date when Tohka seduces him and Origami forces her plans upon him for a date. Shido is unable to deny any of them as Tohka would be heartbroken, Origami would be suspicious and his plans to seal Kurumi depend on the date. With their dates occurring around the same time and their entertainment venues located rather close to each other, Ratatoskr assists Shido by teleporting him to each girl's location while monitoring their emotional levels. After Shido leaves Kurumi, she finds some boys shooting at a stray cat and convinces them to let her play with them. Ratatoskr loses sight of Kurumi as Origami and Tohka run into each other. After they both proclaim their trying to find Shido for their date, Origami runs off concerned there may be another. Shido returns to look for Kurumi but finds blood, body parts, and Kurumi killing a tormentor. As she holds Shido within her clutches, Mana intervenes wearing her CR Unit.

Episode 9: Mana kills Kurumi and explains everything to Shido. After he is forced away, he avoids Origami and Tohka after running into them because of seeing the death Kurumi caused. Tohka finds out the reason for Shido's behavior and continues her date with him to try to cheer him up. After gaining some insight to Kurumi, the next day Shido declares to Kurumi that he'll save her. Kurumi goes to the school rooftop while encasing the school in her field to dissuade Shido from trying to save her. Mana is confronting Kotori about Ratatoskr and attempting to use it as leverage against Kotori so she'll release Shido from the potential danger he's in. While Kurumi is threatening the school and the town, Origami and Tohka are engaging in battles with other copies of Kurumi. Shido convinces Kurumi only for her to be killed by another Kurumi, since she can twist time using Zaphkiel. As Tohka and Origami show up, it's revealed that the hands in Kurumi's shadow are actually the hands of past versions of herself. Kurumi takes everyone hostage and attempts to blow a spatial quake only for it to be blown away. Kotori appears in her Astral Dress as the "Ifrit" flame Spirit explaining the spatial quake cancellation and fights Kurumi.

Episode 10: After a short conversation, Kurumi used one of her skills to make Kotori stay still, create copies of herself, and shoot Kotori a few times. Kotori fell over after Kurumi's last shot but Kotori's healing skill enables her to not die. Then, the shocked Kurumi sent her copies to kill Shido but he was pushed away by Kotori and the copies were killed. In the heat of the fight, Kurumi inhibits Kotori but it only worked for a while. Kotori used her weapon to shoot Kurumi after the frightened Kurumi summoned her copies to shield her. Shido tried to reason with Kotori to not kill Kurumi, but she ignored him, making Shido realize that Kotori is no longer herself. Immediately, he went to stand in front of Kurumi to shield her. After the shot launched, Kotori suddenly regained conscious and deflected the shot. Shido woke up on Fraxinus after dreaming of an event that happened 5 years ago. Being calmed down by Reine, he went to see Kotori regarding on her condition. He left in despair to meet Mana and Origami in the hospital. Unable to meet Mana, Shido instead met Origami, who tried to get him closer to herself. Before Shido exited Origami's room in the late evening, she told him of her intent to kill the flame Spirit to avenge her parent's death five years ago and that's the reason she joined AST.

Episode 11: Shido is contemplating the situation regarding Kotori involving the five-year event including the statements made by her and Origami about the residential fire. With Ratatoskr's headquarters personnel all agreeing that Ocean Park is the ideal venue for Shido's date, he undergoes training outlined by Reine involving Shido, Tohka and Yoshino to buy swimsuits. As Tohka asks about a swimsuit, Origami teases her that it's a new piece of anti-Spirit equipment. Finally, she inquires of Tohka about Ifrit to the point of being overly polite in her questioning. Finding Tohka's information useless, Origami pressures Shido into viewing her choices of swimsuits. Tohka and Origami turn it into a contest in that whoever turns on Shido most gets to go on a date with him. Yoshino ultimately wins but back on Fraxinus, Shido watches the video of the fire from five years ago. Recognizing ordinary video noise as a Spirit (Phantom) initiates a series of flashbacks that lead to Shido blacking out. Tohka and Yoshino tag along the next day to help Kotori ease up and are able to partake. As Shido sees Kotori resorting to pharmaceuticals to counteract her deteriorating mental condition, his determination is invigorated leading him to take Kotori away alone. At the AST base, Origami gets a firsthand view of the DW-029 Annihilator Gear code-named "White Licorice" sent there by DEM Industries for use of Mana. In talking with Ryōko, she's indirectly told that they have footage of the battle between Kotori and Kurumi. In the last scene, Origami is staring at a frame from the footage showing Kotori as she realizes who Efreet is.

Episode 12: A frightened Kotori is with Shido at the amusement park riding various roller coasters and attractions on their date. Without communications, Ratatoskr can only monitor with Kyōhei making masochistic comments to the opportunities Shido should have taken. While separated, Yoshino tells Tohka what she overheard about Kotori being a Spirit and how Shido is trying to seal her powers. Origami steals the "White Licorice" and suddenly attacks Kotori as she is talking to Shido. Kotori changes into her Spirit form to fight back, and Origami enters into a rampage, going into a full offensive. Before Kotori strikes a finishing blow, Origami accused her of how she killed her parents, astonishing Kotori long enough for Origami to trap her. Shido intervenes, delaying Origami but as she is about to fire, Tohka and Yoshino arrive. Tohka strives to stop Origami but as her ordnance is exploding ever closer to Shido and Kotori, the latter two kiss effectively sealing Ifrit. Simultaneously, Shido and Kotori remember exactly what happened five years ago. Shido pleads with Origami as she reaches the operational limit of White Licorice and collapses from exhaustion. Kurumi is seen on a rooftop only commenting "This is not enough." Back on Fraxinus, Reine reveals that the real date wasn't necessary as Kotori's affection levels had not wavered since Shido first woke. Kotori returns to fill out reports asking if what Shido said was true. Kotori gets uncharacteristically embarrassed as he confirms his love of her, but Shido finishes saying simply as his sister he receives swift punishment. During the credits, it is shown that White Licorice has been returned to the AST while Origami is recovering in hospital under guard. As Shido and Tohka about to kiss they're interrupted by Ratatoskr and finally Yoshinon along with Yoshino simply say "To be continued. Sometime."

Rating: 8/10(Average)



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