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Shingeki no Kyoji Season 1 Episode 14-25 and Movie Part 2 Summary (2/6)

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 13, 2019

Hange shows the squad the teaspoon that Eren's Titan hand held and concludes that in order to transform, Eren must have a clear goal in mind, as he always had each time he previously transformed, as the teaspoon was not 'harmed' at all. Seeing this, the rest of squad realizes that Eren had transformed accidentally and faces their own self-inflicted

punishment decided on earlier: They bite their own hands, much to the surprise of Eren and Hange. Petra then asks Eren to rely on them, as they will rely on Eren. Before their conversation can continue, Moblit bursts in, informing Hange that their test subjects Sonny and Bean have been killed.

Everyone rushes to the place just to find evaporating skeletons of two Titans, much to Hange's agony. Apparently, the culprit is a soldier who then used omni-directional mobility gear to escape, as Eld and Gunther note. Erwin then approaches Eren and asks him about what he can see there and who is the enemy. This leaves Eren confused, so Erwin apologizes for asking odd questions and leaves.

With the two test subjects killed, the soldiers are investigated for an unauthorized use of omni-directional mobility gear. A soldier cannot believe that one can get punished for killing Titans, but another one says that they were valuable for them after all. Armin says that in reality, this was a blow to mankind. Conny states that he kind of understands the motives of the culprit, stating that he never wants to see a Titan again despite initially wanting to join Scout Regiment. He then remembers Jean informing everyone that he intends to join the Scout Regiment, despite his fear of the Titans. Conny then asks Annie for her opinion, but she just tells him to decide on his own. Further discussing the matter, Annie praises Armin for his bravery, with Armin telling her that she is nice after all.

Later, Eren notices Armin and Mikasa among the new Scout Regiment recruits, and heads to them to greet them, with Mikasa questioning whether Eren was tortured and then stating that she will take revenge on Levi. Eren then meets up with the rest of his friends and is shocked to see that Jean is among the scouts, but not as much as when he finds out that Marco is dead. The former cadets then don their new uniforms, with Eren watching them in awe as he thinks about Marco.

Jean then begins asking Eren about his Titan powers, wanting to know if it is true that he tried to kill Mikasa. Despite Mikasa's reluctance, Eren confirms this and also the fact that he cannot fully control his powers. Seeing how bleak the situation is, Jean states that he wants to know what he is dying for, but in the end, he decides to count on Eren. Some time later, the bell starts ringing as a sign of the gate opening and the beginning of the 57th expedition, as Erwin leads the soldiers outside the Wall.

The Scout Regiment soldiers enter the area beyond the Walls, beginning the expedition. Shortly afterward, Miche notices a Titan with his keen smell and even though Hange is interested in it, the support squad rushes to deal with it in order to keep the Titan away from the main squad. As they engage the Titan, Sasha watches in fear, but her squad leader tells

her to focus and just let the supporting squad deal with the situation.

Eren asks Oruo whether he thinks that the new recruits will be able to defeat Titans, but Oruo explains that the whole point is to avoid the Titans, he then bites his tongue again before finishing his sentence. As they leave the old town, Erwin orders everyone to enter the formation and Armin, Jean and Reiner part their ways. Everyone spreads out and Armin

continues on his own. Trying to calm himself down as he reacts fearfully to every sound, Armin notices the first red flare signal from the far right of the formation, he then passes the signal to the inner formation by shooting a red flare, notifying everyone of a Titan's presence. Thanks to this, Erwin is able to lead the formation to its destination with minimum contact with the Titans. The technique may not always work as a Titan may go unnoticed and appear within the formation due to the landscape or obstacles in the area, as Sasha encounters a crawling Titan within the formation firsthand. The Titan rushes after her, she tries nervously to put a round into her flare gun but drops the round. As she is trying hard to escape from the Titan, her squad leader and a squad member catch up to her and manage to distract the Titan, the squad leader leads the Titan to a nearby tree with the Titan crashes onto the tree eventually.

Meanwhile, as Armin keeps going he wonders why no red flare is seen for a while. Suddenly, he sees a black flare is fired into the sky, signalizing an abnormal class Titan. Armin then shoots a black flare, the abnormal Titan makes his way into the right flank of the formation. Not wanting to let the Titan reach Armin, Dieter Ness and Luke Cis, who are nearby Armin, successfully defeat the Titan with a fluid tactic. Armin praises them, but they immediately

notice another Titan reaching them from behind. Concluding that it is a 14-meter abnormal class Titan, Dieter says that it is tough to have encountered two abnormal Titans in a row.

As Dieter and Luke prepare to attempt the same tactic, the mysterious Titan suddenly increases its speed and rushes through the two soldiers, much to their shock. The two quickly get into action, but ultimately fail as the Titan kills both of them effortlessly. Armin then watches in horror as the Titan rushes towards him while he tries hard to escape and

fears that he will be killed. He realizes that this Titan is not an abnormal Titan, as it is showing signs of intelligence, he concludes that it is a human capable of shifting into a Titan like Eren. As the Titan leaps over Armin and stomps right in front of him, Armin wonders what is it they want from humanity. He then falls from the horse, he faces the ground and is overwhelmed by intense fear, with his hood covering the back of his head. The Female Titan

gets close to Armin, removes his hood and takes a long look at his face, then leaves. Armin shivers, and is completely surprised that the Female Titan does not kill him and wonders if it was glancing at his face.


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