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Date A Live S3 Episode 2-5 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 2: To find out who among his friends was replaced by Natsumi, Shido starts having dates with each of them. After meeting Touka, Yoshino, Hiroto and Yuzuru, Shido decides that none of them could be Natsumi in disguise. However at midnight, Natsumi uses her power to make Yuzuru disappear. Kaguya is distraught over her disappearance but they lie to her that Yuzuru is away undergoing some test. Shido realizes he has to move fast in order to expose Natsumi before more disappearances occur.

Episode 3: Shido goes on a date with Kotori, Kaguya, Miku, Ai Mai Me, Tama sensei and Origami but is still unable to determine who Natsumi is disguising as. As a result, Natsumi causes more people to disappear and only Kotori, Kaguya, Miku and Origami is left. The 4 remaining girls and Shido gather together to brainstorm on the identity of Natsumi. Natsumi appears and informs them that they only have 3 guesses left. During the brainstorming, they discuss the possibility that Natsumi might actually be one of those that have already disappeared. Origami also comments that Natsumi might not actually be a person literally. She stabs a knife through the photos to ensure that Natsumi is not hiding herself as a photo. The group guess wrongly twice and both Kaguya and Origami is sucked up by <Haniel> as a result. Miku loses hope and passes her hair ornament to Shido and comments that she doesn't want the hairpin to disappear together with her and wants something for Shido to remember her by. Triggered by Miku's comments on "things disappearing together", as well as the earlier discussion, Shido realizes that Yoshinon the puppet was able to catch his handphone despite Yoshino not being able to see it. Thus Shido is able to guess that Natsumi is disguising herself as Yoshinon the puppet. Natsumi is shocked that she has lost and momentarily loses control of <Haniel>. All the missing people reappears and Natsumi's true form of a little girl is revealed. Natsumi, angry that her true appearance has been seen again, transforms the spirits into a younger version of themselves. Shido is shocked beyond words.

Episode 4: Shido has his hands full dealing with the spirits in child form, much to Natsumi's joy, as she is determined to make him suffer. Meanwhile, the top executives of DEM Industries are eager to get their revenge on Westcott and make plans to kill him no matter the cost. When Natsumi is attacked by a DEM platoon led by Ellen, Shido and the other spirits appear to rescue her. Weakened from the battle, Natsumi becomes unable to summon her angel and is confined by Kotori. Shido then confronts Natsumi and learns that she loathes him because he saw her true form as a child, and that she believes he would never care about her because of that. Meanwhile, Origami is being hunted down by her former employees until she accepts working for DEM in exchange for information about a fire that happened five years ago. To cheer Natsumi up, Shido and the spirits take her to a full course of activities involving relaxing, buying clothes and make up, to show her that she can become pretty even as a child, but she flees despite that.

Episode 5: To confirm what the others truly think of her, Natsumi disguises as Kotori and talk to them, getting even more confused upon learning that they have a much more positive view of her than she believed. Meanwhile, the executives of DEM diverge a satellite to crash at the city in an attempt to kill Westcott. While Shido looks for Natsumi, who got missing, Kotori uses her Spirit power to destroy the satellite, but a second satellite appears and with Kotori too weak to fight again, Shido and the other spirits destroy it with Natsumi's help. Having finally accepted Shido and the others as friends, Natsumi allows herself to be sealed by him. Suddenly, a bomb is dropped on the city, just to be later destroyed with ease by Origami, much to Shido's surprise.

Rating: 7/10

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