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Shingeki no Kyoji Season 1 Episode 1-13 and Movie Part 1 Summary (3/5)

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 13, 2019

Turning the corner, he sees that a boulder has landed on his house with his mother still inside. Finding her pinned under the rubble, he and Mikasa try to pull her out. A roar from a nearby Titan adds more stress to the situation. Eren looks beyond the houses, seeing more Titans prancing through the city, and attempts to pull the rubble over Carla. She insists that he take Mikasa and run. Eren, still struggling with debris, objects and continues his efforts.

His mother then tells him that her legs were crushed by the rubble, so even if he manages to get her free, she will not be able to walk. Eren yells that he will carry her, then. In tears, Carla asks why he never listens to her.

The argument is cut short when a Titan is seen moving closer to their position. After more pleading from his mother and the Titan still approaching, Hannes arrives. Carla begs him to take the children and run. At first, Hannes refuses, vowing to repay the debt he owes the family for all they have done for him. As he charges the Titan towering above the family homestead, he suddenly stops, horrified at the frightening appearance of this Titan. He withdraws his blade and runs, grabbing the two children. With Carla grateful and Eren protesting, Hannes makes a run for it. Carla covers her mouth, crying, silently begging for her children's return. Eren, looking behind on Hannes' shoulder, gasps as he sees the Titan move debris of the house away, eyeing Carla. The Titan grabs her and Eren screams for it to stop. It breaks her back with its hands and devours her, blood spewing from its mouth. Eren can only look back in despair as the Titan swallows down his mother, blood splattered over itself and the ground as well.

Armin is on a ship preparing to leave Shiganshina, scanning the crowds for Eren and Mikasa. When he spots them in a large crowd of refugees, but refrains from calling them when he sees the looks on their faces. Hugo shepherds a group of survivors through the gates, and takes charge in defending the ships used to escape the district. While he and his comrades fruitlessly defend the inner Wall, Hannes and another officer debate about whether they should close the gate and abandon their comrades, or leave them open for the comrade's retreat. This debate is short-lived as an armored Titan appears, crashing through the inner Wall and killing its defenders, including Hugo. The gravity of the situation dawns on Eren when he realizes he can never go home again. Seeing the weakness of humanity, he vows to erase the Titans from this world.

Two years later, the graduation of the cadets from the next military generation draws closer, until finally the top 10 graduates and those eligible to apply for the Military Police Brigade are shown to be from lowest to highest: Christa Lenz, Sasha Braus, Conny Springer, Marco Bodt, Jean Kirschtein, Eren Jaeger, Annie Leonhart, Bertholdt Hoover, Reiner Braun, and the best soldier of the class, Mikasa Ackerman.

As the graduates are celebrating, Thomas Wagner asks Jean what division of the military he will be joining. Jean happily declares that he will be joining the Military Police Brigade for an easy life in the interior, along with Marco, Annie, and Bertholdt. Eren angrily confronts Jean, reminding him that of a time when Wall Rose was considered part of the interior, and claims that Jean is a blind simpleton living a life of ignorance. Jean, annoyed at Eren's claims, reminds Eren of all of the people who died when they tried to take back Wall Maria, and how they died as nothing but fools, leading humanity to realize something: they can not cope with the Titans.

Eren angrily tells Jean that the reason they have been training for years is because they are humanity's last hope against the Titans, and that they can not just let the Titans win after so many sacrificed themselves to fight the Titans, declaring that he will join the Scout Regiment and end the Titans. Jean calls Eren a fool, wondering aloud who would willingly join the Scout Regiment, leading to a fight between them that Marco, Franz Kefka, and Hanna Diament have to break up while Mikasa carries Eren out of the room.

Outside, Eren asks Armin and Mikasa what military branch they will join, and is surprised to learn they will also join the Scout Regiment. When Eren tries to dissuade them, Armin wishes to be useful to the cause of humanity while Mikasa will follow Eren wherever he goes to protect him, the vestige of her family.

As the graduates are maintaining the cannons on the Wall, some of them, including Conny and Thomas, reveal their intention to join the Scout Regiment after listening to Eren's speech last night. Sasha, meanwhile, reveals that she stole meat from the higher-ranking officers, and forces the dumbfounded others to not tell. The graduates are all motivated when suddenly lightning hits the ground outside of Wall Rose and the Colossal Titan appears.

It quickly breaks the gate leading out to Wall Maria, and the intense heat released from its body throws the graduates off the Wall. Most are able to reorient themselves and latch onto the Wall, but one of them Samuel Linke-Jackson, is knocked out by falling debris, until he is saved by Sasha at the last minute. Eren rallies the graduates to prepare for battle before leaping onto the Wall and confronting the Colossal Titan.

While Eren is running on top of the Wall, the Colossal Titan charges at him, destroying the upper portion of it. Eren sees that the Titan aimed for the cannons, realizing that the gate being destroyed is not a coincidence either - the Colossal Titan is intelligent. With his omni-directional mobility gear, Eren rushes towards his opponent, while dodging the Titan's slow attack. However, just as Eren is about to strike a fatal blow, the Colossal Titan releases a huge amount of hot steam, slowing Eren down. Eren attempts to approach his target one more time, but as he tries to slash with his blades, he realizes there is no contact - the Colossal Titan has disappeared.

The soldiers quickly begin their attempts at dealing with the Titans, not wanting to repeat the hell from five years ago. While the civilians continue their evacuation, the new recruits are preparing to head into action. Armin panics, claiming that the Titans can annihilate them at any time, and is only calmed down by Eren, who assures him that this time, humanity will defeat the Titans.

At Trost, most of the soldiers are in a state of panic or despair as Jean walks through the area, annoyed, knowing that he was supposed to go to the interior next day. He bumps into Eren, which enrages him even more. However, Eren makes him remember how they survived their training, claiming that they will come out of this alive as well. As Jean leaves, Eren is approached by Mikasa who tells him to look for her in case of trouble. However, they are

interrupted by Ian Dietrich who tells Mikasa that she is been specially assigned to the rear squad. Mikasa tries to argue, however, Eren snaps at her, saying that nobody cares about what she wants as it is mankind that is in danger right now. As they are about to part, Mikasa begs Eren not to die.

Eren and Armin are standing by with the rest of their squad, waiting for orders. Eren claims that this is their chance as doing well in the operation before even joining the Scout Regiment will surely lead into their promotion. The rest of his squad is also eager to prove themselves. At that moment, they are ordered to assist the front guards. Running through the city, they find out that the Titans are already inside. Suddenly, they are targeted by an abnormal Titan who jumps at them. Thinking they have evaded it, the group realizes that it is Thomas being held in the Titan's mouth. Before he can react, the Titan devours him, much to the horror of his teammates.

An enraged Eren then rushes forward with his omni-directional mobility gear in order to slay that Titan, but is intercepted by another Titan who bites off his leg, causing him to fall down. His teammates are in shock just as more Titans appear, killing them one after another, much to the horror of Armin, who starts exhibiting the thousand-yard stare. He is then approached by another Titan who puts him into his mouth.

As a half-conscious Eren sees all of this, he recalls part of his childhood living in Shiganshina District. At that time, Armin comes looking for him, carrying a book containing the information about the outside world with himself. Eren's interest grows as Armin reveals many secrets of the outside world. Just as Armin wishes to go outside one day like his parents will soon, Eren, now in present, stands up and instantly grabs Armin's hand, throwing him out of the Titan's mouth. Using a blade as a way to keep the Titan's mouth open, Eren states that he will go to the outside world. Armin urges him to hurry, but it is too late, as the Titan shuts its mouth, biting Eren's arm off while devouring the rest of the body. Elsewhere, Mikasa looks towards Eren's direction, sensing that something is off.


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