Tiziano and Squalo's ambush on Team Bucciarati continues. Thanks to Talking Head which has forced Narancia to lie and lure Giorno into the bathrooms, Clash has been able to appear from a puddle and bite at Giorno's throat.
Narancia summons Aerosmith and tries to shoot but Clash can teleport faster than the bullets. Nonetheless, Tiziano warns his partner that Aerosmith can detect CO2 coming from Giorno and thus he must completely stop Giorno from breathing. Clash effortlessly evades Aerosmith's shot and baits Narancia into shooting into Giorno and one of the toilets, freeing Clash's way into the sewers and causing Narancia to shout in anger as he's lost track of the enemy. But, Tiziano understands that Narancia means that he's still following Clash. Giorno has twisted himself to get shot by Narancia and now the tracer bullets embedded in him are emitting CO2 for Aerosmith. This time, the miniature plane Stand shoots true and manages to wound Clash and force him back to the surface in one of the restaurant's aquariums.

Meanwhile, Bucciarati, Abbacchio and Mista are still following Moody Blues' replay but are stuck since Moody Blues cannot replay a teleportation. Narancia steps into the dining room of the restaurant. Now at a disadvantage with the CO2 coming from Giorno, Squalo tries to warp Clash between bodies of water in the restaurant but slowed down because of his injury, he gets shot several more times until he's cornered near a stove just as Giorno has completely stopped breathing. Wounded, Squalo taunts Narancia because the stove is now leaking gas that would cause an explosion and Aerosmith cannot fire anymore. However, Narancia is unimpressed and uses Aerosmith's propeller to cut into Clash.
Clash is thrown into a corner of the round and Narancia loudly declares his victory and calls for his teammates, to his own surprise since he was supposed to be lying. Tiziano has intervened and momentarily cancelled Talking Head, luring the rest of the team inside to see what is going on. Narancia realizes that Mista is about to shoot Clash and tries to warn him about the gas but Talking Head activates again, causing Narancia to encourage him instead. When Mista shoots, the gas exploded and throws everyone away, causing a blaze saturating Narancia's radar. Having been free of Clash's jaws, Giorno uses his last breath to tell Narancia to chase the User instead of the Stand and gives him a brooch before Clash comes back and makes him disappear. Using the puddles of water, Clash reappears to attack and Narancia cannot help but misdirect them, allowing Clash to injure Mista and Abbacchio. Narancia realizes that he must deal with the enemy on his own and goes into the street to hunt his foes.
Meanwhile, Squalo and Tiziano have gone down from the rooftops but see Narancia going in their direction. Squalo becomes worried as Narancia must be chasing after the ragged breathing of an injured person, but Tiziano tries to reassure him by pointing out the many people in the surrounding crowd who will throw Narancia off. Narancia keeps shouting that he's found the enemy, causing Tiziano to smile as it must mean Narancia has lost their tracks. Suddenly, the pair see that Narancia is holding his own cut off tongue at the tip of his knife, with Giorno's brooch having been turned into a brand new tongue for him. Realizing how resourceful Giorno was, the pair tries to keep calm but it is too late as Narancia was looking for a the ragged breath of a nervous Stand User who's realized their Stand has been exposed. Narancia finally confronts Tiziano and Squalo.
With Squalo in the middle of a square, Clash has no liquid to go into and Narancia is free to shoot at Squalo. However, Tiziano sacrifices himself and gets in the way of the bullets, dying in the process but splashing Narancia with blood from which Clash emerges. Furious, Squalo orders Clash to tear out Narancia's throat and swears revenge on the entire team, but Narancia sends Aerosmith to push Squalo into the air and fill him with bullets before Clash can take him out. Tiziano and Squalo have been defeated and are dead.
Giorno reappears near one of the square's wells, and Narancia is relieved to see that Giorno is still breathing. He internally acknowledges how inspiring and helpful Giorno was during the battle and acknowledges him as a major asset to the team.
Having defeated their enemies, Team Bucciarati gathers and uses their small window of opportunity to leave Venice and head to an airport. The next stop is Sardinia.
For Discussion: https://shunkashuutou89.wixsite.com/theworldofjculture/forum/anime/discussion-jojo-s-bizarre-adventure-anime
Rating: 9/10