The episode started off with Kirito and Eugeo looking for their weapons respectively, they enter the room given by Cardinal and they also took a new set of shirts to wear as their current shirt were wore out. Once they prepare to leave the room they were attacked by Integrity Knight that tried to attacked before and he is Deusolbert Synthesis Seven.

Deusolbert said he is here to kill the two as they did something to Eldrie Synthesis Thirty-one as well as trying to escape the Central Cathedral and for the killing someone as instructed by Administrator, so Kirito and Eugeo has to face this enemy right before them and they had a rough fight against Deusolbert, but they still manages to make Deusolbert to use his ultimate attack here it is called Enhance Armament to attack Kirito and Eugeo should they manages to stop it and land an attack onto Deusolbert. Deusolbert give up in fighting and he asked of their names to which they answered him and questioned them about their sword skills, as Eugeo learns his name he got enrage a upon hearing that name and wanted to kill him for taking Alice away back then to which he don't recall it ever happening, Kirito stopped Eugeo by telling Eugeo that he can't remember and goes to questioned Deusolbert if he ever remembers that there seem to be something really important to him that he can't remember, to which he answered that there seems to be a woman that he kept seeing but he can't remember who she is and that there is a ring that is the only link with her. Kirito told him that it was Administrator doing and that is he choice as there are two paths to go. Kirito and Eugeo also learn that there are more Integrity Knight waiting for them and they all have receive the same order. Kirito and Eugeo was giving a quick break and they ran into two unknown kids, as the episode ends hinting that they maybe Integrity Knight.
The fight scene in the episode was awesome like always, the part where Deusolbert uses Enhance Armament as shown in this shot were very nicely done that the details and how Kirito defect that attack too as well as how Eugeo uses his ultimate attack as he recalls that the best way to release its full potenial was to release the feeling that he is holding and that was how Eugeo manage to freeze Deusolbert as I had stated above.
Starting from this episode is the new opening and new ending, and both this songs were awesome and the animation to the new opening and ending were pretty good. The opening contains spoilers to only novel reader can tell what means to which am not going into, but i would only said that there are a number Integrity Knight in the opening. Lastly, there were some sound tracks that were awesome and I can't wait to heard the new soundtracks. I don't know about but its just a guess. Every Integrity Knight may have their own tracks as I can't explain in this review it will contain spoilers for the next episode. I will explain more during next week's review.
Rating: 9/10