For people who did not watch this series and have plans to watch it I will do a short review for the series. You may use this as a reference. The took place in a fiction edo where alien in walks around the city of Kabukicho there is a man called Sakata Gintoki he runs a shop that do odd jobs along with a weak looking samurai and an alien called Kagura from the Yato clan. Yato clan is just one of the many alien races that appear throughout the series. Gintoki has three other friends that he goes way back. Each of them when on their own stuffs after a being involve in a war, they had many adventures together. There were some story arcs that were very serious while most of its story arc were very funny. However in this final arc there are a ton of characters that appear throughout the whole series that did not reappear for some time reappears in this arc and there an all out war that was kind of foreshadowed throughout the whole series. In this final arc that just finish not long ago, there were some scenes that was very serious and there was some kind of comedy that come out of no where which was kind of annoying that time but if you are used the series you would know that this series was a comedy to begin with and you should not be shock by the sudden change in tone. The comedy parts in this final arc not only happened suddenly it also show that they may fool around a little but they still can fight seriously while been funny at the same time. Not only that, in this final arc there are some characters who identity was only reveal in this arc which was kind of shocking and how some characters changed so much after so long, from good looking alien to the usual him we have be seeing on screen, learning his back story even more. Before I forget this final arc was due to what happened in the last two arc that took place before this final arc. This three arcs had some very sad moments and there was a scene of seriousness in it due to Shoya or Utsuro who was Gintoki and friends teacher. Now let me cover abit on Gintoki's friend that I had been mentioning. They are Katsura who was wanted by the Shinsengumi, Gintoki would call him Zura all the same. Shinsuke is a man that will do anything to get what he wants. Lastly Sakamoto who was a pirate space pirate, he was a funny character when he first appeared. Sakamoto was been bullied by his underlings all of the time. All of has been controlled by Utsuro seen they were young which was the reason that the war happened, well one of the few reasons. There was also a shogun who was very funny at time and he loves his country very much but he was killed off. A fellow Shogun that hated tried to pull him down had a change of heart in the final arc. Oh the weak looking samurai has a sister Tae, she is a very violent woman at times and can be a kind lovely at times too. There are some characters in the series, there a jobless man been used as the funny guy. Shinsuke's follower are as crazy as he is at times. Their names will be posted on Gintama Movie summary following this post. Also they showed their enemies that the Samurai spirit isn't dead at all, as their told them that the Samurai spirit is dead and is long gone as there is no real samurai left in Edo
There are too many characters in this series just like Saiki but many more charcters then Saiki, this series also have many real life person in it just like some games that uses real person in their story. There just too many real life person in the series.
Rating: 8/10(Average) as a whole series.