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Date A Live S3 Episode 6-12 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 6: Shido learns that Origami left the school and looks for her at her apartment, where she captures him. While Kotori starts looking for him, Origami tells Shido that despite knowing that the Spirits are not a threat once sealed, she must uphold the promise she made to wipe them all out in revenge for her parents' death. She then leaves to fight Tohka and the others while the Fraxinus is intercepted by Ellen, piloting one of DEM's ships. Despite the enemy ship being better equipped, Kotori refuses to surrender, and both ships fight, while a restrained Shido begs for Origami to stop.

Episode 7: As Origami fights against the other Spirits, Natsumi and Yoshino rescue Shido. The Fraxinus continues to battle against Ellen and her ship while Tohka struggles to protect the others from Origami's attacks, until she manages to regain her lost power and defeat her. Having lost the battle Origami accepts Phantom's offer of more power and transforms into a Spirit herself equipped with <Metatron>, vowing kill all Spirits before committing suicide to ensure that no one can be harmed by them anymore. When she resumes the fight against Tohka, Shido appears to stay on her way, leading her to retreat. Later, as the other Spirits are recuperating and Shido prepares to seal Tohka again, Origami appears before Kurumi.

Episode 8: Origami persuades Kurumi to send her to the past to prevent her parents' death using her untested Twelfth Bullet: Yud Bet. Once there, she confronts Phantom and attempt to kill her, just to later discover that it was one of her attacks that killed her parents, and the Spirit that was the source of her revenge was no other than herself, much to her despair. Returning to the present, fallen to her Inverse form <Devil>, an emotionless Origami attacks the hospital where Shido and the other Spirits were recuperating. Despite the Spirits and Fraxinus' backup, Shido finds his voice can no longer reach Origami, until Kurumi appears and also sends Shido five years earlier hoping that he could change the past.

Episode 9: Kurumi syncing with Shido directs him to the spot where Kotori received her Spirit powers. Using Natsumi's magic to disguise as his 10-year-old self, Shido is force to witness the events that took place when future Origami arrives and attacks. He found Origami's parents getting unintentionally killed. Shido comforts past Origami; however, she claims Shido should carry her emotions and vows to avenge her parents, causing Shido and Kurumi to grasp that their actions is what influenced Origami's behavior in the future. Not giving up, Kurumi leads Shido to meet her past self with the method to alter history. Both Kurumis communicate and reach an agreement. Considering the facts, Shido interacts with Phantom who in turn seems to know him and uncensored into a pink-haired girl. She refuses to hide and just when history is about to repeat itself, Shido pushes Origami's parents out of the way and takes the hit. He then awakens in his bedroom.

Episode 10: Shido finds the world is different but nobody really recounts Origami. The girls notice that something is troubling Shido, because he wishes to see Origami once more. Natsumi proposes Kotori and Yoshino to cheer Shido up in embarrassing maid outfits. Shido then discovers what's different in this new timeline when Kotori mentions an unidentified Spirit called "Devil," and in footage, Shido recognizes her to be Origami. The next day, Origami reappears as a new student in Shido's class, who has a completely changed of personality. Shido calls Kotori for information, and learns Origami was a still a member of the AST until she retired for unknown reasons. At lunchbreak, Shido talks with Origami and summarizes that her associating with the AST were not so dramatic, Origami believes the guy who saved her parents and "died" could have been Shido's brother, and her parents gave her so much sweetest but ironically still died due to a car accident four years ago. Shido feels tired and sleeps on the rooftop. Kurumi later wakes him up and reveals she remembers everything from the old timeline. When Origami discovers the both of them together, she suddenly transforms into her Inverse Spirit form and attacks. She goes back to normal after Kurumi retreats, but does not recall what just happened.

Episode 11: Shido illuminates how he and Kurumi are the only ones who retain knowledge of the previous timeline. Reine analyzed footage from Origami's Inverse form and theories that despite the alteration of space-time continuum Origami possesses both personas of her current and old self, which the latter acts as a self-defense mechanism whenever she comes across a Spirit. He'd already preschedule the usual plan to have Origami fall for Shido and seal her powers. The two developed genuine moods on their date, although Shido refuses to oblige to Ratatoskr's three-way choice, wanting to advance Origami's previous aspects that catches her attention. Later, when Shido rescued Origami from falling off the cliff edge, she notice Efreet's flame healing Shido's wound, and transforms into Devil. Tohka and the Spirit Team sense the dreadful danger and intercept the Devil's Satan with Fraxinus shoot down. Within Origami's subconscious she comes into conflict with her old self, Shido breaks through and grabs her hand. Even though Origami didn't have real affections for Shido before, he reasons that she no longer has to carry her burdens alone and he kisses her, reverting to her true Astral Dress. Kotori and the Fraxinus crew have survived. Shido is at school while Origami and Tohka resume to their previous status quo.

Episode 12: Shido is exhibiting unusual physics, and after careful analysis, Reine asserts that the link between Shido and all Spirits he has imprinted is merging in an unstable circulation causing overheat his body with absurd powers. To deal with this problem, the Spirits have to kiss Shido to make the link flow inside him secure, but before they could Shido rampaged out of the infirmary. A flirtatious Shido ignites Yoshino and Miku's powers on the townspeople (including Ellen) to his amusement. Everyone catches up to him and declares he will only cooperate if they can make him fall for them. A competition is held in a manor, the girls dress in swimsuits to charm Shido. Although Origami suggests nudity, change the idea to simply strip to seduce Shido. Kannazuki began to take things too far so Fraxinus shuts off communication. Initially unfazed by their advances, Yuzuru, Kaguya, Natsumi, Yoshino, Kotori, Miku, and Origami spontaneously got Shido to feel lust. Tohka is the final; however, Shido collapse and develops abnormal Spirit signs and a spatial quake is about to emerge from him that could be more disastrous than 30 years ago. The Spirit Team race against time, except Kotori had prepared a weapon for this occasion but Origami stops her. Kurumi led a hand, as the girls take turns in kissing the berserk Shido. Both Tohka and Shido's Sandalphon clash; a defenseless Tohka walks up and comes to the realization of love, and kisses him. His body and personality is cured, while Shido and Tohka share a moment alone.

That was the summary for Date A Live, am not going to end this post now as I do have something to say about Season 3, in this season there was nothing great about it even through some may said that it is pretty good but to me it was worse then the last two season. Every season was done by a different studio so far, and the first season has bad animation quality at times but still not till the point of one episode to cover the whole volume, even in season two this did not happen at all however season two was shorter in episode count due to the fact that they wanted to end when that arc and not stop in the mid of an arc even through the quality was worse then before, however season three is the worse by far as I had mention earlier this was due to the fact that they covered five volumes of novel content instead of just four with six episode per arc, that was the reason why I hate season three the much and the quality wasn't that great either due to the studio love to cut concerns as some people had pointed. I can go on forever if I were to talk about the studio was the studio did season three did many other well-known series too, such as Index and Railgun to name two of them which Index season 3 to have the same issues but that is for Index's post and I will leave it for other time.

Rating: 4/10



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