Most of Episode 19 is just Kirito telling Alice what he knows about, and Alice tells Kirito

what she thinks about the Axiom Church as she voiced her point to Kirito and why she choose to believe what he is saying due to many facts that she had seen and concluded Kirito maybe telling the truth after all, as she hope that she can see her this sister that took after her footstep to become a sister back in their village. During this time her right eye seal has been broken, as she vows to take down Administrator and to go back to her village or should I said the other Alice her other self, even through Kirito tells her not overthink as that would cause her right eye seal to be broken just like what happened to Eugeo but she did not listen. Meanwhile in the room the highest Administrator shows her waking and from her nap and she start to brainwash Eugeo by telling what he longed for the most is all fake it did not exist at all, even through he tried to rebuke what she said, there was also a scene where a voice warned him telling him to run away, but he was so taking by her and a different theme was played in this episode, the song very well reflected the emotions of Eugeo and what he was feeling at that time as he chanted the arts to start the Synthesis Ritual. The animation for this ending part was some of the best part in the episode. Like every other episodes the soundtracks were really awesome even in this week's episode the soundtrack was very well used and inserted and every cut scene in it was very well animated too, so here is the review for episode 20.
In Episode 20, Alice wakes up and learns that Kirito has carry her up to floor 95 and he had stopped the bleeding from her eye, Kirito then asked Alice if her eye still hurts to which to she it still hurts a little and was told by Kirito to heal the eye by herself, to which she said no and that she wanted to feel this pain at least for now, she then asked Kirito if what happen to Eugeo and he has reached this floor or beyond to which they still did not know that Eugeo has already became an Integrity Knight or almost as the Ritual would take sometime to be complete. So they tried to locate him by using the location arts to locate where he was supposed to be, the two when downwards to look for him only to see Bercouli been frozen and Alice tells Kirito it was Deep Freeze an arts only known and used by Chudelkin, Bercouli manages to break the arts for a moment and tells Alice that he has nothing to teacher now that she has when beyond him, her right eye's seal and warns them about Eugeo going through the Synthesis Ritual, they ran off to look for Eugeo when they reach the floor where Chudelkin is they saw what is going and how they would catch the people who broke the Taboo Index, that same face the appeared twice in the series. They when deep when they heard Chudelkin voice. Alice and Kirito was confronting him when Kirito notice that he was storing for time but why is he do it. Chudelkin ran away after getting stab by Alice, Chudelkin when to the highest floor they when after him but he disappeared. Eugeo appears, confronted by both Alice and Kirito. Alice says that its way too quick for the ritual to be completed, little did they know that it was his own longing that make the ritual completed this quick.
Kirito tried talking Eugeo but to vain, with no memory of Kirito and Alice he called for his sword to which Kirito took it along with him when they in Floor 90, Alice then commented that that is no way that he can use this at all, as only a hand full Integrity Knights has control over this art. Now as Eugeo drew his sword against Kirito, Kirito has no choice but to draw his sword too and tells him that as the person who though you your sword skill do you think that I will let you win me as the uses the same sword skill and was be clash there the awesome soundtrack come in for a short while as it fades into the ending theme.
Rating: 9/10 (Average)
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Note that there is no episode 20 changes for now.