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Shingeki no Kyoji S3 Part 2 Episode 50-58 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

I will post this as one post as all of this is short summary, and the fact that am still busy clearing my backlog of anime and a ton of manga and novel backlogs to clear to, there is also the fact that I need to time to prepare my posts too. Next week is the last episode of the season hence I will be updating the trivia next week and I will link in next week post.

Episode 50: The Scout Regiment arrives in Shiganshina District only to discover it is completely devoid of Titans. Eren Jaeger successfully plugs the outer gate leading to the exterior of the Walls, using his Titan's hardening ability and without encountering any enemy resistance.

Armin Arlelt discovers signs of an enemy presence and leads a group of soldiers to search for their hiding place. They uncover Reiner Braun hiding inside the Wall itself, but Levi Ackermann is unable to kill him before Reiner transforms into the Armored Titan. Outside the district, the Beast Titan appears along with a small army of Titans. It hurls a boulder into the breach in the Wall's inner gate, closing off the district's only remaining ground exit and trapping the Scout Regiment's horses on the Titan side of the Wall. This cuts off the Scout Regiment's only way of escape, forcing them to face the Titans.

Episode 51: The Beast Titan sends its smaller Titans in to kill off the Scout Regiment's horses while the larger Titans form a semi-circle in front of the Wall to cut off escape from Shiganshina District. To protect the horses, Erwin Smith has the majority of Scouts defend the gate, and uses Eren Jaeger as bait to lure away Reiner Braun's Armored Titan.

The Scouts at the gate struggle against the Titans due to the losses they have suffered over recent months, but inside Shiganshina, Eren creates an opportunity for the Scouts to use their new Thunder Spear weapons against the Armored Titan. Hange Squad and Levi Squad succeed in blinding the Armored Titan and destroying its nape.

Episode 52: The Warriors prepare for the incoming Scout Regiment attack. At Zeke's orders, both Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover put away their misgivings to focus on the task at hand. Reiner tells Bertholdt that he will need to be able to think on his own for this battle instead of waiting for Reiner to signal him, and the two agree that now is the time to settle everything once and for all.

Though the Scout Regiment later manages to incapacitate Reiner by partially decapitating his human body while he is still in his Titan, he manages to roar, signaling the Beast Titan to throw the barrel containing Bertholdt into Shiganshina District. The Scouts scatter, but Bertholdt does not immediately transform into the Colossal Titan after seeing the extent of Reiner's injuries. He asks Reiner to lay on his back to protect himself and confronts the Scouts alone. Armin Arlelt tries talking Bertholdt down, but the latter refuses and admits he only agreed to talk as a way to test his own resolve and willingness to fight them. After Mikasa Ackermann fails to kill him, Bertholdt leaves and uses his omni-directional mobility gear to ascend high into the air where he transforms into the Colossal Titan.

Episode 53: The Scout Regiment battles on two fronts. Inside Shiganshina District, Jean Kirschtein takes over for Armin Arlelt in leading Levi Squad in an attempt to stop the Colossal Titan. However, Eren Jaeger's Titan is easily kicked away and Mikasa Ackermann is unable to land a hit, even using the new Thunder Spears.

On the other side of the Wall, the Scouts are devastated by the Beast Titan's rock bombardment, leaving Erwin Smith, Levi Ackermann, and the new recruits as the only survivors. Realizing that they are likely to die, regardless of what happens, Erwin stakes everything on a final operation. He leads all the recruits on a decoy suicide charge towards the Beast Titan, so that Levi can approach undetected and kill it.

Episode 54: Zeke finishes off the remainder of the Scout Regiment recruits and pities them for wasting their lives. However, he is startled by Levi Ackermann, whose arrival was hidden by the Scouts' diversionary charge. Levi soundly defeats Zeke's Beast Titan, but before he can use a Titan injection to feed Zeke to a surviving Scout, the Cart Titan attacks Levi and then runs away with Zeke. Zeke sends his remaining Titans to finish off Levi.

Meanwhile, Armin Arlelt splits his squad into two teams. Most of the squad leaves to hold off the Armored Titan and succeeds, thanks to the timely reappearance of Hange Zoë. Armin wakes up Eren Jaeger who is comatose in his Titan, and relays a plan that will allow them to defeat Bertholdt Hoover's Colossal Titan. Eren falls off the Wall and pretends to be unconscious while Armin distracts Bertholdt and goads him into using up all his energy to burn him alive. When Armin finally collapses, Bertholdt moves on to deal with Eren, but discovers Eren has secretly used his hardening powers to plug the remaining hole in the Wall. Eren ambushes Bertholdt from behind with ODM gear, and cuts him out of his Titan's nape, ending the battle.

Episode 55: Zeke tells Eren Jaeger that someday he will come back and rescue him, and Eren realizes that Zeke resembles his father, Grisha. Levi Ackermann arrives to pursue Zeke with Eren's remaining weapons, when Eren suddenly realizes that Armin Arlelt is breathing. Eren asks Levi for the Titan injection so they can save Armin by having him eat the incapacitated Bertholdt Hoover. However, Floch arrives with a dying Erwin Smith and request that the injection be used on Erwin.

After losing Reiner Braun to the Cart Titan, Hange Zoë and the rest of Levi Squad arrive to find Eren and Mikasa Ackermann struggling with Levi for the injection, either with words or by force. Hange eventually manages to talk down Mikasa and Levi has everyone clear out so he can use the injection on Erwin. However, when Erwin begins muttering a childhood memory, Levi decides it would be kinder to let him pass on. He gives the injection to Armin who eats Bertholdt and emerges from his Pure Titan as his friends gather around.

Episode 56: Armin Arlelt reluctantly comes to grips with the fact that he has eaten Bertholdt Hoover and that he was chosen for survival over Erwin Smith. Half of the remaining soldiers, including Eren Jaeger travel to his family's basement where they discover three journals and a photograph left behind by his father.

The journals detail Grisha's life from beyond the Walls, where humanity has not perished and technology has progressed enough to allow humans to live elegant lives. He learned the truth of his own situation one day when he went out to see an airship along with his sister Fay.

Episode 57: Grisha Jaeger accepts a beating from Kruger for himself and on behalf of his sister for going outside the Liberio Interment Zone without permission. Gross supposedly escorts her home, but her body turns up in the river. Grisha's rage is fueled when he sees how meekly his father accepts the falsehood given to him by the Marley Public Security officer.

As an adult, Grisha joins the Restorationists, where he meets his future wife. Dina Fritz. Together they have a son, Zeke, who they plan to make a Warrior in order to infiltrate Marley's mission to recover the Founding Titan. However, they are betrayed by Zeke and are sent to Paradis Island where they will be turned into Pure Titans. Though Dina is transformed, Grisha is saved at the last moment by Kruger, who reveals himself to be the Owl, the secretive leader of the Restorationists. Kruger tells Grisha to watch as he uses a knife to cut himself and transform into a Titan.

Episode 58: Grisha Jaeger is consumed with regret over the loss of his family and his cause, but Eren Kruger convinces him to take up his mission and retake the Founding Titan from the King who refuses to use it to save the Eldian people. To do that, Kruger passes on his Titan to Grisha, calling it the Attack Titan.

In present day, Eren Jaeger realizes that due to the "Curse of Ymir" he has less than eight years to live, and Armin Arlelt has thirteen, since he just recently inherited the Colossal Titan. They attend a military audience to go over the findings in the basement and Hange Zoë says they may have to consider the rest of the world as their enemies due to the fact the people outside the Walls fear the Subjects of Ymir. When Hange discusses the fact that Eren was able to use the Founding Titan despite not being of royal blood, he realizes that he was only able to do so because he had touched the Titan form of Dina Fritz when he did. He keeps this information to himself out of fear of what the military might do to Historia Reiss if they knew.

Rating: 7.5/10 (Average)


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