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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure S4 Episode 22 (135) Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 18, 2019

Still in Venice, Team Bucciarati are nagivating in the canals, wary of the elite guard of the Boss who must have been informed of their rebellion and sent after them. Sex Pistols then cry for lunch, causing the team to stop at a restaurant. While Mista, Abbacchio and Narancia idly chat about vegetarians and their diet, Giorno watches the surroundings, wary of the enemy. A civilian bumps into Narancia and gets some wine splashed on his suit but when he yells at him, Narancia, Abbacchio and Mista mistake him for an enemy and beat him down. At the same time, Giorno worries about Bucciarati's current state.

Abbacchio then asks Bucciarati what the team must do next. The leader thus explains that The Boss's Stand can erase time and that makes him invincible. However, if they can identify him, then they will be able to assassinate him. Trish is thus their lead toward the Boss' identity. While Narancia is reluctant to involve Trish, she comes out of her own accord and tells the group that her mother had met the Boss in Sardinia, but that he suddenly left her. Thus Sardinia is where the group can uncover the identity of the Boss, before he became a gangster. Trish also affirms her will to go though the whole affair.

While everyone is distracted, Narancia discovers that his spoon has been destroyed by a small shark inside of his soup. He immediately summons Aerosmith and shoots but the shark disappears in the bowl only to reappear inside of the soup in his new spoon and jump to tear off his tongue. Narancia's throat starts to seize up and he cannot inform his team that the shark can teleport between liquids but he is saved from choking when Giorno stabs his trachea with a pen to let him breathe while he create a new tongue. At the same time, a duo of Passione operative, Squalo and Tiziano, observe the scene from a balcony. Seeing Giorno's resourcefulness, Squalo notes that his Clash will not be enough to kill them all but that he and Tiziano plan to use Narancia to their advantage.

Narancia recovers from the wound but then informs Bucciarati that the enemy Stand was a large rocky thing and that they should go through the canals. Insisting on this misinformation, Narancia is internally shocked that he cannot tell the truth and keeps feeding false intel to his companions. The group starts to believe the lies, forcing Narancia to try to stop Giorno from boarding their boat. Bucciarati decides to tackle the enemy and tells Abbacchio to use Moody Blues to track them. However, Narancia realizes that Moody Blues will be in grave danger in the water. When Clash appears in the canal, Narancia points at it, only for his arm to point at the bathrooms. Annoyed at Narancia's antics, Team Bucciarati enters the bathroom where Clash has many water sources to attack from. Crying from despair, Narancia vows to make his enemy pay as is it revealed that Tiziano has set up his Talking Head, a small Stand having attaching itself to Narancia's tongue and forcing him to tell lies.

In the restrooms, Abbacchio summons Moody Blues to find the enemy, but Narancia barges in to keep his friends far from any water. Talking Head manipulates his tongue to open a faucet which he dries with paper, and Narancia then disgusts Abbacchio by urinating on the toilet he intended to put Moody Blues in. Exasperated, the group leaves the bathroom but Giorno stays a bit to look for Narancia. Talking Head then uses Narancia's tongue again to grab his knife and cut his wrist, baiting Giorno near the flowing blood. However, Narancia shoots at a pipe with Aerosmith, heating it with his tracer bullets to cauterize his own cut.

Giorno finally understands that Narancia is being forced to lie by an enemy ability to Narancia's relief. However, water starts leaking from the damaged pipe, creating a large puddle from which Clash emerges and tears at Giorno's throat.

Rating: 9/10

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