The title for SAO's review post is going to be this long starting this season as there seems like there is be another break after episode 12. Episode 13 will most likely to air next April as their official site Blu-ray list has already been slate, and the slate has stated that there will be a 3 months gap between volume 4 and volume 5 of the Blu-ray.

Now on to the review of the episode, in this episode, Kirito became unable to move at all due to what happened in the last episode his fluctlights was damaged again when the power cut and he become what he is. Alice heard many questioning Bercouli's decision to not kill Kirito for killing their leader Administrator, Bercouli tells the others what happened in there after hearing what Alice has told him. He also told the other knights that Dark Territory's invasion is coming and now is not the time to fight amongst themselves and that they need to prepare for the invasion and that they also need to train the other knights who are not as skilled as them to fight and able to stand their ground. Alice then runaway with Kirito once she heard what the trainees were saying, she when back to her village only to be scorn by her 'father' but Selka was the only in the village that was happy to see Alice back. Alice's 'father' allows them to stay near the village and set rules for her. Selka thinks that what their father is doing isn't right but wasn't able to do anything about it. Alice also needs to help the villagers out whenever they needed. Eldrie appears later that night, he sees Alice and asked her to come back with him to the capital as they did her. He even wanted to end Kirito's life to which Alice told him to go away and that she isn't as strong as she uses to be. The episode ends with the ending theme been played along with some key moments, Kirito crying out and Alice screaming out Selka's name when she saw what happened. As for the opening theme, it shows a group of new characters that will likely appear in the next episode as the super account Vector log in has not to be featured. I am making a prediction that the scene will be shown next episode before we see Alice again which most likely will be near toward the end of the episode. Back to the opening theme, it also showed some spoilers the key moments of what is happening in the next few episodes. We also see Kirito's group helping him somehow, we only see their ALO Avatar even Sinon and Leafa Asuna too. The only person we got to in his UNderworld Avatar was Gabriel also known as Subtilizer in GGO the guy who uses that Super Account Vector. Anyway I had already finished reading the novel up till Volume 18 and I will be doing it book review in a couple of days or maybe somewhere after 20 Oct, so please look forward even though I have a thing on mind but I will see if it has shown in the anime.
Rating: 9/10