In Episode 6: Asuna questioned Kikuoka where on earth is Kirito, Kikuoka goes to explain they have put him into the Underworld a new VR game that they are working and also the AI that was mention at the end of movie was explained in a little more detail, Kikuoka even

goes to talk about having some stuffs log in and create a live for them there of course it was just a copy of them. Later, Asuna finally get to see Kirito and she also learn that the nurse that was taking care of KIrito was working for Rath at one point and that she is here to take care of Kirito once again. There isn't much to summaries about for this episode and not thing much to say too as there is no fight scenes in this episode but Asuna did give the rest of the gang a update on Kirito and tells them he is safe and there isn't a need to worry about him for now.
RAting: 8/10
In episode 7: Meanwhile back in the underworld, some time has past seen the end of episode 5 Kirito and Eugeo had been living in a barn, during this time they enter A tournament which will get them in to the training school that wanted to go no matter what, and they did. At this time Kirito and Eugeo were both Novice Trianing and was assgined to a Elite Swordsman or Swordswoman, in case Kirito it was a Elite Swordswoman called Sortliena Serlut while Eugeo was a Elite Swordsman called Gorgolosso Baltoh. There was a scene
which I don't remember to be present in the novel that was Kirito and Eugeo running into Sortliena. Later, Kirito was seen crossing sword with her trainer and tells her to look forward to what he wants to show her when he is ready to as she was very interested to see Kirito's Sword Skills. Kirito was late when going back to the dorm and almost got scolded for been late but was let off by Azurika the head of the dorm and tells him to be ready as dinner was

about to start. The next day when Kirito got his sword he goes on to test it but got spotted by Uolo Levanteinn or Volo Levanteinn and got dust onto his uniform and he let the training without permit on a rest day slide but he did not let the dust on his uniform slide so the got Kirito to have a duel against him to which Kirito has no choice but to agree, later Sortiliena and Eugeo got the news of Kirito caused some problem and they rush to him. As they learn what from Kirito, Sortiliena gave Kirito some advice on how to defeat Uolo or Volo as they prepare for the duel to start. There was also this two High Noble that loves to look down commoner the two names are Raios and Humbert, the two keep picking on Kirito and Eugeo by saying mean thing to them.
Rating: 8/10
In episode 8: The duel started Kirito had a hard time defeating himself and was surpise what Uolo or Volo can do but Kirito still manage to cut Uolo or Volo's uniform by a little and the duel was stopped by Azurika the dorm head Uolo or Volo said looks like its a draw as and that they have to stop was Azurika was the first Swordsman representative for North empire

during the Four Empire Unity Tournament seen she had said so they have no choice but to agree to her. Sortiliena said they should had a party in her room to celebrate Kirito's draw with Uolo or Volo. some time later, Raios and Humbert was seen cutting the flowers Kirito intend to give to Sortiliena he was very pissed when he learns what happened but there was a voice telling him that there is still a way to save this flower, Kirito did what he was told and the flower came back to life. Sortiliena manages to defeat Uolo or Volo and Kirito give Sortiliena her favorite flower as a parting present. Kirito and Eugeo became Elite Swordsman themselves and had their own trainees under them now and they are Tiese and Ronye.
Rating: 9/10
In episode 9: Kirito and Eugeo's trainees Tiese and Ronye finish the task that was given to them by KIrito and Eugeo they asked them for some advice when one of friend was been mistreated by Humbert as she was his trainee the reason behind all of this was because Humbert and Raios was in the training hall when Eugeo was training himself and was been asked to fight one of them which he agreed to it and defeated him and he was very pissed with this and tries to get back at his trainee. When they hears this the two confronted Humbert and Raios about this to which they told them that it not against rule after all and that they can do what they want to. Before confronting the two Kirito and Eugeo told Tiese and Royne to tell their firend not to be scare as they will try to help her. Later, Tiese when to had a chat with Eugeo and tells him about the ranking of the noble family as Eugeo did not understand why the plce that she is living in is different from Humbert and Raiso she even told Eugeo that she is scare about verious things.
Rating: 9/10
Some characters had two different names or wrote as two names, one of it is the official translation while the other isn't and it was not stated which is which so I may have used the unofficial name of some characters.