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Kyoto Animation Look-back

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

I will start this off with look back with this a look at my top KyoAni animate but this is going to be hard for me to choose even through I did watch quite a number anime by them. No, I did watch Lucky Star through at one point I did plan to watch it but I decided not to do some after all lastly before I begin this list are my personal list and it will contain my personal point of view that some of you may not agree with. Here it is,

1: Clannad and Clannad After Story

This series will always be my favorite as there are very good story line, also we get to see most of the characters getting their story arc. The pot point of that girl from the other world and the robot was very well presented just like its Visual Novel. But the different between the Visual Novel and its anime is that there are bad ends to the Visual Novel and many ending as we get to see the main character ended up with different girls in the series, there is one character that did not appear in the anime but never mind that as he isn't that important to the main story. Before I go on farther I have something to say, I also have two more series which also has different ending as it is also Visual Novel that was created by the same company, which both rank 5 as it is very hard to take a pick between the two. Now back the reason why this series ranked first on my list, as the story goes on we see how Tomoya learns about life and how to love someone and spent as much time as you with them, we also see how important it is to have friends when you are in pain and how they help him get over the pain of losing someone important to him not once but twice and also costs him his own life which I will not go in it as I will be posting the summary of series very soon. Another thing that I want to highlight is that, we also see how he was able to get all the girls around him to fall for him what made them took interest in him, also lastly how he wants to help his girl of his life he learns about her hardship when he finished his high school and he own hardship as he started to looking for jobs and his father causing him problem.

2: Koe no Katachi

A movie about bully that was very well presented, and I can say that looking over the flaws of the movie it was still a good movie as I understand that you can't put in every single pot point into the movie as there is limit to how long a movie can run for. I can relate to this movie pretty as I had been bully back in the days when I was still in school, bullying is pretty much happening all around the world and the movie shows how Shoya's friends turning on him when they got caught bullying Shoko as she can't hear a thing without her aiding kit and was questioned by the principal about this due to her mother called the school to inquire, his homeroom teacher who a hypocrite pin the blame on him as have all his friends do the same thing as they lie their way out of this, and due to this the bullying was transferred to him. Shoya also witness how many his mother have to go through because of his action and emphasize this part shows how much he regrets about it and he become a shut out and he did want to have any friends at all. Many years, he tried to make it up to Shoko and tries to be friends with along the way he did manage to make friends, even Kawai the girl who was also involve in the bullying of Shoko and Ueno who also was involve in bullying Shoko. I will post the flaw of this movie in another post.

3: K-ON!

This series is up there for sure, as it was one of the best thing that I had since it has great songs and very cute girls and how they want have a band work. Even if the anime's story is made up and did not follow the source metrical that much it still somewhat did follow its source. The movie which took place after season 2 is original content and did not exist at all and it was a good way to end the story even the manga did go on to show them going to university with Azusa the only member left was joined by her friends. All of this was not show in the anime, the anime has many songs that was really awesome and the way the anime present how their songs was presented were really good.

4: Suzumiya Haruhi

This was series was one of the best, it was also the first anime to have three different ways to watch it till season 2 was out and added an addition way of watching this which I don't really want to get into. I didn't watch it spin-off but I did watch the movie which was linked to the television series. I really like this anime wasn't just because of the many ways of watch this but the the way some of the episode was presented but there are also some good pot points that wasn't in any of the anime back in the days, a time traveler, an esper, a bibliophile humanoid interface that was created by the god-like figure called the Data Integration Thought Entity, a normal guy and the eccentric female main character, a branch of strange characters and how they have to keep the eccentric girl the named of the girl which is named after the series.

5: Air (tie)

This series just like Clannad, the story and the way the story was presented in the anime were great and how we see how the story goes about from another point of view was a nice take. In the short prequel that tells of the curse as it also gives a very good inside to the story. The story was very moving it also uses the same opening theme song as the game did but the anime opening animation was way better then the game's version like Clannad. The scene where the main character dies as very sadden and the background really made the scene very impact and till this day I will never forget the scene.

5: Kanon (tie)

Kanon too, was an awesome with very detail animation like all the anime in this ranking. The story was very moving just like Clannad and Air. The reason for it to rank here was the female lead who was cut her hair at the end of the series and ended up looking very strange as she cut it in a way that upon seeing it people would give the blank-look.

7: Violet Evergarden

This series could rank higher but like I said it very hard to choose the ranking for all series that has been done by them, so this ranked at this spot. The story was very touching and tells of how the main character who fought in war and somehow manage to stay alive after all of this and she remember the man who took her in and took care for her as she remembers his words of 'aishiteru', she took on a new job as a ghostwriter. As a ghostwriter she was able to learn what the word 'aishiteru' means as she keeps writing letter for other people even through she suck at it at first but was able to become one of the best writer as the story goes on. She later goes back to the man whom took her in to face the man's his brother, he still looks down on her after so long but learns to see her as a human much later. The series maybe a little boring at times but the details and the story made up for it.

8: Beyond the Boundary

For this series even through it was just a decent series, I still enjoy this series very much and the fact that the characters has some strange way of showing how much they care or love some item in this show. The main character has some strange hobby and that is collect specs pictures and wanting to buy it for the female and how she wanted to kill him at the start of the show to falling for him and not wanting to kill him. The movie was a slight better then the television series as we get to see a much better ending. This series has some top notch animation for sure.

9: Sound! Euphonium

This ranked at this spot, I do love this series as it was done by my favorite director in KyoAni. The series was good and all, even if the yuri part was kind of unnecessary but still can be accepted for me but its a decision that I will accept as I respect the decision that has been made. The series has great music and we see many characters interact with each other and how they have to work as a team in order to win the competition that their school is taking part in as they goes up against many other school as the other schools has better position before they joined the school. This series also has many seiyuus that are very well known for their roles in other series. It was the characters way of interacting with each other that makes me enjoy the show very much. Each character has their own way of support other characters, I will not get into the details for now, as I will be posting the summary very soon.

10: Full Metal Panic

They took over the series for its second season, the quality of the series isn't that great in its first season due to it been done by other studio and not them, it was then hand to another studio which I will not cover it here but I will do some comparing. The first season was just decent at best, the second season which was titled: Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid was way better then season 1 also there was a different series Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu which was kind of standalone and has not much to do with the main series which was release before Second Raid. The animation was great as I had mention before. The design also become way better then before as well. I can't talk much about it as I can't remember that well but that is about it.

That is it for the ranking, also all of this is just my personal view of the the series there are still a couple that I did watch but I did not rank them as I can't seem to fit them as I wanted to do Top 10, I only seen about 13 or 14 series done by them. Short Summary will follow shortly.


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