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Seishun Buta Yaro Episode 5-10 Review

Writer: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

In episode 5, Sukata and Tomoe goes on a fake date as he is pretending to be her boyfriend, Mai of course agreed to it and the two go on a date and took some pictures in order to lie to her friends, some time later it was time for them to end their so called relationship and Sakuta told Tomoe that they will still friends with each other even if their 'relationship' ends. Tomoe enjoyed herself whenever she is Sakuta and it was hinted that she did not want to end things with him at all, Sakuta on the other can't wait to end this so that he can flirt with Mai openly and that the can date each other once again.

Rating: 8/10

In episode 6, Sakuta wakes up to learn that he is on the same day again and was forced to go on the same date with Tomoe when he confronted her about it she pretend to not know what is going on and the two on the date as planned. Sakuta when to look for Futaba to ask her some questions about what is going and he learn some new information from Futaba. The day repeated itself again and he tries to figure out how to end his loop but he was not able and ended having a few more loops till he was able to end this loop. The day got reset to where it started, and Tomoe rejected the senpai that was trying to hit on her, her friends all did not talk to her after learning the truth of this. Sakuta was seen having a chat with while walking back home it was raining pretty heavily and he run into a girl that goes by the name of Shoko who happened to be his crash's name a few years back helping a cat.

Rating: 8/10

In episode 7, Sometime after episode 6 Sakuta run into Futaba but there was something different her that her can't put it as the way she was dress herself looks different and that she isn't wearing her glasses like she usually did but was wearing contact lens instead. Sometime later, he run into another Futaba and learns from her that there are two Futaba and not one and that was her Adolescence Syndrome. So with Mai agreed with Sakuta to let Futaba stay at his house for the time being and that she too is moving in along with Futaba, this Futaba with glasses stay at his home the whole as the other Fubata was the one that was at home and attending school due to the fact no one knows that she is a different Futaba other then Sakuta himself, also Shoko would visit Sakuta from time to time due him let the cat that she wanted to take in stayed at his place. Kaede was kind of upset by the fact her brother keeps bring different back home. Meanwhile Kamisato who was Yuma's girlfriend confronted Sakuta about Futaba's photo as Sakuta tries his best to find a solution to all of this.

In episode 8, Sakuta learn some new information from both Futaba and tries to slove her problems by having Yuma involve in it as he knew that Futaba was in love with Yuma but did not tell him about because he already has a girlfriend and that she did not want to make thing hard for him. Sakuta plans to go to summer festival alongside with Yuma and Futaba, and so they did they spend sometime together and contact lens Futaba agrees to stop causing problem for the other Futaba. Later, Futaba learns from Sakuta what happen and she ran off by herself and there a rainstorm coming their way when Sakuta learns that Futaba has gone out and have not return from his sister and his an off looking for her. Later, he ended up in the hospital and he tells her to talk to her other side and try to understand her a little more, she did as she was told and she returned home. Some time passed, every thing goes back to normal but something had happened and this time its Mai who woke up and she looked shock.

Rating: 8.5/10

In episode 9, Sakuta and Mai was going to hang out together in school as they are not allow to date each other for now so the only that they can hang out would be in school but this day which was the same day as the last scene in episode 8 she did not came to school. Later that day, he when to look for Mai only to see her giving him the cold shoulder and said something about big sister's boyfriend is this guy as the real Mai who was in her younger sister's body who happens to be the famous idol Nodoka. Sakuta learns that Nodoka was Mai half-sister and their souls was switch with each other and now they are each other's body so they have to learn to go to school and do each other's work. Nodoka had some issues with her mother as she wanted Nodoka to be better then Mai in everything. It was also hinted at that Nodoka is jealous of her older sister as she is good is everything that she is doing and that she can't seem to catch up to her at all as her mother wanted her to not lose out to Mai at all cost hence Nodoka when on to stay with her sister. Later, Nodoka who was Mai when to live at Sakuta's place and introduce herself as Nodoka while Nodoka who was Mai stayed Mai's place, Sakuta tries to solve their problem so that everything can go back to normal but it was harder then he though.

Rating: 8/10

In episode 10, Sakuta found some letters that Nodoka has written addressed to her sister Mai. As they still tries their best to do each other work, sometime later Nodoka's mother when to confront Mai and questioned her where on earth did she keep Nodoka to Nodoka in Mai's body tells her to her place to check if she like to which she decline and tells her to tell what she had told her. Mai who was in Nodoka's body have her Nodoka come see her mini live and that she was picked as the center of their new single. Later Nodoka tells Sakuta that she hate the feeling of losing out to her sister and her mother wanted her to be better then her sister to which she hated all of it. Sakuta brings Nodoka to a a place where the letters was Mai who was there overheard what Sakuta said to Nodoka and she tells Nodoka off and slaps Sakuta and not her due the fact that she still have some other that she did to shoot hence the reason for slapping Sakuta, everything goes back to normal. Nodoka moved in to Mai's place due her having another again with her mother. Mai got a called from her work place as the photo of her and Sakuta dating surfaces. Oh yes, Sakuta when to Futaba again to learn something new about Mai and Nodoka, he learns that Mai maybe a little jealous of Nodoka due her having a loving family where as she did not as if i remember correctly Mai's dad did not stay with her and mum after they got separated.

Rating: 7/10


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