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Shingeki no Kyoji Season 1 Episode 1-13 and Movie Part 1 Summary (4/5)

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 13, 2019

Armin comes out of a trance to find Conny shaking him, trying to find out what happened to the rest of his squad. After snapping out of his trance, Conny asks Armin what happened to the rest of his group. Ymir states that they were obviously wiped out and criticizes him for being a coward as only he escaped death. Conny is about to fight Ymir, but Christa breaks them up and attempts to calm everyone down.

Armin leaves because he feels he would simply bring everyone down again and realizes that the world has always been weak, and that Eren and Mikasa viewed him as someone to protect because he is so weak. He soon after comes across Hanna, who is attempting to resuscitate Franz who was torn in half. She continues to administer CPR and begs for

Armin's assistance, but Armin sees that Franz has been bitten in half and cries, pleading for Hanna to stop her futile efforts and expresses to himself that he can not take this any more.

Conny talks to Jean, who has become demoralized as everyone has run low on gas and with the Titan attack on the HQ, they cannot resupply. Conny wonders if the supply team has been killed, but Jean states that they have most likely barricaded themselves inside HQ, which is surrounded by Titans.

The only people who have not totally given in to despair are Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. Annie asks Reiner what to do, but Reiner says the time is not right and that they must group up first, and a stunned Marco wonders if he will die, stating that he is okay with dying, but wants to know what he is dying for. At that moment, Mikasa comes by looking for Eren. Annie directs her to Armin who, upon hearing Mikasa, begins stressing about the fate that had befallen Eren. He lists the names of all who died in Squad 34 while crying. Seemingly emotionless herself, Mikasa tells him they cannot afford to be emotional now and bringing Armin to his feet, goes to Marco to confirm that getting into the supply HQ will allow the cadets to escape. As she is preparing to head for the HQ, the rest of the cadets tell her that she cannot make it to the supply HQ. However, she brags that she is strong and can make it there without the needing the others. She calls them cowards and belittles them for giving up so soon. When some try to complain and say she will die, Mikasa acknowledges the risk involved. However, she adds that if she wins, then she can live and leaves for the HQ. As everyone is in stunned silence, Jean is heartened and rallies everyone to follow Mikasa's lead and the cadets leave with new determination.

Mikasa kills all the Titans in the way, but Armin notices that she is using too much gas. He realizes she is suffering from losing Eren and by fighting, can relieve the pain. Armin's prediction turns out to be true and as Mikasa crashes onto the street below, Armin and Conny leave to rescue her with Jean becoming the next vanguard. Falling onto a market

tent, Mikasa thinks about how she has lost her family again with Eren's death, remembering her parents' deaths, how Eren saved her from her kidnappers, and being taken in by him and his family. As she ponders what to do, a Titan begins walking toward her. Mikasa stows her blades away and reminisces about her time in the world. For all the ugliness in the world, she believes she had a good life, meeting Eren and submits to her fate. Another Titan appears

down the street, cornering her. As the first Titan reaches down to pick her up, Mikasa suddenly cuts off its finger and evades its grasp. It continues to attack her, but she dodges all the blows instinctively and wonders what is keeping her from letting herself die. It is then that she remembers Eren's command to fight when they were children. She promises to never give up, saying if she dies she will not remember him. She says that she will fight, raising her blades and is about to strike when the Titan in the distance appears behind her and punches the other Titan in the jaw hard enough to destroy its mouth and thrust it several yards away.

Dazed, Mikasa looks up and gasps. The Rogue Titan lets out a whiff followed by a savage roar, and begins stomping the other Titan to death. The stunned Mikasa watches in awe, witnessing a Titan turning on its own kind. Armin, soaring through the air on his gear, spots Mikasa and grabs her, thrusting them both onto a rooftop. Conny lands on the same roof, asking if the two are okay, but Mikasa is still out of it and cannot answer. Conny spots the Rogue Titan, but Mikasa points out that it is not like other Titans. The Rogue Titan approaches a normal Titan and they both exchange loud roars of anger. To the group's shock, the Rogue Titan raises its fists and prepares for combat. The normal Titan bellows and charges, but the Rogue Titan throws a punch to the side at the Titan's neck, beheading it and sending the disembodied head careening into a bell tower. The force of the punch is shown to have peeled some of the flesh of the Rogue Titan's fingers that it easily heals before continuing on its rampage. Conny proposes that they leave before the Titan turns on them, but Armin points out that the Titan does not seem to care about them, and proposes that they use it.

As the cadets approach HQ, Jean is caught by a Titan, but manages to slice off its fingers and escape its grip, arriving at HQ. Most of the cadets manage to reach the building and break in to the upper levels by crashing through the window panes. Jean notices a couple of members of the supply squad and punches one of them for abandoning everyone outside. Marco pulls him off as they begin to argue, but Titans begin to break through the windows. The cadets evacuate to the HQ interior, but Jean loses heart as he questions the ability of humanity to challenge such huge monsters. At that moment, a fist enters Jean's view and he sees the Rogue Titan punch the Titans attacking the HQ to the ground as he lets out a tremendous roar. Mikasa, Conny, and Armin successfully make it to the HQ as they point out the rogue Titan's instinct to ignore humans and target other Titans. Jean and the other cadets are mystified, but Mikasa states that they will be able to use this habit to their advantage and get everyone out alive as the rogue prepares to engage more Titans around the building.

Jean brings in some old firearms and Armin lays out their plan of action to take out the 7 3-4m Titans currently infesting the supply room. By using the guns to blind the Titans, the most physically capable soldiers can leap down from the rafters and dispatch all the Titans simultaneously. Although Armin harbors doubts about the plan, everyone agrees that it is the best thing available and Mikasa further reassures Armin by telling him that his plans have

saved Eren and Mikasa's lives before.

The lift is ready and everyone gets into position on the lift or in the rafters. A bit of humor results as Reiner tells Conny that the second Titan weak spot is a sword up their butt. As expected, the Titans begin to close in on the human concentrated lift and when they are closest, are exposed to the devastating volley of gunfire to their eyes. At that moment, Mikasa, Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, Jean, Conny, and Sasha leap from the rafters and kill their designated Titan. However, Sasha and Conny fail and Mikasa and Annie come to their rescue. Reiner comments that he is happy Annie was not hurt in the attack. The cadets, although shaken, are elated as the supply room is cleared and begin refueling their gas tanks.

When the cadets finish refueling, they all leave the HQ and begin heading for the safety of the Wall. However, Mikasa is watching the rogue Titan as it has been pinned down by multiple Titans. She believes this anomaly could help unravel some of the mystery surrounding the Titans and contemplates aiding it. Reiner agrees saying that if the rogue died, they will have learned nothing.

When Jean argues that it is still a Titan, Annie replies that it could be a potential ally. At that moment, Armin spots the abnormal Titan that killed Thomas to which the rogue Titan angrily bounds toward, losing both arms in the process, and slays the abnormal by biting fiercely into it is neck. The rogue Titan then lifts the Titan's corpse-turned-weapon, and crush the Titans pursuing it, before sending the body and another Titan flying into a house. Grimly, Jean asks which Titan needed help, but then the rogue Titan lets out one final roar before falling to the ground. Jean remarks that it probably ran out of strength, and turns to leave, but the others look speechlessly at the rogue Titan's corpse as a figure removes itself from the nape of the neck.

The figure who emerges is Eren, unconscious but alive. While the others are in shock, Mikasa quickly goes to check on Eren. She is in shock, but embraces him before listening for a heartbeat, and cries as soon as she finds it. The scene shifts to Stationary Guard spotter monitoring the situation in Trost before turning back to the top of the supply HQ, where Jean, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, a crying Mikasa, and an alive Eren are now present. Armin notices Eren has regenerated his missing limbs, but questions arise, as he saw Eren get eaten. He grips Eren's hand and breaks down into tears as well. Jean, one of the speechless spectators, realizes something and turns around. He observes the disintegrating corpses of the Titans and asks, "Then Eren...did all of this?"

Before the Colossal Titan breaks through Wall Maria, the Scout Regiment departs on their latest expedition. Among the townspeople, Eren, Mikasa and Armin watch their departure. One of the townspeople spots Levi, and then says that in battle, he is worth as an entire brigade. Levi, hearing this, gets a little irritated. Hange Zoë makes a joke that they would be heartbroken if they knew how much of a clean freak he was.

The soldiers entrusted with the mission this time are mankind's best and brightest soldiers. Even so, when troops advance into Titan's territory, the casualties still exceed thirty percent. While out for the mission, one of the soldiers is caught by a Titan. Half inside the giant's mouth, he threatens him, saying that humans will exterminate them, particularly Levi. As he says this, Levi shows up and disposes of the Titan. With reinforcements arriving, he orders Petra Rall to take care of the wounded soldier. He then orders the reinforcements to take the right flank, while he takes the left.

As Levi approaches the two Titans on the left, he thinks to himself that they are all the same; the same ridiculous faces. He gets blood on his hands when he finishes a Titan off, causing him to take pause and immediately clean it up. Taking a short break, he rejoins Petra and the soldier he saved earlier. The Soldier, with his last breath asks Levi if he had been useful. Encouraging him, he takes the soldier's hand and tells him he has done more than enough, which allows him to die in peace. Commander Erwin Smith approaches them on a horse, informing them that they must retreat. When Levi questions him, Erwin informs him that the Titans are moving north - towards the city. Worried that the Wall may already be breached, they leave.

Inside Wall Rose, Conny explains how they were able to refill their gas and escape from Trost to Ymir, Christa and the other soldiers. Christa asks about the rest of the soldiers that are not there, and Conny announces their dooms with mournful expression. Ymir questions Mikasa's whereabouts, and Conny replies that he thinks Mikasa has come back late with Jean. She asks Jean if Mikasa was wounded, but Jean refuses to answer it, saying that he has sworn to keep it secret from the others, but believing that soon everyone will know it.

Elsewhere, Kitz Woermann orders the cannons on the Wall to fire on Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Mikasa grabs Eren and Armin, telling them that they are going up the Walls. At that exact moment, Eren witnesses a key coming out from his shirt. Remembering he has the power to save Armin, Mikasa, and humanity itself, Eren almost instinctively bites down on his hand and appears to catch the cannonball. When the smoke partially clears, it is shown that Eren has partially transformed into a Titan and did in fact save Armin and Mikasa by catching the cannonball with a Titan hand.

Inside the Titan, Eren comes to his senses and gets out, surprised to see a figure of a Titan in front of him. Wasting no time, approaches Mikasa and Armin as the Titan starts evaporating. Armin attempts to ask Eren about his ability, but Eren informs them that he can not remember anything that has happened after he was eaten. He then shows them his key,

telling them that he has remembered his father's promise that he would understand everything if he went the Jaeger's basement. Eren recalls his father's last words to him; that he needed to keep the key with him always, and his father injecting him with an unknown syringe. He tells Mikasa and Armin that if he can reach his basement, he might be able to

learn the truth about the Titans. He tells them that the basement of his house is an answer to everything and states that from now on, he must work alone, but Mikasa takes offense to this. While they quarrel, Armin ponders their predicament. Then he remembers that Eren and Mikasa always fought for him and thinks to himself that even in the end, he acts as a


However, just as the cannon is being reloaded, Armin decides that he can not give up, and interrupts Eren and Mikasa, claiming that he will convince the rest of the soldiers of Eren's worth, asking Eren to do his best to convince them that he will not resist them, to which Eren agrees.

Armin walks out of the smoke and faces Woerman, and the rest of the soldiers. He tries to convince them that Eren is not an enemy of mankind. Woerman is unconvinced, telling Armin that not only did he witness the Mysterious Titan emerging from inside of another Titan, he also saw Eren emerge from the Rogue Titan's nape, and orders Armin to prove

that Eren is not a threat. Armin argues that there is no need for proof, as back then, all of the soldiers present could see Eren fighting the Titans and that the Titans viewed Eren as a prey. However, Woerman, overwhelmed with fear, refuses to believe this and orders the soldiers to be ready for an attack.

Refusing to give in, Armin salutes, and, for one last time, asks for permission to explain Eren's strategic importance, as they may even be able to recapture Trost with Eren's powers. Ian Dietrich tells Woerman that Armin's plan should be considered, but Woerman refuses to listen and attempts to give a signal for the cannon, but is stopped by Commander Dot

Pyxis. Pyxis orders him to stand down, saying that he would like to listen to what Eren and others have to say. He then orders Woerman to organize the reinforcements.

Pyxis is then introduced as a man entrusted with complete authority over the key area of mankind's defenses. On top of the Wall, he listens to Eren and others, asking Armin if he genuinely meant what he said or if it was just to save his life. Armin replies that it was both; he explains about the boulder in the middle of the city and that if Eren can carry the boulder over to the gate and seal the breach, the Titan advance will be halted. Pyxis asks Eren whether he will agree on using his powers to move the boulder and block the hole in the gate. Looking behind himself, Eren witnesses the area that would be lost if the gate were to fall and ultimately agrees with the plan.

Before the operation begins, Pyxis orders Ian Dietrich, Rico Brzenska and Mitabi Jarnach to guard Eren while he worked on his end of the operation. With the operation underway, Eren, Mikasa and a small group of soldiers get into position. They head for the shortest route and find no Titans in their way.


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