Following Otoishi's defeat, Jotaro manages to retrieve the Bow and Arrow, though urges the others to be careful of any Stand users that were created. As Josuke tries to escort Joseph back to his house to meet Tomoko, Joseph comes across what appears to be an invisible baby girl, which he believes had unknowingly become a Stand user.
After spending a fortune on baby supplies, Joseph tries to dress up the baby, only for her ability to start making everything within a radius, including Joseph's hand, invisible as well when she starts crying. Things get hectic when Joseph accidentally knocks the baby into the river. Feeling guilty, Joseph decides to slit his wrist in order to use his blood to reveal the baby's location, allowing Josuke to rescue her. Initially mad with him, Josuke comes to admire Joseph until he realizes how much he spent on baby supplies.
Rating: 8/10