Erwin Smith and the Scout Regiment officers prepare for the operation to retake Wall Maria, suspecting that the truth of their world lies in the Jaeger family basement. Levi Ackermann tries to convince Erwin to remain behind due to the fact he is now handicapped by the loss of his arm, but Erwin refuses.

The night before the operation, the Scouts have a party for all the soldiers in the mess hall where they are treated to a rare meal containing meat. This turns the soldiers rowdy. Sasha Braus needs to be restrained and Eren Jaeger gets into a fight with Jean Kirschtein. After the fight is broken up and the soldiers are told to go to bed, Eren shares his renewed optimism with Armin Arlelt and Mikasa Ackermann. The following day at sunset, the Scouts are sent off from Trost District by a cheering crowd.
Rating: 8/10
P.S. The show is going for a break and will return April 2019.