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Shingeki no Kyoji Season 1 Episode 14-25 and Movie Part 2 Summary (6/6)

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 13, 2019

As Eren witnesses Annie's true identity, he recalls when Erwin revealed that they have the last chance to capture the Female Titan and explains the upcoming operation in the Stohess District. Eren is horrified when he realizes who they are suggesting is the enemy.

Eren, Armin and Mikasa are forced to run from Annie in the tunnels as she reaches out to grab them. Armin says Annie knew the operation was a ploy from the start, and they review the plan to make Eren transform so he can fight the Female Titan. Up ahead they see two Scout Regiment members in the tunnel, one soldier asking if the plan was successful, to Armin's dismayful reply. They are suddenly stopped by Annie who stomps through the roof of the tunnel, killing the soldiers and forcing the group to withdraw. Eren begs to help them but Mikasa refuses, shocked at how Annie would let Eren die.

Eren bites on his finger attempting to transform, but fails for some reason. Mikasa suspects it may be due to Eren's disbelief that Annie is really the Female Titan, or other "feelings" he may have for her. When Armin comes up with a plan to distract Annie, Eren returns back to when they discuss the identity of the Female Titan, with Erwin revealing their suspect as Annie. Armin gives multiple reasons why, much to Eren's dismay. Back in the present, Armin and Mikasa leave the tunnels, with Mikasa stating that the world is a cruel place as a response to how Eren can not understand how they could fight Annie.

Annie kicks through the roof, crushing Eren in rubble. Mikasa attacks Annie, but is temporarily incapacitated by debris from nearby buildings. As more Regiment soldiers attack, Armin tries to pull Eren out of the rubble of the tunnel. Jean abandons his disguise and goes to aid Armin, as Erwin prepares to help. Jean attempts to help Eren out, but Annie keeps on fighting the military, throwing more rubble around, some of which lands on Eren and traps him even more.

Armin sees Annie fighting off more Scout Regiment members and confronts her, attempting to distract her by saying that if she does not kill him now, her bet is meaningless. This gives Jean enough time to sneak up behind her and strike her neck, however she protects it, and Jean scurries away and calls Armin to follow him as they further lure Annie across Stohess.

Eren remembers Armin saying that someone who can not sacrifice anything can never change anything. Eren thinks that is why he failed, because he clung onto his companions and his ties with them. Eren remembers the deaths of his fellow soldiers as well as his mother, which further infuriates him as he pushes through the wood impaling him and says

that he will kill Annie. At that moment Eren transforms, with the subsequent lightning bolt catching the attention of Nile and Erwin, who are still at gunpoint. The ground shakes as Titan Eren sprints through the city. Annie is then caught off-guard when Titan Eren surprises her with a solid punch to the face. The episode ends with Annie being knocked into a building, and an enraged Titan Eren rushing after her. As Annie runs away, Minister Nick crawls from the building's rubble, and is horrified to see that Annie is heading for Wall Sina.

Hange orders the soldiers to split and go from the other side. The chase continues, with many civilians dying, until Annie stops to face Eren directly. Eren recalls how Annie always seemed bored, thinking that everything was stupid, except for when she was showing off her martial arts skills. In spite of her never admitting that, Eren knows that she was lying about not caring about it. He wonders about her reason for killing all those people and charges forward, with Annie employing the ability to harden her skin as a means of defense and offense. However, Eren grabs her leg and throws her at a nearby building.

Eren continues to fight back and Annie recalls her father calling out to her. She roundhouse kicks Eren in the side of his head, knocking him into a building, but he has bitten into her hardened leg. Annie repeatedly strikes Eren with her hardened right fist until he is seemingly unable to move, remembering her father telling her that he is the only person on her side. As she is running away, Eren remembers his goal. He starts chasing Annie one more time, with his body burning due to excessive regeneration, and tackles her from behind. Seeing this, Hange stops Mikasa from approaching Eren as they do not know whether he still recognizes her. Eren grabs Annie's face, squeezing it so tightly, blood splatters surrounding buildings. Soldiers and Military Police watch in mixed emotional awe.

Annie fights off Eren and eventually attempts to escape by climbing the Wall. Eren's last attempt to catch her ends in vain as she manages to fend him off by sacrificing her lower right leg. She continues climbing and just when Armin thinks she will get over the Wall, Mikasa flies to her using the omni-directional mobility gear and cuts off the fingers on both

of her hands. Stepping on her face, Mikasa tells Annie to fall, with the latter recalling about her father one more time. In the memory, her father tells her he was wrong, being too late to ask for forgiveness. He tells her that even whole world is against her, he is always on her side, and to promise to return to him.

Annie falls to ground and Eren pounces on her before she can get up. He then decapitates her and removes her right arm while losing his other arm in the process. Just as Eren claims that he will destroy the world, he bites out a chunk of meat from the Female Titan's neck, revealing Annie's real body. This worries Hange and others, thinking that Eren will eat Annie. However, upon seeing Annie crying, Eren stops himself. This gives Annie a chance to use her hardening ability, encasing herself in a crystal, which causes her Titan body to start merging with Eren as well. At that moment, Levi appears, cutting Eren out of the Titan and scolding him for trying to eat an important witness.

Erwin is then questioned by a governor, who asks him about Erwin's reluctance to ask the Military Police for help from the start. Erwin states that with potential allies of the Female Titan inside the military, he had to limit the operation to those who were not involved. He apologizes for the destruction of Stohess, however, the governor does not accept a simply apology. Even though Erwin states that if the Female Titan escaped, the Walls would fall and

more people would die, he confirms that they cannot get any information from Annie.

Some time later, Eren wakes up in his bed, having recovered from his injuries. He is aware of Annie being frozen, with Jean confirming that they got nothing from the operation. Unexpectedly, Armin states that Eren is the one who let that happen. After a short hesitation, Eren confirms that upon seeing Annie, he could not move. Armin and Jean are then called for a hearing and Eren confides to Mikasa about his feelings during the battle. Mikasa expresses herself to be happy that he returned alive. Outside, Jean and Armin discuss whether becoming a monster is the only way to beat the Titans. Armin puts his faith in Eren, but states that it will not be easy to overcome. At the hearing, Erwin states this to be the moment of humanity's attack on the Titans. As Annie is being kept deep underground, a group of the former 104th Cadet Corps' soldiers are nearing an unknown location, not knowing of the dangers awaiting them.

At the sight of Annie's defeat, Hange, Moblit, and the remaining scouts notice, to their horror, the face of a Titan staring out through a hole in Wall Sina. As Hange stares at the face in awe, she is startled by the arrival of a breathless Nick, who orders that the Titan be covered immediately.

There was a newly added scene here, after covering the hole, Hange questions the Minister about the Wall Titan and he apathetically denies giving answers. Pushed to her breaking point, Hange grabs Nick by the collar and holds him over the edge of the Wall. She questions him about the church's shady requests in the past, suggesting that they know

more of the Walls than one would expect. She reminds Nick of the purpose of the Scout Regiment and all they sacrificed is to get answers that the Church of the Walls must have known about all this time, but could afford to keep quiet. Nick challenges her to let him fall, saying that no matter the threat his church will not talk. After a moment, she throws Nick back onto the floor of the Wall, lightly commenting that she was only joking. As Moblit comes to her side, she asks Nick if the entire Wall is filled with Titans.

In his room, Eren wakes up from his rest.

The article is taken from a site, as I don't remember much for season 1...

There also some scenes been removed fully as it was cut for time...

Rating for Episode 14-25: 9/10

Rating for Movie: 9/10


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