Armin is still confused about the sudden event, he is then approached by Reiner who tells him to get on a horse that he brought along in order to keep going and to survive. As Armin gets his calm back and prepares to fire a flare, Jean does the job for him and the three are then re-grouped. Armin then explains his theory about the Female Titan being a human to
Reiner and Jean, claiming that usual Titans are concerned about devouring humans while the Female Titan aims to kill. He concludes that the Female Titan is possibly looking for someone, and it could be Eren that it is looking for. The three then find out that they all were given different information about Eren's position, making it obvious that it is meant to confuse the enemy. When Reiner questions about the correct position of Eren, Armin takes a guess, saying that Eren might be positioned in the rear of the formation, which is presumably the safest position. Jean then remarks that flares are not enough to relay the situation to others, so they should take the chance to stall the Female Titan, giving the rest of the formation enough time to retreat.
As Armin attracts the Female Titan's attention, Jean rushes forward using his omni-directional mobility gear, however, the Female Titan sees through it and evades Jean's attempt to hook to its left foot. It then goes on to knock Armin's horse with a waving motion, causing great injury to Armin as he falls with heavy momentum to the front and the omni-directional gear is detached from his body in the process. The Female Titan is seen squatting above Armin, Jean attempts to attack once again in order to save Armin, this time aiming the Female Titan's back, but he realizes the Female Titan is incomparably smarter than the normal Titans, he then quickly changes his aim and dodges the Female Titan's smash in the process, as Jean circles around it in mid air and coming back to its back
again, the Female Titan is seen covering its nape, which prompts Jean to quickly realize that the Titan is not only strong and agile, but also intelligent enough to see through his attack. Jean worries that he is going to get killed as the Female Titan has gripped his omni-directional gear iron wire, as it attempts to smash Jean again, Armin yells out that Jean must "avenge the suicidal bastard," in reference to Eren, which causes the Female Titan to freeze
Surprised as well as confused, Jean manages to escape and wonders if Armin's previous fall has severed his head as he continues to talk nonsense. He then notices Reiner rushing towards the Female Titan who attempts to reach the Female Titan's nape directly with his omni-directional gear. Reiner is convinced that it is possible to deal a deadly blow to
the Female Titan's nape as Armin has successfully attracted its attention. The Female Titan watches as Reiner is getting closer to its nape and suddenly it grasps Reiner single-handedly. As Reiner struggles to escape from the tight grip, the Female Titan moves its thumb over Reiner's head and prepares to squeeze Reiner to death.
As it happens, blood splashes in all directions from the Female Titan's hand, leaving Armin and Jean completely horrified. To their relief, it turns out to be the Female Titan's blood as Reiner cuts through its hand and makes a great escape. Reiner quickly grabs the exhausted Armin and starts running away from the Female Titan. Jean notes that he totally forgot about how good Reiner can be as Mikasa's military prowess has overshadowed everyone else's abilities in her batch all these times. Reiner is delighted just as the Female Titan begins leaving, however, Armin notices that the Female Titan is heading towards the rear of the formation, which is where Eren was supposedly placed.
After the Female Titan leaves for Eren, Reiner asks Armin about his omni-directional mobility gear while tending his wounds. Armin replies that it seems to be working properly. Reiner then notes that they have only one horse, with Jean attempting to call his own. He thinks to himself about what they will do, knowing that someone will have to be left behind. Meanwhile, Armin seems to be spacing out, remembering his encounter with the Female Titan. Reiner then also says that they have to decide the one who will stay behind. Jean fires an emergency signal as a last hope and Armin proposes himself to be the one left behind and as is about to ask Reiner to deliver a message to Erwin, when Jean notices someone
They see Christa running towards them, leading two horses, one of them being Jean's horse. Reiner notes that Christa is a really nice person, unable to believe that the emergency signal actually worked. Christa notes that she is glad they are all alive as the three boys stare in awe, with Reiner even stating to himself that he wants to marry her. Afterward, head back to the formation, thinking that a retreat signal should be given soon. But, they are surprised to find out that the mission continues with different course. They question this decision, but follow the order and fire the green signal as well.
Elsewhere, Levi and the rest of his squad see this too, with Oruo being the one to shoot the signal. Just as Eren thinks to himself that the operation seems to be going well, a soldier approaches them with a verbal message that the right side of the formation has been destroyed. Levi orders Petra to deliver this message further to the formation, with Eren wondering if Armin and the rest of his team mates are okay. At that moment, a signal of an abnormal Titan appears.
Meanwhile, the formation keeps heading east, contrary to the original plan. They eventually reach a Forest of Giant Trees. As Erwin goes into the forest, he orders that only the center of the formation should enter it. Sasha questions their course, but is told that they are going around the forest. Elsewhere, Jean also wonders about the plan as it is completely changed compared to their original mission. A senior soldier then orders them to stop and get rid of
any Titans that attempt to enter the forest.
As they enter the forest, Eren points out that Squad Levi will have no way of knowing where the Abnormal pursuing them is coming from, and questions how they will be able to protect the Regiment's wagons. Levi calmly states that they will not be able to protect anyone in the forest. As they continue to move through the forest, Eld notices another black signal flare, and Levi orders everyone to draw their blades as the Female Titan appears. As they are being chased, Petra asks for a permission to use omni-directional mobility gear, but Levi silently watches as reinforcements arrive to engage a fight with the Female. However, they are easily killed, much to Eren's horror.
Eren decides that he must use his Titan abilities in order to fend off the Female Titan. Just as he is about to bite his hand, Petra notices it, insisting that Eren promised not to do it unless his life is in danger. However, Levi states that Eren is not wrong and he should do it if he wants to, knowing that nothing can stop him. Levi then presents Eren with a choice - either trust the squad and keep going or believe in himself and go back. Levi, however, states
that nobody knows what one's choice will cause so Eren should pick the choice he will regret the least. Petra, once again, begs Eren to have faith in them, which prompts Eren to recall his promise to rely on his squad.